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I'll go first
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Pic related for recognizing bullshit and getting what you want out of life.
I've been on 4chan for like 10 years and still suck at arguing
You don't notice your progress in a combat sport when training: everyone around you working about as hard as you gets good at about the same pace.

It's when you go against someone untrained or new that realization sets in, because they walk into obvious pitfalls that make you say
>what, do they WANT me to hit them? What are they even doing??
Go argue with a few boomer normies
>no matter how old you are
that's the truest part. Like 99% of critical learning period for eg language learning is
>The little asshole spent literally 12 hours a day doing language immersion television, movie, and spoken lessons from a guided speech tutor heavily invested in their success
no job, no distractions, just putting the hours in. you succeed at the things you put the hours in, and the timetable across basically all skills that happens is "about 5 years of reasonably serious focus"
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For incels
Bumperino. I do like some effort posting.
the classic
>Weak jwline is a symptom of being an incel
Excuse me, what?
depressed angry people who can't get laid eat to stuff their feelings so they have pizza face or lots of excess face fat so I think that's what he's getting at
Yeah, he probably meant symptom of poor lifestyle choices besides the genetic factor

>self-flaggelation meant to undermine you by insulting you
if it has one of these a as the picrel, it's gonna be an all timer, full stop

nothing iconoclastically splinters the ossified and stale /adv/ orthodoxy like the incomparable ecstasy of unplanned, organic teen love
>teen love
Is absolutely cringe bullshit. One day you will become an adult and will understand.
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i can never become a man when all of societies tests and milestones have been denied me. at best i will be a worker drone, totally alienated and deracinated from my potential
You are the only man in history who has never had that chance. Congratulations, you win the Special Snowflake medal.
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Not the best advice ive read. But hits home. I have so much love, but I do not just give it to anyone.
I am hyper aware, and its a curse. I just want to do right by the few, close people in my life. I honestly cant even expect them to do the same. As long as I am real and genuine.
>... forest gump.
Forest Gump was a cuck all his life throughout the movie while Jenny was whoring around and didn't even care for him. Don't be like Forest.
some degree of self-abuse is kind of required as a guy. you don't really progress by being a happy little fuckin' fairy all the time
Bamp sars
I dated a highschool cheerleader, widely known as "the most popular girl".

>she had a million "friends" that would go with her to parties but only one real friend. She was actually very lonely and felt nobody understood her
>there were a few girls in the "cool girl circle" who were actually not cool girls and were made fun of behind their backs. The cool girls were very bitchy and toxic. The uncool girls in that group were also just as bitchy and toxic, but uglier.
>her one "real friend" tried to cuck her and get with me. I told her. She forgave her "friend" instantly
>she instead decided to get back at ME and cheated with my friend
>I dumped her and she started dating my friend
>a year later I run into her again. We talk like old friends, she admits she only got with my friend to make me jealous and she only stayed with him because I dumped her
>I shrug and say "well, hope you're happy now"
>every time we meet after that she avoids me or treats me as an enemy
It was an interesting experience to know how lonely and isolated the "cool kids" felt.
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Picrel is a /lit/ post, not an /adv/ post, but it contains useful advice on how to read more, which is especially important nowadays, seeing how most people don't really read.
best books to read in your 20s?
Anyone got any of the Australian idiot who was stalking Japanese AV star Reiko Kobayashi, who flew to Japan, was arrested on arrival and immediately deported back to Australia and was on here crying about it.
I laughed so fucking hard at that idiot
Yeah, I'm not reading all that shit lol

Jokes aside: people are not actually serious about anything, they're almost all pretending, posing and full of bullshit. Be actually serious about *anything* and you will come on top.
The European classics. Ignore self-help books, new releases, most exotic stuff, and almost all American books.
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>I've been on 4chan for like 10 years and still suck at arguing
>he doesn't collect images of smug anime girls to automatically win arguments
>she admits she only got with my friend to make me jealous
why do they do this? is it media brainwashing? do women not understand that men hate infidelity?
It was because of lies. Obvious to me now in retrospect, when she confronted her "only true friend", her friend must have lied and said I was the one that hit on her, turning the tables on me. The cheerleader naturally chose to side with her "best friend" that she knew for years over me, a guy she basically just started dating. I didn't realize this back then, but I realize it now. Then my own "friend" also lied to the cheerleader to get her for himself. That I know, because she directly told me the last time the cheerleader and I met, that my "friend" saids about me behind my back. The girl obviously wanted to give it a second chance with me at that point but I wasn't going to allow that because of my pride.

But I think that there is some karma to all this. See the guy she ended up with was a scumbag and became a drug addict. He would eventually go mental when she dumped him for cheating and he'd basically stalk her for years.

Everyone failed to be human. I failed to understand what was going on because I was pretending to be a Chad, when I was basically just a good-looking 4channer, and I ignored a developing situation instead of talking to her and sorting it out before she cheated, because I figured Chad was supposed to play it cool. The girl chose to believe what she preferred to be true, picking her false friend over me. The two false "friends" (hers and mine) were just manipulators who didn't care if they wrecked someone else's high school romance, they just wanted to be cool kids and get laid by the hot guy/girl. People get really aggressive about relationships in the popular circles. Lots of lies and backstabbing.
best thing that happened to me was lurking 4chan while underage and planning ahead before this phase ended
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I hated the dumb chicks in HS. My first real girl was at 15, she was a gorgeous goth who was 6 years older than me. it was like living a dream and I never recovered when she threw my heart into a trash bin after she got bored
still the most beautiful girl I've been with, I've never been with another girl that was remotely comparable and all my other girls were attractive.
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Absolutely based
reading comprehension
A lot of this is good but bringing up anecdotal shit like that YouTube channel is pointless.
My highschool sweetheart cheated. I would've taken back my virginity if I could.
incels literelly do every applicable advice written in this you fucking retard

you didnt read any of this

nothing in this wordsalad posts involves ever speaking to women
its just bullshit that incels ALREADY KNOW and they ALREADY SAY TO THEMSELVES EVERY DAY of their lives

none of this is "advice" all if it just repeating incels problems back at them without solution to ever verbally communicate with a woman in their lives

there's only 1 piece of advice that means anything to incels and its telling them to quit their job and go back to university again and this time talk to women and maybe write them a few sentences they can say to women there. that's it

your wordspam is not advice, none of it informs incels about anything other than water is wet water is wet water is wet.
do you think a single fucking incel doesn't already know that they should "sleep"????

You're genuinly not a living human being if you read this stuff and thought of this as advice. It's all just shit incels do their whole lives and they are still incels because it doesnt matter how low your standards are or how fucking amazing they enjoy their incel lives, they are still forbidden from ever speaking to women as long as they are not in school setting and women do not even fucking KNOW that they have movement in their lives and are proactive, they are still forced to stay completely alone with no woman to ever speak to.
False. Incels never try. That is why they are incels. They want to be incels. They chose to be incels.
False. Incels try all the time but they get no option to speak to women so no one is aware of any of their tries. Incels do not want to be incels, that's what involuntary means. They are forced to be incels because they're not in university.
ESL detected. Opinion discarded.
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I was never more miserable and alone in my life than when I was in school. If you're introverted, alone, and have no social skills then school is just hell. It will not teach you those things, it's not a free space to get friends, it will just force you to be in proximity of people who are annoyed by you. Of course most of it was self inflicted because I was 'that kid' and an edgy pessimistic spaz. I only rebuilt my social circle after I left school, kicked all my bad habits, and chilled the fuck out.
Will implement the goal method
No, you're wrong.
University was the only time in your life when you had a shot at being happy, the only chance to use your social skills and get girls and have a good time.
You just didn't want to use them at the time and need to go back there.
It absolutely is free space to get friends, girlfriends, everything you want, that's their whole point. It's free space to walk up and talk to everyone around you, it gives you things to talk with them about, to bond over, to make conversations in setting they are comfortable with people and arent inside meatcubes.
There's nothing to do outside of university, no one even knows you kicked any habits since there's no one to open your mouth to, they dont know your name much less that you're chill, they just walk past you without knowing fucking anything about you. The only place where girls will let you enter their social circle for lonely men is inside of university.
Universityfag has entered the thread
This magical university where you can get friends if you can't get friends outside of it, do Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny teach there?
winning an internet argument is like winning the special olympics
Male manipulator was the only one with a positive story
even I can fuck the hot cheerleader girl and beat her up for fun
all I need to do is lie
>This magical university where you can get friends if you can't get friends outside of it
yes you retard
its not magical, it's just how shit works
>The magical car which lets you drive if you cannot drive a car outside of a car
>The magical glass of water which lets you drink water it if you cannot drink outside of an empty glass

