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>In a dogshit relationship for 11 years
>missed out on casual fun in my 20s completely
>relatively handsome and in good shape - picrel is me
>met a qt who I click with unbelievably well. Talking is effortless and same values and wavelengths, and high sex drives
>end up as fwbs ticking things off our fuck-it lists for a few months
>she is saying she's done with her fun phase and wants to settle down. Has slept with over 50 men. (She's only my third)
>says she wants that relationship with me
>Kinda love her but it stings that she's had so much fun and I've had none.

Would the relationship fail? Is it too late for me to get some of that action elsewhere? Is time really against me now? Should I just give up and settle with her? She's great, but it's niggling.
You’ll find someone else, it’s not worth tying yourself down before you’re ready.. it will be torture for you
You took this guys photo from fit
I'm just the same guy.
you've got a woman that likes you and you like her and presumably you have matching sex drives
if the experience gap bothers you that much just pay for about 20 hookers over the weekend and fuck em all so you realise that what you have is better then commit to her
or you could save the money and just commit to her it really doesnt matter in the end
consider this, if you were to fuck around at casual hookup 4-55, when would her body count not bother you?
Thanks for your reply. I think if I could hold my head up and say I really had a promiscuous year or two it would bother me less.
Do men really get this degree of fomo with fucking random women? Just get her fat, then have her cut and workout with you, then starve her. Make her change her hair, wear wigs. It's just not worth it.
I can't tell why, but the thought of missing out on the excitement of casual encounters and fun is really painful at the moment. Not sure why I'm wired that way.
If I take another two years to party will the scene be even more of a wasteland than it is now?
there is no 'inherent excitement' in casual encounters
its exciting because sex is (or rather can be) exciting
you can do all kinds of sex if you feel the excitement is lacking
Role Play

if this girl really does it for you, sexually speaking, then thats all you need
if you're still not sure if she really turns you on sexually than you should follow my advice and book a variety of different hookers to quickly sus out your preferences
just for the love of god take it to your grave
women will judge you for it even if they were massive whores themselves (both figurative and literal)
>she's had so much fun and I've had none.

and yet, she obviously has the most fun with you, you idiot. girls with experience like this mean the fuck out of it when they say they want to settle down.

if you want to take a year to fuck around or whatever, that's fine. but don't act surprised when she doesn't wait for you.

>t. 42yo dude with probably three dozen body count (i honestly stopped counting around a dozen) who had the perfect girl get away because i wanted to be a horn dog instead of a man
OP, don't do it. Never settle for a whore.

You're obviously a w*man psy-oping men into becoming beta providers. Hopefully your husband leaves you before you divorce-rape him. We should have never given your kind rights
yes, women, who by your own admission had to be given rights to survive in the world, are so smart and cunning that they're now engaging in advanced mental warfare against you at every opportunity.

or maybe i'm just old enough to be your father and know what the fuck i'm talking about instead.
The problem is that it’s inherently FOMO, and it can’t really be stopped otherwise.
OP here. Could you explain this sorry?
>Should I settle down with a sex addict?
Nope. I didn't even bother reading your greentext. The answer to that question is a resounding no. Unless you have a cuck fetish in which case go for it.
I think, when you don’t hoe around, you feel FOMO when you come in contact with people who do. They can say, and you can logically understand, that it was empty, vapid, meaningless. But there’s always that “but damn it was fun”, which creates FOMO. Idk, I had very similar circumstances, dated the same girl for years and years and didn’t hoe out and that’s how I felt.
Also you’re hot, so you could easily have one if you wanted it.
Don't settle down with a whore, they're 1000x more likely to divorce you to become a fat single mom
OP here. I didn't expect the advice to be this balanced for/against
Thanks for clarifying. How bad was the FOMO in the end? Did it ever go away? Did it hurt more as time went on?
>In a dogshit relationship for 11 years
I won't read glutton for punishment threads. Can't be helped.
>Can't be helped.
But I got out of that relationship, so I'm not sure what you mean. I built up some resilience, sought advice, took responsibility for my own happiness and left, albeit later than I should have. I'm extra-careful now not to get hurt or waste time, having learned a ton of really tough lessons.
>I can't tell why, but the thought of missing out on the excitement of casual encounters and fun is really painful at the moment. Not sure why I'm wired that way.
Wired that way is exactly correct. If you think about it, it is very obvious that evolution would program men to want to have many many sexual partners while they are young.

