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/adv/ - Advice

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Things are on the mend, boys.
I'd just say something dumb like "I wish you never gave me so many chances" while silently wishing you'd come back again. I'm an addict of my very thoughts themselves and you're the poor bastard on the recieving end of them. This must prove that I'm hopeless. There was nothing I could do then if there's nothing I can do now. Sorry if you ever find anything I've written. I should've just written and burned it.

pick one, /adv/.
I've been friends with this person for about 7 months now and for the past month they've been really distant, I'll be lucky to get a short reply once every three days or them asking if they can call me and then just not doing it. I feel pretty shitty about what I consider to be the friendship ending but then I remember that there are people out there who have had year-long friendships end out of nowhere and that makes me think that what I'm going through isn't too bad despite how shit it makes me feel.
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I hate group interviews so fucking much. What a miserable experience for someone with an inferiority complex. I'm glad I get to talk about my experience after the 22 year old with a PhD. Fuck you.
have eboys gotten uglier or am i on a losing streak
>cool dude, get along well
ugly as fuck
>badass voice, speaks my langauge
ugly as fuck
>phd student smart cool sexy voice
ugly as fuck
i need to not ask boys to face reveal anymore ive been nothing but disappointed this month
My roommate and her boyfriend were drunk and high this past weekend, and fucking on the couch that I bought. I was already upset about that, coming home and seeing that happening, but they didn't even stop despite my being there. And then her boyfriend, who is still drunk and high and naked mind you, went into the kitchen while I was in there unloading my groceries, grabbed me by the waist, and kissed me open mouth on the lips. Except he'd also been going down on her, so now I know what my roommate's pussy tastes like.

I have been feeling absolutely numb since Saturday. That's not something that just rolls off. I've been angry and confused and embarrassed to the point I don't feel anything. It's so awkward living here now.
i can barely hang on anymore, my cat is dying and I wish you were here to help me through this

but you aren't, you left me during something worse...
Is the "them" a woman and you a male?
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>Girl likes me, I match with her
>We chat for a while but can't get a date together because she works odd hours
>She has a family trip coming up, so I pull back from the texting so she can focus on family time
>Three days into her trip, she ghosts me
Why tf do I bother waiting over a week and send a follow-up text or two before giving up when these women can't go three days before straight-up ghosting? It's not like she was any sort of initiator, either. I was almost always the one asking questions and sending messages.
Does therapy, at some point, become counter intuitive? Or am I doing the right thing seeing my cute therapist and just talking about stuff, while we drink coffee? She's made me want a girlfriend, but also made me realize I wouldn't last 3 weeks with a girl because even the therapist is confused about my personality (and I can see that I've given her the ick at one point, but quickly get her interest back)
>Match, along with 400 other guys, with girl on Tinder
>"Noo she was flakey"
Bullet avoided. Move on.
I just lost my job. They attempted to justify it with bullshit claims like "lack of communication" despite the fact I was always on time, answered every message immediately, and I know for a fact I wasn't the one forgetting everything: my manager was. I'm just feeling pissed and defeated.
I don't have any comforting words for you but I see you. I believe you'll get past this and end up better off. I know that doesn't make it any better right now though.
It's been two months and I still can't get over being cucked
You're the only person who cares about the insignificant details of my life and the only person I can be myself with. I love you.
My webnovel has 165 followers for 400k words written. Wish I could crank those numbers up but maybe my next novel will be more successful.
tell them anon
i just want to end it.
broke up with my bf today and feel sad
why do you wanna end it, anon?
On the outside you are weeping, cool as a kitten in your mind. What's beneath the surface layers, is a two faced smiling clown, and you're a little worried. You are a candy corn. A slice of melting cheese. Your crust is a baby pelican. And I know you wanted the drawing to be of me. But it's you (not the writer who is posting this, haha grow up loser)
my first kiss was with a slut but I lost my virginity with another virgin. I still feel bad about my first kiss though. it was good at the time but now it disgusts me quite a bit
why am I like this? relax anon.
do I break no-contact or kms? please someone tell me, it's been a couple months and I don't think I can take it anymore...
I realized some years ago that i am actually a victim of SA, by a relative who was like 4/5 years older than me. and like the michael jackson style the way the kids were into it, i was too.. and i remember being sad when this faggot asked me to stop? its fucking horrifying to memorize all this shit. but the effects it leaves on a person, mentally? i hope to god that those incidents didnt leave a mental, physical impact on my whole life, my personality and psychologically, I was a promescous person since I was born desu always liked girls since I was like 3/4 and that sa thing started way later in life. ive been thinking about it more lately after watching the menendez brothers documentary. my biggest regret in life is changing schools at my own wish because a friend of mine was leaving how fucking retarded i was, it was a IV LEAGUE type shit school and i downgraded and so did the status of my life, in a fucking dirt poor school with all these other people i hate who didnt think like me, act like me or could ever be as good as i was then. it ruined me beyond belief. i am 24 now and jobless, i hate myself, have lost a lot of weight from being a fat fuck but nowhere close to how i want to look, parents judge me and borderline hate me if I dont start earning right away, i have no discipline, i feel shame for being me, i fucking hate how i am losing hair daily, even if it was a normal shedding it ruins my whole day, i have had been in many relationships but believe it or not i am still a fucking virgin, breaks ups and all has taken a tollll aghhh i hate my life i wish i could go back and not change schools, i was popular, played football, had many friends in that school, had a whole gang, girls liked me, and i left for a fucking friend who i didnt even talked to after that what the fuck i hate it i hate it here. i am a coward.
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The thing is everyone call themselves eboys these days and most of them are average looking guys.
When you find a cool guys your expectations are higher and you expect to find an attractive face backing up the cool personality but it ends up being an average guy, women don't find average looking guys physically attractive.
fuck anon i rather break no contact than kms
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I have issues understanding people in almost any meaningful way so I have issues talking to people, much less understanding them or forming relationships with them. I also have a really hard time controlling my emotions because I feel things very strongly. Whenever I try to talk to someone about what’s going on with me, i’m not taken seriously and i’m mocked. I’ve been depressed for 20 fucking years because I don’t know how to handle how i’m feeling. I feel unloved and the thought of being loved makes me sick. I’m having so many dark thoughts regarding myself recently that feel “close to the surface”, so to speak, and i’m scared. I don’t know what to do.
Unless it's high-fantasy, you should not have a book that long. What website are you publishing on?
>dad sexually abused me as a child/teenager
>he's gonna be at my brother's wedding
>told my brother about it, he more or less brushed it off. Mom basically said it's his wedding and his choice so you're gonna have to deal with it
>can't skip because it's my mom's version of the superbowl and if I skip she will resent it forever
>mentally preparing myself to be ready if he tries to speak with me because thinking about being in the same room as him makes me feel like I'm going to have a heart attack
>brother's fiancee now wants us to all be introduced at the same time, so we'd walk in together and stand in extremely close proximity while everyone watches
Oh my fucking God why are you doing this. Who the hell has ever done this at a wedding? It's YOUR wedding fuck fuck fucking why.
Give your brother an ultimatum. Either you invite him or you don't go. Tell your mom to fuck herself if she gets mad about it.
*don't invite him
NOT gonna do drugs today
but what if he tells me to kms again, this time I know I'll do it now that my cat is dying too
i was never religious but i cared about this woman so much that i prayed hourly when she caught covid and lost her sense of taste. her favorite hobby was cooking and her bitch aunt decided to go on vacation with her while she had it. i was very scared. it sucks that those things don't matter at all. you either have it or you don't, even if she tricks herself into wanting a relationship with you. she never had it in her to value me in any way and i hate her for it. it has been a year and i am still just as hateful as i was on the day of the breakup. i can't enjoy my hobbies anymore, i stopped pursuing a degree in social work, it's become physically hard to speak, and i have no patience anymore. i feel like i've become my dad
I bet you're mid as fuck as well, which is why you're attracting so many ugly guys. They all think you're in their league. Which says something because guys are far less judgmental than women.
and you didn't fuck your roommate because? That was an open invitation to join in. You're an absolute fag.
Palestine supporters are dumb as fuck. They just makeup numbers, say "dead children." and "muh genocide", give quotes by a dumb cunt named Francesca Albanese who is on an arab think tank that gets paid to try to make muslims look as good as possible, and completely ignore that the reason Hamas is in power in the first place is that palestinians are islamic extremists that were caught on video celebrating 9/11 and more than 75% of them think oct7th was a justified TERRORIST attack.