there's no option to speak to women outside of uni and in uni there is. do you think water and cars also do not exist?
Since you clearly know and see all, tell me, why is it that so many people manage to go through university without getting any friends despite putting effort in, and how people manage to get friends/dates outside of university.
Saying they're not real is not an answer. I've never seen Finland but that doesn't mean it isn't real.
Well he got his karma in the end. Not as a result of any external circumstances but because of his own impulsiveness and stupidity. Of everyone involved he ended up the worst off.
Good post, Anon. I'm feeling motivated. LFG! I'll start off cleaning my room.
They simply do not. We know Finland exsists because every answer about it can be answered. If someone gives their location you can give them step by step guide how to get from where they are to Finland.
Nothing like that can be said about your example. You cant tell me what would you say verbatim to get girls meaning it's not real.
>manage to go through university without getting any friends despite putting effort in
They just got unlucky or didn't try enough or want it enough
>and how people manage to get friends/dates outside of university
they simply do not, it's just schools or friends
Except in that case, someone will retardly chime in about how the road they took led to a forest or the plane they went on actually went to Sweden. Everyone on the internet who says they're Finnish are lying and actually Swedes or Russians.
>You cant tell me what would you say verbatim to get girls meaning it's not real.
And that doesn't also apply to schools? After you ask someone their major, you're not going to have anything else to talk about because this is the sole thing you have in common with them.
>They just got unlucky or didn't try enough or want it enough
So, you agree that people can get friends outside of school, they just didn't try hard enough.
>No, you're wrong.
No I was definitely miserable in school and so were the vast majority of people I was surrounded by, they just didn't want to be there. I don't know what schools you've been to but I have never once seen people spontaneously form friendships while I was there.
>someone will retardly chime in about how the road they took led to a forest or the plane they went on actually went to Sweden
Exactly because you gave bad directions. If you were to give advice how to get to Ngjhgjaksmadialand and then someone ends up in Sweden, Russia and Finland it's a proof that directions you gave are wrong and there is no Ngjhgjaksmadialand or whatever bullshit you want to lie about. I can give directions to Finland because it exists, you cannot tell me directions to Ngjhgjaksmadialand because it doesn't. I can write what can be said to women in schools because people can speak there, you cannot write anything to be said outside of it or friends because it cannot be done.
That's why we're speaking in practical terms instead of hypothetical, anyone can say whatever they want in hypothetical scenario. We can stretch this hypothetical argument infinitely but that's your only line of defense because if you had to defend your REAL point (harassing strangers into relationship) you'd eventually have to write actual dialogues and conversations which you cannot do because just like directions to Ngjhgjaksmadialand they don't exist.
>And that doesn't also apply to schools?
No, schools offer near infinite conversation topics during initial contact. Asking them about their classes, what are they like, what they learn during them. About their group, how large it is, how many people take her major, does she get along with them, did she know any of them beforehand, which school she went to before or where she came from and what that's like.

You can talk about everything in the world by being in university, the camput is the only gate to the social world.

>you agree that people can get friends outside of school
No ESL, that's not at all what I've said

You were the happiest you ever were in school you just remember it wrong. The sole reason for schools existence is forming friendship and everyone you know started it there.
No, the point is just because you've never seen a thing and someone gave you bad advice about it does not mean it does not exist. You can rationalize away anything if you act like an ignorant ass, but that doesn't make it untrue.
>if you had to defend your REAL point (harassing strangers into relationship) you'd eventually have to write actual dialogues and conversations which you cannot do
It's strange that you cannot imagine two people at some place having a conversation that isn't automatically harassment. No wonder you need precise advice in order to engage in conversations with anyone.
>No, schools offer near infinite conversation topics during initial contact. Asking them about their classes, what are they like, what they learn during them. About their group, how large it is, how many people take her major, does she get along with them, did she know any of them beforehand, which school she went to before or where she came from and what that's like.
And yet you didn't write an actual dialog about it, so clearly this doesn't work. Surely if someone else needs to provide an actual conversation to disprove your own point, you can provide one to prove your own...?
>No ESL, that's not at all what I've said
By your own logic, you have. You just haven't tried enough.
No, the point is that if something is impossible then it cannot be done and there will be no specifics about it. You can argue and change subjects as much as you want but if something is untrue it's not going to become true by you generalizing it until you cannot even mention what you mean in reality.
>It's strange that you cannot imagine two people at some place having a conversation that isn't automatically harassment
It's strange that you cannot imagine that someone harassing someone doesn't count as a conversation or relationship. No wonder you cannot even imagine what that conversation would be in the first place.
>And yet you didn't write an actual dialog about it
I had written it numerous times in the past meaning it does work and it's the only way to meet someone.
>Hi, how are you? what class are you waiting for? what's your major?
then ask them some follow ups to it like
>Why did you pick it? What is it like? What do you learn there? What got you interested in it?
after first few questions, you most likely introduce yourself
>Hi I'm anon btw, what's your name
then they give their name, note that after everything that you say they are likely to ask the question back to you so prepare to answer it back
>What major are you in? what classes do you have today? what are they about? What has it been like so far? What do you think about it? what are your teachers like? Why did you pick it? Did you always want to study it or did you have anything else in mind/why?
>How does it compare to last semester? Did you have problems with finals? What year are you in?
>how large is your class? do you get along with them?
After you break ice, you talk to them like to a friend at a party, which is a different conversation topic and much easier in general. You can ask them
>so what do you do in free time? what music do you like? what movies do you watch?
>You just haven't tried enough
Yes, that's why I'm going back to try this time around.
I'm going to dump something I have saved.
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>accuses others of being an ESL
>then fails to comprehend what someone else is saying.
Uh-uh, I see why you fetishize college then.
>It's strange that you cannot imagine that someone harassing someone doesn't count as a conversation or relationship. No wonder you cannot even imagine what that conversation would be in the first place.
Because there's a difference between randomly striking up a conversation and forcing a conversation? Granted, I realize there's a certain amount of reading the room in this that most people here don't have, but if you're someone autistically planning this ahead you should already be planning something to say at any given event.
>I had written it numerous times in the past meaning it does work and it's the only way to meet someone.
If writing things on the internet meant they were true we'd all have huge dicks and be millionaires. That said, what makes you think this will only work with people twenty years younger than you with completely different interests? Why don't you plan something like this with other people? To use your own logic, you haven't tried hard enough.
He's literally a special needs indian you're wasting your time talking to him.
>You were the happiest you ever were in school you just remember it wrong.
No I definitely am not 'misremembering' being the most miserable I've ever been in my life. You might want to log off.
>accuses others of being an ESL
>then fails to comprehend what someone else is saying.
So exactly what you did in this argument. No wonder you're retarded enough to think I'm wrong, you're retarded in every area of life.
>Because there's a difference between randomly striking up a conversation and forcing a conversation?
No there isn't autistic retard. It's the same thing. It's speaking. If you cannot write what can be said then you couldnt speak in real life either because they both use words. Words which do not exist in any context other than school/friends. Your "autistic planning" is literelly just basic communication, every human being that ever spoke is autistic by this metric.
If you have any ability to read any room then you know that the only room where men can speak to women is through their friends or inside schools.
>If writing things on the internet meant they were true we'd all have huge dicks and be millionaires
This can be said about your delusion about harassing women you dont know into relationship without you being able to speak to them, not about me. I have essentially claimed im a millionaire and told you my bank account which you saw has a million in it. I was able to write conversation proving my point is true, you werent able to write yours because your point is false. You still lie on the internet, I have showed proof.
>That said, what makes you think this will only work with people twenty years younger than you with completely different interests?
Nothing in uni requires being the same age, and you can have the same interests as them. Uni is the only place to learn someones interests because you get to speak to them and talk long enough to get there or you can get the same interests as them after learning them, age is irrelevant to interests, 80 and 18 yo old both watch movies, both like sports, both like music etc. age doesnt impact interests or speaking in school.
>Why don't you plan something like this with other people?
Because as you have already proven to us, there's no way to ever open your mouth to a woman outside of schools, there's no possible dialogue like one I wrote anywhere outside of schools to first get to know someone or learn their interests. every written text in all of human history is a proof that there's nothing that can be said to women outside of schools or friends to start relationship with them, there is no plan like that and it cannot ever be done.
>To use your own logic, you haven't tried hard enough.
Yes, that's why I'm going to go there again because last time I didnt want to do it and now I do.
Nope, you're an indian. That's why you're obsessed with harassing women you dont know you fucking streetshitter
Yes you do misremember. You dont know what you're talking about. uni was the only place to get to talk to women wherever you see them on campus, there's absolutely nothing like it anywhere in the world. You have no idea how good of a place university is and how good school is, it's literally the most pleasant thing a man can experience or at least the entry to everything good in the world because that's how you start life of parties, dating, hook ups etc.
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All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to
>it's literally the most pleasant thing a man can experience or at least the entry to everything good in the world because that's how you start life of parties, dating, hook ups etc.
Name one good experience like this you had at uni
>mentions the why
>doesn't know how to practically implement it

