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I'm a childless female(31), and I was dating a single mom of two boys(35)
Everything was amazing with her... Until she involved me with her kids. Her eldest boy (9) liked me and enjoyed talking and playing with me, no issues there. But her youngest... The fight that ended our relationship started here. Her youngest boy (6) undoubtedly hated having me around. My ex would invite me on family dates, and the little one without fail would give me the stink eye, ignore me if I tried complimenting him/giving him a gift, whined and cried if I smiled at him, would hit me if his mom and I showed any affection to each other, would call me names and insult me unprovoked, etc. I understand some angst is normal in a single parent situation, but to me, this was excessive. Regardless, I gave the benefit of the doubt and kept my mouth shut.
I would have gentle conversations with her asking her about the best way I could handle her child's behaviour. Her advice was "ignore it and don't take it personally", and when I asked her if she had any other redirecting strategies, she came up short. I suggested that to keep the peace, if her youngest was acting up, that I would play it empathetically and gently say something along the lines of "hey kiddo, it's ok, you don't need to hit/insult/yell at me, you can just tell me you need your mom right now... I'll give you space alone with her" to which my ex seemed happy with at the time.
Fast forward to two weeks into knowing her kids. Little one's behaviour hasn't improved, in fact, it's only worsened. He still yells/hits/namecalls/insults me constantly, and now on this particular family "date" he's stealing food that I ordered off my plate without asking. And guess what? I let him have it without a fuss ahahahahaha what the fuck. She, nor her brother nor his fiancee, said anything, as usual.
We're in the car, and I'm sitting in the backseat with my ex and her youngest. My ex goes to hold my hand and smiles at me. Clearly triggered, kiddo points to me and says "you're a bad person". I remain silent and try to hide my disappointment, and my ex laughs at his comments. I ask the kid in a whisper, "hey buddy? why do you think I'm bad? If you need your mom, be with her, it's ok... I'm not going to stop you." He ignores me and proceeds to deathgrip his mom. She holds his hand and hugs him in return. Ok, I'm thinking. I remain silent, hands in my lap, trying to look as unbothered as possible, minding my business looking out the window while my ex and her youngest snuggle. We eventually arrive at our destination, and the youngest gets out of the car, smiling and winking at me before running ahead with his brother. To me, this was clearly manipulative behaviour. My ex and I are walking together alone at this point, and my exact words to her were, "he shouldn't be acting this way". No yelling, no rant. He shouldn't be acting this way.
The next day in private, she told me my reaction was "scary and concerning". She told me, I "shouldn't take it so personally". She also told me she was "afraid of what I do when her boy behaves in a more extreme way". She mocked me, asking me, "I don't know anon, ARE you a bad person? Why do you care what he says?"
I don't know... Maybe because I love you and I just want to do right by you and your children, and your youngest clearly doesn't accept me and is uncomfortable with my presence? Because I am doing everything I can to appease your child and keep the peace, and I'm constantly being antagonized and disrespected regardless of my flexibility?
I was hurt and told her that the way she is blaming me right now would be like if I called her a weak parent. I know I was an asshole for saying that, so I apologized for being petty, then broke up with her immediately after. Her reaction was mutual.
What should I have done differently? Was I the asshole?
>Was I the asshole?
First off this isn't reddit you lesbonigger
Secondly you're stealing a 6 year olds mommy
he's scared as fuck
Is he dealing with it in a violent and manipulative manner? Yes. But he's also scared to lose his mommy and he doesn't yet see the advantage of adding you to the family.
If you're of no use to him, either physically, emotionally, or mentally, and you're in fact stealing away from him the most precious possession that little guy has namely his mother, then why should he act friendly towards you?
You are an enemy from his point of view.
And you can say that's an immature way of looking at things and you'd be right. He's 6. He is immature.

The only way out is through. Cope with his bullying but don't let him walk over you anymore. Be firmer but also be more loving. If he does something good, be the one to compliment him. If he does something bad, be the one to say something. No you're not his mother, but you should take up some adult role and not let him play tricks. That'll make him hate you at first but if you keep being loving while standing up for yourself he'll come to respect you and your boundaries
>I'm a childless female(31), and I was dating a single mom of two boys(35)
Okay well here is where you're going wrong. If you're a woman you need to date men, stupid.
>dating a single mom
you both are wrong
Either no reading comp or didn't read my post.

