> Bachelors in Accounting> Cant find a job that pays enough for me to move out and live alone.What do. Why is finding a decent Job in America so fucking hard.
>>32326062>he fell for the get-any-degree-and-you'll-get-paid meme80 gorrillion people have the same degree making it absolutely worthless, a better question is why were you gullible enough to believe something that stupid and yes or is over unless you get a certification for a trade
>>32326062Because easy student loans meant that everybody and their retarded cousin went to college and got the same degree you did, with the inevitable result that you now need a 4-year degree to work as a fry cook at McDowells.
>>32326062I won't read whining is it over threads. Hey, you have a some sort of job in your chosen field, a foot in the door, so knuckle down and start building a career.
>>32326308you read it though
See my thread anon if it makes you feel any better to know that the grass isnt any greener on the other side>>32326342
>>32326160Not OP, but I was a booksmart but inexperienced teenager when I made the decision to go to college. If you show the slightest hint of academic skill, then you are pressured to hurry up and immediately pick a school, degree, and life path before you're even old enough to vote. The deck is stacked against dumb, impressionable, anxious youngsters.
>>32326062So move out and live with roommates until you have enough seniority and experience to afford living alone?
>>32326245> McDowellsNice touch.
You're supposed to be a slave(unpaid intern) for several years while in school