Useless information
Grim. I've gotta move my ass.
Thanks for the dump anon.
I think we might have this one backwards.
Whenever I see a boomer who regularly argues on facebook or a leftist who host a subreddit for arguing with people or a youtuber with hour long political rants; their best arguments are at the beginning of their online hobby. After 5 or even 10 years, their arguments are compelling to no one. They just state their opinions as if they're a fact and get pissed when you disagree.

It the redditor example, there is an explination for this since they're the mod and will just ban opinions they don't like. So maybe they just got good at creating echo chambers, but not really because they still read the opinion and argue poorly against it.

And then there's those that do think they're arguing in good faith. What did these get better at in 5 years?
>All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest.
Same for the good looking men who would make great husbands and fathers. If you're struggling to date, you're not one of them.
i'm gonna be honest lads, i've yet to see an actual good post
Anyone have the anon who fucked their sister?
>do you think a single fucking incel doesn't already know that they should "sleep"????

If one could birds eye track all incels all over , I would bet more than good money they have shit habits including failure to sleep on time. Yes you "know" the fact sleep is goof for you - but you still won't do it.

You guys really just don't try to fix your basics hence why it bears repeating over and over. I read that OP post - the root idea he's really getting at is, to get the point of talking to women is not really in the words you say but the vibe and energy you bring to the table. And to authentically bring energy to the table - you gotta be living a life (IE escaping the bedroom basement) in the first place (the "movement" idea he touches on).

You can say the exact same words as a chad every single time, but shit sleep influencing your delivery , poor posture, and a number of other factors will ensure she never interprets it the same way. It also just doesn't look authentic.

Which is why most of you are dead in the water even if you "do" (which u dont) whats purely related to your problems like "Game" or social skills , etc.
This is retarded , half these guys aren't all stars to begin with , they just started whatever sport they started and had the genes to keep going into the high school and collegiate level. His team is his social life prebuilt for him and the image of the team/victory confers his status with women , not some 4.0GPA or "hard at work at his sport" KEK. And he's pounding back kegs at the party easy.

And for her , more of it is true than for the guy. But even then - most girls in your average school are NOT this calibre. This whole post is just "pedastalizing" american high school culture to an insane degree.
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I think I might've done something similar to this before, but only because I wasn't sure what she wanted from me, not because I thought I was being cool. I still regret it over a decade later.
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Everything I lay my hands on, I get tired of sooner or later. Photoshop, university, photography, guitar, and now college. I can't seem to focus on one thing for some reason. I'm suspecting fomo is involved. I'm constantly DISTRACTED. "There, there's a better opportunity there!". I don't even have a better opportunity from college, and AI taking over jobs is just cope because of the so many examples I've shared. The same thing holds for relationships as well. I can't sustain a relationship. I get bored of girls easily. But maybe I just haven't found the right one. But yeah, this is preventing me from being productive, focus, in flow.
What's with the little blue squiggle?
>i can never become a man when all of societies tests and milestones have been denied me.
Conveniently, that would mean that you shouldn't ever bother trying, you'll never need to risk failure, and that, since you're a completely innocent victim of fate, none of anything you suffer is your fault or responsibility to fix, ever!
Gee, I can't imagine why you'd prefer to believe this.
This one reads like a poem
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If you try to follow all this advice you will burn out. Some highlights I liked
All of Mistake #2. Go out and meet people if you get opportunities. Sometimes create the opportunities yourself, invite people
Do your daily grind on something you want to improve, however small the contribution is (even 5 mins).
And >>32211983
You have not put in the time you think you have. Try tracking your daily habits to see how much time is spent being a loser and actual improvement
This was a hard pill to swallow for me at first kek
>8 hours of vidya and mindless 4channel scrolling a day, I see, cool
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>go out and meet people if you get opportunities.
Ok, but where, where do I go to meet people? I don't think walking up to random people at a mall is a good idea.
Hobby groups. Try meetup. Or look for events in your area that seem fun. Even somewhat rural places have something going on.
If you don't have a hobby, think about a hobby you want to get.
The most easy-difficult thing to do
The only thing cool about teen love is comic absurdity of the dissonance of treating the low ass stakes as world shattering. Teen love is all important in the same way schooler thinks going to university is all important
Luckily I have eaten every blackpill
I know
I'm aware
And I honestly I just let go ofy desires and ideas
That anon is too attached
He can't let go
Best advice ever
Very simple
Yet so complicated and meaningful
Unironically this is the meaning of life
As a kid I was reading so much
I really wanted to get back into it, perfect time I guess
What a shit show
Sometimes, actually it's more often times these days I consider myself lucky and blessed I never have been with a woman
I spent a lot of time in isolation
Thinking about the world, people, history, anything really
All I did was think and think and think and eat every blackpill know to mankind I could get my hands on
Did it cause me extreme mental stress?
Without a doubt but I grew and matured as a man and I would consider myself worthy to be on par as the great men of the past
Maybe it was for the best, after all
>if you get opportunities
This is simply a specific case of the post below
Based post
>>32192531 (and many others)
This is simply a specific case of the post above
Based post, but sooner or later he will have to learn there is no unconditional love in this world
That actually shows that he was right. There are very few good arguments on this website. Most people will dismiss facts and proof outright, if it doesn’t reinforce their world view, and they will dismiss it either by using profanity or by using an image (or a combination of both).
fuck off with the incel hate. is there really no one else you can bully? are you so low in the hierarchy you have to step on incels? this says more about you than the "incels".

whats the point to build some giant strawman, then say bro JUST DO IT? its the most pointless kind of advice i have ever heard. inceldom solved.

fucking no, the answer has to be political. feminism combined with a police state results in mass infertility, in so many countries it can not be a coincidence
Fertility decline is universal across all countries including highly traditional ones where feminism is synonymous with a swear word. So no, that ain’t the reason you’re not getting laid.
Anti-memetics for schooler-posting to help speedrun newfags out of wasting time replying
You can do all of this and still be miserable. Read the five pages, learn the new language, take up the hobby, work out, stop jerking off to horendous shit, do the course, stop browsing 4chan, ask the girl out, etc. You can do all of this and still be misersble.

But if you don't even attempt to do any of it, you WILL be miserable.
So just give up and don't even try? Got it.
I just want you all to feel my pain .

