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I'm a sexually frustrated permavirgin incel and if women really were Chad only like I read on here and on incel forums then I wouldn't even be mad.

The problem is that most of the time I see women dating men who are somewhere between subhuman and unremakrable normie slob.

Do I live in a different reality or do these "blackpilled" incels genuinely not go outside?
Incel Chuds think all women are Stacies.

All Stacies aim for Chads, but not all women are Stacies. Some just want a guy who is fun and supportive. They aim for what they think they deserve.
>or do these "blackpilled" incels genuinely not go outside?
It's this one, obviously.
>All Stacies aim for Chads
When a Stacy dates a Chad, that's not normal. It's natural. But desu even Stacys are capped at dating HTNs from my observations.
>When a Stacy dates a Chad, that's not normal.
that IS normal*
fuck i'm tired.
how did you find this pic of my wife and me?
>Incel Chuds think all women are Stacies.
They are. To quote a random anon: females can go from deranged femcel librarian to Stacy at any time.
Victim blaming isn't going to win you any friends. The people who really end up as incels aren't that way by choice. At some point they took the Marxist based feminist theory that the normal relationship between men and woman as being borderline rape at all times to heart and now they believe they're imposing on women and unwanted. Many were also bullied and ostracized from a community that's become abnormally distant from each other (their peers) due to the corporate hiring practices that affect the parents of these incel's peers. So they end up never developing the rizz or the attitude needed to rizz.
and nothing but effort is required to chadmaxx. nobody here wants to do it though or they get discouraged when they don't see immediate results and give up too easily.


that thread is proof you don't even have to chadmaxx if your personality is on point.
>I can't talk to women because of...LE CORPORATIONS
Anon this is an awful lot of convoluted hoop jumping to excuse someone's personal failures. Let's just admit most of these guys are just lame as hell and/or afraid of women. And yes, that is a choice. When you've identified the problems you have and choose to stay that way anyway (or even double down) then that is a choice.
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We have bigger problems.

All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to
>All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers
Are you a good looking man anon?
Would you make a good husband and father?
The answer to all these questions is no. (and yes I know this is a bot, but the questions stand for whatever weird faggot programmed it)
Outside of internet and dating app studies, most women usually value personality/money>looks>social status as they get older or want to start a family. Personality and looks are equal because even if a guy is rich if he has an incel loser attitude no woman will want to put up with that long term. Your average woman is more attractive than your average man because they put in more effort in their looks. Hence why you see below average guys with above average women.
>Where do incels get this "Chad" thing
It's kinda funny, all these misconceptions online loners have about women come from highschool.
Like the whole "women like to date assholes stereotype". In reality it's more that women like confident guys and in highschool it just so happens that the guys who project the most confidence are usually huge assholes. But that just isn't true for adults
I'm a standardscel, I want to date a non-obese virgin and they simply don't exist past 16 years old.
>It's kinda funny, all these misconceptions online loners have about women come from highschool.
Basically, the problem is these guys essentially get frozen mentally in time as 15 year old outcasts who were losers in high school. And maybe it's some kind of trauma response, but they never seem to move past that.
Eh, I can't blame that.
I'm currently working on some of my own childhood traumas with a therapist. And it's absolutely crazy how much shit that happens in your formative years influences you. And some patterns that you slip in during that time are really hard to escape and unless you get professional help or really know what you're doing
But that's just it, my point is they have a trauma-like response to something that's not actual trauma.
Not getting dates in high school is not (or at least should not be) a "traumatic experience".
The height difference is crazy though. Ugly bastard x short female is a based fetish
Nice gaslight Normie
Incels choose to be incels. They choose to believe lies told by a cult.

This is a paradox that has puzzled incel thinkers for a while.

In my opinion, as a lifelong 30yo incel, the answer is that there are different ways to meet women, each with different standards. The ways to meet women that are accesible to lonely guys, such as tinder or just hitting on women they don't know, have the highest standards and are truly chad only, whereas other ways, such as through friends, may be more accessible to normies, although they require time and patience.

Therefore, to someone who has no social circle, no friends, no lifetime of practicing and calibrating social skills, they really are chad only.

My reasoning behind this theory is that tinder is proven to be chad only, that's an easily provable fact by anyone, though if someone disagrees I can elaborate. Bars are a similar dynamic to tinder, and also chad only, which can be proven by the objective observation that, even though most normie guys will claim they get laid by going to bars, if you go to one, most guys are neither leaving with girls nor making out with them inside the place. No comments on PUA cringe, that's just a joke. What those two places have in common is that you don't need a pre filter or a pre existing social circle, you coule be a life long outcast and just get some nice clothes, groom, and show up just like that.

Social context with a pre filter get women to lower their guard because there's more bonding and they trust you more, but they're exclusive to guys with extensive social circles that get them exposure to enough women (because even still, most will be indifferent to a sub8) and they meet them through friends, meaning that those women know their friend trusts them.

you are such a bunch of fucking normie copers lmao

check this out, this is what happens when you do PUA cringe, this is how women feel about it


"go get her bro!"

"be a man and go for what you want bro!"

"I'm wondering how to improve my openers for better results on the field"

>incel thinkers
Lol. Incels all have very low intelligence.
You ask too many questions woman.

yes we're "low IQ" that's why we have noticed a pattern that all of society seems to miss

if we have low intelligence then normies, who collectively claim that they get laid by going to bars even though you can go there and see they don't, who use tinder, are geniuses?
Your intelligence is too low to figure out how to get women. You don't "notice patterns" from your mom's basement any more than flat Earthers notice details that all the world' scientists missed.

yes because fucking brainlet normies who think that being on tinder is a good idea are so much smarter than us jfl

>> if women really were Chad only like I read on here and on incel forums then I wouldn't even EXIST

FTFY. If only Chad, that is the top 4% of genes managed to get a woman, then everyone would have those genes. There would be no short, ugly, balding &/or low value men. Beyond simple logic we know this for sure because that's what eugenics were about and the nordic countries did 75 -80 years of that stuff. That's why they have everyone native as a giant, chiselled specimen and birth defects like downy and sperg became nonexistent. Then they opened up their borders to unchecked immigration and now the genes are in the shitter again which is again a demonstration women aren't just going for Chad.

It's unequivocally bullshit. Chad doesn't even want all women. Most women don't meet his standards. He equally wants the best genes in a partner he can get. So if women were only into Chad, well most of them wouldn't get anything. Ever. They'd be virgins.

