If you're not born a chad, then life unironically seems to be a series of desperate coping mechanisms to deal with the fact that you are inferior to those men. I don't want to be another one of those poor saps who tries to make do with life when it's demonstrably worthless if you're genetically disadvantaged.
>>32321054There is an even bigger problem you are facing. All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to
>>32321054So what exactly do you want/expect out of life here OP?You could either work to make yourself better, accept your status and play the hand you're dealt...OR do nothing and continue to be a whiny bitch. We all know you'll choose the third option.Also lil bro in the pic really didn't need to be wearing that extra smedium shit to go out to eat. He looks good but he's no true chad...to much tryhard energy. A chad false flag if you will. Figures a clueless retard like you would latch onto this. What did you even do here OP, google "cute boy" and pick out your favorite image?
>>32321088>You could either work to make yourself better, accept your status and play the hand you're dealHere's the problem with that, anon. It's cope. I was the kind of idiot who once fell for improover shit, but it's a cult for people who cannot accept genetic determnism. Sure, no one can stop you from trying to learn new things, working hard etc. but that will only take you so far in life before you hit the glass ceiling. The one thing you can't change is your genetics. You're stuck with them.
>>32321148Ok, great. Be stuck with them in silence then and stop lusting after guys you think are cute, faggot.
>>32321054If that makes you feel better, I don't want a guy that looks like picrel (aka Chad). The question is, would you ever want a girl like me?
>>32321171Concession accepted.
>>32321182>herpa derpSo what did I "concede" on here, exactly? If anything I agree with you. Looks matter, and you will never be "le epic chad".Cry about it.
>>323211811. Yes you wouldand 2. Don't make this all about you, femanon.
>>32321200>Yes you wouldEw, you are one of those types who assumes shit about people without knowing them. Dude, your problem is your personality, not your looks
Lol at OP getting mad because a femanon isn't as enamored with his gay mancrush as he is.You should be happy OP, one less woman for you to compete with.
>>32321282You seem preoccupied with the thought of me being gay, anon. Want to get something off your chest?
There's no such thing as an objective Chad. Girls are attracted to all sorts of people I'm kinda goofy looking and I still get pussy somehow.
>>32321302>here's another man I find really, really attractive!>this girl says she doesn't like him? SHE IS LYING, I MEAN JUST LOOK AT HIMYou are gay as the day is long my nigga.Most of you incels are raging closet cases so this is nothing new.
>>32321314>Girls are attracted to all sorts of peopleNo, they're not. Women are unironically a hivemind. Anyway, I'm not talking exclusively about getting woman here. I'm talking about being comfortable in yourself. What's the point living with some genetically garbage body and trying to "make do"? Lame.
>>32321321Judge women by their actions, for their words are hollow.Also, why do you want incels to be gay, anon? Classic projection.
>>32321323>I'm talking about being comfortable in yourself.That's a choice anon. And it has nothing to do with what you look like.There are good looking people who are insecure and self-conscious, and "ugly" people who are carefree and have better things to worry about.>>32321327And what actions has she done that I'm judging her by?I judge all people by their actions, not just women. Men also, even incel closet cases like you.
>>32321054>What's the point living if you're not a Chad?If you only goal in life is a high body count just end it I guess, but there are other things to do. You can still have a decent girl and not be a Chad you just can't get harem.
>>32321327>Judge women by their actionI had crushes on guys around my height, and I am short, just so you know. And none of them looked like "chads". But your personality is so offputting, that even women like me who are not into buff models will avoid you.>B but women date abusechads all the timeYeah but those abusechads at least have genetic lottery for offspring. You neither have superior genes (as you are saying) nor you are nice. You have NOTHING to offer except for being a human dildo
>>32321054imagine being so far removed from chad that your instinct isn't even to compete with chad, but to think it's all pointless. truly bottom social status behavior and self-talk
>>32321381You can't compete with chad, moron.
>>32321364I don't really give a shit for anything you have to say, even if you were a real femanon. I've read all this crap before from women who want to show that they're oh so not like other girls, when we all know you're the same.
>>32321390Maybe YOU can't. Chads compete with other chads all the time.
>>32321182>Concession accepted yes I will die alone and there’s nothing I can do about itYeah you really won there dipshit
>>32321323Skill issue
>>32321546>genetics is a skill issue
>>32321551You chose a different difficulty during the reincarnation menu, you can blame your higher self for wanting to play on nightmare difficulty instead of easy(Chad) mode.
