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Should I start a white student union qt my college?
go for it, but technically no student union is able to discriminate based on race, so you would need to allow any race to join.
Also there are fucking asian student unions of all things so why not?
I look like that and say that
because it'll be constant controversy from now until i graduate, and i might lose a few acquaintances. but i think it might be worth it. problem is that my friends aren't willing to go through the negative attention so i'll have to recruit people, and i'm unsure how to do that. maybe just put posters up around campus?
>technically no student union is able to discriminate based on race
Yeah nobody who isn't white is gonna join lol.
Why not? Some people have mixed ancestry.
Also fuck anyone who is a racist saying white people can't have a student union because they're white and white is bad. That's racist bullshit.
Fuck off retard
>Why not? Some people have mixed ancestry.
The one drop rule is the law of the land in the US. Not that I disagree with it, that's just how people view things here.
>fuck anyone who is a racist saying white people can't have a student union because they're white and white is bad
Yeah but that's not gonna stop them from harassing us. These kind of people hold the power in the universities.
>racist bullshit
"racist" is inherently an anti-white term.
Why would you
a) care about having a white student union
b) bring on som much trouble onto yourself
c) not have something better do to
d) not think about the consequences of how this will follow you into the work force?
>racist is anti-white
Oh you are an edgy teenager who is dumb as a fucking rock.

God damn. grow up little one. There are loads of problems in the country, concerns about the white supremacy or race is not in them.

Class consciousness and class warfare are fare better concerns to align yourself with.
>18 year old chudlet freshman wants to ostracize himself immediately
Lol do it, the cringe memory will haunt you for decades
>care about having a white student union
My high school was much whiter and I'm alienated by the culture here. I look into the future and see that happening all across america, the thought terrifies me.
>bring on som much trouble onto yourself
someone's gotta do it, right?
>not have something better do to
can't see a better way of engaging with politics
>not think about the consequences of how this will follow you into the work force?
i don't really care at this point, the tech industry feels like a rat race looking forward and they're already replacing me with immigrants
I'm 20 and a junior. I have enough friends now that won't stop being friends with me because of this.
I think this sounds fun, European Americans need a place to crystalize their cultures in the minds of the youth. Guest speakers, food/games, books, excursions and traditional holidays could overwrite the blandness of conformist immigrants
>terrifies me.
Maybe stop making monsters where there are none. So there is like 46% whites at your college? Still more as a group than any other. Also, seems like a skill issue. Black dudes are some of the easiest guys to have true and deep friendships with in my experience.

No? Why to they gotta?
What do you mean by this? You think the best way to engage in political discourse is by treating to racial ire white people?
>don’t care, immigrants
Only the capitalist class wants you to be replaced by immigrants.
Unite with other workers
Why not make a Neo-pagan club then? What exactly do you think white culture is in America, that isn’t shared between other races that are also American?

Christianity is inherently multi-ethnic and racial.

Pre-aberhamic Paganism is the only true white cultural tradition.

That or you think of colonialism as a culture?
As a dravidian, I would join just to piss you off.
It's like 30% white and dropping every year
>You think the best way to engage in political discourse is by treating to racial ire white people?
Yes, I am a white identitarian. I'm not trying to argue about politics man. Politics is about group interest first and foremost.
>Unite with other workers
Dude fuck off I'm not a marxist lol. I have no solidarity with "workers", literally everyone is a worker. This is no different than some hippie retard saying "I care about the whole world maaaan". I'm not gonna argue politics, I'm asking about the logistics of something like this.
>As a dravidian
Imagine my shock
Sometimes I wonder if this world would be better off dead
You'd end up ostrachised, why would you want to get that attention onto you?
Also non-whites would end up mass joining, as protest
Maybe try creating a european cultural club or something of that sort?
Please get locked and your shit pushed in then.