Yes, the incels who push this crap do not leave their parents basements. Literally. Their entire understanding of reality is based on what they see on social media. They're unreliable narrators, and they'll make uo statistics in order to try to sound more legitimate than they are
nope. I didn't choose to be a sexless subhuman permavirgin dog.
Women just aren't attracted to me.

But I don't cope with Chad like blackpill autists do either.
It's actually quite offensive how low most women's standards are when it comes to dating men.
What do they see in these slobs? I'll never know.

>Therefore, to someone who has no social circle, no friends, no lifetime of practicing and calibrating social skills, they really are chad only.
I agree. lots of these incels are socially excluded autists so they have to rely on platforms that are about looks, e.g Tinder, bars/clubs to a lesser extent etc.
They can't fathom that an average normie can slay through his social circle.

>Bars are a similar dynamic to tinder, and also chad only, which can be proven by the objective observation that, even though most normie guys will claim they get laid by going to bars, if you go to one, most guys are neither leaving with girls nor making out with them inside the place.

I disagree with this one. I get nothing on Tinder, but whenever I go clubbing I can almost be guaranteed that i'll be approached by at least one girl who'll show clear interest. Still, nothing ever happens. See just one of my experiences: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/469212751
who gives a fuck? Only absolute autists approach random women on the street.
You should be approaching women in college, hobby group, or a party setting.
Also, if you're above average at all, women will be approaching you somewhat often.
>Also, if you're above average at all, women will be approaching you somewhat often.

chad only

>You should be approaching women in college, hobby group, or a party setting.

what do you mean approaching them
They are smart enough to figure out how to get women. You are not.
>chad only
Nope. I'm literally an incel and women approach me lol. They show clear interest at first but I manage to turn them off anyway.
I'm nowhere near Chad, i'm just above average.

>what do you mean approaching them
just going up and saying something I guess.
Idk, I never tried approaching women outside of bars/ nightclubs and at bars/ nightclubs I wait for them to approach me most of the time.

no they're not. because to them it just happens. they naturally have a social circle and a bunch of friends, so they get women like i explained. doesnt mean they conceived a strategy

i know how they do it, it's just that the same method is not as easily accesible to me. if i was a chad i would have a woman TODAY. i would just go to a bar and literally get back home with a foid. and besides fucking her, if i wanted, she would be my gf too


you are either lying about or delusional about having success with women, which is my theory because that is incredibly common, or a chad

>just going up and saying something I guess.
not taking advice from someone who is either delusional and imagines random women are into him, or is incredibly privileged

plus going up to women and saying something is fucking retarded
>you are either lying about or delusional about having success with women, which is my theory because that is incredibly common, or a chad
I have no success with women lmao, I literally told you i'm an incel.
See just one example: >>32331795

Sometimes I get approached and get told i'm good looking by both men and foids but that's about it.

A different girl asked me out once and on our second date she begged for us to go back to a hotel room. The guy said it was booked out and we said we'll do it on the 3rd date. Then she messaged me saying we're incompatible. She even paid for the taxi to that hotel .

And dozens of other similar experiences.

Anyway, what i'm saying is i'm nowhere close to Chad.
You're just one of those people who thinks they're a 7/10 but can't get laid therefore thinks women are 8/10+ Chad only when in reality you're a weak 5 on a good day.

>not taking advice from someone who is either delusional and imagines random women are into him, or is incredibly privileged
>plus going up to women and saying something is fucking retarded
I don't care. I only tried it a few times in my life. But that's what people do.
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to get women.

what the fuck are you talking about?

of course i am a weak 5 in a good day. if i was a 7 i wouldn't be complaining. you are dumber than chatgpt

when i say they want 8+/10 you think im saying that im a 7 but not quite good enough? lol

>I don't care. I only tried it a few times in my life. But that's what people do.

you are claiming that women approach you by just going to a bar. that doesn't happen to most guys and is gigachad tier. you could be an actual gigachad, which proves personality doesnt matter at all, or just larping which is most likely tb h

>that's what people do.
they may do that too but that's not how they usually get their girlfriends
>The problem is that most of the time I see women dating men who are somewhere between subhuman and unremakrable normie slob.
No you don't. Stop predicating threads based on outright lies.
>i know how they do it
So why don't you do the same?

because you need to be well adjusted and have friends, and even still, it takes a bunch of time and patience, luck, and most women will still be indifferent to you
So you don't know how to do it? Or just don't want to?

i have been trying. still no gf. it's hard to hang out with people and act NT normie when they all have girlfriends and you don't and you have to interact with women that you wish were your gf but they're indifferent to you

i guess i'll just get personality surgery
Not getting dates is just an overt example of the negation of your personal worth. Lacking external validation does constitute a traumatic experience that has deep ramifications in a person's self-perception and self-esteem.
Some people have never been able to feel integrated, let alone loved, by another. We have to differentiate between the people who did have some form of social support, such as friendship, from those that had none. Both can be hurting over their lack of romantic experiences, but while for the former it creates insecurities about their sexual and romantic sense of being, for the latter it runs much deeper and it's all the more hurtful.

I think that friendships are a safer, more positive way of building self-worth and begin healing from the trauma of invisibility or isolation, because it's not as risky.
As for the idea of feeling romantically loved, unless you experience you will never be certain that you are unlovable. I personally don't think anyone, not even the most despicable, hideous asshole is unlovable. There's potential in everyone to be loved, even if it's not by the person we'd like to. But everyone with a low self esteem, even if they agree with me, will consider themselves the exception.

Basically, we need more empathy for these people and they need to be open to the very scary thought that they can be loved, because being loved also carries with it a lot of responsibility than loneliness doesn't.