>>32321562Hmm...more likely he was sent into it for being a huge asshole. We've already seen his character on display in this thread, and it doesn't paint a flattering picture.
>>32321551>attracting women>improving your looks and body>impossibleYou are a fucking slave unworthy of manhood. “Genetics is your excuse”, all slave-minded scum find one to justify their inferiority. Yes, it is a skill issue, nothing is beyond your grasp if you develop the will to take it.
>>32321054You can still get a 10/10 do you happen too own a van or have a basement?Anyway on a serious note get a passport and buy out a hot girl from let's say Bulgaria and have Chad children
>>32321562>>32321575Yeah it sounds cool to pick from a menu like an rpg but who would want to be a bottom-feeding human roach. I’m pretty sure the archons don’t let you pick bruh.
>>32321589That's the kind of ghey cope that I'm talking about. Trying to convince yourself that genetic determnism can be overcome by pulling up your bootstraps. It's pathetic.
>>32321575You get Chads like picrel that had it so easy they literally look for the most dangerous challenges possible to feel more alive, starting out Chad is easymode for guys.>>32321596I personally feel making it as a 5/10 is more rewarding than having everything given to me as a Chad 10/10 male but you do you wallow all you want.
>>32321601>>32321613>cope>wallowHuh? Where? How? Genetics is the cope you fucking projecting bitch. Fuck you’re hopeless.
>>32321637There are guys in wheelchairs, no limbs, and deformities getting more pussy than you right now. Some of it is a skill issue on your part.
>>32321390your self-talk is leaking into real life
>>32321661He literally can't get away
>>32321661These are caregiver relationships, you absolute clown.
>>32321661>Some of it is a skill issue on your part.>Some of itI'd argue all of it.These OPs are never as ugly as they'd have you believe. I'm sure he's nothing special, but that's just it. These fags are just mad they're not good looking enough to just coast by on looks while offering nothing else. They're resentful because they think if only they had chad looks they'd be free to be as awful and unlikable as they want to be and it wouldn't matter because women would like them anyway.
>>32321691Is picrel just a bunch of caregivers?>>32321699>These fags are just mad they're not good looking enough to just coast by on looks while offering nothing else.That's what I'm starting to gather from these sort of threads, I'm far from Chad myself but I've had success with women but I've had to work at it.
>>32321589It's hard to develop your will when there are mirrors all around you. All anon needs to do is look in the mirror and his will level will drop to negative, then there are the other walking mirrors he gets feedback from every day. Sure he can develop his will, but he won't be able without a strong guiding force or friend, it's just the way it is, the less you have the more help you need.
>>32321716>Is picrel just a bunch of caregivers?What are prostitutes, anon?
>>32321729Pretty sure they weren't prostitutes but I can see you just want to make excuses, /adv/ is for advice if you want to whine I'll refer you to >>>/r9k/
>>32321745You do know all of these examples you cherrypick are newsworthy for a reason right, anon?
>>32321756They come to mind first, I see balding fat guys in public with gfs/wives but I don't got any pictures on hand because taking pictures of couples without their approval is weird. You seem set in your ways anyway so /r9k/ seems more of your thing than people actually making an effort to improve themselves.
>>32321756You know what's NOT newsworthy in the slightest OP? Regular ho-hum average looking guys who still get women. They didn't need to be "chad" so why do you?And that's just it, this was never really about women. You just feel this overwhelming need to be "chad" because you're a vain faggot. You're a failed narcissist, a narc who is obsessed with looks but doesn't even at least have the looks of his own to back it up.
>>32321780>>32321792Yeah, it's so much better to be some faggot who has to hope that a woman eventually does him a favor and goes out with him.
>>32321816You only say this because no woman likes you (and none ever will)
>>32321825Nope. I just don't see the value in hoping that a woman settles for you as some kind of charity case. I would rather be Chad.
>>32321840>a woman settles for you as some kind of charity caseIf she actually likes you she's not "settling" retard.>I would rather be Chad.So you're just a vain narcissistic faggot...exactly as I said then. So why argue with me?
>>32321849>If she actually likes you she's not "settling" retard.Yes, she is, because she could date more attractive men.>So you're just a vain narcissistic faggotWhy does that make me vain and narcissistic?
>>32321859>because she could date more attractive men.But...she's not. Not everyone is as obsessed with attractive men as you are faggot.>Why does that make me vain and narcissistic?How does it not?