I am white I have a lot more in common with the black guys I work with that have kids in my neighborhood, who go grill with me on the weekend and share my Marxist views than with you asshat.
>Also non-whites would end up mass joining, as protest
That's my main concern
"European" in what way? If you include diaspora culture it just becomes a white club, might as well skip beating around the bush and just say it up front.
Get fucked. Go back to /pol/ normal people hate assholes like you. Please try some stunt so that you can get doxxed and outed
Good for you?
Can't get doxxed if you just start it publicly.
Why are you so hateful dude? This hatred because I want the same thing as other races is the reason I want to start the club to begin with.
Look, it is possible that o acknowledge that capitalist neoliberalism uses whiteness as an othering concept to keep all races in line without the moron take that somehow white supremacy is a thing.
Other races have cultural clubs, not racial clubs. You can join an asian cultural club if you're white.
I disagree with your materialist philosophy and view of history
Yeah the "Black Student Union" with 100% black members is definitely just a cultural club.

You wanna make a French heritage appreciation club.

No one cares.
Expect a bunch of Chinese to join though they fetishize French stuff for some reason.

No one like any race group they excludes other races

Everyone makes fun of the black Israelites as morons.
Yeah I'm not French though.
Context nigger.

Black students have a history of disenfranchisement and are probably less than 10% of the over all student population.

So yeah they get a support group.

White students are not disenfranchised. And are as you say %30 of the population.

Also, why not make a men’s student union? Men are really the group that is getting left behind in college.
I don't think you could join that due to obvious reasons, You would still be able to join an Indian or Asian cultural club if you wanted, like if your gf was from that culture or something. Anyways, why would want attention drawn to you, in a majority non-white college. This could fuck up your resume. As a nonwhite, I do acknowledge the browning of america, but realistically one person wouldn't be able to do anything about it. This could also fuck up your resume. Just save up and move to some european country, If you'd like to be surrounded by your kind.
>Black students have a history of disenfranchisement
Cry me a fuckin river man. So do the Irish, I have Irish ancestry. Does that mean I get my club now?
>White students are not disenfranchised
I beg to differ
I don’t give a flying fuck.
White Americans have always existed inside of post racial boundaries.

Either by church affiliation, social club, work, ect.

The kinky white racial groups that have had any influence on American culture are Irish and Italian mobs, and they stoped being relevant in the 1970s
>cry me a river
It is intact you who is crying himself stupid over a make believe problem that does not exist because you made it up in your fucking dumb as fuck skull. And then when explained you got butt hurt and refused to acknowledge facts because your fee fees got hurt.

Seethe nigger
>Anyways, why would want attention drawn to you, in a majority non-white college
I want to draw venomous hatred from non-whites to try and flip whites to my beliefs.
>This could fuck up your resume
Don't even care at this point
>realistically one person wouldn't be able to do anything about it
Maybe a 20 person club would be able to do something, at least in the context of the school.
>Just save up and move to some european country, If you'd like to be surrounded by your kind
I probably will eventually, but the same kind of politics needs to be done in Europe as well. And also I'm not German or French or anything, so I'd be an outsider there. Maybe less of an outsider so it'll be worth it, but still.
In my freshman year, 2020, I went to my university's "free expression area" and painted the entire thing black with KONY2012 written as big as possible across the entire wall.
Do something like that instead of possibly ruining you're entire life
>White Americans have always existed inside of post racial boundaries.
Yeah that's because it was homogeneous. It's not homogeneous anymore.
>I beg to differ
Really the stats and facts beg to differ with your begging to differ.
You must be a fucking moron

No nigger, because your grandparents and great grandparents thought having Irish, Italian, or German neighbors was not the same race. People hated poles, Greeks and Scandinavians too. Not to mention if you lived around black people in the south or a northern city, Jews, or natives in the Midwest.

It had never fucking been homogenous you dumb nigger.
what stats? can you really only think in terms of material wealth and not anything else?
>literal leftist tactics
>i can’t think of anything to argue, going to just delegitimize through ad hominem.