It's up to you to decide whether you want to adhere to your programming.
Yeah I get that much. But if going against my programming is going to put me in a permanent state of primal pain and longing I'd decide against it, at least for now. It's about knowing whether that pain of missing out is permanent or ebbs away with time, and I have no idea.
she wants to settle down.
that means its time to become her provider while she gives you less.
go find girls in their 20s if you got your shit together.
young girls love older men with their shit together.
ny current gf is 21 and I'm 31.
a reply to
cute. how did you meet her?
a video game
met up at a con
she'll be moving in with me in 4 days actually
she'll be going back to university come the new year
Casual fun isn't exciting. It's exciting for women because they're stupid and choose to pretend that every Chad they go for was a totally natural chance encounter, and they're told this is their only chance to get big dicks before they have to shack up with some fat small-dicked loser as a retirement plan.

Casual fun for men is convenient because they don't have to deal with the woman and just get her body. Which you seem hot enough to pull off so I don't know why you're complaining.
You will find another one king. It's not the end of the world. Just don't fomo
When you say just don't fomo - you mean just make sure you don't miss out? Or try not to let the fear of missing out get to you?
Do you guys look like how I imagine you look like?
>Has slept with over 50 men. (She's only my third)
Do you really need our help on this decision?
If you enjoy things, and her company there’s no harm in dating her and getting to know her more. But how much she has slept around may be indicative of flakey behavior. Gotta wonder how many of those guys she also told she was “ready to settle down” with. Not that she’s a bad person, just something to keep in mind.
>>she is saying she's done with her fun phase and wants to settle down. Has slept with over 50 men. (She's only my third)
prove it larper, shoe on head.
I will not rise to this.
>so smart and cunning that they're now engaging in advanced mental warfare against you at every opportunity.
how else did they manage to get rights?
>she is saying she's done with her fun phase and wants to settle down. Has slept with over 50 men. (She's only my third)

I mean yeah obviously if this isn't bait you need to move on. She's gonna ruin your life dude.
A woman who has had sex with 50+ is a genuinely bad person. She is bad at being a woman.
Girl here. Would.
If you're in the UK let's fucking make it happen.
Another anon said women like this are actually sure as hell when they're ready to settle down. She's said exactly that to me and I genuinely believe her.
that's a nice lean physique
1) Picrel is you and only 3 people. Man...
2) In a similar situation myself (4 vs 50+). I'll say listen to yourself. If you don't feel like it, don't do it. If you feel like you'd wife her up, do it.

Having FOMO is completely normal, but you shouldn't pass up on a quality relationship just because of it. Then again, with your physique and your age, you could probably hook up with girls in their 20s easily. So the choice is yours.
I commented previously, but I wanted to had something.

Casual sex can be for certain people, and there definitely is some form of excitement and fun to be had, but you'll burn-out quick: hookups rarely wanted to become longer-term FWBs, you'll be left chasing for the next girl over and over again, and at the end you'll probably be left feeling like the whole thing was 1) vapid and hollow: you get yours rocks off, but you stay lonely 2) a huge waste of fucking time: you didn't make any lasting connection with people. Plus, you might feel like she has "more experience", but in a way, she kinda doesn't. The best opportunity you have for trying new things in the bedroom is with a longer-term partner with whom you can feel safe. Fucking a bunch of strangers won't allow you to learn anything.

Here, you have the opportunity for companionship, grow in your interpersonal relationship and your sex life (having matching sex drives is hugely beneficial), and not to waste your time.