I was loving. I was patient. I paid the kid compliments when he did good things, made efforts to connect with him based on his interests, gave him gifts, and followed my ex's lead, which was to ignore the bad.

When I pointed out the unacceptable behaviour, even in private to his mom, she blamed me. How am I supposed to be firm and not let the kid walk all over me if she is going to punish me for even breaching the topic with her?
Guaranteed if I neglected to mention that I'm a woman/lesbian, your responses wouldn't be so callous. What is with these volatile attitudes? Is it mental illness? Resentment towards women initiated by a narcissistic mother? Throw me a bone here
>Is it mental illness?
We're not lesbians tho
Have kids of your own instead of trying to fill the void by trying to raise someone else's kids.
Good advice
I wasn't trying to fill the void with her kids though. I wasn't specifically seeking a single parent... I just liked her, and I accepted that she has children, and I was committed to being a reliable partner and potential co-parent. After this experience, I'm hesitant to give another single parent a chance.
>Her advice was "ignore it and don't take it personally"
>She, nor her brother nor his fiancee, said anything, as usual
Anon, you do not want to be a part of this family. They have made it more than clear that male misbehaviour is completely excusable and justified to them. Violent manipulative boys grow up to be violent manipulative men unless some serious intervention occurs. You will be putting your quality of life, and even your life itself, at risk by staying around these people. You are not the asshole at all.
>afraid of what I do when her boy behaves in a more extreme way
I mean seriously what the fuck. She already KNOWS he will inevitably behave worse (in part because of her shitty parenting), and is already trying to make you feel guilty for any opposition you might have to his violence. That is so fucked all around. Stay away. Good luck.
you sure got me! being raped and physically abused by men will do that to you. maybe that's why I'm only attracted to women now...
Thank you for your sincerity and for your nuanced insight. I really tried to empathize with the kid and respond to him in an appropriate way, but in my heart I know it was never going to be enough for her. Thank you for pointing this out to me. I will do my best to do better for myself in the future. Please take care.
>you sure got me! being raped and physically abused by men will do that to you. maybe that's why I'm only attracted to women now...
Just wait until you realize that lesbian relationships are the single most abusive relationship structure there is, according to statistics.

8% of straight married couples reported being forced to have sex against their will as opposed to 31% of lesbian couples.
I recognize the statistics are bad. I recognize that it seems fucking hopeless. I'm lucky enough to have never been raped by a woman though, and the only physical abuse I've encountered has been in my male relationships. That's my experience so far, and I can't help who I am attracted to. All I can help is myself to grow and be the best partner I can be.
This is bait. You're responding to bait.
I wish it was.
I am sorry for your difficult past experiences. If you were able to condition yourself to be attracted to women as a response to your fear of men due to trauma, you can also in the same way condition yourself to undo this conditioning and again be attracted to men. If you can manage to find a good man then you'll begin to heal and move past it, but if you spend your time in relationships with other mentally ill women then it will only feed the issues you already have and neither of you will get better.
Thank you for your understanding
I was attracted to both before, but that part of me is broken beyond repair I'm afraid. I just don't feel anything naughty towards guys anymore.
Maybe some lovely gentleman will come along and change my mind. Maybe I'll be raped/physically abused by a woman and won't want to date them either anymore. Who knows? Only time will tell.
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The kid need a Dad. A born as a genetic male dad. He knows this but can't articulate it because he lacks understanding so the behavior you describe is the result. Sorry, you're not gonna find much people here co-signing this ungodly relationship. But I tell you all this with love miss. And I'm not righteous and have been in ungodly relationships too. And I'm telling you they ruin your life. We all need Jesus, and He has payed for all our sins on that cross. And yes this really all happened in history. Love ya :)
I wish you good luck then
>I was loving. I was patient.
>Fast forward to two weeks into knowing her kids.
it's been TWO WEEKS. that's not patient on your part. you're 31 and unironically have the expectations of a 6 year old. funny, then, that you and the kid don't get along! getting with a single mum and having her kids be comfortable around you can take months, if not years.
>post wall dyke dating a single mom
stopped reading and discarded opinion immediately
No kid wants to see their parent with someone else, especially in a gay relationship. It’s just weird and not something that existed in 99% of human history.
Leaving aside the inherent issue with lesbianism (even if it's, in practical terms, not as bad as homosexuality), that kid's behavior is a perfectly valid dealbreaker. It says nothing about you or the woman you're dating, or your opinions of each other. The simple fact is that you can't fit into the family; the kid has effectively vetoed it.