this is a damn good and high IQ comment. the typical "just stay single and don't complain incel" doesn't deserve this kind of attention at all, but you explained it very well

no one is unlovable of course. even the most despicable and hideous person may be loved by their parents and also by their children if they somehow have them. and by friends they meet under the right circumstances. by a woman idk how. he would have to betabux and somehow develop a very deep bond and even then it wouldnt be a real romantic relationship. women are just very brutal and elitist selectors romantically. to them most men are just not good enough.
Very convincing argument; I can't really find anything to disagree with here other than fringe cases. I do believe that you understimate the chances non-chads have of meeting women who might be interested in them at bars, but the rest is solid.
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>Where do incels get this "Chad" thing from?
It's just a cope. The logic train is women only want chad, I am not chad, therefore there is nothing I can do to get women and all my shitty habits and failures are vindicated because there is nothing I can do ever. It's literally an excuse to justify every complaint and unhealthy choice they've ever made. Same thing with genetics or whatever existential topic du jour is. Most of the anons who take the idea seriously also have autism or other untreated mental illnesses plus learned helplessness and use their lukewarm 105 IQ to rationalize their, and this is a technical term, learned helplessness.
No, you are completely wrong. Do you think an incel's mindset exists in a vacuum? That it just emerges fully formed from nothing? No. It happens because growing up they experience the dejection and isolation from being an unwanted male. That due to nothing but genetic lottery, the taller, better-looking dudes got the girl due to cognitive and evolutionary biases such as lookism/halo effect. Incels are then demonised by society and further alienated because they expose the truth of sexual dynamics, whereas our feminized society wants to pretend that everyone is equal and women aren't driven by superficial qualities.
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>just be a good jester bro!
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noo but they should just get a better personality and be respectful to women

also put themselves out thERe and talk to them

looks dont matter that much bro, you just have to be nice to people and improve yourself

meanwhile NEET chadfish
I used to chadfish girls like this. I remember one chick, an easy 5/10 agreed to get a last-minute babysitter and meet me at the beach within an hour of messaging. It's a real eye-opener and proves that incels are completely right about women.
It proves incels are wrong about women. You could have used your own pics and profile and got a date. But you didn't because you don't want a date with a girl because you are gay. Incidentally most incels are also closeted homos.
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Again, you created an imaginary scenario in your head to justify being angry and justify you're shitty lifestyle and habits to others on a mongolian throat singing forum, despite never participating in society, then using the fact you've never tried or participated that trying or participation doesn't work.

"just use a good opener bro"

if you seriously think that by doing the same thing but with his real pictures he would get the same results, you are completely delusional
If we go back to the Aristotelian idea of love, we can declare that there are kinds of love. Philia is a love that is much more universal, and you might say, most rational. On the other hand, what incels usually lack (or think they lack) is eros, or romantic love. Now, I insist, that I believe that eros can come to everyone, but it is not as freely given as philia because philia is far more generous and removed from reactions we cannot control; attraction is a very subjective experience.

I think that incels, while suffering from a lack of eros, tend to ignore that their philia is also neglected. And while it is possible to heal one without the other, it's much harder.

You also bring up an interesting point, which drags us away from what we were talking while still keeping the subject relevant; I do believe that everyone has the potential to be loveable, but is everyone capable of loving? I don't think everyone can love. Some people are just inherently sociopathic and lack the necessary empathy to love someone beyond their use as a means to something else. Other people can love, but cannot bring themselves to due to a poor self-image and low self esteem. It's paradoxical, but I do believe that it is hard to feel love for other when you have never experienced it in any way. You can feel it as a human animal, don't get me wrong, but the way to process it and rationalize it is a skill.

In the end, I do believe that we are not inherently loving; we are potentially loving. But being able to love, to feel it and to express it, is an ability that one cultivates and learns both by self-reflection and experience.
We need to stop thinking of ourselves as "capable" or "incapable", it's a matter of whether we are learned or not. Some people are rookies, others are veterans, but it's a skill like any other.

lol sad
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>Do you think an incel's mindset exists in a vacuum?
Largely, yes. Most incels only window into reality is a computer screen, by their own admission. You can prove me wrong by telling me right now how much screen time you clock daily versus how much time you spend doing something productive and meeting new people.
You know that most of those are incels larping right? It's funny how many of those interactions are actually two basement dwelling incels pretending to be Chad and Stacy. Erotic larping as its finest.
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>You could have used your own pics and profile and got a date
you can chadfish and see for yourself
Blablabloo. Same old bullshit straight from reddit.
There are incels who actively participate in society. Guess what? They're still incels. Socializing isn't going to get you a girlfriend if you're genetically disadvantaged, faggit.
Going to therapy kind of changed my perspective on what does and doesn't count as trauma.
I know people who had horrible shit happen to them like abusive relationships or alcoholic parents. So I always thought that my life was perfectly fine in comparisons.
But working through my issues (that I clearly have) with a professional showed me that my "traumas" were neglect from my parents and being bullied in elementary.
And as my therapist always said, everyone's first true love are their parents and how that relationship pans out can influence heavily how you engage with relationships from there on out.

So I can understand how people who were treated as outcasts their entire adolescence might have a traumatic response to that. Pretty much what >>32331987 said.
Also I believe it's possible to feel empathetic to someone but condemn their actions. I condemn the views (and sometimes actions) incels hold of women, but at the same time I feel deeply empathetic for them
Once again proving that everything in the incel mindset is based on a lie. I guarantee that any pics you use in a "chadfish" profile is an ugly guy that would not attract most girls, but mainly gay men.
you are so fucking normie it's unbelievable. these guys are using pics of top tier chads that any woman would be into., to see reactions and to see how much personality matters compared to looks, that's the point
>There are incels who actively participate in society.
I very much doubt that. Pretty much every incel is a NEET.
Bullshit, I try to participate in society every day
It's just like I simply don't fit in.
straight up cope and denial
Exactly this. "Trauma" is just another word for "impact", one that leaves a deep impression on who you are as a person. It's the kind of event or situation that shapes you into who you are, and some of them can negatively affect you in ways that you'd be much better off without.
Specially during childhood, when we're soft and malleable, a bad experience can condition how you view the world, just as a good experience can. The issue here is if we want trauma to define us, and if let alone it will definitely do.
But if we are unhappy with who we are, or the situation we're at, we have the possibility of confronting that trauma and interrogating it into proving itself true.

It's harsh to say this, but most trauma is just learned experience, but in a context that deeply limits us and potentially makes us miserable, even keeps us from realizing our true potential and living satisfying lives. The word feels less meaningful with how everyone uses it for everything nowadays, and of course there are levels of trauma; as you point out, neglect is a different from of trauma from being physically abused, just to say an example. But nevertheless, they are still there, and they can be overcome. It's just never easy, and sometimes it might be impossible for someone in their given circumstances. But I think that people's claims at their own trauma being unsolvable are a defense mechanism most times because tackling trauma is really painful.
>Also I believe it's possible to feel empathetic to someone but condemn their actions. I condemn the views (and sometimes actions) incels hold of women, but at the same time I feel deeply empathetic for them
This too. Incels are not monsters, even if they can become one. They are deeply hurt people who need help, not derision. They must also be open to being helped, but their situation makes it difficult to them to have that predisposition, sadly. Still, humilliating them is not the answer, but feeding into their cruelty and hatred towards others (most often women, sometimes other groups) is also not helping them. That hatred is only clawing them deeper into the pits of despair. It's really difficult to be kind when other people aren't being kind to them, that's why I think non-incels have a bigger responsibility to offer kindess to incels than the other way around, but only to initiate the conversation. Still, incels need also to be willing to return that kindness because no one is so saintly as to take abuse with a smile on their face, be they incels or "normalfags". This all demands empathy and putting themselves in the shoes of the other, both for sex-havers and celibates.
You are so dumb it's unbelievable. For example the profile in >>32332067 is complete shit. Most girls would immediately swipe left. But since you and other incels project your homosexual lust onto women, you believe girls would actually find that attractive, instead of just you. It's your ideal dream man, not theirs.
>you're le homosexual
Baited nobody award, get new material
>you are claiming that women approach you by just going to a bar. that doesn't happen to most guys and is gigachad tier. you could be an actual gigachad, which proves personality doesnt matter at all, or just larping which is most likely tb h