>>32321054>What's the point of living if you're not a Chad?Because I make it a point for myself. I don’t try to live as someone I’m not, I have a stable sense of self. >If you're not born a chad, then life unironically seems to be a series of desperate coping mechanisms to deal with the fact that you are inferior to those men.Inferior in looks? Yeah maybe. In wisdom? Intelligence? Contentment? Virtue? Charisma? Creativity? Remains to be seen. ‘Chad’ can also be any of these too, but my point is all of those are things to excel in that aren’t looks. If all ‘Chad’ has going for him is looks, his life won’t be as easy as you think it will be. >I don't want to be another one of those poor saps who tries to make do with life when it's demonstrably worthless if you're genetically disadvantaged.You’re already acting like a poor sap though. Not because of looking inferior to the archetype Chad, but because you would rather pine over other people’s lives than live your own life. That’s what is really sad, OP. The sheer and utter self-betrayal you do to yourself by wishing you were someone else. You deserve better than that and you should apologise to yourself unironically. You’re an absolute prick to yourself for as little and shallow of a reason such as looks.
>>32321908>Not everyone is as obsessed with attractive men as you are faggot.That's right, some women will date for honorable reasons like money and status kek.
>>32321933Is this how you all cope?
>>32321934Nta but I find it hilarious that you defer to women as a rebuttal. >”Heh okay so forget about Chad, what about WOMEN”It’s still pathetic finger-pointing and appealing to things outside of yourself as if they are the only things to merit value or success. If you’re an adult man and you require female validation just to feel worthy of yourself then you got bigger problems than just looks or being single or virgin.
>>32321054I live as a perpetual potential guy.I need to get my shit together, but studies are also a pain to deal with at the same time.
>>32321933>You deserve better than thatI agree with all of your post except this bit.OP deserves every bit of his misfortune, if not worse.
>>32321946It’s not even a cope, I sincerely and genuinely believe this as passively and easily as I believe the sky to be blue. It really takes no effort and it’s astounding how others crucify themselves over something so banal and meaningless like looks or getting female attention. It’s uglier than any physical deformity, for a grown man to beat himself mentally like a dog all because he shrivels up in a ball of low self esteem because he values lookism and pussy so much he honors it more than he does himself or his own wellbeing. It’s the furthest thing from masculine too, so if your whole thing was wanting to feel like a man, then stop despairing and comparing yourself to other people – especially if it all boils down to winning validation from fucking women of all creatures.
>>32321949Nah, just countering your argument that women aren't as hung up on looks as me, which laughable anyway since most goodlooking dudes are coincidentally in relationships.But yeah, I want to be Chad. I would rather be Chad than anything else. Like I said, you can learn new things, you can work hard, but you can't change the genetics that you're stuck with. At least if I looked good, I would focus on my other endeavours. But like this, any endeavour I undertake is worthless because my body is garbage.
>>32321982>I would focus on my other endeavoursYou can already do that now, retard. You're simply choosing not to.
>>32321993Because I will never be happy with myself if I don't look like Chad.
>>32321982You’re delusional. Looks don’t affect most other endeavours and you know it. Most of history’s celebrated men were ugly bastards at worst, mediocre-looking at best. Yet we remember their names centuries later, a millennia later, and not whoever the fuck male model it is you’re covertly simping for.Teenage girls obsess over their own attractiveness and anxiously claw at their own esteem, dreaming to be a pretty little princess. You are an adult MAN. Cut that soppy sad sissy shit out. Manhood and masculinity has close to fuck all to do with looks. The only time physicality is worth anything is in physique, in strength and endurance. Obsessing over pretty boy shit is for fruits. So don’t be a fruit.
>>32322003So you're vain and narcissistic, yes, we've already established that.We're literally going in circles now.
>>32322005I don't really care. I want to be goodlooking and genetically gifted. Everything else comes from that. You can be comfortable in yourself and focus on other pursuits. You know that women will find you attractive and you won't have to cope and hope that one takes pity on your sorry ass. It's the dream life, and anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves.
>>32322042>You can be comfortable in yourself and focus on other pursuits.>you won't have to cope and hope that one takes pity on your sorry ass.STFU faggot, you can do these things now just as you are. The only person stopping you from having this is you.This is not new information for you, you've been told this before.
>>32322064I can't be comfortable in myself when I'm physically disadvantaged. I don't want to be just another idiot "making do", which includes hoping that some woman finally decides she wants to settle for you. What kind of existence is THAT?