> she told me my reaction was "scary and concerning".
Single moms are notorious for doing this. Them being defensive of their kids to the point of excusing any misbehavior is a cliche for a reason.

>8% of straight married couples reported being forced to have sex against their will as opposed to 31% of lesbian couples.
Pretty sure those statistics include being raped *prior* to getting into the current relationship, and a large portion of the lesbians were raped by men. Wouldn't be surprised if they continue the pattern of abuse afterwards and trend towards dysfunctional relationships, though.
you sound like yet another delusional single parent
the kid is acting out in a way that is completely unacceptable and unprovoked towards an adult
my issue wasn't with the kid, nor the time it might take for them to settle down from their angst
but there is a big fucking difference between childhood angst and blatant disrespect and manipulation. kids aren't stupid
it's the behaviour of the mother when I pointed out her child's behaviour that is the problem. trying to guilt me for being uncomfortable with the constant disrespect was not fair and not a good predictor of what was to come with this family
single parents should date other single parents and see how their hypocrisy gets turned against them
Why do lesbians talk so much, can’t you just say something in one sentence?
>you sound like yet another delusional single parent
nope, but i've dated women with children from other fathers. but this language is an indicator that you should not date people with kids, it isn't for you.
you dating the mum IS provocation.
>but there is a big fucking difference between childhood angst and blatant disrespect and manipulation. kids aren't stupid
kids aren't stupid, but they don't have the worldly experience realize the full context of their actions. you have come into their life and are upsetting the order they know.
>it's the behaviour of the mother when I pointed out her child's behaviour that is the problem. trying to guilt me for being uncomfortable with the constant disrespect was not fair
you recognize her as being manipulated and yet you demonize her for loving her children.
>not a good predictor of what was to come with this family
i'm not saying you should continue with the relationship. but you asked "who is in the wrong?" stop getting so defensive if you want the honest answer. we're not here to coddle you and tell you you're right, you're not a six year old kid with a single mother. realistically, no one in the situation is "right", but you are the most wrong. you come into a family's established order and upset it, and after two weeks think you aren't getting the respect you deserve and essentially tell the mum she's a bad mother. you may have not used those words, but saying "he isn't acting correctly" is equivalent to saying "you raised him wrong". you expect the world to bow to you, it doesn't work that way. humble yourself.
also, side note, your wording "not a good predictor of what was to come with this family" is not what you want to say. you want the word indication, not predictor. saying predictor in that context means "this interaction tells me nothing of what future interactions hold", using indication would mean "this does not bode well for future interactions".
I wish I had some advice for you but I just can't imagine what a boy is feeling if his mom shacks up with another woman. She clearly had no intention of giving him a talking to, so I guess you made the right choice getting out of there, you can't stay a secret forever.
>the family's established order
I get that, but realistically, what established order? in hindsight, complete chaos? she was blaming/shaming her eldest kid for not putting up with the youngest's shit, as well as her brother who was going to more effort to be with and parent her children than she was. there was not one instance that I showed up to that house without someone being in conflict with her. meanwhile she's out partying and dumping her kids on a babysitter whilst complaining about them constantly to me, and at the time I was being supportive of her offering any help the way I could and holding my tongue
>you recognize her as being manipulated and yet you demonize her for loving her children
lol what? how is standing my ground and saying that the kid shouldn't be disrespecting me demonizing her or her parenting? how is enabling and excusing blatantly manipulative behaviour "loving your children"? that's literally the opposite of what good parenting is
>you dating the mum IS provocation
Agreed, I'll give you that
>you should not date people with kids, it isn't for you
not people who blame everyone around them for their child's bad behaviour. not parents like that, at least. ever consider that's why she's a single mother in the first place?
>but realistically, what established order?
even if it isn't a good order, it is AN order. it may be shit, but there is no reason for the kids to believe you are going to make it better. even if things could be better, the current order must be destabilized first. and destabilization is scary, with a high potential for failure and to end up worse. i mean, you fucked off after two weeks. lets say you established a new order, but then decided to fuck off after 6 months or a year. then, they may be even worse of than if you had never been there at all, from the fallout of a power void after you established yourself within their order.
>lol what? how is standing my ground and saying that the kid shouldn't be disrespecting me demonizing her or her parenting? how is enabling and excusing blatantly manipulative behaviour "loving your children"? that's literally the opposite of what good parenting is
you had no tact. "he isn't acting correctly" is aggressive and doesn't leave a lot of room to move forward. it's a very "ME VS HIM, PICK A SIDE" mentality. literally switching to more constructive language like "i don't like how your son treated me" would start the conversation off on a better foot. and again, it was two weeks, you need more patience.
>ever consider that's why she's a single mother in the first place?
lots of people are single for a lot of reasons. i'm not about to become super judgmental over something until i know the specifics. i'll date a single mom again. i've had good experiences and bad experiences with them. everyone's situation is different. but i say they aren't for you because you very clearly have an impatient and antagonistic attitude, which is not congruent with dating single parents (especially if their kids are young).
>I'm lucky enough to have never been raped
You've been. You are being pushed around like a little bitch. Your post is basically describing how a slave would act. Are you into this kind of stuff?
I didn't ask her to do anything about it or pick any sides, I said "he shouldn't be acting this way". What the hell. Maybe if you're an insecure parent you might see it that way, but I didn't demand anything. I told her I was uncomfortable with the consistent disrespect, but acknowledged that it could change with time and would continue to follow her lead and be patient. That's not aggressive. Sure you can argue that I used the wrong words initially, but I'm not sure if she would have reacted any differently if I dressed up my words to focus on my feelings rather than the kid's actions, considering that her principles from the getgo were to ignore/laugh at her kid's behaviour regardless of how shitty it was.
>you very clearly have an impatient and antagonistic attitude
only when talking with parents who constantly make excuses for disrespect and blame everyone else for pointing out that it's not ok.
>I'm a dyke attempting to ruin the lives of 2 young boys so I can munch carpet, am I in the wrong???
You both need to be shot
>I didn't ask her to do anything about it or pick any sides
you did, implicitly. like i said, "he isn't acting correctly" is both an attack on her as a parent and a call to pick a side. words have more weight to them than the direct words that are said. everyone with an IQ above room temp understands this, that there's explicit and implicit messages in everything we say.
>Sure you can argue that I used the wrong words initially, but I'm not sure if she would have reacted any differently
well you aren't sure, so stop making it seem like she wouldn't. you don't have laplace's demon in your head, you can't tell that she wouldn't have acted differently either. i don't even know her, but i'm sure she would have, because your words were aggressive and antagonistic, you instantly put her on the spot and forced her into a defensive position without much room to work constructively.
>if I dressed up my words to focus on my feelings rather than the kid's actions, considering that her principles from the getgo were to ignore/laugh at her kid's behaviour regardless of how shitty it was.
focusing on your own experience rather than how you think kids should act as a woman without children is infinitely better starting point. if you can't see that, you continue to show that you have the mentality of a child.
>only when talking with parents who constantly make excuses for disrespect and blame everyone else for
no, you've been needlessly antagonistic in this thread as well. this is who you are. be honest with yourself and realize what kind of person you are or things won't change. to use your words "maybe that's why she's single?"
>pointing out that it's not ok.
it's so easy to point out what is and isn't okay when you don't have kids yourself to know how they got where they got to. another reason why you shouldn't be lecturing her on how she's raising her kids wrong,
No I don't enjoy being treated like a slave, that's the entire point of this post. The experience was extremely confusing and chaotic, and despite my best efforts to support her the way she wanted me to, I still got shat on in the end. This is the type of situation I don't want to end up in again.