Get your jaw broken asshole.
follow up:
how should i do it? should i just put posters with a group chat/discord/telegram up all around campus? I don't know if my friends will care enough to take the heat.
Personally, I believe that the Old World should be ethnostates only, with mininal immigration, just for highly specific jobs. I'm not fundamentally opposed to ethnostates.
>Don't even care at this point
You might not care now, but this decision could fuck you up 10-20 years after.
>Maybe a 20 person club would be able to do something
You legally can't exclude other races from joining the club, Few whites would join your club and Non-whites would mass join in protest. The school is majority non-white, there's realistically nothing you could do.
The new world, specifically the USA is for materialistic people who don't have a real alliance to their blood. Even when it was only whites, there was a lot of heirarchical bullshit, and lynching, against Italians and Irish. Your best shot is to leave.
>ethnic conflict means that white people don't exist
this is literally your argument dude. america wasn't ethnically homogenous, sure, but it was racially. if they all weren't white then why were they always allowed to intermarry? why were there never new categories added to the census for them?
>no student union is able to discriminate based on race
There's literally a "brown brotherhood" union at my school
they only prosecute white people for it because civil rights is inherently anti white
>surrounded by your kind
>full of shitskin muslims and niggers
>You might not care now, but this decision could fuck you up 10-20 years after.
I can't live my life in fear like a coward
>Few whites would join your club and Non-whites would mass join in protest.
That's my number one concern, I don't really know how to get around that.
>Even when it was only whites, there was a lot of heirarchical bullshit, and lynching, against Italians and Irish
Only until they assimilated
>Your best shot is to leave.
Maybe so, but I have to do what I can to raise awareness here.
Honestly I'm not sure OP, but that sounds like a good idea. I'd say Telegram over Discord probably, but instead you should handout Cookies with a Poster attached to the boxes.
Hand out cookies to only the white people? I'm fine to put my name out there but I'm not sure that'd be a good idea.
>telegram over discord
Discord is objectively better but there's the concern of getting banned. I suppose I could do both
There's no real line, as such between the races, If you told a historical Anglo chud that Italians would be considered white in the future and interbreed with them, They would look at you like if someone told you Indians or Latinos would be considered white in the future.
>Lovecraft's first non-self-published poem appeared in a local newspaper in 1912. Called Providence in 2000 A.D., it envisioned a future where Americans of English descent were displaced by Irish, Italian, Portuguese, and Jewish immigrants.
>If you told a historical Anglo chud that Italians would be considered white in the future and interbreed with them
Which is why they let them interbreed???
>Americans of English descent were displaced by Irish, Italian, Portuguese, and Jewish immigrants.
Lovecraft was insanely neurotic, and it's also good to be worried about Anglo-American culture from his perspective.
You could do that, If you wish. Just remember that the USA is for materialistic traitors who would leave their ancestral homelands in pursuit of a few shekels.
we were doing pretty good until the 60s. half my family was here before the civil war anyways man
I was really thinking it would be a student-run culture-focused historical society so I'd be open to paganism. But really OP leaves in <2 years, best leave it flexible as a place for students to propose activities and bring snacks.
My problem with white culture is the lack of depth from conforming to whichever imperialist colony traditions, where immigrants weren't considered white for like 100 years and had to just blend in. This is an opportunity to learn and reseed some traditions, so maybe we have solstices and equinoxes, maybe a Krampus parade, beside Native Obliteration November and Slavery February
Honestly they could make it a welsh culture club, barely anyone talks about us. If you've got some welsh ancestory our culture is really fun to learn about. Black and asian and mexican students could also join to learn from you about your ancestors culture.
I have like one welsh ancesor and know nothing about welsh culture
Yeah I think you should have a group if you want. For a long time the Irish weren't even considered white because they've been essentially a British colony prototype since 1169.

Racism has made the erasure of origins too common. Some have the luxury of recorded family trees, but anyone outside of wannabe imperial dynasties have to struggle discovering dark truths because a lot of people essentially got trafficked to America. It's some heavy stuff and could do folks good to learn and share
Dude, maybe you could LEARN about welsh culture and make that part of your club! We celebrate loads of weird holidays and have a really interesting culture with a lot of ties to the romans paganism ect.
I take it Welsh people are so desperate for someone to give them props lol. I suppose I could, although my idea is much more political in nature. It's not really just about celebrating European culture but about organizing European Americans.
>My high school was much whiter and I'm alienated by the culture here. I look into the future and see that happening all across america, the thought terrifies me.
I had the same fear 11 years ago as a high school senior. No one actually cares about the race shit IRL, as long as you're nice and pleasant you'll be making friends. I live in a neighborhood that is Polish, Black, and Jewish and usually the jews keep to themselves but even they will say hi and be nice and stop for a chat. Just don't live in a city, find a nice suburb.

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