People are literally supporting terrorists now. What the fuck happened to the world. There is a reason why nations that have dealt with islam support the destruction of hamas and hezbollah. 9/11 and chalie hebdo make the US and France absolutely despise muslims.

Basically fuck muslims and the people that support them. You're all fucking retarded for defending a group of people that actively hate you and want to see you all killed (if you're a westerner that is).
People saying shit like "Hitler was right" and "Just read the teachings of bin laden" have shown up in my social media recently as well. People are on the side of nazis and terrorists now, apparently.
It's high fantasy, publishing on Royalroad.
Because I'm a girl? Bro you go work a full shift, go to the grocery store, come home, and as you come in tired and exhausted from the day, have your roommate's sperm thrown on your face. Then you can tell me how I should think. I did NOT need to know what her vagina tastes like. Its fucked me up for days now
Then you just need more marketing. Post samples here and there, post screengrabs on X, and shit, try to shill it on /lit/. That board sucks anyway.
Life is such a scam. I did not ask to be born. And if I want to leave I'm not offered any options by society, only painful unreliable ways. Also dealing with the thoughts of what will happen to my family members because society has brainwashed them that life is a good thing. It's all so tiresome.
I've been in an open relationship for 12 years. A few days ago, my partner told me they want to change our agreement and move towards full commitment. They said we need to fix our relationship and ourselves (due to depression, suicidal thoughts, and attempts by both of us), for the sake of our child. An open relationship can't function if there are problems at home.

I had to make a choice: either try to fix my family or eventually lose it because it's beyond saving—or even worse. I chose my family. What made this even more difficult was telling the other person I had been seeing for almost a year. There are deep feelings involved—I had essentially saved them from suicide. The news was devastating for them; it felt like a pure nightmare. They fought back, begged, and even suggested cheating. They love me, and I love them, but I love my family more.

Now, they are suicidal, and they might actually go through with it. I feel responsible. I hate myself.
So me and wife love each other. We both are the clingy possessive type and get jealous easy. We both are physically attracted to each other and have an active sex multiple times a week. I am in-theory banned from fapping but will still edge occasionally. both being heterosexual, just because we are in a monogamous doesn't mean we stop being attracted to other people. I know a few other couples our age - late 20s early 30s - and they are all kind of 'meh.' I mean sometimes the women are a little hot or whatever but nothing that would turn my head or make me want to give up our monogamy.

Yet I do know one Hispanic couple that's our age. they are so conventionally attractive that I wouldn't mind swinging with them. Like I wouldn't even care if the dude railed my wife if I got to rail his wife. Everything goes back to normal after, done. we stay in loving relationship.

I wonder if my wife ever has similar thoughts and fantasies. It's a thought I can never entertain with her because there is a good chance she'd freak out and get angry or be heartbroken. But I know her pretty good and I also know deep down that despite the inevitable posturing there's a part of her that would jump on the opportunity if given the chance and wouldn't really care or be offended by it at at all. And would enjoy it.

I can't even entertain the idea as a fun conversation like "if you had a pass at a celebrity who would you pick?" sort of thing.
The problem is, as I said, I know a lot of this is just hysterical posturing and in-fact there are celebrities and actors she'd like to fuck if given the chance despite us being married if she knew it wouldn't damage the relationship. Of course this thing would need to be two-sided and fair to both of us.

I like that she's into me and what we have. I'm just saying though that this couple is so very attractive and we both know it. And it's not like they offered or anything or even would. Just saying as a fancy "imagine this, lol."
To be clear, I wouldn't do it and think i'd be heartbroken myself. I'd hate to lose what we have. This is just as a sort of sexual fantasy scenario.
Couldn't have said it better
When a 30 year old hair dresser flips out because you don't play along with her flirting(?) so now she no longer wants you as her customer, is she normal or is she a certain type of person? I'm (31 male) new to dating so I don't know
This is a lot of thinking and text over basically just saying you wanna fuck another person besides your wife whioe also saying it would make you sad if it did happen but it makes you horny
Now just think what it'd be like if you were immortal.
It would be much better because if people were immortal I think it would necessarily have to be much more accepted in society to kys so I wouldn't have to worry about my family and just go ahead with it.
You're a fucking retard lmao.
More like
>I think this person is hot and if I thought with my dick I wouldn’t mind swinging with the couple, all things being even at that point since both of them are very attractive. But I love my wife and I think with my heart, so I’d never do it. I just think this is a rather lighthearted sexual fantasy so don’t agree with the inevitable posturing my wife would say because she probably feels the same way deep down but I’m not gonna fuck around and find out.
Wait did you have another relationship with that suicidal person? Isn't that already cheating? Anyways why save a suicidal person like that?
It really bothers me when people say
>if he knew how much pain he would cause to those around him he wouldn't have done it
What about his pain though? Does it not matter? His choice to live or die? Is he just supposed to be a hostage to life because your emotional state matters more for some reason?
Humans are selfish creatures. I agree with you
What kind of insignificant details?
I’m slowly turning into a member of normie flock, and I’m a bit scared
Hell’s deafening silence approaches me!
Feeling defeated. I got a casual worker contract from an industry I'm quite interested in, but after my first shift, my line manager hasn't contacted me since. It's clear that they probably won't put me on shift again unless they're hugely understaffed (which is probably never) because I lack the experience and knowledge to do some of the work there.
I really want to turn this into a career but it seems like I have to look for something long-term.
Quick blab it away blvlgoblblbpblblbbpblblbplblbllalaallalalalalalallal
I can't do it, I've lost too much and you're just gone, not giving a shit
jews are worse
i shouldnt have said anything and just been more in the affirmative in denying that. there were tons of tabs open, some white some black. i'm very paranoid. i needed to see about audio. at the same time, or close afterward, i'm checking social media. Of course there were matches for content the next day or near, everything was found digging through forums with a lot of random content, but the accounts they came from werent what i expected, as in the breadth of it was much wider than i thought. Yes, frankly there's a morbid curiosity, but i do like calling myself a researcher. That's mainly what I am, neet reseacher. it's blatantly obvious i dont normally do that, nor am I 'one of them' to me at least and my history. I'm sorry, sorry that i did that. Through that i was able to determine though the level of network compromise hypothetically, hypothetically as I can never be exactly sure that network compromise is what's occurring without proper IDS which i wasnt able to perform, but it really was not worth it either way it seems like. This is really meant for clarification for any responsible people.
I don't think I'll ever get someone good to marry me now that I'm bald. It's probably just better to stop going out and focus on saving for retirement now.
I wish there was a cure for loneliness and, especially, depression. Why should I feel so bad, for over 15 years, because it's so difficult for me to make friends whom I can trust? Why should I feel so lonely through highschool, university, and my professional life? And why should loneliness affect my work?

