Girl I knew in college randomly unfollowed me on Instagram. We have not had contact in over three years. Should this be a cause for concern? I haven’t even posted in a year so she would have had to randomly look me up and unfollow me. Did she remember something when I was drunk at a party and interpret it as harassment? I do think I may have drunkenly hit on her at a party like 6 years ago. Thoughts? Am I about to get the cops called on me or get cancelled on social media?
>>32321675She's cleaning house. You haven't posted in a year, so why should she keep you? She probably did a mass clearing out of dead files
>>32321675you can't be bother to like a post or say hello for three years and yet you notice getting unfollowed? you sound like a tool
>>32321675Holy fuck you sound like a high school age brat. Kys
>>32321675Fag, be a man
>>32321675>We have not had contact in over three years.>Oh no! She unfollowed me!Really, Anon? Really?
It’s just social media anon, I block people all the time who i never talk to just because they post annoying shit. If you’re paying that close attention to people who do things like that it’s an issue. Talk to the people you care about when you can