>>32322042>I don't really care.I wish this was true, truth is you care way too much to the point of being neurotic>I want to be good-looking and genetically gifted.So stick to hygiene, grooming, and exercise job done. Also know that ‘good-looking’ is subjective, in the eye of the beholder. Accept that and live with it. Also, stop using the word ‘genetic’, you do not know the first thing about genetics so you have no right to cling to it as a scapegoat. Chad McModelFace won’t feel genetically gifted when his Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis is delivered, that’d be genetics too, right? Point is genes deliver far more than just looks. And looks can always be altered, chiseled, changed. It takes work to look good. Work you don’t want to do.>You know that women will find you attractive and you won't have to cope and hope that one takes pity on your sorry ass. There it is again, appealing to validation from females just to feel worthy of yourself. You’re not a toddler anymore, you don’t need to tug at mommy’s apron to feel safe and lovable anymore. That isn’t masculine or adult, so snap out of it. >It's the dream life, and anyone who says otherwise is deluding themselves.You haven’t lived a life then, or gone through an actual hard life. I was peak attractive as a young man aged 18-22. I got the female attention, girls approaching me, married women asking about me, all that shit. It wasn’t ‘the dream’. Because I did not care for any of it, I was too busy watching my family destroy themselves and rot with cancer and heart disease, I was too busy having to survive on my own and fight through addictions. No amount of female validation mattered, and for any ‘man’ who claims it’s the only thing to live for is delusional and emotionally stunted.
>>32321054i think you think about other men too much
>>32322087>I can't be comfortable in myself when I'm physically disadvantaged.You mean normal and average?Why is it other men can be that and be comfortable in their own skin, have women, and have a happy fulfilling life and you can't?Oh right, we've already answered that question:>vain, narcissistic, neurotic, possibly a closet fag
>>32321054>What's the point living if you're not a Chad?I'm not going to read the rest of your post. If being a "Chad" is what's important to you, then the point of living is to become Chad. No, you probably won't succeed, but that's not the point. The point of your life is to do everything in you power, and a bit more, to become Chad, or die trying.
>>32322115>You mean normal and average?Nope. >Why is it other men can be that and be comfortable in their own skin, have women, and have a happy fulfilling life and you can't?Cool story bro
>>32322090Why are all of these things mutually exclusive to you? It's not "Okay you can be Chad but you can't have xyz" No, that's not how it works. I'm not a Chad AND I've had a bunch of shitty family matters to deal with. So, I've had the worst of both worlds. I want to look in the mirror and see someone that I admire, but instead I just see a dude who lost the genetic lottery.
>>32321982>>32322003It's funny how all "women just want chads" boils down to>I want to be like Chad but I am a lazy fuck so I blame genetics for itVery amusing indeed
>>32322136>bro just change ur jawline, shoulders, waist, eye shape, skin type
>>32321933>wisdom? Intelligence? Contentment? Virtue? Charisma? Creativity?Those things are determined in part by genetics just as much as looks, so why bring them up?
>>32322133>I'm not a Chad AND I've had a bunch of shitty family matters to deal with. So, I've had the worst of both worlds. I want to look in the mirror and see someone that I admire, but instead I just see a dude who lost the genetic lottery.I’m sorry man I don’t mean to play the pain olympics and compare our shitty family matters, but if you had the room in your mind and heart to worry over looks, then you must’ve had it way better than me. If you had seen the same levels violence and abuse in the shoes of a kid like I had to, you’d not be preening at your looks in front of a mirror, it’d be the last thing on your damn mind if it was as tough as you claim. Which brings me to a potentially useful insight I want to give to you in earnest - have you heard of body or face dysmorphia? If you are telling the truth that you too grew up from a shit dysfunctional family, then look into it. Because it might explain a whole lot about yourself. Face dysmorphia is where someone believes themselves ugly and unfuckable/unlovable despite not even being that ugly. They could be decent looking, or moderately attractive yet still feel unease looking at themselves in the mirror. They see something ugly while everyone else sees something else. It happens when a child is constantly put down, shamed, criticised, ridiculed and had their esteem shredded to pieces by their own parents on a daily basis. Give it serious consideration
I get insanely jealous when I hear people talking about how goodlooking someone is. Shit just isn't fair.
>>32322146Oh come on, it has already been discussed in this thread.>Ugly and short men are pulling bitches>I I just want to look like Chad to be happyYou don't need to be Chad to get laid. The laziness in you is treating yourself like a victim, blaming the world and being unable to deal with yourself, or getting better at what you are. Your problem is not looking like chad, your problem is being a whiny annoying narcissistic toddler
>>32322146Those things aren't keeping you from a better life, so you don't need to change them.