So for me specifically (but then I always was a quality>quantity kinda guy), you should wife her up.
Thank you, this is really helpful.

I can't explain how much I've been grieving the loss of my 20s though. It's probably the worst emotional pain I've ever gone through. But it feels like just that: grieving something that is lost, not necessarily something I should be snatching for now that I'm free. I just absolutely do not want to make that grief any worse.
Hookups are useful to find the perfect partner for you, but if you found a perfect partner instantly, then why bother with the hookups?
Because of the FOMO, as I said
Don't be with her. I am in the same situation myself

What you need to do instead is to go to uni, get a second degree and fuck as many as you can. I am gonna do exactly that
30 years old btw, same physique
Not gonna lie that sounds a bit miserable. I'd be so uncomfortable being the creepy older guy just trying to fuck young, emotionally immature girls, especially when half of them are kind of grossed out by how old you are. I even have a 23 year old hitting me up on Feeld right now and I'm having huge doubts. That's part of the reason why I feel like I missed the boat on this whole thing desu. I know I'm in a different headspace, it's just that feeling of grief and loss (and frankly jealousy that my partner got to have so much fun) that's lingering.
I am gonna give you a heads up: it is not about the age, it is about your looks

I know men in their 40s doing it
We have only one life anyway, so I don't see the reason why not

Plus if you shave and look good, you can look 25 tears old, just like me
I feel like you missed the point I just made. About emotional detachment and not being into that.
You look way younger than 32 at least in that pic but it’s not gonna last. Experientially those girls probably surpass you like the woman you’re with now. Do as you wish
>missed out on casual fun in my 20s completely
Going to bet $20 that this is one of those
"I have OCD like a retard and I believe casual fun is better / more important than it actually is, and I've decided to feel depresso or asshurt about it, because I just want something in my life to whine about"
>Would the relationship fail?
Probably not but it depends how hard you're going to nag her about your refusal to enjoy your 20s.
>Going to bet $20 that this is one of those
>"I have OCD like a retard and I believe casual fun is better / more important than it actually is, and I've decided to feel depresso or asshurt about it, because I just want something in my life to whine about"

I'm more than happy to admit it might be this. But how can I know for sure that regret wont manifest later?
>Would the relationship fail?
lol do the math, if she's around your age how many men per week has cum inside all (and i mean all) of her holes? Get a grip.
>>missed out on casual fun in my 20s completely
There's nothing glorious about fornication and STDs and getting AIDS from some whore who slept with sodomites.

1 Corinthians 6:18
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
then dont come in contact with people who do

Actually seems better when you put it like that.
In my experience, the regret of "missing out on fun" happens when the relationship is not on equal footing. I am not saying that this is going to happen to you since you seem like a nice guy and I wish you luck, but she'll either refuse to do something because she tried it once and didn't like it, or in weird moments she'll refer back to previous relationships like "I like it when you do it that way because it doesn't hurt that way" and you'll be like, wait a second, people have do it to you in different ways? Etc.

It really does come down to how mature the woman is and how into you she is, if that makes sense.
Alright, that makes sense. She's already given me a few of those moments where she refers to other times. Pokes me in a painful FOMO spot every time.
that FOMO spot is insecurity

but if she doesn't say things respectfully then she's creating a problem

how exactly does she phrase these things?
50 is way above average, bro. I'd consider what that could indicate and investigate the source of that deviation before making any big moves.
Op better hurry up and decide if he wants to dump her first because she has decades of experience of jumping on a new guy every couple months so she is going to be jumping again soon.
My thoughts exactly. Down to the spacing, it's definitely satire.
there is absolutely nothing satirical about my statement here whatsoever. just because you can't get with a single woman doesn't mean everyone else's experience is the same as yours.

>>32032065 is absolutely correct and saying exactly what i was trying to caution OP about, just with more words. i noticed you don't have any issue with his take where we're saying the same thing, but maybe your simpleton brain requires more context instead of being able to read between the lines and determining intent.
Almost exactly as you said, where she'll say something instructive which inherently references a vast ton of experience.