I wish it wasn't so difficult to end ones life. What I hate the most is the social stigma surrounding it. If I'm miserable living, why do people want me to stay miserable? It makes no sense.
I'm so hungry.
Idk what I want anymore
I'm terrified to lose her, but I'm sick of her
I know our relationship is shit but I miss her
I'm okay with being alone but I love her
I'm never gonna get married or have kids and that's completely OK with my parents. Must suck being someone whose parents are so lame and vanilla.
I've said this before but I think about it a lot. When I was a kid, my mom had a friend whose son played pokemon. The thing is, my mom's friend was japanese. She also happened to be the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life. She was taller, slim, long brown wavy hair and a very sleek face with high cheek bones. She had somewhat round eyes for being japanese and they were just so pretty. I was like 10, so she had to be around 35 at the time. I would ask for her son to come play pokemon for me just so I could see his mom.

I really, really want a pretty japanese girl to marry and love forever.
I've been through this. Sheer gaslighting on their end. I ruminated for too long on it , take a week (but hit the gym) but otherwise get back on the grind.
if you're tall , you're still fine. If you are george costanza then that's a reasonable assessment but still go out.
I made it over three years without cutting. 1,037 days. I fucked up today. I can't handle being everyone's punching bag. My classmate told me how our instructors were joking about how weird I am and look, my glasses, how I talk.
Today I was spoken to terribly by every person I encountered that is above me. I tried to be nice, I was so polite through everything. I worked so hard to act like it didn't hurt. But I came home and cut so much. I'm still bleeding.

I'm so weak. Everyone is right in making fun of me
I just don’t know, every day sucks
Some piece of shit just stole something off my porch

How the fuck did I not even notice, I was here the whole time and this fucking scumbag fucking subhuman just walks off with my shit

Fuck this fucking shithole
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It finally happened. I had a tall white chick stare at me in line while she thought I wasn't looking and look away immediately when I made eye contact.

This is the kinda shit I dreamed about as a kid...

I'm leveling up kids
pick yourself up king , 1037 days is no joke. I believe in you.
It'll be okay anon. You'll make it out of there in one piece and never have to see those jerks again.
Thank you so much. I've been making it through the hazing, but it just got to be too much. Laughing at me while they make me clean up shit and piss off the floor with small wipes and not letting me use towels or mops. Making me deal with the problem patients and forcing me to do things that make exams take longer just to make them angry with me. There's so much hazing at my college and at the hospital.

Thank you for saying that I made it far, it's been so long since I've cut. I thought I might should just kill myself since I did it.

This means a lot to me. I have to have a hard day tomorrow. But I'm just gonna act like they don't hurt my feelings
i know how special she is to you but i dont know how im supposed to help you beat yourself up about this stuff way too much the world isnt on your shoulders bro we all live and die and we dont always get a say or even warning when we gotta be grateful for that you can tell yourself she wouldve had a better change at survival if you could afford the best of the best but theres no garauntee of that not even the wealthiest of the wealthiest can escape death but you do everything you faj for her and gave her a good loving home to thrive in bro you have nothing to feel bad about or regret just try to continue being strong for the lil guy and enjoy the time you have left together nothing can take away the time youve spent together and you know she will keep living on in your heart even if she cant be there physically with you anymore k ur never alone guy were here for u bro
Maybe I'm a BPD men. I'm obsessed with this girl I haven't even kissed. I'm losing it
kid, how old are you if you don't mind me asking ?
No they're not, but being nice to people you're afraid of or want to impress is not the way to go. People are horrible generally, and in academia, people are especially assholes that justify it because they can do multivariate calculus.

Find a group and hobbies with people that are weird like you or at least understand you. That will make you feel better about yourself. Or you'll keep cutting.
I'm 22, in my last year of college
Ohh I just read your last reply, is this nursing? Oh my goodness I feel so bad for you then , that's a known profession of bullies and power trippers
take a day off if you can
I'm in x ray, but I think the experience is similar. They try to make me do things that hurt the patient's that are more convenient for them, they threaten me with getting kicked out of I don't do what they say. They wanted me to put a hard x ray board behind a women's ball that was covered in bed sores, she yelled at me for trying to put the board under the sheet below her like we're supposed to
is there nobody you can complain too or HR department to transfer to a different hospital?
I'm in a radiography program at a community College and they've threatened me with suspension and told me I'd never get in to another program if I said what I see the people do.

I'm only doing xray so I can go on to pursue mammography, and I found a place that is going to hire me once I'm xray certified (you have to have an xray certification to perform mammograms where I live)
I pay for 50 download but even with an ethernet plugged in I only get 9 Mbps, what's going on? Is it my router? It's the one that they gave me when I signed up with them.
that's bullshit but I understand , how long is your last year? Whens the last month?
I just have to make it until may 2025. I started in August 2023. This has genuinely been the worst experience of my life. People are so mean, and they get meaner the nicer I am to the patients
[stupid girl that’s obviously in love with me that I fuckzoned]
>want to try without a condom?
I know your tricks
God, internet friendships suck. I can meet the coolest people in the world, but what's the point if all they end up wanting to do is send memes? end up swapping life stories with someone and genuinely getting along with them, only for them to just... ghost me. am I that uninteresting? that unpleasant?

and why the fuck do people end up flirting with people and not taking it anywhere? if you're not into me, don't fucking act like you are- even if you think it's funny. fuck. I embarrass myself and then they leave. story of my life.
Fuck you lol
I need to talk to you :(
im right here
He doesn’t type like you
Teehee~ I am right here! <3 ~=uwu=~
Even worse.
I was so hungry and now I made this huge dinner and I can’t possibly finish it. I hate eating
well im out of ideas. the man is cryptographic. the code cannot be cracked.
for what its worth sweetheart just hang on till monday (I'm gonna ask her out/her number on monday)
(I like to pretend the off chance you are the girl that sits next to me in class)
I used to cut a lot myself, but once life calmed down and I had some agency again things slowly started getting better.
why do you never answer me
To be fair I think it didn’t make sense to try to eat three chicken thighs and two russet potatoes but having like half a chicken thigh and a quarter of a potato left isn’t that bad
bro where are your veggies
I don't know what makes me cringe more. People who complain about AI art, or people who make decisions based upon their emotions.
Fight the future.
Fuck off and stop spamming this stupid shit in every thread
You aren’t him he doesn’t even type like you
bro,it's literally me
What do I have to do to make the bad feeling go away
real life has bee waiting for you
lucky snail!
No you aren’t him he doesn’t even type like you and he puts a space between the comma and the next word
No one says this out loud but women are allowed to harass and fuck men over if they reject them but you would be publicly executed if its the other way around. Welcome to equality buddy!
I can’t fucking do this anymore it hurts so much
she was your ex or just acquantice?

don't you dare lie to me about myself

and what happened to you,my bro?

btw fuck this 30 minute captcha
Leave me alone I hate you
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Lot on your knife.
why did you make the bad feeling come back why did you make the bad feeling Come back why did you do it
well you arent dead so thats objectively untrue and killing yourself wouldnt count because thats intentionally taking action to circumvent pain

you can do this bro but you need to stop getting your hopes up its preventing you from coming to terms with the reality of the situation here. if this person who uses spaces after commas wanted to be with you then they would be but they arent. thats just how it is. there are no games to win or puzzles to solve we cannot earn the love of others its only something we can choose to give to one another bro. i think you should choose to try and give a little bit of that love to yourself and give yourself the chance to regain some composure. you can be happy dude but not like this k
I don’t want your advice?????? Leave me alone I hate you
more people every day see why hitler and the other thousands of other nations that expelled jews were right. theres a reason nations that have dealt with kikes have tried to wipe them out repeatedly but they keep popping up like cancerous tumors.

kikes know its only a matter of time time theyre thrown out the middle east and TKD
I am about 5'7". Unfortunately, it's over.
>30 minute captcha
Whaat? What’s your twenty?
but what if a person doesn't have self love,and his only strenght to move coming from blind hope?
>What’s your twenty?

just exaggerating,but it's like 700 sec anyway(??)

russia wdy ask
comes to /adv/ice to not recieve advice
Leave me al on e I hate you leave me alone???
I need to talk to you i don’t understand why did you do it ????? I can’t it hurts so much
It’s not supposed to hurt like this is it’s not supposed to hurt like this
i dont believe that you could have even blind hope without some degree of self-consideration what you feel may not always be as important as why you feel it if we couldnt care about ourselves then there would be nothing to involve ourselves in as we couldnt even care about what we feel about external matters usually what happens is we end up repressing our feelings to try and protect ourselves so to me a hope for the future reads more like a fear of living in the present and without presence in the now there will be no future to wait for
what do you want
shit happens bro.
here, hope this will cheer ya up
I just need to talk to him I can’t I don’t know he won’t answer
where he can answer to you?
You aren’t him???? I don’t want to talk to you you don’t even know anything leave me alone
i know,but i can pretend to be him.
just a little play-pretend,okay?