Best post ever.
Fork out for hooker you cheap bum
Even borrow the money off mommy
Where the hell is everything that I've posted? I only post gold.
Naah the Special Olympics athletes actually did something and they beat at least one person whom isn't a bot. Neither apply to internet arguments.
I was going to post this. Thank you.
Almost too late for me.
Does this actually work? Have been debating about trying it for a while.
Based was trying to get my brother to live it to the fullest, but he doesn't listen. He is much like me, but even I went to parties occasionally. He hasn't gone to one, and he is already around halfway through.
I really just want a solid 6 whos nice and can clean up after herself.
Only someone who never had it can say something like this. Teenage crushes and girlfriends are bullshit. So many completely irrelevant crap gets in the way of the relationship.
>I meaan, I like you but Cindy said that you only have 900 followers on instagram and she said I could go for Hugh who has 1200 instead
It does and you don’t even need to be as radical as him. You can apply it to smaller things in life.
Capped this the other day. Great triple dub dubs
Bump because this thread is gold.
You imbecile
Oh, he's a wog? That explains so much.
>says I'm missing his point.
You had a point beyond school will magically get you laid? Because all you care about is getting women.
This is more for other people than you, since judging by the way you type there's something fundamentally unlikeable about you that will never be fixed. I can tell from the way you type that in real life you give off a quiet serial killer type of vibe. The type of vibe where your neighbors won't act shocked if they find out you're in jail for raping someone.
Now, the rest of you, the ones with some degree of self-awareness, should find some way to get rid of that aura. Its what's keeping you back, much in the same way you can spot an AGP a mile off. Remember, other people don't think that much about you if they don't know you, they think about their own shit.
I presume most people here are intelligent enough to recognize their own failings but can't fix them. So simply take those, and search elsewhere for them. If nothing else, you can observe people in real life. Because presumably you're aware that you have to actually go out and talk to someone at some point. People who fall into your lap in your house have fallen from the ceiling, and that means you'll have many broken bones.
Events want more people as much as you want to meet more people. That said, try looking in local papers or community centers. You could always try conventions, but that's not quite oriented towards meeting people as other events.
Will probably partake in some form. Feel like I can't reasonably do the drop everything for a week.
If you had that kind of willpower you didn't need the method to begin with
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Forgot the book
The Manual - A Philosopher's Guide To Life, a bunch of quotations of Epictetus
Cormac McCarthy's border trilogy
There's some solid advice in here
bump this gold thread
Why does all advice for incels boil down to:
>Why yes, you are supposed to be the annoying leper constantly pestering uninterested people, constantly accepting halfhearted invites from people who aren't really interested in you, moreso just using you, grind grind grind or you're lazy!
It's not interesting, it's not insightful and it's in fact insulting. I'm genuinely convinced that I've been rejected more than these people have even tried. Which makes sense, most normies literally live life on neutral being handed shit all day for free.
Picking up reading a couple years ago changed my life for the better. Always loved reading as a kid and teenager, fell off and succumbed to retarded online brain rot.
Varies person to person. Would be best to dabble in a bunch of different stuff - classics, philosophy, sci-fi, whatever grabs you.
Any incel forum I’ve ever witnessed is full of content advocating for rape and murder. Go fuck yourself, nobody cares about your feelings. Figure out a way to improve yourself and get your pee pee wet. It’s nobody’s responsibility or problem but your own. I’m not a virgin, but I only have a body count of three at 30 years old and have not gotten laid in over four years. It sucks but I don’t spend my time festering over it and hating other people.
You make something enjoyable and clean like "talking to people" sound like its a gothic horror novel, this may be part of your problem.

>I'm genuinely convinced that I've been rejected more than these people have even tried
Quantity can be one quality, but its quantity that ultimately matters. Incels tend to have dogshit conversational quality: I've coached incels before irl and they'll tell you they were making polite conversation, but when you listen to what they're saying to a girl in front of you, the girl looks like she wants to kill herself because he's in the rattiest, ugliest, least fitting T-shirt and cargo pants combo he owns, he's monologuing about the history of bakugan recited from some video essayist, and he hasn't listened to a word she's said about anything.

There's trying, then there's trying well. They are not the same.
>You make something enjoyable and clean like "talking to people" sound like its a gothic horror novel
Because it is.
Imagine you're Belmont VI walking into Incel Court, KHHV Manor. Pushing forth the rickety wooden door to a lobby that is in an almost appalling state of disarray. A notebook, discarded with half the pages ripped open and torn to shreds littering the vicinity, various goals and desires scribbled out with the intensity of a madman. "Friends" "Lover" "Respect" "Tolerance"... The heady miasma of maltreatment and self loathing in this place is like leaddened ash that burns your lungs and weighs down your steps. The anchor of guilt. You turn a corner, coming to hear the sounds of giggling from all around, first distant, then growing louder, almost deafening. Something taps your shoulder, lightly whispering a singular, wistful phrase.
>"...Weird Faggot."
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Dude just needs a change of perspective.
Because your perspective of reality is distorted and skewed. None of what you posted is objectively real.
You have biased opinions, assume your opinions are fact, build conclusions on them,and then condemn anyone who contradicts your worldview.
The first step of using advice is considering the possibility that you aren't 100% right about what advice you need.

If you aren't happy in your comfort zone, you have to leave your comfort zone to become happier.
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saw a couple of threads on this. Hands down, this is the best advice I've seen here and this is what every single man under 30 should be spending his time on if he is single. Men can either self improve to revolt or continue rotting like they've always been doing so.
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No, that's bullshit and stupid from the start.
Looksmaxxing isn't about chasing some retarded ideal that you imagine others have and require that you match or exceed.
Looksmaxxing is literally just doing everything you can to look your best and then seeking to improve what your best is.
If you're fat, slovenly, and unkempt, get a haircut, properly fitting fashionable clothes, be well groomed, and then work towards becoming more fit. That's it.
Stop fantasizing about "Chad" and become better than you were yesterday.
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>Stop fantasizing about "Chad" and become better than you were yesterday
if virtually everyone(or a significant proportion) become 'better' by looxmaxxing, no one is because the variation in ur looks will eventually boil down to genetics. Gfl improving ur height,changing race or facial features unique to your race, etc., many of which are absolutely non- negotiable by women. The only cope you can propogate is telling men that their competition isn't indulging in le self improooovement so as to entice them to keep the system running. I've no qualms in le self improoovement meme, but I also am not blind to not see what the collective consequence is going to be due to the individual actions. The only way out of this mess is to revolt or continue rotting hoping that le soiproovement is going to magically give you fertile, virgin, loyal pussy.
>but that ain't NAtuRaL lOSeR InCel
nature is that which survives and endures. If the new system of incels becomes the status quo, well tough fucking luck for chads & foids. They can either adapt & change their ways to survive or get eliminated from the genepool.
>there is no chad
You are a worthless tripfag. You aren't smart. You aren't deep.
how would you stop the maladaptive daydreaming though? i feel like if i did that id just think all day
>You are a worthless tripfag.
Fair enough.

>You aren't smart.
Objectively false. I have been professionally assessed as having Very Superior intellect. That said, human stupidity is universal, hence my posting on 4chan.

>You aren't deep.
Aw, but how can you know for sure until you plumb the depths of my ass, sweetheart? I bet I'd feel deep to your little hangnail, sweetie.
It's not about competing with every single other man on earth. It's about being the best version of yourself.
You can counter with "My best self can't compete with all the better men everywhere" or theorize about scenarios all day for no reason.
In the end, there's no argument against being the best version of yourself. The alternative is to rot by choice; to willfully be less attractive and than you could be an complain.

