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I find it ironic when people say "I hate women", but I think I kind of get the reason why. But I think it's more to do with the irony of it. Not having to register for selective service (which has more to do with Vietnam and the GAO disorganizing paperwork), menstruating, "lack of accountability", etc. But no one really goes to lengths on what the real reason of what the hatred is.
As a man, you kind of have to go through hurdles in social life while also feeling the pressure of nature putting a gun against your head telling you to knock up a women before her "biological clock" ends at 35. But if you're not at the right place at the right time, whose to say you "have" to do it? Whose to say you have to love the way you do? What compels you to love as such? Man or woman?
So I think this conflation between loving a woman for her physical traits (philia) and obeying your physical nature (eros) make them work against each other instead of in tandem. Thus causing you to "hate" because your brain is trying to fight against two wrongs. That may be well all said and done, but that leads me to my next point: Respect.

As a man, I feel as though I'm not being given the respect I "need", anecdotally speaking, particularly with modern women or my mother or sister or any remaining family members; often with undertones of unabashed facetiousness and capricious mired in hysterics. While our natures and personalities are different, I often think objectively on my actions as to who am I to define love. But I ask myself more so on this when drawing a conjecture to what is it that would compel me to love. Granted, I never was paid any attention by my family, but to coalesce with my previous argument, what I mean to say is: "does your love happen to be defined by your own ethos, your contraception, your birth, your family, your existence, or your "self?" Do you happen to "love" those around you because you feel as though it's right to? Or do you believe, platonically, that you "love" because it defines your humanity as a characteristic of your good nature? Do you "love" your family because you want to or is it because they gave birth to you so you are compelled to do as such?
Let's imagine it this way. You are a husband and you have a wife who you knew you probably fucked just to get her pregnant with her last eggs. She douses herself in makeup made out of chinese foreskin and does her nails. Do you think or does she think she does it to "look pretty", or because she has no choice trying to break away from her depth of perception on reality; that no one actually cares how she looks. But you insist anyway because your love was borne of a superficial one because of your parents doing the same thing with their own mating; that your father bothered fucking your mother's pussy because he had to obey his nature. He didn't actually love her. The same way as to what you're doing now.

I think, if anything, saying you hate women because they're always lemmings who'd vote for Kamala over Trump and all that jargon is purely reductive and a red herring. But I think the real question is if we desire ourselves the "big tiddy goth gf" because it's the antithesis of what a woman is and also wears enough black to cover the blood in her panties.
It's all very ironic, if you ask me. But "why" this is, I would like to know. Maybe I haven't been loved or hugged enough to think this deep into philosophical thought, but fuck it. Who am I to know?
>i still have my virginity therefore all women are cunts
Odi et amo. Quare id faciam fortasse requiris.
Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
Idk you sound young. Either way no one wants to be a woman but always complains about them or how they have it easier or something.

Tons of people have written books about misogyny and why women are hated. Read some radical feminism books or subreddits.
>You are a husband and you have a wife who you knew you probably fucked just to get her pregnant with her last eggs. She douses herself in makeup made out of chinese foreskin and does her nails. Do you think or does she think she does it to "look pretty", or because she has no choice trying to break away from her depth of perception on reality;
Not sure what you mean by the 2nd sentence, but I think you're too detached. Like you're viewing the process from without and seeing its absurdity because you're not connected to your own desire, don't feel it as your own.
At least that's the sense i get from the text here
I won't read blogs on an advice board.

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