How are you?What happened?
what do you want?
i always be here for you. even when i'm pushing you away, it's not your fault, it's mine. that's all because, i wan't to do only better for you. and i'm the worst person for that. sorry for everything, and thanks for all good memories
I don’t want you to pretend to be him I don’t want you at all I can’t talk to you,????? I only need the real him I rlly need to talk to him because the bad feeling is never going to go away I camt get any work done I’m too sad because the bad feeling hurts so much I took a vyvanse one time this morning because it always used to help me be productive but I kjust keep thinking and thinking about him I can’t do this anymore it hurts so much so much time has passed and it’s never going to get better I’m so alone all the time I. Can’t tell anyone because they would just think I’m crazy I just wish I was dead so it wouldn’t hurt like this anymore
I had illegal sex again.
I mean it's legal here but it can be illegal somewhere else
I climax thinking about doing something forbidden
last gf I had I had to pretend in my mind we were doing something forbidden for me to cum.
how do I get over that, it's only going to get worse and even if for now it hasn't gotten me into troubles (as I said it's legal here) it might eventually get me into trouble
also I can't live all my life cumming only when I think I'm not supposed to cum
You aren’t him you can’t even speak English normally stop pretending to be him I don’t want to talk to you and I hate you?????
lol i started talking to a girl that turned out to be a single mom, made plans to hang out with her later tonight then straight up ghosted her ass before she came back online. I aint wasting my time with some hoe that had a kid with someone else. I'm not gonna support some bums kid
why is it his responsibility to make what you feel go away? wouldnt you be worried that you might emotionally manipulate him into doing something he doesnt want to do? if you cared about him youd want him happy right even if that isnt with you.
You don’t know anything I hate you leave me alone you don’t know anything I hate you?????? I hate you???????? He made the bad feeling come back??????) you don’t understand I hate you you don’t know anything about it I hate you so much leave me the fuck alone
I fucking hate you leave me alone I hate you so much you don’t know anything go the fuck away
nah you cant hate me because you cant know me what you hate is the truth because you know that

its time to stop squeezing that bleeding heart of yours
I hate you you don’t know the truth you don’t know anything??????? I fucking hate you leave me the fuck alone never respond to me again I hate you??????? I hate you you don’t know the truth you’re just a meanspirited freak leave me alone?????(.
Idk. I think maybe regions are modulated for politics.
What do I have to do to make it stop that. Inc o what do I have to do to make it stop????)(( you never answer me never never never I xab
An elementary school teacher in my hometown was murdered by her husband last week in a murder-suicide while their three sons were in the house with them. I live away from home now but violent incidents like that are very rare where I am from and I have really just been heartbroken over the whole thing. I went to school on the opposite side of town but one of my aunts was a co-worker of this woman and another one apparently works directly with one of her sons in the school system.
The commiseration and shows of support in the community has been what I expected and my concern and sympathy for the three sons involved goes without saying, but I have been thinking a lot about the kids in this woman's fifth-grade class and what they're having to go through. I had a pretty carefree and happy childhood in that school system and there are a lot of wonderful and concerned adults working in it. I cannot even begin to imagine being that age and leaving school one day with everything being normal, then coming back the next day to find out that a trusted adult not only died but died violently.
Maybe it isn't my place to feel like this but I wish I could help and in a certain sense I feel guilt that I'm not there to support people in town and in the school system directly. I have spoken with my aunt to share my sympathies and concerns and gave to a GoFundMe to support the boys but whatever I do I feel like it's not enough.
You never say anything back never never never
I can’t do this anymore it isn’t going to get better I just want to be dead I’m so tired of feeling like this it’s so unbearable
Because you are always mad at me when I do.
anything back never never never
Every time I think about how you made me feel I want so badly to make you feel the same way. I know you didn't do it on purpose, but I wish you'd hurt like I did. I wish there was some justice in this world that people get hurt for hurting others. I can't be the one to do it. All I can do is whine and cry over it all and hope some supernatural force does what I can't. You're so much happier now that you've used me as a stepping stone. You're so much happier after using me for validation while you pursued someone else. I did all I could to try to make you happy and I succeeded, but that wasn't enough. Nothing ever is. I'm always going to be a fringe part of anyone's life and my only use is being used.
I hate jannies so fucking much
I worked in a shitty spot at my job and for a week now we've been bringing some of the work load to another department, not my idea, some other manager's. This one time they didn't take it in time so I went to one of my managers and I asked if we can bring it in because we're getting swarmed here and its getting too crowded. He told me "no", that its staying here, I said fine and explained the situation but still, it was a no. 5 minutes later some other manager comes in and takes our work load. Now it looks like I "disobeyed" my manager and did it while it was the other manager that did all that, I wasn't even aware they were doing it until I noticed him giving out orders to bring it back. Now this manager acts like he has a grudge on me, tells me "you can't do this" "can't do that" because I sat down for a minute because there wasn't much work. Thing is, everyone else does these things anyway and they get no shit for it. Its such a toxic work environment, its a government job too so I expected that to be less of a problem than in my other jobs but I guess you just keep your mouth shut, go along with everything and hope you make connections with the upper management like the rest of them and be untouchable like most people there are. Swear to god, some people there do absolutely nothing, talk all day, even with other supervisors and they never get told anything and they've been there for years now. I'm still considered a "casual" worker despite being there for nearly 6-7 months now 5 days a week.
spoke with one of the marketing colleagues today, even my non funny stuff made them burst out in laughter.
How can they live artificially like this?
It doesn't help that all the qt3.14s are in that team, but being around them is so deceitful and hard to trust
It's perplexing how they live life
I want to meet someone new, but my energy and desire to do so is gone. All I can do is look back on how I felt with you. I hate that being miserable is all I have. That all I have are memories of a relationship I don't even want anymore. You could beg me to take you back and I wouldn't.
I've recently discovered that somebody I'm truly attracted to and I have a massive crush over is intersexual. What's the term for people who have this orientation (serious answers only)
Why can't I be a normal person? I am starting to feel like all I can do is suffer less at best. I wonder if one day eventually Ill start wanting to kill myself
It's not an orientation. Just google pls
Basically they biologically have characteristics/sexual organs belonging to both sexes
If you want another term, I guess it'd be hermaphrodite
my love life will never be the same after you. i am devastated.
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Did I just find a channer on Bumble?
you're wrong i actually exclusively fuck men, sometimes i find women can be attractive but despite that i would never fuck one as i exclusively fuck men. It's like appreciating a car or something really, as women are just inanimate objects after the age of insert arbitrary number proportionally matching number in bank account here, truly.
i also have and had zero plans to do anything
at all with my life uhhh... but fuck just depress me until my soul leaves my body permanently, and be overly judgemental about fucking casual statements then wonder why people hate Israel...
that's exactly what I mean, I mean what the fuck are we even talkin about here? Fuck i cant stop laughing i'm sorry.
My shadow boxing is getting crispy, shit is fast and nice, my shoulders hurt a little bit when I throw hooks but that's just because I don't have proper form.
Just fuck prozzies
You're nuts
I always said I'd live only until my cat is gone and now he's so sick... I don't feel scared of dying just the situation where he goes before me. God it hurts, he's been with me for almost 17 years, he was so small when I got him... he's the best cat, so kind, affectionate, very easy to handle... literally not one thing I wish he'd do differently except for live longer
Pew pew pew pew
Are Dinosaurs still cool
Just annoyed my mum with MMA and movie trivia and knowledge for about 30 minutes, feels good. I showed her the Mauricio Ruffy scissor takedown twice cause it's so cool, feels good.
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>I'm always going to be a fringe part of anyone's life and my only use is being used.
Every time I meet a new girl now it seems like they're jaded as all hell
I don't blame them, to be honest.
I have a chrome extension that unblurs my first 10 Tinder likes but there isn't one for Bumble likes, this is so gay. Also, how have two people liked me but I have no one left to swipe on?
Posting uses fuel.
I've been thinking and I like being short and bald. I don't have to care about anything, and if life ever gets kinda tough in the future I can kill myself with zero regrets. Hell, I got more out of life than I should have.
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AI is unironically going to kill the internet.
Yeah I'm not here to assign blame. It doesn't make it suck any less for me though
I get it, don't get me wrong.
Telling others about how abusive you are and the reaction being something like "Don't worry, it gets better, you'll meet someone who treats you well" is far too ironic considering we both thought you were supposed to be the "better" in the first place
i got so angry with you and called you a coward and didnt believe you when you were crying, because I couldnt face the fact that i was the one that was broken. I still am broken. People are right I just break things.
What are you talking about?
Imagine thinking you're a pillar of the community and then only deleting posts you don't like. Couldn't be me lmao.
fix yourself and come apologise then
My spouse left me with our son a few months ago. I was drinking heavily, abusive, and would constantly convince her to have threesome with sp.
I am no longer drinking or seeing sp, also doing counselling.
we agreed to get back together after an extended amount of time of working on our own issues.
I am thinking about her all the time, she is very attractive and funny and a great stay at home mom.
I constantly wait for her texts and spend the weekends going out to spend time with them. But my counsellor tells me to enjoy my freedom while I have it and I feel that I should be doing that. I don't want to go on any dating apps, or see sp, or go to bar. Wondering how I can enjoy this time, and if this relationship is even salvageable.
Go to a forested mountain, sit in the middle of nowhere, and listen to the wind blowing through the trees, close your eyes if you want to, and focus on the sound of nature and your breathing
hah a yea there is still sand in australia■
i need help im afraid im so afraid i just need somebody to help me i cant do it on my own please help me turn my life around
Thank you
Captcha: xxxksv
Is it wrong to just want love and companionship with someone?
I don't even know where to start. You've caused all of these problems and now play the victim when its come back to bite you. Even worse is that all of these problems could have been avoided by you acting like a normal person.
The really terrifying thing isn't even your lies. It's how much you believe the lies as being true.
No. I want the same thing
I have zero chance of being happy in this life, but goddamnit am I trying my best.
he is dying
I want to end it but I'm really afraid of what will happen if I fail.
Nobody genuinely wants to talk. They just say that so they could call the police on you. Nobody actually cares.
I don't think I'm ever going to get married or have children. I'm damaged goods, and it just costs too much mental energy to continue putting up the front that I'm not. There are only two reasons I'm continuing to put myself out there in the dating pool:
>To help get me to socialize more with women
>Because I feel as though I'm obligated to my parents to have children
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i will not convince myself she can be talked to and things can be undone
i will not convince myself she can be talked to and things can be undone
i will not convince myself she can be talked to and things can be undone
i will not convince myself she can be talked to and things can be undone
i will not convince myself she can be talked to and things can be undone
Based child predator and notorious nazi, Spencer Nolan rice the upstanding citizen
the ultimate goal of life
I still want to kill myself but now the stakes are too high
I had a dream I was laying in bed in my college dorm but my roommate was Harry Potter and he was fucking Hermione in a latex suit. After they were finished he just looks at me and asks if I wanted a turn. I was like "nah, I'm good."