If you think you have to be a Gigachad to get approached by bar/ club hoes then it's beyond over for you and you're proving my point.

Also how does personality not matter in my case if i'm an incel despite getting what you think is Gigachad treatment? lmao.

>No you don't. Stop predicating threads based on outright lies.
kill yourself you basement dwelling monkey.
If you want to have a successful sex life, then take a look at every whiny loser in this thread and on this board and do the opposite of what they say.

>falling for an obviously staged tiktok
>that’s not even about approaching women but a literal stalker

You’re not a incel, you’re just a dumbass who doesn’t know how to make a move. You clearly get enough opportunities and women are attracted to you according to your own posts, you just cockblock yourself.
Since incels don't go outside and aren't part of any social circles or any IRL human groups at all, the only way they can try and prove anything is by posting a catfish of a supermodel. It's quite cute how they think this means anything lol.
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While cringe white autists are posting Chadfish experiments, this is what white women are doing
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White “men” are an embarrassment. No wonder they’re incels. If I was a whiteboi I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror.
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Whiteboys are talking to each other through chadfish experiments while white women are going out with real men
>calling other losers while browsing cambodian basket weaving forum
I hope she sees this
>You’re not a incel, you’re just a dumbass who doesn’t know how to make a move. You clearly get enough opportunities and women are attracted to you according to your own posts, you just cockblock yourself.

I am an incel. If I was either less autistic or better looking women would be down for sex. But because i'm not, i'm an incel, despite the fact that women do approach me to tell me i'm gl sometimes and they sometimes ask me out.
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White boys literally have looksmaxxing forums where they rate eachothers buttholes. Meanwhile brothas just hit the club and link up with a cutie
this is ur sign to go outside cause wtf do any of these words mean. probably incels terms. anyway
go outside and experience it anons.
forget this place and all incel forums and never come back. run go now
thugmaxxing is the way.
incels could never
Looks like 1/3 of the brothers linked up with a fatty (would) and the others rolled snake eyes.
Yeah, I guess incels want Amazon delivery bitches. I am ugly and hairy as fuck and have never been more than a month without having to fend off women. Never been a mont without employment either, OP.
Captcha PnisJr.
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Copium overdose
Post height and social life.
Idk. Five ten. How am I supposed to post a social life? I don’t do gay social media stuff.

what the fuck you are probably not even a normie but a straight up MGTOW or some delusional shit

oh, that profile is not attractive? why not? because he is shirtless? or doesn't have a good job in his bio? or because the bio is not good and he hasn't really put a lot of thought into it?

what would be needed to make the profile attractive? an average guy in a suit and a good, toughtful bio with carefully selected and sorted pictures? that would get a lot of success, right?

i guess pics with a good car or proof of a successful career would be the cherry on top, of course, not because she cares about money! but because it shows he is hardworking and disciplined!

JFL at you

you are not only promoting stupid generic normie advice, but even talking down to me in a typical chad larper or failed normie "let me tell you how it is" attitude, but you are incredibly autistic yourself. you did not notice, which anyone with a brain notices since early teens, that women, like us, are mainly attracted to the right facial features in men. that attractive people get a pass for anything. that the other bullshit doesn't matter that much at all. that literally no one is romantically attracted to an ugly or short guy for his personality. you don't know about very basic facts of social life and you are here, on a forum for autists, pretending to be a normie and "telling us how it is". you are pathetic.

of course it's fucking staged. they are recording in their face. but that shit happens for real and it's not "some stalker" it's how women feel about PUA cringe.

when these idiots are stacking up warm up rejections, fine tuning their openers, or going for it and having balls, women think they're fucking annoying at best and stalkers at worst.
>Bullshit, I try to participate in society every day
No you don't. You mumble something autistic then act mad when people don't humor you.

oh of course. i need you to tell me how it is, 4chan chad, because im such a lonely loser unlike you

but let's leave that failed normie bullshit aside and focus on logic

you are just too low IQ to understand that there is a CAUSAL relationship between what happens in real life and what you can read in the internet

you don't see people claiming that you can't learn anything by reading books. that science books don't matter because "it's just ink on a paper bro, not the real laws of physics" why? because there's a causal relationship between reality and what is written in books, that is, people study reality and then write what they know. therefore you can learna about it by reading them

same with chadfishing. or reading anything on the internet. there is a causal relationship between the way women feel and think, and what they say on tinder. therefore, even if you spent an entire lifetime in a basement, which I didn't but that doesn't matter, you could still come to logical conclusions about how women are by interacting with them on tinder
>on a forum for autists
Except it's not though.
NTA but it's always funny to me when autists or incels try to claim ownership of 4chan. Maybe r9k is, but not the whole site.
It's like they're trying to have it both ways and do something to claim at least some power despite being the self-professed bottom rungs of the ladder.
ok nevermind that was a bit too much. i was angry. it's not for autists but people with a predisposition to struggle socially (not necessarily autistic) are definitely over represented, including me ofc, im not better than anyone
>oh of course. i need you to tell me how it is, 4chan chad, because im such a lonely loser unlike you
>but let's leave that failed normie bullshit aside and focus on logic
I go to bars, clubs, parties, concerts, festivals etc which makes me... nothing special relative to normies but i'm 1000% better than any shut-in autist on incels.is who studies tinder graphs.