Is FOMO just insecurity? Does that mean I can work on it just by working on myself? Or will it always be there?
You're the male version of the roast. Nothing out of your mouth has any value.
and yet i was instrumental in convincing OP to make the correct decision! get bent, loser.
Can't do anything but offer my sympathies. I've been in (and continue to be in) a one-sided nightmare for 5 years. Once it ends I'll be late twenties missing out on so much. Casual fun I was never going to have anyway, but I do wish I was able to date to at least find someone I could see myself marrying and having a kid with before I'm 30.
Thanks. I know I could just say "JUST FUCKING LEAVE THE RELATIONSHIP", but my friends shouted that at me for years and the avoidance was still overwhelming.

You'll get out. Just do some reading on how to look after yourself first and raise your self esteem and foremost. That was the key for me.
For me it's more of a matter that she will kill herself. Not that she threatens to do so, but she actually and genuinely will. I know her well enough by now. I can't let that happen, so its suffering until further notice.
Anyway, good luck to you.
>I can't let that happen
It goes without saying, but this is you holding yourself responsible for her actions and her feelings. If you're ever going to be free you need to learn that's not the case.
It's OP's fault that he's a moron for listening to you, idc really.
Of the two of you you sound way more unhinged, thoughtless, insecure and impulsive.
no shit, because you're some 2/10 neckbeard that wanted to talk about bodycounts, but instead of just making a thread on /r9k/ u stole some guy's pic off /fit/ and wrote a gay short story LARP about an imaginary slut you wanted to fuck.
Do you not understand how batshit insane you look to the people who see through your transparent bullshit?
Get a hobby.
Does that actually happen on this board? And how would you know?
shoe on head rn
I'm on the verge of doing shoe on head but it seems so fucking retarded.
>muh fun
Why the fuck would you value bonking random women over having a nice relationship with someone you love? I had 'fun' in my 20s and the only thing I wanted was a girlfriend. You are smarter than this.
Because I had a girlfriend through my 20s and the only thing I wanted was the freedom to fuck.
I just find it odd that you crave hedonism at 32 instead of looking to settle down, I do understand the fomo though. Just take it from someone who did that in their 20s; it really really isn't anything to feel fomo about

>> Would the relationship fail?

Only if you make it.
I wish I could see that right now. I keep trying to gain a new perspective and see that it's no big deal, but I think spending my 20s in this vacuum of experience stung so much that it's put me into a bit of a tailspin about it.
Bump before I let this thread die.
I feel like you are a bit disingenuous when it comes to defining experience.

You've gained relationship experience. You've gained sexual experience (trust me, you learn much more about sex and pleasing your partner when you're with someone consistently instead of hooking up with strangers).

Hookups will give you way more superficial skills - approaching, making the first move, etc. - but your relationship gave you the skills required to actually have a deeper and more meaningful bond with someone.

Go for the qt3.1416 before you lose her man. You really deserve a quality relationship.
Thank you, it sounds like that came from the heart and a valuable body of experience. Appreciate your time.
Falling in love with a slut is a recipe for disaster. You probably wouldn't even like her much if you had other options. Probably a better idea to work on getting other options otherwise you'll trap yourself in another shitty relationship for what little youth you have left

You're a lying fat faggot that needs to accept bottom of the barrel behavior in order to get laid
OP from the other post. If she's sexually compatible with you and everything else is good, I don't see an issue with it. Like >>32049391 said, a lot of stuff can be experienced during the relationship.

Have you discussed different things like threesomes, BDSM events, swinging etc in the future if thats something you're worried about? It's good to discuss it anyways.

You should ask her if she's truly okay with your dick forever. If it's enough, if what you provide is enough and if there's anything else she needs she should voice it now.

34, had a 19 girl for a while. Its nice but also sometimes felt a lil bit guilty in a way tho she is very mature person, Im so much more experienced in life (she was my 3rd girl tho lol, but I kept in shape and look much younger).