He did not use a condom and the thought of sticking my dick in a vagina that already has another guys cum in it is absolutely disgusting and super gay. Once your dick touches another guys semen, no matter where it is, you're gay.
You're retarded
what happened?
Me too, anon. My friend's business will close if I'm not there. Nobody can afford to work for him for less than minimum wage like I'm paid. He could lose everything.
You want to stick your dick in a moist pot filled with another guys jizz?
You're retarded
Imagine spending all that time learning how to code just to make a bot that spits out only two words. Time well spent.
I made it through today and didn't end it. I'm proud of myself. Today was really hard, the people could tell I had been crying last night I'm sure and were extra harsh on me. I'm just trying to speak as little as possible to everyone related to my school so they have less ammunition against me
your projected fear, despair, and overall negativity affects you more than you could realize. acknowledgment and preparation for bad times is intelligent, but saying the words, those dreaded realities, over and over and over, that's something else entirely. its akin to an incantation or prayer. you may have small shimmers of hope, but it asphyxiates under the gargantuan misery you subject your mind to.
i wont let you drown yourself in sorrow and subject me to your rehearsed nightmare. so so soon, so very soon, everything i have been working on will come through and pierce this dark veil. compared to where i was 6 years ago, this darkness is nothing but the prelude to the brightest future yet.
believe in miracles and find your bright future.
I have tried a few times at joining groups about things I like. I tried a medieval history group, a quilting club, weekly local art events at a bar, cosplay stuff, metal concerts.
I get so scared when I'm around that many people I don't know I normally just leave and go sit in a parking lot to cry and calm down.
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here help me write the rest of this. all that's left to do if i remember correctly is the build process for kernel automation. you can use sakaki's efi install guide. it works, figure it out. just make sure to press the right buttons. there might be some part that doesn't make sense... i'll fix it later.
why do i feel like crying out every time? i guess i'm working way too much, because lately all that i think is that i'm working a lot and not enjoying life anymore, like literally all that i want is to cry my brains out till i pass out, literally, to complete this i'm like all about trying to reach my ex (1st and only gf) Jesus Christ help me!
yea, except i don`t force myself, even saw by accident my ex with another dude, and im here wasting time and dont giving a F
Being a professional artist makes you part of upper society. Being an amateur artist just means you're a pathetic fucking loser. Lucky for me, I had no life and spent my high school years doing nothing but art and got a job at a photography studio right out of highschool. I worked there a year before going to a 4 year art school and after the first two years I was good enough to do professional level artwork and got my first big job for the beijing olympics in 2008 working in marketing. After graduating, it took my about 8 months to find a job at a video game company and I've been working professionally ever since.

I completely skipped the amateur part, thank god. I can't imagine being 30 and still an amateur. I would kill myself. Everyone thinks you're a joke if that's the case.
Share your art.
I'm here because I'm struggling to find the meaning to suffering and the will to live. I'm sorry everything just feels really fucking stupid.
Should I try shrooms if I'm suicidal, have lots of negative thinking, and access to guns? I don't have friends either
Yeah you should actually. Make sure the gun is loaded and in a 'safe' position. Woman got you looking into the void with ungodly fucking slut behavior (who fucking does that? Even says that A: but does that B: fucking insane) just start doing copious amounts of drugs.
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Fuck, I spent hours working on this thing, but now I guess I gotta abandon it and redo it. Even more work. I did learn some things or was reminded of things. It's like shit tier as is, and redoing it would be medium tier and not high tier so it feels somewhat pointless.