>you don't see people claiming that you can't learn anything by reading books. that science books don't matter because "it's just ink on a paper bro, not the real laws of physics" why? because there's a causal relationship between reality and what is written in books, that is, people study reality and then write what they know. therefore you can learna about it by reading them
>same with chadfishing. or reading anything on the internet. there is a causal relationship between the way women feel and think, and what they say on tinder. therefore, even if you spent an entire lifetime in a basement, which I didn't but that doesn't matter, you could still come to logical conclusions about how women are by interacting with them on tinder

Basically what I mean. Retard thinks he can learn about human relationships through an app that normal people use to pass the time while on the toilet.
No real life experience, just sitting in your mom's basement making fake profiles on Tinder, like a true incellectual. Well done.
>I go to bars, clubs, parties, concerts, festivals etc which makes me..
wow that's so cool! teach me master i need to become an average normie like you, it's my lifelong dream

to festivals too! that's like top of the line, super well adjusted and popular guy! congratulations!
>wow that's so cool! teach me master i need to become an average normie like you, it's my lifelong dream
>to festivals too! that's like top of the line, super well adjusted and popular guy! congratulations!

As I said, i'm superior to autists like you who fap to tinder graphs.
>"blackpilled" incels genuinely not go outside?
incels by definition have no intimate connection with women. only a fool would trust anything they say about something they have never had. it is extremely common to see very attractive women with men who you wouldn't rank high on the 10 point scale. this is because women's attraction heirarchy is dissimilar to men's. the good news for you is that even though you don't look like prime chico, if you play your cards right and tick off enough of the boxes on her list, you too can bury your hog in an attractive woman and befuddle the incels when you walk down the street arm-in-arm

you are as normie as it gets. average IQ because you are not understanding what I'm saying about logical inferences, and you are assuming I never socialize because that's your mental image of someone who would disagree with you, even though what I'm telling you clearly conveys an understanding of social situations. you also brought up going to bars, clubs, parties, concerts, festivals aka everything normies stereotypically do to fit in, like it's something to be proud of. even though most of those things are only enjoyable for chads and foids basically and any sub8 guys who go are chumps

you are LITERALLY as average as it gets ngl congrats

what are some of the boxes on their lists? i have a feeling this is going to be hilarious
He uses a lot of words for not saying anything at all.
Incels are unironically more clued up on women than the average guy. Incels have studied the fuck out of this subject as they've been forced to observe from the outside looking in, whereas every other men gets women on autopilot and has never had to think too deeply about it.
>average IQ b
then you should listen to your superiors.

>nd you are assuming I never socialize
you don't. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation.

>you also brought up going to bars, clubs, parties, concerts, festivals aka everything normies stereotypically do to fit in, like it's something to be proud of.
Nope. I brought it up because they're place where you can see many couples and get an idea of what people who date/ hook up look like outside of the "chadfish" experiments you do in your basement on apps where obviously looks matter much more since that's the only thing you can see about a person. What were you saying about IQ again?

>even though most of those things are only enjoyable for chads and foids basically and
Nope, they're enjoyable for many people. This is your basement dweller mindset becoming evident again.

>any sub8 guys who go are chumps

Ah yes, why would those guys go and make friends, make out with women, bring them home, make memories etc when they can run le Tyler Maher Chadfish experiment #234897548?

Truly a blackpill intellectual. Don't forget to post your OMGZ EPIC NUCLEAR BLACKPILL study, faggot.
Chadfish experiments are fun. They expose women for the shallow whores that they truly are. Don't you find it a coincidence that most goodlooking dudes have gfs?
>muh personality
lmao really? Are we still doing this in 2024?
>They expose women for the shallow whores that they truly are
that's what they're about? You can use a 2/10 woman and guys will be simping for her more than a woman would simp for a 10/10.

>Don't you find it a coincidence that most goodlooking dudes have gfs?
Why would I? Good looking guys have girlfriends, ugly guys have girlfriends, average guys have girlfriends.
The only coincidence I found is that faggots who masturbate to male models on autism forums don't have girlfriends. Or is that really a coincidence?

>>muh personality
>lmao really? Are we still doing this in 2024?
I guess so, since blackpill pajeets have invaded these places.


i go out. i socialize and have friends. still no gf.

>Nope. I brought it up because they're place where you can see many couples and get an idea of what people who date/ hook up look like outside of the "chadfish" experiments you do in your basement on apps where obviously looks matter much more since that's the only thing you can see about a person. What were you saying about IQ again?
literally nobody believes this shit. you didn't say "i see couples" you said "i go to bars, clubs, parties...." like "im so cool bro let me tell you how it is". you even said that "this makes me nothing special" JFL

>Nope, they're enjoyable for many people. This is your basement dweller mindset becoming evident again.
i KNOW FOR A FACT that those things are fucking boring BECAUSE i have been there

what's the point of going to a bar for a fucking sub8? to stand around holding a glass while CHAD easily gets the 1 woman out of 10 guys that is in there?


>make friends
music is too loud

>make out with women, bring them home,
chad only

>make memories etc

>when they can run le Tyler Maher Chadfish experiment #234897548?
unironically much more enjoyable
>You can use a 2/10 woman and guys will be simping for her more than a woman would simp for a 10/10.
That doesn't support your argument?
>Why would I?
Because if "muh personality" was that decisive, there would be a relative proportion of lonely, goodlooking dudes, but there's not. It shows that women prioritize physical appearance and are willing to overlook character flaws if a dude is hawt enough.
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>i go out. i socialize and have friends. still no gf.
then you're either really ugly or you're a really unlikeable autist or some of both.

>literally nobody believes this shit. you didn't say "i see couples" you said "i go to bars, clubs, parties...." like "im so cool bro let me tell you how it is". you even said that "this makes me nothing special" JFL
The point I made is clear.
People that say the shit you do don't do these things, otherwise you wouldn't hold these retarded beliefs.
It doesn't even have to be a party setting. Just going for a walk would be enough but you can't even do that.

Funnily enough I was like you back when I was 17, reading lookism posts telling people not to go clubbing unless you look like Maher/ Chico/ Gandy/ Opry/ *insert other twink model here*
Then I did and it was almost laughable what kind of mid and below looking shmucks were making out with women and going back home with them.

>what's the point of going to a bar for a fucking sub8? to stand around holding a glass while CHAD easily gets the 1 woman out of 10 guys that is in there?
Your problem is that you're sub 3, not that you're not 8+
I'm a 5.5-6/10 and I have women approaching me, buying me drinks etc. And you don't even have to do that. Most guys I know approach women themselves if they don't get approached.
You're extremely ugly or extremely autistic or both like I said. That's why you don't get any. No need to cope with some heckin Chad.

