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How do I cope with mountain of depression I face now since Trump's victory?
Socially; idk. Trump is really bad for all vulnerable social groups, it's legitimately insane some of these conservative policies he's pushing
economically; keep your money, buy stocks. Trump is trying to force a bear market economically
As a European I'm very perplexed I literally don't know what to think of his re-election... At the same time it'll prolly be better propaganda wise as in not being shamed for not thinking exactly like the leftists. It's sad that leftists in EU have successfully brainwashed most people into thinking Trump is Hitler, now we don't get real normal unbiased infos on either president. I HATE that bc of leftists it has become vote AGAINST someone rather than FOR someone.
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when is donal trump getting rid of trannies
right now
and ALSO when do i get to opress women and black people
Organize. Reach out to your political allies and organize.
>Trump is really bad for all mentally ill pedophiles and child murderers
Oh no. Anyway.
At least his re-election rate was not 90% unlike Putin's.
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In all probablity it will not affect your day-to-day life much.
Where did Mike Pence go?

Why is 95% of trumps existing cabinet gone? Where did they go?

Oh, guess he's too much of a cult member to care about silly things like accountability.
>Trump didnt-do-nuffin wrong cuz.. he just doesn't do anything bad okay!
Imagine wanting to kill yourself because you lost an election. Just shows the state of mind these people are in.
We won’t hurt you, faggot.
There is an age requirement to post here. You preteen.
cope and seethe tranny
you caused this by hating white people
I for one am glad Trump won

There see? That's how you beat depression

By being on the winning side
Yeah his crazy ass economic policies are the real issue more than anything else. Social policy is going to be usual GOP bullshit. The fags survived Reagan, Bush, and Trump 2016 and they'll be ok now too.
Oh yes we will
Every accusation is a confession.

Now answer me you spineless hack, where did Mike Pence go?
keep crying so that we can laugh at you.
>Now answer me you spineless hack, where did Mike Pence go?

Not the other anon, but who the fuck cares? Even the Department of Justice just dropped all their cases against Trump. So much for airtight cases and not simply using lawfare against political opponents right?
I live in a heavily blue state but I voted for Trump because I live with my mom and she's a hard-core Trump supporters. The assassination attempt really galvanized her and I knew not voting for him would piss her off significantly. She's pretty much my only friend and I live with her. The state went blue but I'm a coward with no spine or principles.
>because I live with my mom
you is how old?
>She's pretty much my only friend and I live with her.
This sentence just sent chills down my spine.
You lie as you breathe, no wonder you don't care.

They threw 1 case away of the 64.
He has 63 convictions. From his own enstated Supreme Court. You traitorous turncoat.

Mike Pence isn't around because he was an American hero who stood on the constitution instead of mussolini in a toupee.
>inb4 Men ne frego
Could you be any madder?
>Where did Mike Pence go?
he’s in your anal cavity
That's rich coming from a dude who has a new yorkers dick in his mouth.
Stop spending so much time online and recognize that the vast majority of social media posts are made by a tiny minority of grifters whose jobs revolve around manufactured outrage. The more worried and upset you are, the more time you'll spend consuming their content and the more money they make. Nothing happened the last time Trump was president and nothing is going to happen now.

Trump has already been president for 4 years and he did absolutely nothing. He did not deliver a single one of his campaign promises; he was a completely generic neocon who spent most of his term arguing with reporters and shitposting on twitter.
>Trump is really bad for all vulnerable social groups
OK, now what's the bad news?
Same way that you coped after his first election.
I think I've lost all respect for men that didn't vote in the election at all.
And now we'll hate them even more.
Keep poking the sleeping bear. I'm sure it won't come back to bite you someday.
I know it's from /pol/ but it brings up a good point. Nothing will happen.
Not around me or I will handle you.
>white knighting for mentally ill gays

a new low
It is time for the Democrats to go extinct. Cut your puppet strings from the jew and stop perpetuating their retardism. Faggots don’t know any better and you are no different. You don’t know what it feels like to think for yourself.
I checked there
You be happy about all the crypto you bought growing significantly every day.

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