Have a fortune cookie.
I want her so fucking bad but I know she needs her space. I feel cornered and it's both not her fault and entirely her fault.
Well I was planning to stash the magazines somewhere and keep the guns unloaded. I guess I'm afraid I'll still find them and do something. I'm an old gay virgin actually so can't relate to women
It hasn't gotten any better because of that. I've had exes, gotten past all of them. Nothing tops that, nothing ever will. Somehow the confusing part is why I'm not a CEO yet... It just made everything so fucking pointless... I get it I was a depressed ick whatever, still holy fucking shit everything is just a trauma response to that event. I can't tell people anything else.
The response to that is why isn't your life more interesting and why are you such a victim dragging yourself along clinging to life. It's not because you're so special either, nor are you worthless, that situation was the black pill. The ultimate black pill. Crazy fucking and it gets worse and worse and I can't look away
How the fuck is that hard to understand is what I'm confused about? Read chainsaw man. How do go back to clubbing and partying after shit like that. People think it's funny... It's totally fucking deranged and weird and freakish as shit. That's my perspective, I don't know what else to tell you.
I don't know what those are yet, but if they're something about relationship advice, then yes anons should go there instead of here. Relationship meaning im in a romantic or sexual relationship with someone
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here, I'll post a current WIP I'm working on right now. It's still really rough but whatever.

Sometimes it makes me embarrassed to call myself an artist because of how many people try to call themselves that. I have to be like "but but 'm actually working professionally" and have to qualify it when people ask what I do. I'm sure musicians feel the same way.
Don't film that part but it's consensual and everywhere. You see it, and you're like there's no fucking way. You couldn't make that shit up honestly... Somehow I'm the crazy one. Get the fuck out of here. I've never downloaded or anything... It has to be true.. that is just so fucking crazy. Fucking nightmare shit. Somehow I'm the crazy one though for assuming she wouldnt agree with that shit being online. You people are so fucking deranged and insane. I don't know what fuck even is this
I will get up this time
Idk it's really good already... What are you trying to say my music is shit or something though? It seemed like that before. Seems like it's coming from somewhere else than the actual quality of my music though. I'd say it's pretty much professional quality, I do pay attention to detail.
Should I even bother trying to have friends if I have no real hobbies, no personality, I'm boring as fuck, and never leave my house? I feel inferior to everyone in every way so I don't see a point in trying. When I do try I always fail. Discord groups, people from here, people I tried to talk to in person. I have no idea what to say or how to connect with people. I feel like I can run out of topics in one day. I don't have a good sense of humor either. I'm also in my 30s and a virgin still so it just feels hopeless
Then go talk to them, you can easily track them down I am sure or know someone who knows them.
i work at a ICU, i´m psychologist, last week i met this dude, heart attack, he was waiting a surgical procedure, Doctor said it was 97% chance he survived.
The dude engaged as soon as we met, he told me his fears, he told me he liked to fix things, his comfort was not on luxury but in creative things. Yesterday i visit him at his hospital bed and he told me today was going to have his surgery, his sister and i were supporting him every day since he arrive at the hospital, i did two origami figurines ir order to him to spend the time at the hospital, the game was this: i gave the figurine to him and he tried to figure out hot to fold it with a different paper sheet, i gave him an origami dragon first, one day passed and he did it, we talk about the surgery and his fear of death, then we talk about other things, dude was optimistic now, his sister gave him a Star Wars lego kit, the Madalorian one, he assembled it very fast, he planned to build it yesterday. I gave him an origami Dinosaur on monday, he appreciatte it very much and told me he was going to figure it out too, i saysomething like "goodbye Anon, i´ll see you on friday on ICU, dont be afraid, we´ll will be there for you, thing are going to be ok, keep it up" (not quite those words since i´m in Colombia and i speak spanish).
Anon died today on surgery, his sister told me, since i work at a ICU i´m not unused to people dying but his death was like a fucking punch in the face, i cried a little bit, but i know i did what i could, his sister told me "you made him very happy".
Its bad when you are constantly thinking "i´m not good enough, maybe another dude could make my job better than me", and then this happens and you must accept you are not the shitty person you think you are, i have distymia and a lot of Impostor Syndrome, but i want to say this:

Edgar, i swear i will be the best psychologist that ICU could have, i will improve and help people, i will make you all proud of me. Farewell
I know it's cheesy as fuck and it's fucking matchbox twenty, but the lyrics
>And I don't know if I've ever been really loved by a hand that's touched me
Are very very real.
she can be talked to. it can be undone.
I'm sick of how everybody you don't like is labeled a narcissistic fuck. Everybody suicide baits you. Everybody you know is some kind of mental.

Check your own pants, you fucking child.
This isn't an artstyle i enjoy but i can immediately see why you got a job.
You come across as a HUGE dickhead. Tons of people start in their 30s and find success. Roy Krok, the McDonalds founder, was a milkshake salesman until his late 50s.
>Tells me I've been trying to work her out and basically study her like a science experiment this whole time while she's basically just chill and laid back
>Proceeds to give me several totally inaccurate armchair psychological profiles of myself
I need a straight answer here, are women insane?
It takes 4 years to get good at art and 8 years to get good enough to be a pro. I started in highschool as a freshman and by the time I graduated college I had my 8 years done. Very few people make it as professional artists, even ones that went college. They just suck at it. It's something like only the top 2% of artists that graduate actually get jobs in their field. You've never heard of the "starving artist" cliche? That's the shit that I'm crying about. There is a massive mental fortitude present in a professional artist vs amateur "starving artist" and I hate that I have to qualify I'm not the latter.

Most peoples art is absolute cringe because they would rather call themselves an artist than actually put in the work to be one for real. So when asked "What do you do for a living?" I have to basically say I'm not like the lazy people that never took it seriously but still think they are "artists". It's like asking someone what they do for a living and they say "basketball player" when all they do is play pickup games at the park on the weekend. Yes, technically you play basketball but you fucking suck at it and shouldn't call yourself one.

My day job is conceptart but I can't post any of it because it's all under NDA. In my freetime I paint mostly pretty girls.
yes my work normally has booba in it but I can't post it on a blue board.
>Tons of people start in their 30s and find success.
They really don't. Especially not artists or musicians. They get their start in their teens.
Friendship is complicated, it requires people to share interest or be interested in each other, you can be friends with a person you don't share any hobby with as long as you both are interested on each other in some way, you only need to enjoy the conversations and discussions you have.
Childhood friends become best friends mostly because they spend so much time together they develop trust on each other, having someone to trust is something that makes your life way easier. strong Friendships need time to develop since you need to know the other person well enough, that means spending a lot time with the other person to know the things they enjoy, their tastes in hobbies, media, the things they like to talk about, the kind of conversations they like to have, their opinions and their personality.
I'm a shut in nerd and only talk to a few people, I talk to them because I find them interesting and they find me interesting, we share enjoy talking about our personal interests even if the other one is not into the hobby, we just like to listen to the other person's interests.

You need to find people compatible with you and the things you want to talk about, you have to be compatible with the other person too, introverted people also have difficulty with having too many people talking to them, I have been there, I had 4 texting me at the same time and that was such an overwhelming experience it was making me exhausted. I am a loner, I only like to talk to others for little bit every day unless we are doing some kind of activity, to much socializing drains my energy.
I’m just not cut out for relationships or to keep them I guess. There’s always someone more outgoing, cooler or just better than me that comes along and I get tossed away. I have nothing to offer. It’s fine.
I ALSO have to say "No, it's not AI" which is even fucking worse group of people calling themselves "artists".

So when people ask what I do I reply "I'm a concept artist. I design fashion, props, and architecture for video games and film." just to explain it away so I'm not associated with people like fucking George W Bush painting shitty portraits on his ranch in his spare time.
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Here's some more booba for you that's also not finished because I have over 300 unfinished fucking paintings because of severe untreated ADHD.
Feels good not needing anybody in my life besides myself and whoever the fuck ever decides to tag along for the ride.
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I still have never felt so bad for someone before in my life than when my professor asked the class "So did anyone see the game last night?" and after a period of awkward silence someone asked "What game?" and he said the names of the teams that played and the follow up was "What sport do they play?"

