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She is an incredibly talented artist but the past three months or so all she has been doing is playing simulation games until dawn.
I want to make it clear that the goal here is moderation and making sure that she does not squander her talent.
What kind of gun is that?
BB gun
Well then idk
whenever you see her playing video games, rape her. She will eventually stop playing video games because she does not want to be raped.
I don't think that would work. She really likes that sort of stuff.
Get her addicted to crack, then when she needs crack she’s go outside
>How do I get my bf to stop playing video games so much
>Nooo stop you bitch videogames are a human right!
>How do I get my gf to stop playing video games so much?
>Yasss queen, slay, you are so valid
Don't. Let her play, women want to have fun too
>>Yasss queen, slay, you are so valid
who are you quoting
Tell her you'll only rape her if she draws
I know that you're memeing but that might actually work
What kind of simulation games? It's not really relevant, but I feel I really want to know now.

As for the question I don't really have a satisfying answer, but sometimes you might need periods on your life where you drop everything and let yourself recharge. I think that's especially true for artistic types. I would hope that when she feels done with the games, when she feels fulfilled with what the games can give her, then she will naturally shift focus back to her art. Putting pressure on her would just be counter-productive. At least that's how I would react.
>What kind of simulation games?
Sims 2, Sim City, some sort of ice trucking or train one, Civ III. She keeps adding mods to them as well. She gets very excited about the mods.

>Putting pressure on her would just be counter-productive. At least that's how I would react.
This sounds true. I guess I should focus on making sure she is eating enough and hydrating then.
>She gets very excited about the mods.
That's seems like a god sign. Not the mod in particular, but that she gets excited. Mods are an expression of creativity.
*good sign
idk about that but I can see where you're coming from
op just tell her that you miss her drawing
Savage model 3, maybe.
Are there art related games? It is rhetorical, really.
>Are there art related games?
That could be a good pivot desu. She does have this 90s Crayola game
In order to do something, you have to finish doing nothing first.
Water gun
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Anon, most of the creeps on here would probably cut off their left nut to have a based isometric game autist GF.
it's true, this thread is making me angry
Why are you being like this?
Artists procrastinate a lot, maybe she's in one of those narcissistic episodes artists like to call "creative block", or maybe she's burned out.

Why don't you try to draw with her? It always makes it easy to talk and draw with someone. She needs to understand that artists take breaks so they can grind, not grind until she breaks. If she starts drawing again and goes balls to the wall with it, she'll stop soon again.
>narcissistic episodes
found the cs or it dork who shits on the fine arts. go code more useless shit nerd
I'm a digital artist and I do what that guy said, sometimes I need to recharge, don't worry about it too much
I actually improved but barely practicing, art is mostly knowledge, and if you've doing it for like 10 years, a few months worth of break won't make you lose yours skills.
I actually hurt my arm some time ago and I learned 2d animation just by reading the books, when my arm was better I picked it up and it just clicked.
however rotting away all day can't be good for her so there's that, I don't play a lot of games but every now and then a game comes out that makes me waste a bunch of hours, I still don't lose my skills but I don't learn much either.
Like what? Omds no he joked about something >:'O
You sound a bit like a control freak, mate. Just let her game, she'll get back to it when she feels like it.
You made it funny tho.
a gun i think, not sure. hope this helps
hey, that's me. But I have advanced to more modern sims.

You're an ugly cow.
Ok, I'll bite. Like what.
She has been reading animation books on her downtime actually. Maybe I am just being a control freak like >>32331971 is saying. I am a writer so I guess the process is a lot different.

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