It's like saying you'll never earn a billion dollars so you should just be unemployed and homeless.
>It's not about competing with every single other man on earth
it kind of is though given the fact that the game of seeking mates is globalised.
>It's about being the best version of yourself.
which eventually boils down to geentic variance as you keep eliminating environmental variance.
>In the end, there's no argument against being the best version of yourself
never claimed men not to improoove. It's just that the exercise is misdirected. To think that a 5'7 manlet with thin wrist bones & naturally narrow shoulders is going to magically attract pussy after undergoing le self improoovement rigmarole is retarded, especially when the bare minimum requirement is 6'0. Men would be better off if they concentrated on improooving themselves so as to make the incel revolt a reality rather than deluding themselves that one fine day they'll garner genuine attention, attraction & love from young, fertile, low body count women. Btw, the standard self improvement advice given to men such as having a good career, being healthy, etc., is also what the revolution demands from it's revolutionaries. It's just that the revolution is not deluded to think that being the best version of yourself will give you your loyal, virgin looksmatch(smv match to be precise).
>It's like saying you'll never earn a billion dollars so you should just be unemployed and homeless.
strawmanning won't get you & your silly system far comrade.
The point is that a scale of 1-99% chance of failure is preferable to 100%.
I like how I can tell exactly when a thread is going to get derailed because some autists just can't keep their retardations to themselves
Incels are nothing more than future cannon fodder and I'm tired of having to pretend to like sharing this site with them. There's nothing more revolting than a grown man who bitches and complains about everything, That's strictly a female-coded trait, and a bad one at that. Grown men who whine about how tough life is need to be beaten until they shut up and learn.
This is also a gripe of mine, don't undermine an overall decent post by bring up pointless shit like that.
normalfags like you are cannon fodder for future incel mass shooters
TLDR worship women and do shit no normalfag with a girlfriend ever did (ie ask 10000 random women out)
Winning the special olympics is a real accomplishment though
it is
It depends on if you go online to actually debate people, or if you go online just to circlejerk your own opinions in echo chambers. If you do the former you'll get good at debating, but a lot of people just do the latter for years.
The truth is somewhere in the middle between this and the original post. Yes they may have had it easier than you and got shit handed to them, but they also DID put in a lot of actual hard work and their life wouldn't have been the same if they had not. And they also both have their own struggles and their own insecurities, even Chad and Stacy's lives aren't perfect, some of them are even just as miserable as you even though they have the looks and lots of sex. I've met them anon, I've met fit, handsome Chads who had sex with a different girl like every day and still were inches away from killing themselves. If you go out and actually talk to people you'll find out the incel view of life is incredibly narrow and black and white.
Normgroids have never had to try. Ask a normgroid how he met his gf and 9/10 the answer is "lol idk it just happened". Normgroids exist and the universe rewards them.
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>people who dont have problems dont have to solve problems!
>therefore I refuse to solve my problems
wow deep
Yes if you actually go outside and talk to people while not being aggressively boring and unlikeable, you will make friends and get girls. Unless you're like me and you deliberately sabotage every relationship (friendly or otherwise) before it's allowed to form because of mental illness.
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the avg man in the year of our lord 2024 is considered a subhuman loser even if he is virtuous, hardworking and compassionate if he happens to be below 90th percentile in the looks criteria, especially height & face. You sad pathetic little fucks can either say fuck it, flip the table & acquire a monogamous wife by force or continue rotting like low test losers you've always been. You fucks are an absolute disgrace to your viking ancestors who were incels themselves but managed to breed by brute force.
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This is why ADHD sucks so much, it is literally impossible to be motivated by a reward if you don't get it instantly if you have ADHD. It just doesn't happen, your brain doesn't give you the neurotransmitters when a neurotypical brain would. So you end up being inhumanly lazy and unmotivated while all the neurotypicals with functioning brains constantly shit on you for being such a lazy loser, and you'll end up believing them and deeply hating yourself.
Game-afying things helps with this. Do stuff in a way where you get immediate and quick feedback on what you're doing. Lists, mark progress, checkmarks etc -- total game changer for me
How can a retarded normalfag that never had problems give advice on how to solve problems?
Gamifying, I think.
It's gay-meafiffying
There are lots of work-arounds for this. Check out How to ADHD on YouTube for a lot of information.
The point is you're retarded if you spend time and energy getting mad at advice that isn't applicable to you rather than -- you know -- solving your problem.
Do you have the original image? It would look much better saved.
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This one should be enshrined atop this board
Yeah I know, but it still sucks and I wanted to vent
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You haven't missed much. I've been coming here since around 2006/2007. I had so many arguments when I was young. Lots on here, lots elsewhere. I lost a fair few, but I'd say I won probably around 75% of them. Honestly, it didn't change anything in my life for the better. Not once. People who say winning arguments on the internet is the same or worse than competing the Special Olympics are dead right. It's a pointless endeavour that yields nothing positive. At best you get to tell yourself you were right and you beat that other person. But then a day later you've forgotten than you even did it and you've gained nothing from it, anyway.
Foid go home
I understand.
it was all fucking bullshit and being intoxicated in the swirl of emotions.
I hated it then and I hate it now.
Though now I am at a point where I actively avoid that shit.
Still I have sexual desire and do still want pussy, even know I dont want a woman.
Best advice ever and I literally do just remember this image.
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If they know we are just pretending, why dont they outright tell us so we could stop doing it?
This one is the best advice that came out from 4chan, period. And the amount of coping responses to this post ranging from
And all the various projections people shit out to cope with it only confirms the value it holds. In other words
>they hated him because he told the truth
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based comradecel
>You can say the exact same words as a chad every single time, but shit sleep influencing your delivery , poor posture, and a number of other factors will ensure she never interprets it the same way. It also just doesn't look authentic.
Ultimately, I suspect most incels have some sort of extremely negative self talk that creates a vicious cycle. If you believe you're a loser, your delivery is going to come off as inauthentic compared to chad's. But it's hard to believe you're not a loser if women don't want you. Better sleep, more money, better hygenie, less time online and lifting can fight that a little, but I don't think they can completely offset it. You can be making 6 figures, running marathons and benching 2pl8 and still believe you're a loser because you've never had sex while the guy who smokes pot all day and lives with his mom is getting laid 3x a week.
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Stay away from BPD women. The one BPD girl I "dated" during high school was abused as a child, exposed to a toxic home, put on medication for hyperactivity since she was a child, hid that she was on psychiatric medication and drugs were a way for her to bypass the placidity of the medication. We had two phases with on and off episodes.

Phase one was that she wanted to be reunited with her friend group she knew since kindergarten (group 1) which she was kicked from, she was dissatisfied with her new group (group 2) as she was insecure about it and herself image and got her friend to tell me that she "liked me" and I ask her out she would say yes. She refused to be intimate, I backed off and instead sought to hug and hold hands with her - she still refused. She only wanted me to walk her home, sit with her during recess and lunch, and walked her. I was starting to doubt that she liked me, she sensed I was withdrawing and thought her group 2 friend she said she wanted to offer me everything on the coming Saturday. I waited for her outside and she brought her mother with her who shouted and scolded me. She rescheduled for the following week but she backed out over the phone. So she and friend arranged for us to kiss during lunch as I was on verge of ending it with her. I was excited for once in while, her group 1 and group 2 friends were there. We kissed, they watched us, we go to class, she sits with the "cool girl" of group 1 (which has not happened in 3 years!). While talking to the "cool girl" the "cool girl" starting writing a break up note which she threw at the back of the class and told my then "girlfriend" to run. She cited not being ready for a relationship.
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Pre-Phase two: 1 year later and after she was kicked from group 1 again for talking about me all the time. She joined group 3 thanks to me setting her up with some friends so she would stop going home at recess and lunch. She left group 3 as it was making her feel insecure and she joined group 4.

Phase 2: two years since the kissing incident and I thought to give it another try as she may have matured and if she refused that I would move on and forget about her. I confessed, she said that that she "loved me as a friend" (sadly I did not understand that very well at the time). I tried a few more times that month and at the end I said that it was up to her now if she wanted me. I liked another girl (in the year above us), that other girl liked another guy so I did not go anywhere. One day during literature, we were writing notes from the whiteboard and turns out she did not write that set of notes before they were erased by the teacher. I let her copy from my book. She comes back after 15-20 minutes, returns the book to me and kneels infront of me with her hands on her knees and head lowered. She said she wanted to talk to me after school. I thought that she was having a very tough time with something or someone (her friends from group 4 were not at school that day). I sympathise and agree. I meet her at the place I would usually meet her back when I used to walk her home, two years ago. So we meet, we chat about our day and our week so far. After laughing together at our homework due for the week and half way into her street I remind her that she wanted to talk to me about something. She looked serious and lowered her head. Her eyes towards the footpath and her feet; she says "what would you say if we got back together?". I paused and I recalled when she said that she liked me as a friend as well as reinforcing that she "loved me as a friend" and that I should move on. So I asked her about it....
>There are very few good arguments on this website
I don't understand why people say this. I have changed a lot of minds in arguments and have also changed my own mind several times in arguments on here.
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She said that she was shocked after I confessed and needed time to think and understand they way she felt about me. It seemed sensible to me. I ask her about the kissing incident and her breaking up with me two years ago. She said that she feels terrible about that and it was her friends that pressured her into breaking up with me. I probed further:
>"So you didnt like us kissing...!?"
>"No... I did its just it was getting too much for me and I panicked..."
>"You panicked after we kissed?"
>"It was just a lot of change for me in such a short time"
>"You got 'cool girl' to write in that note that you were not ready for a relationship, you did not think to stop her from doing that?"
>"I was overwhelmed and I didnt know what to do..."
>"You knew that was going to be break up..."
>"Look I am really sorry, okay? I feel terrible"
>"Does that mean you are ready for a relationship now or are you going to tell me in two months that you are not ready for one?"
>"I am sorry anon. Things will be different this time between us. It was also that my friends got involved. If we kept it a secret it would have been different"
>"Thats what you said two years ago after you got normie guy and normie girl to set us up for the second time that year and you told your friends about us when you said it was meant to be secret"
>"I am sorry, I will keep the secret this time."
>"How do you feel about me?"
>"I feel the same way you do..."
>Well, okay! I guess we are back together and we are going to make it work