>>32321054You're not going to believe this but I'm a Chad myself and I'm a complete loser. Why? Because of social status. Girls have admitted they don't want to date me because I'm a stranger and I'm not within their immediate circle of friends. Girls who were intrigued by me eventually passed me up for someone less attractive than me. The advantage those ugly guys have was that they knew those girls from childhood. Those warm fuzzy Wonder Years memories meant more to those women than looks. You are too obsessed with looks.
>>32322193Ugh. This isn't just about getting women or getting laid. I don't want to be just another average or below-average looking nobody. What's the point living like that? I want to be goodlooking.>>32322194Yes they are. I have shitty genetics, I hate the person in the mirror, I hate having to pilot this lame-ass body. Life is worthless like this.
>>32322207>I don't want to be just another average or below-average looking nobody. What's the point living like that? I want to be goodlooking.>no no, you see I need to be BETTER than everyone else! for uh reasonsSo you're vain and narcissistic, YES, for like the fourth time. It's obvious, and you keep doubling down in your replies, but yet also deny it and play dumb at the same time.>I hate the person in the mirror, I hate having to pilot this lame-ass body.So do something about it then, for starters go to the gym faggot.
>>32322252I work out regularly and probably do more than the average schmo but it doesn't make any appreciable difference.
>>32322207>I don't want to be just another average or below-average looking nobody. What's the point living like that? I want to be goodlookingYou need to eventually come to terms with yourself. Eventually you are going to have to accept the lot life gave you. Yes, you are ugly, yes, you are below average but obsessing over things you can never have is detrimental to yourself and your mental emotional health. What you need to do is focus on your other good qualities. Your invisible qualities. Focus on that and things will improve for you. Second, focus on your few good physical qualities you can change. Go get braces, fix your teeth and get a beautiful smile. If you were lucky enough to have nice hair, nice facial hair focus on that. Style it. Get nice clothes, shoes, and accessories. Buy nice colognes and fragrances. You would be surprised how much that will.
>>32322287>What you need to do is focus on your other good qualitiesSee what I mean about coping mechanisms? I don't care about focusing on some abstract qualities if I can't stand the sight of who I am. Why can't I have Chad's good looks AND those qualities? Oh right, because of the genetic lottery.
>>32322359Like I said earlier you need to come to terms with the lot life gave you. Obsessing over what you don't have isn't going to give you what you don't have. Appreciate what YOU DO HAVE and life will be much better.
>>32322381>Appreciate what YOU DO HAVEWell, that isn't much. Whoop de doo!
>>32322275>lame-ass body>at the gym regularly Well something isn't adding up, you're obviously doing something very wrong then.
>>32322359>Why can't I have Chad's good looks AND those qualities?Why are you now pretending to care about those other qualities? You could wake up looking like chad tomorrow, still wouldn't have the rest of them, and you wouldn't care. Stop bullshitting.
>>32322436Plenty of dudes work out and still look like ass because of their crappy genetics. I'm one of them.
>>32322448Plenty of dudes CLAIM they work out and still look like ass. This isn't about face, this is body now. If you're working out, let alone working out more than the average person, and your body doesn't change you either have no idea what you're doing or you're training like a complete bitch. I'll let you decide which.
>>32321054Why do you want to be a chad?>you get raped by billionaires at ‘photo shoots’ whilst modelling for Abercrombie & Fitch>you get raped by celebrities at p Diddy parties>fat ugly obnoxious suburban girls think they own you because you smiled at them once Fuck that shit, get a hobby it’s more fulfilling and less anal rape
>>32321054It's only a disadvantage if you try to play their game.
>just be le unattractive guy who's undesired by women and focus on le hobbiesgheyyyyyyyy
>>32321054Ok, then kys. No one cares.
>>32322448Same. You also gotta eat well too, and thats hard when you're broke. Pretty sure the fat i have is from being in starvation mode, eating like only 1 time a day. And you gotta eat and sleep at the right times. And be careful not to hurt yourself so you end up fatter because you cant even move. Its not as easy as just go to the gym over and over > become chad
>>32321054shit i dont even care about chad man im 5'6'' ugly as shit deformed with bipolar 1. Just give me a fighting a chance man ill take 5'6'' with decent face and NO MENTAL ILLNESS AND MAYBE HIGH IQ. Like give me something to work with FUCK. im stupid ugly mentally ill and short haha wtf god.
