/gif/ is flooded with porn I want to watch gore without pornographic ads or videos, which websites do you guys use?
wpd.tv and they have a cute mascot called marsey :D she is really cute!
>>32322452I get the following error:>This site can’t be reached>Check if there is a typo in wpd.tv.>DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
>>32322503Give the glowies a second, they have to spin it up.
>>32322452>co-opting Marsey from RdramaYou are a fucking faggot, Marsey is our culture.
>>32322721rdrama? isnt that an offshoot by clitpeeleryou sound old lol whats your truescore?
>>32322503If you can't figure it out you don't need to be there, it's already full of low IQ people.
kaotictheynccrazyshitdocumenting realitymaybe bitchute and some others like itthere's a new bestgore toothere's one called gorecenteri was looking for a while for one that was a reddit-like forum centered around gore and i signed up to it about a year ago but i can't find it today
>>32323128Yeah it's watchpeopledie.tv
Waow you are a very dangerous and cool individual.