This happened four years ago and it still haunts me as a mere witness to the event.
you forcing the friendship to have a purpose is part of why its failing. my strongest friendships are with people i genuinely was >myself around. people that i wasnt trying to compete with, or win over, or convince, just total dude bros who i can crack racist or sexist jokes with because that is who i am and that is who they are too, so that is why we like each other. you shouldnt let a hollywood or tv portrayal of friendship dictate what your social life should look like.
he is with her right now.
i dont even have the words.

talking to myself
*stay strong king*
As an adult autist on my 30s right now I only have 3 "real" friends (real as I can spend time with them and can trust them with a lot of things):
A cousin that lives close to my house, we are friends since we had similar tastes in games and played a lot of games together.
The second is a guy I meet more than a decade ago at a cybercafe, he had pretty specific tastes in vidya in a community where people only played COD and Halo, we ended up playing a lot of source games and sharing opinions on niche anime and manga.
The third one is an anon from here, we were having a discussion in a thread and we shared too many opinions on the topic, we also had similar interests, we keep recognizing each other's posts and we decided to get in contact, we live too far apart but we have been really close friends for 5 years now, constantly having calls and doing stuff online every week, I consider him my best friend and he is the one I trust the most.

Socializing requires practice, learning how to keep a conversation requires practice and experience, understanding people requires time, talking is a skill that comes natural for most people, some of us barely can do it and we end lacking experience.
The only way to know if you can be friends with someone is talking to them, a lot, it is easy to lose contact with someone you only talk to for 2 days, you don't know them well enough to be interested in them, and lack of interests means silence, then you both either "don't think you can make it work", forget about the other person or even feel too ashamed of not staying in contact and can't bring yourself to talk to the other.

You can try to talk to me anon just to see how things go, let me know if you want to, we may only talk to each other for a few days but I would help you to figure things out.
Same. Such is life
you people are fucking weird as hell to me.
but thats why you like me.
whats the point in living if i cant be my (weird) self? i only get weirder.

and homie - this is gioyc .. i just needed a quick peep to vent.
Sometimes it's a necessary escape. Just like TV land or videogames. Sometimes its purposeful, to understand the experience that you had in your youth.

I laughed really hard at your first post but your work in progress is coming along nicely.
are you asking me to fuck you in the ass?
I dont need you. You're ancient history. I'm gonna find someone else as soon as I'm ready to. I hate looking at the past, how it torments me constantly. I hate that you wronged me, but I also wish I hadnt made those mistakes. I know I wasnt perfect. But none of it justifies the way you shat on me at the end, or your lies. Fuck you. I'm gonna keep going, and I'll make it right with someone that brings the best out of me. With someone I can actually trust. This time, I'll try harder.
Same chief same
eew, im not from your homosexual club nigger, know your place trash
oh man no one's ever called me a nigger before.
ohhn nononononononnononn.
My therapist covers up when my eyes drift. She is smiley but I think I distract her. I don’t know why. I looked at her notes last time and she covered her chest with her blouse. I tries not to react, because I was not looking at her chest. I wonder if she’s dealing with other, difficult clients.
You came across as successful and exciting, but it turned out you were a friendless loser, and I’m repulsed with myself for ever falling for you.
I'll be a successful, exciting friendless loser.
i want a monogamous friendship
where can i find someone who wants one as well
I grew up dirt poor so now, even though I'm not poor anymore, I'm terrified of spending money. I hate it, I especially hate spending money on food, the idea of spending money of something that is no longer going to exist in 20 minutes is awful.
ween refrence
Thank you booba man
ana queen
Oh no my ex loves ween
If this is about me I’m gonna be very sad
thats so ugly just give up>>32208872
no sorry i was talking about my ex who is named ween
Thank god because my ex has posted here before
anorexia queen
doomed yaoi
I do not understand your esoteric opener
I don't have anorexia, I still buy food, I just hate it every time I do. Also, I'm a guy.
what does esoteric mean
i'm sorry you just really never knew me then
Esoteric means only understandable by a small amount of people
normal king
wow.....pink heart emoji
Wow very cool thank you my new bpd friend heart eyes cat emoji
I'll take what I can get.
your welcome my new friend pien emoji
What the heck is a pien emoji sis
purrr proship anti king
I again, do not understand your words. I'm quite the retard.
too late now
its the pleading face emoji but pien is much more cuter word
proshiping means cute puppys but if ur a anti that mesn u dont like puppys also sorry for the late replys i had to wait 15 mins
did you kys blink twice if no once if yes
Oh very cute yes handshake emoji
>proshiping means cute puppys but if ur a anti that mesn u dont like puppys
So I don't like puppies? I'm confused.
>also sorry for the late replys i had to wait 15 mins
I don't know why you're apologizing, I'm just some random schmuck.
I'm now reminded of all these Halloween parties I wanted to go to as a kid that my parents and older brother went to but I wasn't allowed because it was for adults only. Now I've been an adult for 15 years and never once has there ever been a Halloween party among anyone my age. No one does shit any more.
So much shit I wasn't allowed to do as a kid I also can't do as an adult because no one does it any more.
wow..i am in lesbians with you....want to be my girlfriend?
Erm no sorry sis I already have a girl that is a friend thanks though face covering eyes emoji
yeah but ur a proshipper if you like puppys okay heart emoji i over apoligize it is a habit
good luck. its what we all dream of.
wow...the charm of shotas heart emoji
Erm sis you are confusing me face holding back tears emoji
>yeah but ur a proshipper if you like puppys
I feel like my brain is melting and I'm struggling to continue to make thoughts and stay conscious when I read this. I'm so confused.
i was refrencing scott pilgrim and shota is a beautiful thing every one should appreciate
Oh I’ve never read or seen that b4 but I do have a thing for the crazy girls eyes wide emoji
wait real i think my mushy brain is turning your brain into mush
scott pilgrim is like great yaoi yaoi heart emoji
Can you put it in real human words? Do I like puppies or not?
you like puppies you are a proshipper say you are a proshipper and 99999999 years of luck will come
I'm watching a video where men are saying whether they've thought about killing themselves or not and talking about their mental health. Now, for context, I have no issues with trans people, but the creators of this video have included trans men and it just feels wrong. You were a woman for most of your life and now you're a man, you don't understand what it's like to fully live as a man and struggle mentally the way men have their entire lives, your challenges are unique to women, you just don't get how it is. You've only recently joined the club and you already wanna hang with the big dogs, that's not how this works, your opinions don't hold the same weight as everyone else in this video.
wow...rest in peace...birrd emoji
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*narcissistic smirk*
>you like puppies
Good to know *ruffles your hair and kisses you on the forehead* thanks, kid.
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hehe thank you and you are welcome
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>You know, if you lose your job, you can always go to the beach and start swimming until you become too exhausted
>By the time you run out of energy, it'll be too late to turn back
Thanks for nothing suicidal ideations
shut the fuck up
>you can always go to the beach and start swimming until you become too exhausted
I was literally saying the other night while I was lying in bed that some people should do this.
I wish you’d understood how much I loved you and wanted you
nakey forever
Many years ago I had a friend I cherished.
Eventually she didn't seem to want my company anymore and it seemed all I was getting from her was a different excuse every now and then. I stopped talking to her by 2018 and moved on from there
Last night I had a dream where I was hopping inside a car and she was at the back. Things were a bit awkward and she somehow sounded quite younger (she was up there in age when I was friends with her). It was nighttime so she asked me if I could walk her home after a long ride. When we arrived there, she just said bye and I left the same way. I turn around and walk for a bit, she comes back crying saying that she's sorry for everything, then runs away home.
I haven't thought about her in years. But I hope nothing bad happened to her.
It's 3:40 PM for me and the only calories I've consumed today are from a sugar-free energy drink, two little scoops of vegemite on the end of a butterknife and two little scoops of peanut butter on the end of a butterknife.
This only made me friendless enough to die. That is no longer friendless enough to claim frienlessness. You give me a thumbs up.
I genuinely can't think of a single good reason to get married if you're a man, not a single one. The divorce rate is absurd and you will get fucked over if you get hit with one.
i woke up and started crying again. i am depressed because i started making friends with someone who told me they didn't have anyone else in their life but then they revealed they had another friend. i am severely lonely and mentally unwell.
You still can be friends with them, perhaps you can even get along with that friend a friend, that way you could have 2 friends
I hope my future partner is like my brother's girlfriend, she's so nice.
what do you think will happen if i go back honestly? what will they do, knowing you?
I'm not passionate about anything. I like things, I enjoy doing things, but I don't care that much about any of them.
Sounds like a personal problem
Nobody likes you, take your own life, I'll Paypal you the money for whatever method you choose, just please livestream it so I can watch, I genuinely want you to end your own life. You think I'm just being edgy, you think I'm being fake, you think I'm just saying this to say this, no, I want to see you in a /rekt/ thread in the future and I want to know that I was the driving force behind your suicide.
It’s so over
>thanks for a baller date, woman. now, i have to go back to flinging shit around on some Gabonese cotton-spinning forum
That would’ve meant the world to me a month ago
Now it’s just sad
I feel that. There's a chick who I barely talk to anymore and if a month ago she had've asked if she could call me, I would've loved it, but now, if she asks if she can call me, I just say yes and go about my day cause I know that she never will; she'll ask if she can but she won't.
I am a pathetic loser and I should kill myself, but I won’t
I wish you could be honest with people. If my girlfriend comes up to me with a new dress and says "What do you think of my new dress?" with a big smile on her face and I say "I don't like it" or "I don't think it looks good" she'll get upset, why even ask me if you knew how you were going to react if I said the answer you didn't want? It's not just partners either, my boss will act moody if he asks me what I think of his new tie and I tell him I don't think it looks good. The world is run on lies and I hate it.
A year and a half ago during no fap, my lust and kinks grew more extreme and I asked my girlfriend to do something lewd for me on webcam that caused her to feel violated. It was a turning point in our relationship. Her past trauma from before we ever met became a part of our relationship from that moment forward. It killed her desire for sex. She has never been the same ever since then and it is entirely because of my own shameful lust betraying the trust she had for me.