>music is too loud
let me guess, your feet hurt too and you want to go home and play video games? topkek

>unironically much more enjoyable
yup. This is the kind of basement-dwelling autist i'm wasting my time talking to. Joys of being sick.
>That doesn't support your argument?
I'm talking about you claiming women are shallow whores when in reality by your logic men are much more shallow since they're not even shallow for good looking women on those apps.

>Because if "muh personality" was that decisive, there would be a relative proportion of lonely, goodlooking dudes, but there's not. It shows that women prioritize physical appearance and are willing to overlook character flaws if a dude is hawt enough.
if you go outside, you'll see plenty of ugly and mid dudes with gfs. But that doesn't fit your narrative.
Go be brown somewhere else, blackpiller.
anything that adds value.

imagine defending the philosophy and lifestyle of genetic dead ends
>whereas every other men gets women on autopilot and has never had to think too deeply about it
the anxiety every man experiences around a woman is a holdover from scarce mate availability during the prehistoric era - failure to impress (or rape) a mate meant there was a nontrivial chance that you would not reproduce. ever.
>Incels have studied the fuck out of this subject
and have done what exactly with it? improved? figured this all out? no - no you have not. probably the greatest achievement of any incel is the notoriety of elliot roger - which his hilariously not because of his success at sending a message but precisely because he was such a pathetic loser
>as they've been forced to observe from the outside looking in
all being an outsider has done to you people is inculcated a sense of solipsism. almost paradoxically, you do not understand, despite whatever else you say, that male and female reproduction strategy is vastly different, so for the most part you chalk up your lack of success to women to something patently untrue (i.e. facial aesthetics) so that you can lay down and die instead of actually risking self improvement and personal gain. there are a million ways to pussy from here but you would rather sit down in the dirt and pout. you are a spiritual woman.
high IQ

>Why would I? Good looking guys have girlfriends, ugly guys have girlfriends, average guys have girlfriends.

there are exceptions

there are guys who you don't think are attractive but they are to women

and there are guys who are average and get a gf by virtue of being very social. it's still a fact that women are very elitist and very brutal when judging men and that they don't find most men to be good enough, and if you are a sub8 the vast majority of women will be indifferent to you. even if some avg guys can eventually get one by having the proper social situation. it's still brutal.
>then you're either really ugly or you're a really unlikeable autist or some of both.

during one of my chadfish experiments i used a pic of an avg guy. not even me because maybe i am super ugly and used to see myself in the mirror so i think im a 5. some other avg guy.

1 match and she didn't even respond


>Just going for a walk would be enough but you can't even do that.

>Then I did and it was almost laughable what kind of mid and below looking shmucks were making out with women and going back home with them.

>I'm a 5.5-6/10 and I have women approaching me, buying me drinks etc

literally nobody buys this larp. all guys say this and you go to clubs and it's not happening. it's pathetic.

>let me guess, your feet hurt too and you want to go home and play video games? topkek
unironically yes tb h
>anything that adds value.
like what
>men are more shallow than women because they lust after women who aren't even that attractive, whereas women rate 80% of men as unattractive
Great logic, bro!

this thread is basically reddit IQ kek
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>there are exceptions
nope, it's the rule. I actually almost find it offensive seeing what kind of subhumans women are dating.
It genuinely baffles me thinking what they find in these guys. average height, boneless normie face, skinnyfat and yet these dudes are fucking. Why is that?
I can't wrap my mind around it. It pisses me off almost.

>there are guys who you don't think are attractive but they are to women
yes, because you don't have to be your heckin Chadderino to be attractive to women.

>and there are guys who are average and get a gf by virtue of being very social. it's still a fact that women are very elitist and very brutal when judging men and that they don't find most men to be good enough, and if you are a sub8 the vast majority of women will be indifferent to you. even if some avg guys can eventually get one by having the proper social situation. it's still brutal.
it's only brutal for basement dwelling autist who have to rely on dating apps where it's 90% looks.
It's not brutal for normal people
If you were normal you'd have a couple of ONS and girlfriends by the time you graduate college, but instead you're running chadfish experiments because you're a failure.
No other way about it.
What IS there to do with this knowledge?
Not an option. That only applies to fakecels. Incels are incels because they are genetically disadvantaged. There is no amount of lifting weights or designer clothes than can compensate for that. Instead women will lust after "dadbod" (i.e. a chad who's let himself go) or some skinny twiglet who looks anorexic but still has a pretty face and good proportions.
>during one of my chadfish experiments i used a pic of an avg guy. not even me because maybe i am super ugly and used to see myself in the mirror so i think im a 5. some other avg guy.
>1 match and she didn't even respond

yes, you absolute tard. Average guys don't get shit on dating apps. That's why they have friends and social circles and meet women in real life. They don't have to rely on apps like brown basement autists.

>literally nobody buys this larp. all guys say this and you go to clubs and it's not happening. it's pathetic.
Not believing whatever you don't want to believe is quite convenient. I won't be losing sleep over it.
I know what happens in my life, you don't.
This happened to me a while ago. Big fumble but you get the point: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/469212751

>Great logic, bro!
they do so because beggars can't be choosers and on dating apps men are beggars. If they could get 9/10 Stacy then they would, but they can't.

I FUCKING GUARANTEE that both of you are brown lmao

you don't understand logical inferences and extrapolations, or proportions

literally your only "argument" is to say that i am a failure

dont care i will keep chadfishing
>you don't understand logical inferences and extrapolations, or proportions

Stop using words you don't understand.

There is no logic with you. There's only a basement retard who can't be a part of any real life human interactions so he posts about his fucking catfishing hobby on dating apps. It's pathetic to anyone normal.

>dont care i will keep chadfishing
of course you will, you have no other options. Keep being terminally online.
>they do so because beggars can't be choosers and on dating apps men are beggars. If they could get 9/10 Stacy then they would, but they can't.
So, what you're saying is that men have reasonable expectations?
>I FUCKING GUARANTEE that both of you are brown lmao
Cope. White as snow.
>yes, you absolute tard. Average guys don't get shit on dating apps. That's why they have friends and social circles and meet women in real life. They don't have to rely on apps like brown basement autists.
i already know this. i said it before here >>32331708

its still harder for sub8s. it requires time and patience and you get indifference from the vast majority of women. there's a reason most guys are desperate.

plus i've had a hard childhood. a situation someone average like you would never overcome. i didn't have a social life for most of my life because i had bigger problems. i am socializing just now, and if it was as easy for me as it is for women and chads, i would already have a gf.