I walk her home and say I will call her at the usual time. We talk it was great, I sleep knowing that I have a girlfriend and tomorrow I can see her again at school. We walked together after high school everyday and spoke on the phone a few times a week. Two weeks later at recess I notice she was sitting with group 4 in the field. The two girls looked serious and she had her head lowered, 5 minutes later her friends call me over to talk...
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I walk toward them, I look at them and concentrate on my then "girlfriend" whose head is lowered, almost mourning. "C" asks me whether me and my then "girlfriend" are going out (meaning if we are a couple), I say no we are not. "C" glances at my then "girlfriend", looks at me again and says your "girlfriend" says that you are. I paused, breathed and I was in suspense (it was like I was hearing the X-Files theme. I am like, Fox Moulder before he even met Dana Scully), I had flashbacks to two years ago... Just by the silence I knew that the knew about us. I look over to her
>"You told them!?"
>"They kept asking me about us...."
>"Why dont you guys just mind your own business and let her live her own life?"
>"C": "Dont worry we think that it is okay if you guys are..."
>"F": "We think that's cute. You dont have to keep it a secret"
>"We kept it a secret because her old friends got involved and broke us up when she still had feelings for me" (Oh dear...)
>"F": "We are not going to get involved, you guys do what you want"
>"C": "Yea its no-one's business"
>"Thats right it is no-ones business and its between me and her"
>"C": "We are happy for you both"
>"F": Yea.."
>"Okay, well I am going back to play sportsball"
I look to my then "girlfriend"
>"We are going to talk later..."
As I walk away I hear the following comment
>"C": What are you going to do about 'G'!!!???"
"G" sounded like a girls name, I did not know the significance of that name. It was a year too soon.

Later came and went, I was walking her home again after school.
>"Can you tell me why you told them when you said you would not tell anyone!? I didnt tell anyone about us."
>"Calm down, they are not going to do anything. You heard what they said..."
>"Can we trust them?"
>"Yeah, they are not deviant"

I walk home concerned (the ambience was like Solid Snake during the intro of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty). The next step was for me to proceed gradually with some intimacy...
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Again there were issues with intimacy like there were two years ago. Not even holding hands, we hugged a few times so it was a small improvement. She again did not want to meet outside of school in case someone saw us (???) and that her parents are strict. I even suggested for me, her and friends to hang out after school over the phone.
>"That is girl time..."
>"...!? So if that is girl time when is it our time then?"
>"We have school, you walk me home and we talk on the phone"
>"You dont want to go to *big mall*, *local shopping village*, movies, to the park, a walk around the block or even meeting at the street corner for a bit?"
>"Someone might see us and my parents are very strict"
>"I know, you told me that two year ago..."
>"Okay, so? Why are you asking me again."
>What do you mean so? Are we just going to sit during recess, walk you home and talk on the phone while you can meet and do whatever you want with your friends?"
>*She gasps*
>"If you dont like it find someone else"
>"How do you feel about me?"
>"I feel the same way you do..."
>"You say you feel the same way you do and say to me if I dont like it to find someone else. I never said that to you"
>"Look I am sorry, okay. Lets just take it slow"
>"Alright... just so know it matter to me the way you feel not so much that we do stuff so I can take it slow with you and have been taking it slow and I will take it slow"
It was like Dawsons Creek without any of the juicy scenes. And, I thought I was doing a noble thing.

I let it go for a couple of weeks, I try to initiate intimacy on and off. I realise that I am the one making the phone calls whereas she would not call me for days. Not only was I being overly careful I was also the one to initiate the calls as well. "F" had a birthday coming up soon, she told us during lunch. Interestingly, no mention of her inviting me nor including me in their plans. The then "girlfriend" did not dispute that...
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I later asked her over phone which I, of course, called her that time. She said
>"Its "F" birthday and its going to be all girls."
>"Wouldnt it be fun if you could have me there with you and we can hang out together with 'F' and 'C'?"
>"Its just that its a girl party"
On and on
A few nights later and a few days before "F"'s birthday, I, of course, call her.....
>"I know you said its going to be all girls. You can hang out with 'F' and 'C' at 'F''s place and we can all meet up later"
>"Sigh... alright I'll ask her."
>"Is it really that hard?"
So during lunch the next day "F" turns to me an says
>"Sorry anon, I just want it to be the girls. I know you wanted to be with 'so-called girlfriend' but its just the girls"
She looks over to her smiling deviantly, she reciprocates a deviant smile. I was aghast and rethinking the whole "relationship" from day one and even two years ago.
The day of "F"'s birthday comes on a Saturday, interestingly they get on the bus. I was returning from a shopping centre which I met friends there, they already went home. We greeted each other and I was about to get off and I said "have fun"; "thank you" they said.

Monday, recess
>"So where did you girls go that day?"
>"F": "We went to the city, walked around for a bit, went to *place of interest* and got some food"
"F" recalls the stories, particularly when they were getting food. "C" was just reacting. At some point "F" looks at the then so-called girlfriend and said
>"OMG, 'G' is so funny and nice"
She looks at my then"girlfriend", grinning like she was about to pee herself and so did she.
>"Who is 'G'?"
"C" was uncomfortable, looking at "gf" as if she was meant to act as they discussed beforehand.
>"gf": "Its this girl that we know..."
"F" and "C" about to chuckle while looking at her
>"What? You never told me about her what school does she go to?"
>"gf": She goes to an all girl school?"
>Is it girl school 1? Girl school 2? Girl school 3?"
>"gf": "Its girl school 3?"
Damn man that's crazy
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>"Maybe I can meet 'G' one day..."
Panic and shock. They try to remain calm
>"F": "She is very busy with study so we meet her when she is free"
>"How did you meet her?"
>"F": "Friend of a friend"
The next week the three of them were planning to do work experience at the primary school "F" and "C" went to. I suggest that me and her do work experience at the primary school her and I went to - she refused. I then asked if she would want me to join them so the four of us can do it together. She said that it was late to do so and they only wanted girls there (???). She did tell me that we can meet up during her break. Finally, some progress after all that hassle. We did meet and had McDonalds together. Her brother's friend was also there, apparently he had a crush on her and beeped his horn as he was leaving. We were to meet again two days later, this time with her friends.
>"gf": We will talk tomorrow. 'F' and 'C' are going to be there."
I see them in the distance, I wave and they did not wave back to me. They go into KFC. I texted "gf"
>"You didnt see me waving at you?"
>*No answer*
>What the fuck....
They were in there for 15-20 minutes, no line. They were just talking to some guy at the counter. I thought he was apologising about the wait for their food. At some point they all laugh at the same time. It was eerie. It was like I was in another world, like a dream of some sort. The Twilight Zone theme could have played. They come out with their food and finally they were approaching me. "Gf" texts me back
>"Sorry I didnt see you..."
We meet and go to the park and chat. We later farewell each other. A nice gathering I thought. We meet again on the Friday, just me and her. We go to this seating area and we talk. I try to initiate contact by putting my arm around her as I thought it was an intimate moment. Suddenly
>No! no! no!
I backed off paused and try slowly, she taps me on the head. I stop completely and reflect on the relationship..
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Next week after the work experience we return to school. I sit with her at school, walk her home and talk on the phone.
>She starts talking to me about other guys flirting with her (outside of the school)
I was furious, I thought about overnight and call her the next day
>"If you want to talk about other guys maybe we should not be together"
>Mockingly "Are you jealous?"
>"Seriously, you talk to me about other guys and expect me to be okay with it?"
>"I didnt know you were that jealous"
>"I am hanging up now"
>I did
The next day her friends help us make up, emotionally anyway. "Gf" also said she was getting me a gift for my birthday which I was excited about. On the day she gave me chocolate and birthday card with good wishes and a note of "love always". I was so happy and touched. She said
>"Alright" dont get too exited"
Next week as I was playing Gran Turismo 3 on Clubman Route 11 with a 400R she tells me that she was to break up because she wants to have fun and enjoy life. I feld cold. I pleaded. She didnt want to do anything else. I call her friends "F" acts dumb
>"Did she break up with youuuuu?"
"C" said
>"Her friend got into an accident and its bothering her"
The next day she was back with group 1. I did try to get back with her. A year later I see her in a car with a guy after school. I told a mutual friend about it exgf denied everything. It was not until after a few months that group 1 got to know about "G" and so did I.