I do not know what to do about it. Tonight we talked about it again, but in a way that felt like it was for the first time. It never quite went the way it did this time before. I apologized for my behavior, and rightfully so. She was like a maiden whose virtue had been stolen from her at my hand. I never should have been so selfish, even if it was over webcam.

I don't know how to fix it. I don't know if it ever can be fixed. But I'm going to do all I can to honor her virtue and put an end to the pain she has carried ever since that time. She is still that innocent maiden in my eyes. That will never change.
When my parents die the most I'll inherit is maybe $100 if I'm lucky.
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>say you'll go
>fake getting sick/fake a positive COVID test
Make sure to hint at it as soon as possible. Talk about getting cough drops, allergy medication, burning eyes, etc etc.
It's the most diplomatic solution. Shit I would take some fake sick days for work now and get that as evidence.
>be loser wagie German-American son
>don't know German (see above for why)
>take online tutoring to learn
>start class as soon as I go home
>mom wants to tell me something
>sho her off, she can visibly see I'm in class
>she comes in with a piece of paper
"oh no, it's something important"
"your food is in the microwave anon"
>get irate because I'm trying to understand how pronouns work
Thinking back on it, I'm still mad because dude I'll live I have more important stuff to do. But I'm depressed because I know nobody would make getting me food as much of a priority as my mom is.
And once again, a depression episode starts, of me reflecting that I can't even get friends.
Just be thankful you have a loving mother. I can say the same, no one will ever love me as much as my mother does.
I saw a video of a man burning alive in Gaza last week. Yet here I am thinking God will answer, of all people, my pleas.
I can't get past how much better my life would have been if two specific people had never been in it.
Can I get a reverse It's A Wonderful Life to prove me wrong and buck me up please?
you said "no" huh
if it was what "WE all dream of" then there would be more monogamous friendships out there, or at least more people wanting to be part of one
You keep blaming others and not taking accountability for your own mistakes. Man the fuck up
I upgraded the electric in my bathroom and now its super comfy. I wish I could marry it.
me too frfr when i watched Persona (1966) last year.
Anyone else completely burnt out in their 30s and suicidal? I just don't want to keep going. I don't see things ever getting better and I'm getting older with nothing to show for it
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I wish I could save you. This shit's gotten out of fucking hand. I don't even care about us getting back together anymore, I just fucking wish you weren't getting hurt like this.
I'll be there for you. Especially if shit gets too fucking far, I *will* be there.
I also had a modest amount veggies but didn’t feel it was worth mentioning, nor the glass of milk
I really really really really really really hate women.
Yeah I smoke a pack a day and I'm just waiting to die at this point.
My own mother mocked me and attacked my masculinity for self-harming. I feel so withered and torn apart inside. I don't even feel like I'm a human. When I'm not fantasizing about suicide, I think about how, not happy, but peaceful I could be if I was a hermit in the woods like Chris Knight. Van Gogh may have lived a miserable life, but I imagine that there was nothing more natural to him than painting alone in the yellow house in Arles. I remember begging my parents to take drafting classes when I was very young, but they never let me, so I wasted most of my time playing video games.
Should've said that you did it because you wanted to feel pain and that you want to feel pain because pain is how the light of heaven is revealed to you in this corrupted world that endlessly seeks to ensnare you in it's clutches with promises of ever increasing, mindless pleasure.

Anyway, have you been to a therapist?

Also, regarding drawing, I'm not an artist, but my sister is one and she basically mostly taught herself her whole life. She can create some pretty cool 2d animations now. Shame she doesn't want to put it out there some more. I need to pressure her to do that because she has talent.
Anyway, I'm saying that you don't need classes to get started. Hop on /ic/ and make that your favorite board. Of course, you may suffer from some lack of will to do it if all you do is play video games instead, but the only thing you really can do then is just start drawing and keep going. It sounds too simple, but even going to a art school, like my sister did, requires dedication with all the projects you have to do. Some that you may not even want to do (again, speaking from my sister's thoughts). In the end, the hope is that once you establish the habit, you will eventually grow to love it more and more.
Besides, it's easier than getting a gf.
Why aren't Democrats pushing Trump's January 2021 phone call to the Georgia governor harder? That's the most stark, clean-cut example of him trying to steal the election.

The President called the governor of Georgia and told him to "find" 11,870 votes so he could win the state. Why has that not disqualified him forever?
I was delusional and now I see again

You never loved me
I was vulnerable and you strung me along for your own benefit
that's why you framed the bare minimum as some kind of great sacrifice you were making for me

I hope you'll grow a conscience
let me be the last person you destroy this way
you'll never know why I came back to you
believe me I wish I could
but there is only one way to escape this fate

my love for you won't die
not even after everything
joined a voice call in high school with some randoms my age
it was okay at first, they were a bit edgy but I had low standards for companionship then
they found out I was black and they started bullying me
then the girl in the group started talking to me like I was a dog, saying things like "Who's a good nigger?" and whatnot
everyone got quiet but she kept doting on me with the use of slurs
I should have left but I was in a sort of confused shock
I'm ashamed to say it got me into petplay
Kunta Kinte, I'm so fucking sorry

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