>I know what happens in my life, you don't.
i see guys claiming that all of the time. most of the time it can't possibly be true. and in social media you see the photo of the guys saying it and it's not credible at all sometimes. so i've reached a point where i assume it's a larp.
>its still harder for sub8s. it requires time and patience and you get indifference from the vast majority of women. there's a reason most guys are desperate.
>plus i've had a hard childhood. a situation someone average like you would never overcome. i didn't have a social life for most of my life because i had bigger problems. i am socializing just now, and if it was as easy for me as it is for women and chads, i would already have a gf.
then don't blame looks. Blame your lack of social skills, the main problem of the majority of incels who jerk off to Chico edits on tiktok.

>i see guys claiming that all of the time. most of the time it can't possibly be true. and in social media you see the photo of the guys saying it and it's not credible at all sometimes. so i've reached a point where i assume it's a larp.

I wish I had this mindset/ delusion. I remember actually being pissed off the first time I went clubbing and seeing the subhumans that women were hooking up with. Women unironically need to do better lol.
>like what
not being afraid to lose her. theres a little hamster wheel squeaking away in her head and it will go bananas if she knows that not only are you not afraid to lose her, but that another woman might have more of your attention than she does. who is a womans #1 enemy? (another woman)

>Not an option.
if its not an option than the best thing for men like this is the monastic life. considering how distribution curves actually work, i don't think most of you are beyond fixing yourselves up enough to get a 6/10 in your bed, or even as a wife.
kek this is literally MGTOW tier

>then don't blame looks. Blame your lack of social skills, the main problem of the majority of incels who jerk off to Chico edits on tiktok.
i blame looks because they make it so much harder

dating should not be that hard. it should come naturally and be an enjoyable experience. but unfortunately that's only for chads

>I remember actually being pissed off the first time I went clubbing and seeing the subhumans that women were hooking up with.
>if its not an option than the best thing for men like this is the monastic life
> i don't think most of you are beyond fixing yourselves up enough to get a 6/10 in your bed, or even as a wife.
What you think doesn't matter. Women are the ones dictating the sexual marketplace.
>i blame looks because they make it so much harder
>dating should not be that hard. it should come naturally and be an enjoyable experience. but unfortunately that's only for chads
no, it's for normal people who had normal childhoods, played sports, grew up with friends, etc it's not for stunted autists. I mean unlike the other guys you at least admit that you lack social skills. So you have some hope for self-awareness.

it's true though. What's with these 5'10 recessed dogs making out and going home with girls?
I really don't see what women find attractive about guys like that.

i dont lack social skills, you made that up. i said that for most of my life i couldnt be social. i have been social for years now, as i managed to get a roof over my head and basic needs met

and still no gf

now you'll say that im not likeable, i am autistic, because you are so proud of being a fucking average normie that you think it's an accomplishment. but the truth is, i make friends easily. just not a gf because being an average male is just not good enough or it's a fucking grind if you are

>it's true though. What's with these 5'10 recessed dogs making out and going home with girls?
>I really don't see what women find attractive about guys like that.
come on man you know very well that if we could see you in person nobody would take this seriously
>kek this is literally MGTOW tier
not at all. i prefer the company of women, and i do not have a problem with whatever comes out of their mouths because i don't take them seriously. i have bedded very religious girls and i have slept with feminists, and many different types of women in between the extremes. i enjoy their particular flavor, whatever that might be.

>What you think doesn't matter
>Women are the ones dictating the sexual marketplace.
actually, i agree. but i want you to explain to me what they are dictating
>not at all. i prefer the company of women, and i do not have a problem with whatever comes out of their mouths because i don't take them seriously. i have bedded very religious girls and i have slept with feminists, and many different types of women in between the extremes. i enjoy their particular flavor, whatever that might be.
i mean that you are as delusional as them
>now you'll say that im not likeable, i am autistic, because you are so proud of being a fucking average normie that you think it's an accomplishment. but the truth is, i make friends easily. just not a gf because being an average male is just not good enough or it's a fucking grind if you are
you aren't an average male, you are severely below average. That's why you're struggling. That's what you need to understand. You need to accept what you are.
It's not over because you're sub 8, it's over because you're like sub 4 or 3.

>come on man you know very well that if we could see you in person nobody would take this seriously
hey, women approach me and ask me out lol. I'm basically a god according to you.
Oh you don't believe me? oh well... how will I ever cope.

because average guys have it so good right?

but wait. you just admitted, or some other coper idk, that they can't get any matches on tinder

why would the same women swipe left on tinder but hookup with them so easily?
>i mean that you are as delusional as them
>i mean something different than what i said
you are a spiritual woman. have you considered just being a bottom? it might serve some useful end instead of whatever it is you think you're doing here.
>because average guys have it so good right?
not good, not bad. That's what being average is.
They won't have pussy flung at them most of the time but they'll get it.

>but wait. you just admitted, or some other coper idk, that they can't get any matches on tinder

I'm seriously starting to think that you don't believe there is a world outside of tinder. Is that how chronically online you are?
Yes, it was me that said average guys don't get shit on apps where you have to be above average.

>why would the same women swipe left on tinder but hookup with them so easily?
Because on apps you're a 2d picture.
In real life you're the rest of you.
I really don't think there's a more simple way I can break this down for you.

cope, seethe and dilate

chadfish can be psychopathic, creepy, racist and autistic

This is what being terminally online looks like
>Yes, it was me that said average guys don't get shit on apps where you have to be above average.
its highly unusual for men to have success on dating apps. theres too much background noise, and too much choice for the females. this makes them flakey. meeting in person is much more likely to produce long term results.
incel 0, slayers of pussy 1 lol
>In real life you're the rest of you.

they just met you and dont know you. that's fucking stupid. chads are the same dynamic as tinder. and anyone who is not remarkably deluded knows that getting laid in a bar is not easy and sub8 guys who go are chumps, because you can SEE it. it doesnt matter that they all say "broo it's so easy i get laid in bars all the time!" if you go to the bars and average guys are not getting laid.

you're not making any sense and are just another delusional "chad" on 4chan

>not good, not bad. That's what being average is.
its not

average income in cambodia is not "not good, not bad, that's what being average is"

average IQ, like you, is not "not good, not bad, that's what avg is", it's being pathetic, mediocre and only having unremarkable things to say

same with being an average man with dating
>chads are the same dynamic as tinder
i mean bars*
>they just met you and dont know you. that's fucking stupid.
you don't even understand how people get to know each other.
Yeah, this is way worse than I thought. This is lvl 100 basement autist we're dealing with here.