>>32322776>undesired by women>do nothing to make yourself more desirable>also do nothing else to pass the time instead
>>32322914>>do nothing to make yourself more desirableExcept I have, that's why I can state with confidence that it's useless.
>>32322416Not only focus on the few good qualities you have. Think about the few imperfections you have that YOU CAN HELP. Crooked, yellow teeth? Fix them. Get a beautiful smile. Acne? Fix it. Get beautiful clear skin. Not bald, no receding hairline? Get a nice hair style. Do you think you could lose some weight? Do it! You don't have to get bodybuilder size. Just get regular fit. Can you grow a beard? Grow it, go to a barber for a nice style. Get nice clothes, shoes, and accessories. Do all of this and your confidence will go up. People are going to start complimenting you as well. That will raise your self-esteem.
>>32323139>Except I haveThen why aren't you? No you fucking haven't.
>>32323381Because no amount of looksmaxxing and gymmaxxing will compensate for shitty genetics.
>>32323393You don't have to end up as a male model retard, just better than what you started as.And if you can't even manage that, then yeah you've fucked up.
>>32323402"Better" still isn't good enough. It isn't going to change my bone structure or my eye shape. What part of that are you failing to grasp?
>>32325315>"Better" still isn't good enoughYes it is retard. Why do you speak so confidently about this when you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about?
>>32325397You're the retard who thinks improover memes can change your bone structure.
>>32325632Oh look, it's the bone structure retard again.
>>32325632You're the retard who thinks it matters that much and that's why your life is the way it is.You could wake up with my bone structure tomorrow and it wouldn't matter, your life would still be in shambles and more importantly, you would still be an unlikable faggot.
>>32326017Nah, if I looked like a Chad then life would be far more enticing than looking like this. I would be all set to enjoy myself. Don't misrepresent the situation.
>>32326027>I would be all set to enjoy myself.Oh? So what would you do different that you can't do now?This should be good...
>>32326030I would be far more comfortable in my own skin, which would allow me to socialize with others, do new things, meet new people. Might even be able to have a lovelife.>you can do all of that nowlol no
>>32326039NTA but he's right, you're being a shallow cuntstop itTo some people, looks matter a lot.Dont be like that.There are fat, bald bitches with HUGE ass bithmarks all over their face who are having fun RIGHT NOW because they know that the shit YOU think is important, really isnt that important.Im sorry you have so many wounds in your soul that you think you dont deserve to be happy because (you think) you're ugly.Go get help. Try new things. You are sitting in a basement IN YOUR OWN MIND and you could walk out right now and get a breath of air but you refuse because you think you arent worth it.holy fuck, i advise you to buy a bag of shrooms and do them all. Youll trip balls and live a thousand billion lifetimes, dying in each one. Once you come down, you'll realise you are ONE DUMB MOTHERFUCKER, and youll try better.Because life wont get better unless you try. You can try and fail.You can try and succeed (this is what you want, idiot)You can NOT TRY and failAnd you can NOT TRY and also fail.Go out and try, idiot.Idiot. Blind, blithering idiot. So convinced you have all the facts.Fuck you, idiot. Go outside.Did you know most people can't tell the difference between arrogance and shyness? To an outside observer, someone being shy and someone being arrogant appears the exact same.
>>32326164I don't think it's shallow at all. It's like saying that having a healthy body is "shallow" rather than sick one. Same applies here, insomuch that looking like a Chad would also improve my mental health. If I wasn't trapped in this ugly excuse for a body, if I was actually handsome, my life would be worth living. But that's never going to happen, because you can't change your genetics no matter how much you work out. Imagine trying to come to terms with the fact that you're stuck with this body for the rest of your life and the only escape is suicide.
>>32323393>>32326027>>32327068>If I wasn't trapped in this ugly excuse for a body, if I was actually handsome, my life would be worth living.You kidding me? Do you have anything in your life you're proud of? Have you developed some nice traits or skills by now? How old even are you?You basically have countless hobbies and the whole world to explore which is a lot and you are wasting time on this shit. You will never bang Ana de Armas or cute girl from work or college. Or maybe you will."Chads" have an appearance such hot chicks have, but that's only one time part of a person. You complain about loneliness and ugliness, but what about ugly girls? Their life is a special kind of hell. You just seek validation and affirmation from others, maybe a bit of love. You need a mental health intervention, but not from a kike shrink. Just styling, haircut and skincare can improve so much. You will waste your whole life yelling at the clouds.Pay for some hoes, sex is put on a pedestal a lot. No one want to make friends or love with a shortsighted person with toxic tones.Get blasted by hallucinogens, be among people on MDMA, or better do therapy on MDMA, and get better. Just be careful, it can go wrong pretty quickly. There are things not to fuck with.