yeah, probably. I feel like a fucking tool.
I have a hunch about old lesbians, what is your male bodycount?
Honestly don't think you are. Yes I know this isn't reddit but still. I think you could've handled it a bit better but her reaction is really exaggerated for such a comment. If she saw it as an attack on her than so be it. Idk why you went straight to break up tho. But hey maybe it's better. Now be cautious of single parents in the future and you would have to deal with this.
No. She's at fault. She's basically telling him his behavior is ok and to keep doing it. I feel sorry for both you and the kid.
It's not your fault and it's not because the kid is a boy. The kid is 6. They're still mostly running on instinct right now and like >>32206503 said, you're a stranger and a perceived threat. You can't expect kids that age to think rationally. However, it's also true that the mom has probably been too lenient on the kid, but that's out of your jurisdiction. All in all, you're lucky to have escaped.
>despite my best efforts to support her the way she wanted me to
Now you're seeing how great the so called "male privilege" is. This is how males in relationships feel, they do everything and anything in their power, and still got shat on. Welcome to the club! You acted as the male of the relationship, and that's what made you like that. Also, put yourself in the place of that 6 year old. Do you think it's cool to see your mom hooking up with another women?
you responded to the wrong post, you meant to reply to >>32208293
>"he isn't acting correctly" is both an attack on her as a parent and a call to pick a side
first of all, I didn't say that. what i said was a cut and dry statement that I didn't find his behaviour in that moment acceptable. it doesn't mean that she raised him "wrong" or that she needs to pick a side, and I told her that specifically. i acknowledge that I should have opened up with my feelings, but if she wanted to take my lack of acceptance of his disrespect as an attack on her, that's on her.
>i'm sure she would have
except when I clarified that I was just uncomfortable with her kid's behaviour and feeling frustrated, her response was the same as it was with everyone else in her family, which was to dismiss mock and guilt trip
>focusing on your own experience is an infinitely better starting point
absolutely, agreed
>as a woman without children
being a parent doesn't make you any more qualified to raise kids than a person without kids, and I didn't tell her how to do anything in regard to her kid
>you shouldn't be lecturing her on how she's raising her kids wrong
except I didn't. I said I didn't find the kid's disrespectful behaviour ok in that moment, because I'm sorry, but it's not. that doesn't mean I don't understand why it's happening and can't empathize with it, which is why I reminded her that I am happy to follow her lead
>you've been needlessly antagonistic in this thread as well
ok then
Date me instead. We make baby, . . . everything beautiful again.
definitely not
who the fuck is this bitch kissing my mom and invading my space? of course I get that it's bizarre and uncomfortable, which is why I stayed out of the kid's way and gently gave him space with his mom when he was acting out, as per her request which I was completely on board with
I know I fucked up with the initiation of the topic, but after she mocked me and guilt tripped me, I made it clear that I didn't want anything from her but her understanding that I'm allowed to feel frustrated sometimes. I told her I would keep my feelings to myself regarding any disrespect if it gave her peace of mind, and she still shat on me
Based kid. I hate all queers who say "kiddo".
>first of all, I didn't say that
>my exact words to her were, "he shouldn't be acting this way".
that's equivalent to "he isn't acting correctly". it is literally the same statement with a very slightly different wording.
>it doesn't mean that she raised him "wrong" or that she needs to pick a side
again, it is implicit.
>except when I clarified that I was just uncomfortable with her kid's behaviour and feeling frustrated, her response was the same as it was with everyone else in her family, which was to dismiss mock and guilt trip
clarification doesn't matter once you've already put them on the defensive. you can't just easily walk back your statements, nothing works like that. you said what you said.
>being a parent doesn't make you any more qualified to raise kids than a person without kids,
theory without practice is farts in the wind. you haven't had skin in the game. you could be the best driver in the world but people still wouldn't want you to backseat drive. no one likes backseating, unless your ass is in the driver's seat your words don't mean much. it's not that your are incorrect in your assessment that the kid was being a shit, it's that you were incorrect in handling the situation and your words don't have much weight without the experience to someone who has been doing it for a decade. you are speaking from a place of ignorance and telling her that her kid is not acting right (probably true, if he's six that means he probably spent at least half of his life in mostly isolation, not learning proper socialization during covid)

