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Please give it to me straight, is pursuing art full time a waste of time and effort with how AI is consuming the entire industry? The topic is verboten on /ic/ and I know people that instead of looking for artists for their commissions and content they just go straight to AI gen and have a full gallery of stuff ready to use overnight. I am starting to worry that I have wasted years of my life and I'm not even that good at it.
AI is a red herring.
You know your "art" is shit because you didn't post an example.
>You know your "art" is shit because you didn't post an example
I mentioned I'm not good at it, just take this question hypothetically then, say you're answering this question to someone decent but unsure.
Art is a primarily hobby. Very few people make a living from it, even before AI was a thing.
artist / designer has always been a shit job with little pay. now with a.i. they all get someone to blame as if a.i. not existing would suddenly make them successful. theyre just bitter losers. good artists are still in high demand.
either way, why dont you get into a.i. generation? seems pathetic to not do this when u want to be a digital designer. even if you just use it for inspiration
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Sadly when it comes to making art a paid profession 95% of it is making smut/porn. This is why I love AI art - all the hentai artists and what not crying.

If you really wanna succeed w/ it needs to be applied into functionality. This is an art piece I made this year - very proud of my dead reanimated birds, but the real money in my life is steel fabrication and adding flair to my pieces. They go hand in hand.
>m*nckin cat
kys british scum
That ain't my cat, it was just a picture I found online.
I won't read AI scare-mongering threads.
OP, why are you retarded?
The question isn't "does being an artist pay well?", the question is "can I draw furry porn at a reasonable quality at a reasonable speed?"
If you can sketch and flat-color an entire piece in 4 hours, you can make more money than most wagies.
It's always been a waste of time and effort. Name 20 artists who became famous and wealthy during their lifetime?
If you’re not good then yeah don’t bother. But if you’re Guweiz or Kim Jung Gi levels of good you’ll find sucess through streaming your art and having people be impressed and donating
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>I'm not even that good at it.
this should be your main concern, regardless of AI. hurry and learn something else
Shut up faggot
I am retarded though, it took me 4 years of grinding every day just to go from stick figures to beginner level. I don't think I can even pivot to anything else and start from scratch.
>either way, why dont you get into a.i. generation? seems pathetic to not do this when u want to be a digital designer. even if you just use it for inspiration
Because its not even remotely the same process as actually making art yourself?
This is like telling someone who wants to play soccer "why don't you get into playing FIFA games instead?"
do what you want. you only live once.
It's entirely about differentiation OP. AI is a sophisticated repetition network, which can use tons of concurrent different repetition operations over absurdly large oceans of reference. A computer cannot differentiate and produce material for reference, it can only recognize them and follow breadcrumb trails left by humans to do the unthinkable.

Never stop learning. Whenever you hit a wall you either need to go over it, under it, or through it. Never turn away from a wall

You have to be REALLY good at it and provide something that cannot be met by other artists or AI.
>is pursuing art full time a waste of time and effort
Sort of
>with how AI is consuming the entire industry?

Pursue art by all means, but don't quit your day job. AI has nothing to do with it, and if you think it does you're fuckin retarded and were never going to make it in the first place.
Art has always sucked balls financially. You should still go for it if that's what you want. AI doesn't make much of a difference unless your dream was to be an art slave for others and corporations.
I'm a depressed codemonkey looking for a way out and got taken with all those youtubers mentioning their past as a dev and transitioning out into art full time. I wish I could do that too.
>A computer cannot differentiate and produce material for reference, it can only recognize them and follow breadcrumb trails left by humans to do the unthinkable.
Oh my fucking god. Can people like you jump off a bridge already? You losers try so very hard to rationalise the existence of AI and its ability as if it would matter. You know what matters in reality? The capability or AI to take over your funking job.

Obviously here comes the spiel about AI just being a tool or some other pointless shit which misses the point. AI reduces the number jobs and lowers the ability required to perform said jobs. It increases productivity by a lot while simultaneously lowering the value of your work. It's all horrible and limiting it through laws and regulations is pathetic to be honest. Its mere existence whether limited or not ruins it for me.

If OP wants to draw then he should continue but please for the love of God realise not everyone is privileged. OP wanted to make money out of it and that's basically impossible now. Learning for the sake of learning? Must be great to be a sliver-spoon brat. Not everyone has the ability, money or time.
It's a waste of time if you're gonna do it for money. If you enjoy doing it, there's no reason to stop, but as a job, it's not a career that was ever a good option, much less these days.

That said, if you still want to try, don't stop based on what people are saying, there's a chance you could succeed at it. If you stop based on what we say here and then a few years in the future you'll see other people succeeding in the field, you'll have regrets about listening to us here.
Well I still have my day job and initially it was a way to get me off my WoW and porn addiction, is it a better pasttime than that
AI ain't shit

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