>>32321054I won't read existential whining threads. Just report to the local euthanasia center.
>>32327611I'm reasonable, I'll take being a Chadlite or even a High-Tier normie, as long as I could be comfortable in my own skin. Looks aren't everything, sure, but at the same time a lot of life is predicated on cognitive biases towards goodlooking people. Also, you seem to be laboring under the misunderstanding that I've never looksmaxxed or shit like that. I have. I've spent more time and money than the average schmo trying to turn myself into something I admire, but unfortunately I've had to accept the fact that no matter what I do, I will be a goodlooking person due to my shitty genetics.>>32328556You read it, sucka.
>>32321054Inferior in looks but we can outmatch them in skills and brain power
>>32321054>Sir, you have a gaping wound>CHAD NEVER HAD A GAPING WOUND LIFE IS SO UNFAIR>Your gaping wound in killing you, you should dress and treat your wound or you'll be crippled and possibly die>CHAD NEVER HAD TO DRESS THEIR WOUND SO I WON'T EITHER WHY BOTHER>Your wound is gangrenous we need to amputate your limb. >WTF I HOW COULD GENETICS HAVE DONE THIS TO ME? I SEE NO POINT IN LIVING IF I COULD NEVER AND WILL NEVER BE AN ELITE FOUR LIMBED PERSON
>>32331755>I have. I've spent more time and money than the average schmo trying to turn myself into something I admireSome examples?
>>32331998Nah, you'll only mock me for being a tryhard.
>>32332017No. I will mock you for lying and never having really tried anything at all though. No need to deny it, I can tell you're being dishonest. Nice bait thread.
>>32332035Who tf are you that I have to explain jack shit? I honestly don't give af if you believe me or not. You just don't want to accept that I've tried because it contradicts your bootstraps boomer mentality.
>>32321054that level of self pity is hideous have you tried not being a humungous fucking faggot retard who cries when someone that showers enters the room?
>>32332048Wtf are you talking about? My hygiene is peak, I work out regularly, take good care of myself, dress stylishly, all that shit. I still hate the way I look, because of my cruddy genetics. My bone structure is garbage. I've got prey eyes. It's a fucking joke. It must take some serious cope for people to accept this.
>>32332066>My bone structure is garbage. I've got prey eyesi'll tell you, i'm middle age, and never, ever, once in my time on earth have i ever evaluated my own bone structure.you're a fucking freak and the problem is in your head
>>32332068>never, ever, once in my time on earth have i ever evaluated my own bone structure.And? That's your story. Maybe you have good bone structure and it's never been an issue? The world doesn't revolve around what YOU think, anon.
>>32332075your world definitely revolves around a series of ridiculous clownish neuroses you invent but you're telling me i'm self involved?
>>32332093Yes, because you're dictating to me what I should think and feel based on YOUR pov. I want to be a goodlooking guy. What's so wrong with that?
>>32332046>Who tf are you that I have to explain jack shit?NTA but that's how communication generally works, faggot.But I have a much better question for you OP: who the fuck are YOU where you seem to expect to have been good looking or a "chad" and think it's some kind of cosmic injustice if you're not?
>>32332075>The world doesn't revolve around what YOU think, anon.You're so close to coming to a revelation about your whole thread here OP, but you just can't clinch it.
>>32332111>Yes, because you're dictating to me what I should think and feel based on YOUR pov.I'm that guy (>>32327611), please just get some help, as I have suggested you already.And fuck that "thats your opinion, pov" fallacy, it's not going to get you anywhere. That anon has a common sense and wish you all the best, doesn't put you down. "Everyone has their opinion" has led to the decadence and fallout of the current society. Just get help, I provided you tools.
>>32332460>Just get help, I provided you tools.What tools? Get rekt on shrooms?Also, you talked about skincare, hair styling etc. basically "looksmaxxing". I've done this, dude. Do you know fucking exhausting it is to spend so much time, money, and energy making yourself look at your best and STILL hating the sight of yourself in the mirror? To STILL be invisible to women?