>and I didn't tell her how to do anything in regard to her kid
it's not about you telling her how to do things. you are missing the point. there's an existing bond of six years, one of flesh and blood, and you come in after two weeks and start aggressively telling her that her kid is not acting right. this is implicitly saying she didn't spend six years raising him right, because if she HAD raised him right, he would be acting fine. you went on the attack, putting her in a defensive position where she either has to agree with you or protect her kid. you didn't tell her what to do, but you implicitly told her to not do what she's doing when it comes to raising her kid. again, this is a situation where no one is right, but you were definitely the most in the wrong. you were the outsider who came and were shaking up their world because you were lonely and needed someone by your side. you should REALLY take note of what i said earlier about destabilization and the power vacuum you could leave and further destabilize their family if you decided to leave after a year when things were settled. they already went through one person leaving, there is trauma there. i will also say it again, i don't think dating people with kids (especially young ones) is for you. you are antagonistic and kind of self centered, you aren't looking at the situation holistically and just trying to put blame elsewhere. the kids will always take priority and attention away from your partner and you seem like you really need to be number one.
>being raped
When every lesbian claims that, but none of them describe it like a real rape victim does, and then they abuse the shit out of each other, no one can believe them.
I wouldn't say you are the asshole or whatever but you didn't handle it right either and neither did she.
The kid obviously has trauma from the divorce or missing father and has abandonment issues.
And the mother ignoring him instead of healing him is only aggravating it instead of healing it.
The mother should have taken his issues more serious because they are signs of trauma and it's also something as the gf of the mom you can't do yourself as you aren't his parent he has no connection to you.
Basically you couldn't have explained things to him because he's not in a state where he can grow emotionally he's stuck in a state of self harm and his mother doesn't recognize this but instead sees it as attention seeking which is just a symptom of emotional trauma.
extremely bizarre comment to imply being gay is a choice
>I was loving.
You are in the wrong and you clearly don't love the kid.
>I was patient. I paid the kid compliments when he did good things, made efforts to connect with him based on his interests, gave him gifts, and followed my ex's lead, which was to ignore the bad.
None of this stuff you're doing is out of love. You don't belong in their family and artificially masking your presence doesn't make it okay.