I went to study a 3rd language, which is nice, since its useful plus easily could do it with work. Girls love older dudes. Especially if you are a cool guy relaxed and comfortable without the 20s and the "everyone is looking at me and I gotta be alpha" bs we had in 20s.

Imo 30s dudes and 20s girls best combo and natural. It used to be very common.
to any lonely dude in 20s reading, stay fresh in your 30s, and if you are financially stable and go out to younger crowd places you can slay like nobodies business.

To think I experienced teen love in my 30s.
God Bless

Nobody can take that away from me. I remember moaning and crying to self and anons here for a decade or so. But I was working behind the scenes and investing in myself. Wasnt easy but I did it.

Sweetest girl I had. Its possible, stay in the fight anons.
Also, stay fit - achieve fitness.

Also maturity wise, this girl was more mature than my 26 and 25 exes. At 19.
So dont worry about that.

Right relationship dynamic is easy to establish when u are older than the girl. She naturally wants to listen and learn and its just perfect dynamics.
The way God made it desu.
OP when u had nice sex and good vibe with a girl, its hard I know.

But 50 is insane. Girls also often lie about the number, so could be more but anything above a rational number is all the same lol.

You can pull it off with a girl who is more unused for lack of a better word.

I dont think a girl who fucks so many so young can be fitting for long term stuff especially marriage.

I mean sure, she could be great parent, cant even bring myself to write mother desu, but the real Question is - can you get over that fact?

Seems like you cant. That will only increase with time.
Also I suspect most peeps defending her are other sluts larping as dudes.
now sluts are great, they serve their role in the sex ecosystem, I also love em in a non commited way.

But thats about it.
>That will only increase with time.
How do you know? this is what I'm afraid of.
Midlife crisis. I was in a long term relationship with a guy, he suddenly grew distant when I tried to actualize us getting a place together with our finances
Found out he was cheating on me with a teenager 12 years below our age, in fact she looked like and had the same hobbies/fashion/strange beliefs as the girl he dated in highschool before we got together which was super creepy. Within a month he moved to her country to start a new life but also asked me if I wanted to have an open relationship? While also texting me to call her crazy which was beyond bizarre, I think he wasn't sure if it would work out with her and he probably thought I would stick around as a backup out of desperatation or something.
But yeah I've had friends experience similar things, in a long term relationship and the guy decides he misses highschool and goes sniffing around for young girls to feel young again himself. Usually ends up being a sugar daddy jumping from girl to girl or ties one down with a baby as collateral while still sleeping around
OP here. To be absolutely clear, this is not what I want. I just want to feel like I explored enough sexually, with people on my wavelength, before settling down, in case the FOMO destroys the relationship further down the line.
Anyone bumping this larp still is a retard.
every excuse to get out of simply proving the accusation wrong.
He stole someone's picture and made up some bullshit.
Happens all the time on ment-/adv/-lly-ill LARP board.
>switch to the new girl
>tell new girl you aren't into settling down unless theres possible threesomes with other women
>whore says yes
>lures women to you at events, festivals, etc

Why is 4chan so uncreative? I mean, shit, you guys really want to live the rest of your lives with one boring sex partner?
>b-but muh divorce rates
>and muh body count insecurities
>and muh pair bondings

so many virgins here that will remain that way waiting for the perfect girl that doesn't exist to come along. zero life xp or social skills on /adv/.
That's cool you just greentexted hard facts and i guess that makes them not true. Woah.
why don't you sleep with and date 18-20 year olds?
you can also get your women into threesomes and closed polyamory and have her find you women to sleep with
you big fucking idiot, you completely missed my point: there is no one "twuu luvv" girl out there that can possibly tick every little box you want ticked like you're ordering from a factory and the sooner you figure that out the sooner you can get laid.
Only you are obsessed with "getting laid"? If you weren't seething blindly you would understand why that anon criticised you.

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