>>32332518It seems like you don't appreciate my or anyone's advices. We were pretty clear on some viewpoints, and you still as stubborn as you can get. Also seems you have no one in real life you can rely on, but this is the best you gonna get from some good anons from the internet. You also lack introspection and your lamenting is a bit infantile. What should we tell you? You suck? What is even the point of this thread? Maybe its better for you to get off 4chan. Ciclejerk can be horrendous trap. It takes a man to experience bliss/horror and revelation on those things. It requires some balls. Just be careful
>>32332775It's strange when people reply "What do you want us to say?" in an advice thread.If I knew what advice I wanted, I wouldn't be asking for it in the first place.
>>32323309Pure copium
>another gaslighting threadReally?You retards want to make out like height, bone structure, personality etc (determined by genetics btw) don't matter and its all about "Just bee urself" or some naive sappy bullshit like thatYou people are so fucking annoying, why are you even here? Go back to r*ddit where everyone agrees with your bluepilled nonsense
>>32333307>personality etc (determined by genetics btw)Lmfao
>>32321054What is it that you are missing out, exactly?Pussy? you can get pussy if you want to, you dont have to be chad, go outsideLove? you can get love as well, again, doesnt have to be 10/10 woman out there but family, friends and a normal girl like youJob and/or money? you dont have to be a chad for itMaybe you are just genuinely gay and have a love/hate relationship with themt. 1.67 cm manlet
>>32333307>le redditIncels like you came from reddit first of all, second of all the real question is why are some people (most people, even) able to get by without being some model or chad and you can't?You guys NEVER have an answer for that question...
>>32321079>All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latestthis is why you get an 18 year old. I'm 34 and my gf is 18
>>32333511I want to be a goodlooking guy. Why is that so hard for you accept? I want to be able to look in the mirror and look what I see. I don't even let my family take photos of me because I hate the sight of myself. And if they do take photos of me, I will never look at them.
>>32321054Sad thing is I was a Chad in many respects but lost my mind and my hair. I let my youth pass by as a weird schizoid loner. But suicide is SO scary, I can't do it.I probably will once my mood improves a little. It's hardest when you're really miserable. Either the pain is so extreme that you jump off a bridge crying and screaming or you wait to feel better/stronger.
All that matters is appearance. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional.
>>32321054It's true that women generally find masculine traits to be attractive, but the average woman doesn't require some ultra-masculine alpha male type guy. You can have a more reasonable/attainable level of masculinity and still do perfectly fine with the average woman, it's when you're seen as almost lacking masculine traits altogether (like a lot of those who complain about being friend-zoned nice guys) that you're going to have difficulty.
Tragically, I was not borne a billionaire.How could this even happen?Has that actually ever happened to someone before?
>>32334607Imagine....not being a billionaire?That's a terminal sentence. What to do with that??
>>32334576I'm bald but still fit and handsome. Maybe things will work out for me lol. Meeks status
>>32332806> your picrelThat's really pathetic of you, show some gratitude. I don't know how old are you, but I hope you are under 20, so you have still time to grow up. Do you really want to waste that much time on this ?Otherwise spend next 15 years yelling at the clouds and staring into the abyss, loser.
hit the gym, go on a forest walk, swim in a lake
>>32321054>>32321079>>32321088Why does any of this matter? Like why should I care?My wife gave me a fantastic blowie yesterday. Yeah I'm sure right now there is some other guy with a 10 inch dick getting the gluck gluck 9000 from some kind of Russian bombshell porn star who was grown in a lab of dick sucking super clones...but that doesn't take away my blowies. I can still enjoy totally average oral sex delivered from a totally average woman to my totally average penis. The fact that there's some hypothetical greater version of these things doesn't diminish my enjoyment of them. And guess what there's something like 30% of guys who have never gotten a blowjob in their entire lives, so does that make me a chad in comparison to them? And who's to say that my experience of oral sex isn't uniquely wonderful? Like if my wife blew some other dude he might not enjoy it as much as I do. Or if another woman went down on me maybe it would be unsatisfying. Maybe when she gives me a BJ it's actually the *best possible BJ in all possible worlds* and it only happens for me. There's no way to prove that it's not.
>>32321716Half the women in Japan are prostitutes lol
>>32321054I just became a Stacy instead and did my part to fix the problem by marrying an autistic virgin male. If like 50% if you did the same thing society would be fixed.
>>32338100>Do you really want to waste that much time on this ?Yes, yes I do. I want to be goodlooking. I want to like the person that I am instead of avoiding mirrors and cameras because I'm an ugly fuck.