You're also jealous of a parent's realtionship with her own kid. Wft? Lesbians aren't usually this level of mentally ill. Most of them are normal in comparison
This is what happens when the boy's mother fails to give a shit about him.
The kid is right, you, a homosexual, are a bad person in the eyes of the lord, and are a bad person for trying to convert his mom into a homosexual. You will burn in hell for all of eternity, and he doesn't want his mom to end up with some faggot like you. Downvote.
You are in the wrong for being a queer. Think of the tens of thousands of years of constant heterosexual relations to merely sustain the human species, and apply that to your situation. Think about the countless atoms, stars, galaxies, and blackholes. Think of all the shit that bends reality, and apply it to your subjective scenario of biological passion. Sometimes depression is better than excitement. Yes, this is, vossy.
OP, that boy is a shitter and while I understand that he was fighting to deny you access to his broken family (you have to consider that before you she probably had other partners that encroached upon their family time) his behavior was really bad and he needed to be disciplined by an adult, which his mother clearly will not do. You unfortunately cannot help this situation so walking away was correct. A single mother with kids that young should not be bringing you around those children at such vulnerable age. The kid thinks he won, and he did. He will probably grow up to be a piece of shit but that's because he's raised by a doting mother and gets no discipline. My father would never have tolerated me acting like that in public regardless of who my target was.

As for you, I'm sorry you went through that. There's too much feminine energy around those boys as is, they need a man to be their father and you're not that nor should you be. Not your responsibility. Just never expect a parent to put you first. I love you, sister. Proud of you for walking away.

My last advice is to talk to a parent when a child misbehaves as you did. You laid down boundaries, and the mother coddled him then gave you shit for speaking up. You made the right call.
I never raped my gf but she isn't attracted to me sexually anymore after something I did sexually made her remember childhood trauma. Any advice OP?
Of course, best of luck in your future endeavours.
the stats are not worse than that for women in straight relationships. anons willfully misinterpret the statistics because they refuse to own up to how violent men are. Those women were asked if they had *ever* experienced X, Y, Z, including times they would have dated or been living with a man. Men are even more violent towards women who are sexually attracted to women than they are women who are solely attracted to men. They desire to "punish" them for their sexuality, including "raping the gay away".
Men commit at least 90% of violent crime but somehow expect us to believe that it's magically lesbians committing the most DV. Lmao.
You're in the wrong because you immediately, in the third sentence, put the entire blame on her. You made the conscious, consensual, open choice to be involved with her children. Nobody forced you to do anything. Your attitude is well with me. I'm going to blame others Instead of taking responsibility for your own actions.
>is it mental illness
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You are a dyke.

The younger one is expressing his innate hatred of having 2 moms and no father figure in sight.

Fuck you and die, thanks.

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