I did not know it then, "G" was the guy that group 4 ("F" and "C") were talking about being at "F"'s party. He was the socalled girl from girl school 3. "Exgf" had a boyfriend all along and group 4 was covering for her and she again got back with group 1 who now merged with group 4. She was insecure about her boyfriend who was a funny looking guy, he did come from a wealthy family and went to an all boys school. Turns out "G" was working with "F" at the KFC since at least (I suspect) late year 9....
"Exgf" and I had phase 1 in year 8 and phase 2 in year 10. I suspect that "F" introduced "G" to "Exgf" late in year 9 and they were dating as early as the first quarter of year 10 (if not late year 9), the latest the same month as "F" and my birthday. There was a mixed reaction by group 1. "Exgf" one day accused me of sexual harassment a few days after we were flirting because I stood up to her for being a bitch. I was saved by my classmates, lucky because the guys in our year were major simps. "Exgf" feared that she would be kicked from group 1 again and that another girl in our year would become my girlfriend (she didnt, different story). So, she again tried to get her to get back with me and floated the idea to her friends. Even prospected talking my family name and her friends calling her by her first name and my last name. I refused all her attempts. Turns out after high school she had sex with "G" in the change rooms of her work and was caught in the act by her manager.

She has been keeping tabs on me for years and tried to rekindle feelings by mutual friends. She is now a single mum and last year a former classmate tried to rekindle and set us up. I refused again, I gave her so many chance and deliberately wasted them without apology.

Sorry for the blog everyone, it helps me to vent and recall. Last year I had a feeling that someone was going to ask me about her. And I have the same feeling now.

Moral of the story is when a girl actually likes you it is so much better rather than having you to get "something". I also avoided being the betabux, the guy she settles down with. Be careful.

I will just post the remaining images. Thank you all. Take care
>pointing out the truth in response to bait is coping

OK retard.
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Therapy red pill
Current dating red pill
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Revenge red pill
These are good and should be reread daily
there is therapy for men that is basically just coaching and then making you go out and experience things through your own actions though... it's called CBT and it works. all therapy isn't talking psychoanalysis bullshit
what are you supposed to do? i thought i was just being their friend?
have sex
>If they know we are just pretending, why dont they outright tell us so we could stop doing it?
In my observation, it's because they're trying very hard not to engage at all. There's no telling how a person is going to react to getting rejected.

>what are you supposed to do?
It depends on your goal.

>i thought i was just being their friend?
Being a girl's friend has nothing to do with that post. What do you care if your friend knows that you're a tryhard virgin?
Bullshit from someone who doesn't understand therapy.

Actually valid point about marketing dating over monogamy. But it's just fucking marketing.

Retarded take. Hating others is poisoning yourself. Revenge is a waste of time and energy, giving power to the version of your "enemy" that lives in your head.
My definition of an enemy is a person in your life that needs to be removed from your life. That's it.
True. Even a lot of adults act like this.
>I've coached incels before irl and they'll tell you they were making polite conversation, but when you listen to what they're saying to a girl in front of you, the girl looks like she wants to kill herself because he's in the rattiest, ugliest, least fitting T-shirt and cargo pants combo he owns, he's monologuing about the history of bakugan recited from some video essayist, and he hasn't listened to a word she's said about anything.

Yeah and this is why "it doesn't matter what you say or how you present yourself" is BS advice. It absolutely fucking matters, it's how you get seemingly ugly but very charismatic guys whom people, including attractive girls, enjoy being around and being with. It's also why cold approach is getting such a bad rap nowadays too because you have a gazillion retards going out there and not giving a single shit about how they come off because "it doesn't matter bro, she knows in the first 5 seconds whether she likes you or not bro", etc.
I think the ugoo, charismatic guys atleast have a good, deep voice and nice tempo to smooth talk their way through. Voicepill is truly underrated
voicepill? You guys are just making shit up at this point.
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No one actually helps him out of the car, and he doesn't have that experience to know what the fuck that means.

This is a parable about the cruelty of those who alrwady know.
I didn’t say there were none. Just very few. Look around, most “arguments” here are basically just people flinging shit at each other.
I have had some truly enlightening discussions here as well, but they are few and far between, especially these days.
I'm not schooler.

I've been told to not approach them at thier job.
To not approach at public spaces.
To not approach at events.

I've been told by a college attendee, that they where going to college to look for a husband.

Where am I supposed to approach, when they themselves go to school for thier own imaginary potential relationships?
CBT is literally the most scientifically validated form of clinical psychotherapy, but sure, laugh about it.
You're not supposed to approach, you're supposed to use the circumstances to talk to them. Ang circumstances where they're near you or might interact with you in some way. If she replies, go with that unless she's in a hurry, so be calibrated
> Walking through a crowded or confined space next to you
Say something about it or ask if she can pass you
> She looks at you for more than 3 seconds
Just be warm and say hey
> You're talking with friend or friends and a girl sitting near you looks like she's listening to the conversation
Find a way to include her in that, could be as easy as pausing and looking at her so she can speak or asking about something related
> You already know her from work or whatever and see her on the street walking, looking relaxed and not in a hurry? Wave her and say hey, start talking about something, invite her for a smoke
Humor works in some circumstances if you're in the mood for it. Ask a girl who dropped something if she's feeling alright, if she's eating ask do you need help with that, if she's walking a dog say you're scared to pass by because of her dog, whatever you say, say it like you're joking with a kid
Some chick who works bank security asked me if I need help and I told her sorry I'm scared of talking to you because you've got a gun, she laughed and we ended up chatting for a few minutes
You'll have more success if you're light hearted
>the fact that people keep writing elaborate counter-arguments to it only confirms that it's the truth
Tf kind of cheap circular reasoning is that lmao
>cock & ball torture is literally the most scientifically validated form of clinical psychotherapy
Bait used to be believable
So I should torture and kill my mother, and then track down all my old bullies and torture and kill them as well? And this will end up making my life better?
Approaching as a concept is a bad mental model. it assumes two things that cripple incels:
>It's something you need to do in the first place, because you aren't already embedded in spaces where women are expected, common, and your participation with them is a given, and
>"Approaching" is special enough to have a name because it's an abnormal activity for you that you need some kind of special plan for, rather than your natural state of life, because you aren't naturally being friendly, introducing yourself, and flirting/trying to befriend all the men and women around you

You win when you violate these assumptions. Focus on how you're going to change the way you NATURALLY interact with people. You want women all around you on a regular basis, where you regularly talk and flirt with them, and it's not at all a special or uncommon moment that you'd need a name or plan for. Your odds of finding partners increases WILDLY when women being around in your life, both as friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and ultimately lovers, is a mundane and common life experience for you.
In practice, what usually happens is he refuses to acknowledge that he doesn't know. It plays exactly like the story. How many threads where guys ignore all advice and keep asking for what *else* they can do, looking for one magical trick.

And sometimes people have the right advice but are shit at teaching.
>I've been told to not approach them at thier job.
It's fine except:
A. Be VERY aware when they're forced to be in one location, like a cashier.
B. Be VERY aware that cashiers and especially waitresses are *paid* to be pleasant. Take the slightest sign of disinterest as a cue to cut your losses and fuck off. Seriously. I never bothered with waitresses.
C. Never chat them up when they're busy working. If they're idle or bored, then maybe.

>To not approach at public spaces.
Retarded. It's fine.

>To not approach at events.
Social events are made for socializing.

>You're not supposed to approach, you're supposed to use the circumstances to talk to them.
I consider this approaching.
The idea of stopping some busy woman walking on the street is insane.
You see an idle woman, find some excuse to use as an icebreaker, and then you start chatting. If she's disinterested, you smile and fuck off.
That's approaching.

>You'll have more success if you're light hearted
This. There's no investment. It's not serious or important. Keep it light and casual.

>naturally being friendly, introducing yourself, and flirting/trying to befriend all the men and women around you
This is also a good way to look at it.
I just default to it automatically.
Smart but it’s crazy how none of those dates lasted. Does nobody settle anymore?
Can you guys post moar plz
Some of the advice, namely about self empowerment as a man, is good. The chuddy "women are just le doggos" and the occult nonsense are dogshit, though.
>noooo you can't get blowjobs because le feminine energy will make you gay
Fucking retarded occult nonsense.
so like, this was all in high school or
cuz thats not bpd and you need to grow up
I went to a concert and someone struck up conversation with me while I was standing in a the merch line. Just go outside. I am not a woman
The Howie threads were something different
I don't think it's meant to be taken too literally. I don't believe in any supernatural shit, but I get what he's saying.
>No one actually helps him out of the car,
The irony is people here trying to forcibly drag anons out of their cars all the time and it's met with open hostility and they just screech louder.
You should have told your mother to fuck off and fought your bullies when the time was right rather than let your resentments fester and turn into trauma. Too late now, nigger. It won't make you feel better to put your alzhimers mother in a home or kneel on the spine of the bully who doesnt even remember you.
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Its is BPD, she was on medication and the behaviours indicate BPD. I am fine, I refuse any contact with her despite her efforts. You need to simp less, especially for twisted girls. Fuck you.
This is literally not true.
Unironically this
Kill all whores and manwhores too aswell
No degenerate should be left alive as they don't even procreate
Replace women with robowaifus and a new genetically engineered breed if new women
While I feel no hatred towards women the same way I cannot hate a dog for being a dog
The dog is not essential for procreation
>I've met fit, handsome Chads who had sex with a different girl like every day and still were inches away from killing themselves.
Another anon
Can confirm this too
Sex becomes mundane for them
So it becomes meaningless
They are still degenerates and should be killed on sight of course
>go outside and talk to people
People like you should be skinned and burned alive
You know perfectly well in this society something like this is not something viable anymore like it was in the past
ADHD affected retard
It's unfathomably bad
I know I may eventually get it
I'm literally aware of it
And yet?
Can't bring myself to do it
I just cannot do it
It's fucking ridiculous
What should I do anons?
Should I get myself diagnosed?
Ask for invalidity or shiet?
It's beyond bad anons
I appreciate anon laying out his views on women so comprehensively. As a bi bottom who doesn't really have anyone to talk to about homo shit, I'm glad someone finally put into words how I view my sexuality. I've been trying to explain this stuff to my partner. I'm a guy, always will be, but I see myself as a sort of woman to him. I dislike sucking his dick when he's just laying on his back and not doing anything. It's much different when he makes me suck it and face fucks me. What I desire is when he's taking a proactive role, particularly when he makes me feel small and vulnerable. I want to surrender myself to him, mind, body, and soul. I'm not really into any kinks. I'm not into humiliation or other weird BDSM stuff. I simply want to feel fucked like a bitch. I want him to pin me down and make me submit to his dick.

Obviously, I disagree with anon that having too much "passive" or "feminine" "energy" can harm your body. I've never been with a woman, but I think I would be able to satisfy one sexually, precisely because it's the same kind of stimulation I expect from men I've been with.
These people should be tortured for weeks then burned alive
Stock niggers deserve their eyes gouged out and their limbs torn apart
I swear if I ever become a war lord post ww3 I will pour molten gold and silver inside their throats
I'm not doing that
Waste of my time
And no I don't want your chitchat or be invited at your parties or shit
People are boring shits no matter how you try to spin it
> People are boring shits no matter how you try to spin it
NTA but that's a you problem
See I recently started working at a new job, it's a mixed bunch, boomers, late 20s like me and some kids fresh out of trade school but everyone gets along
One 19 year old guy seemed like a weirdo, quiet, talks in a weird tone, wears goofy glasses and isn't good at his job
I worked with him today, it's like he's w different person, know why? He chilled the fuck out and it turns out he's actually a really cool guy, not autistic, knows how to joke and throw shit around, isn't nervous around women as much as I expected etc
Even I made a wrong conclusion based on the first impression from that kid and I'm generally not judgemental.
2 lessons here:
1) first impressions matter
2) slow the fuck down and chill out
It might sound gay, but human interaction really is about the emotions we share
>be born a creature maximally optimized and evolved to eliminate energy expenditure
>successfully optimize self out of breeding pool
>gotta save that energy
Is this... the ultimate life form?
I can see what picrel means but I honestly find it hard to believe that a girl 7/10 or above would ever give me the time of day so I don't see any choice but to settle for chubby, insecure girls as much as I don't want to. Living as a Chad must be a completely different experience.
So what about le revenge redpill then?
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NTA but two things:
There are lots of ways to get legal revenge that aren't murder and torture, I'm not going to give specifics but quit being an edgelord,
>>32262036 is right that you missed your window for legitimate revenge, and furthermore, your chosen forms of revenge suck ass both morally and consequentially.

People, in some abstract sense, are basically animals, and when punishing an animal, there are two properties a good punishment has:
>the punishment is SIMILAR IN MAGNITUDE with the action, and
>the punishment is given PROMPTLY
For the same reason beating your dog if they walked a bit too fast on a walk would be cruel and unjust, if you want revenge, it should be similar in magnitude to the actions that invited it. With former bullies you've long stopped interacting with, they probably did what they did when they were young, and most young bullies are just very rude or violent in childish and ineffective ways that don't sum to much. When this is the case, coming back on them with extraordinary violence, instead of only slightly more effective rudeness or violence similar in kind to their actions, would not be reasonable.

Secondly, the punishment should be given promptly. For the same reason if your dog took a shit on your floor while you were at work, and hours later you grab it and shove your dog's nose in it, it's cruel because they don't really understand oremotionally feel a link between your revenge and the behavior they did? It's the same with people. People flatter themselves but unironically they aren't substantially more evolved than dogs emotionally: If your goal is to change someone's behavior meaningfully or make them feel moral weight through revenge, you have very limited time windows to act. So, for example, if you've got a bully who hits you, at least morally, most people will sympathize if you swing back within, like, 2 weeks - but past that, reasonable minds want you to move on, and you should.
The bible.
Honestly the anime girl pics are a stale meme and kind of just signals mental illness now.
probably true, but i still regret not asking her out. for lack of experience if nothing else.
You have to be over 18 to be here
to you and the op of picrel: thank you so much.
i've been following some of the advice and I genuinely believe that after a time of sticking with it, it will alter the course of my entire life
Dunno, man, those armless swimmers can swim way better than me.
actually not care
Works for seem too
nice blogpost
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Almost anything by Aquinas
good collection anon
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Bullshit. Socializing at university works only if you are like 20 years old or if you have the maturity of a 20-year-old. I'm 27 and back in uni. I'm studying MechEng. I have little to nothing in common with ~95% of my classmates. They are extremely immature and have no work or study ethics.

I'm doing great academically and I'm at the the top of my class, but being a non-traditional student is a lonely experience.
Two things:
1. Please, do not feed the Schooler schizo
2. unrelated to the conversation, but how to get gud at math or studying in general? I went through highschool without building the good work ethic you mentioned. Also, I'm s perfectionist which makes me procrastinate a lot of important tasks
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>he doesnt have 50tb of pig speech bubble pngs to instantly win an argument
>le revolution larp
>in 2024
>over looks of all things
ORRrr you can just restore patriarchal society like every civilization that wants to last and mysteriously, all of these complaints vanish in smoke.
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None of this advice works

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