>and anyone who is not remarkably deluded knows that getting laid in a bar is not easy and sub8 guys who go are chumps, because you can SEE it. it doesnt matter that they all say "broo it's so easy i get laid in bars all the time!" if you go to the bars and average guys are not getting laid.
The fact that you think you need to be Chad to get laid with clubhoes is truly fucking hilarious. I'm genuinely laughing here.
Holy shit, you need to look hard at what you're actually writing here because this is just sad.
I know this because i'm actually speaking from experience and I know it's my word against the word of a chronic catfisher but women approach me, talk to me, offer to buy me drinks and sometimes ask me out and i'm nothing special lookswise. I'm not saying I get raped each time I leave my house but over the years this happened dozens of times and it's not like i'm a super social guy either.
I can assure you that what you're saying is 100% bullshit. Anyone with experience will tell you the same thing.
Try not being an autist standing in a corner thinking about vidya and maybe you'll get lucky eventually.
Fuck me, this is tragic.

>average IQ, like you, is not "not good, not bad, that's what avg is", it's being pathetic, mediocre and only having unremarkable things to say
It's crazy how incels always talk about IQ despite being pants-on-head retarded.
Genes come in packages. You're very likely to be a retard, which you're showing here.
>anyone who is not remarkably deluded knows that getting laid in a bar is not easy
parties or bars with lots of people and alcohol is by far the easiest setting to get laid by a random woman. it gets easier the more you do it too. theres actually a method to all this.

>The fact that you think you need to be Chad to get laid with clubhoes is truly fucking hilarious.
This. I am not especially attractive, nor am I tall. Other than having fairly low body fat and above average muscle mass there is nothing remarkable about me physically... but I still get laid very frequently. Its not that the defeatism is enraging, I genuinely think the world would be better if either a) incels become monks or b) they actually self improved.
>Yeah, this is way worse than I thought.

i dont think you are understanding our conversation

it is even worse than you currently think

you are repeating platitudes like a retard, calling me autistic and focusing your comments on how i'm unsuccessful, and fully missing my logic. you didn't make one single counter argument to what i said

the women you meet on tinder are real women, and the way they talk reflects their personality. they care mostly about looks.

i have gone to bars multiple times. they look miserable for sub8s. i can see the way other people are interacting, what they are doing and whether they're enjoying themselves or just there to fit in. and what you are saying is simply not true.

for all i know it is true that your life is like that. i cant deny it. i know a gigachad who is on reddit and loves rick&morty. chads have all sorts of different personalities. but i know that for each real chad on the internet, there's also like 10 losers also claiming to be chads. so those are the odds from my perspective

if that happens to you then you are above average or even chad and most guys don't have it that easy. literally anyone who pays attention to social situations and is not fully deluded knows that dating is a grind for average guys and not easy, let alone in bars lol

- the existence of the advice threads on how to get women proves it
- the way men talk about dating proves it. they know it's an accomplishment
- how desperate men are proves it
- the fact that tinder doesnt work for avg guys, even if there are better ways to get a gf, still shows that there is a fundamental inequality going on

>I can assure you that what you're saying is 100% bullshit. Anyone with experience will tell you the same thing.
don't care. i have seen what i am saying. and i have drawn logical conclusions from chadfishing. you'll say "tinder is not real life bro" because you are negative IQ, but it's not hard to draw logical conclusions from those conversations.
>This. I am not especially attractive, nor am I tall. Other than having fairly low body fat and above average muscle mass there is nothing remarkable about me physically... but I still get laid very frequently. Its not that the defeatism is enraging, I genuinely think the world would be better if either a) incels become monks or b) they actually self improved.

Exactly. It really pisses me off when people say shit that I know for a fact is wrong - as in I would let my balls get sliced off if it wasn't wrong, but they still insist that they're right based on their shitty delusions.
It infuriates me for some reason. Like here I am listening to some autist who can't go a minute without talking about his le chadfish experiments trying to tell me that sub 8s don't get laid at bars/ clubs when those places are where you'll find the most guys pulling way out of their league.
Incels were a mistake.
>and fully missing my logic.
There isn't any logic from you.

>you didn't make one single counter argument to what i said
there isn't any real counterargument to be said. It's just my experiences vs your.... lack of experiences.
I know i'm right because i'm speaking from experience and all you're doing is talking about you using handsome guys on dating apps to say that looks matter on dating apps, which I never even denied.

>the women you meet on tinder are real women, and the way they talk reflects their personality. they care mostly about looks.

Women go on dating apps and get bombarded with men. There's no criteria to pick these men based off of other than looks and texts which can't really tell you anything about a person. So fucking obviously they'll pick the best looking one, you absolute dumbshit lmao.
That's not the case in real life which is why most couples are, at worst, looksmatched. Average women with average men, above average women with above average men, sometimes there's above average women with average men and the other way around.

>i have gone to bars multiple times. they look miserable for sub8s. i can see the way other people are interacting, what they are doing and whether they're enjoying themselves or just there to fit in. and what you are saying is simply not true.
you've made it clear that you're an autist who stands in a corner. Nothing what you say here really matters to be honest. I've been to bars and I felt enraged by the kinds of subhumans I saw getting with girls. That was in my teenage lookism days. Obviously I don't give a fuck but it still makes me laugh what kinds of guys end up getting with girls. Again, my word against yours. I know i'm right and you're wrong. There really isn't an argument to be had here.
>for all i know it is true that your life is like that. i cant deny it. i know a gigachad who is on reddit and loves rick&morty. chads have all sorts of different personalities. but i know that for each real chad on the internet, there's also like 10 losers also claiming to be chads. so those are the odds from my perspective

Never even said I was Chad. I said I was 5.5 - 6/10. Above average but nothing special.
I appreciate the compliment though :)

>if that happens to you then you are above average or even chad and most guys don't have it that easy. literally anyone who pays attention to social situations and is not fully deluded knows that dating is a grind for average guys and not easy, let alone in bars lol

I get way less girls than guys who are more social than me that have to approach girls themselves because they don't get approached.
Don't use me as an example of some success story either, because i'm not. There's a reason why i'm on this site talking to you lol.

>- the existence of the advice threads on how to get women proves it
>- the way men talk about dating proves it. they know it's an accomplishment
>- how desperate men are proves it
>- the fact that tinder doesnt work for avg guys, even if there are better ways to get a gf, still shows that there is a fundamental inequality going on

No, imageboards and tinder doesn't prove anything. The losers you talk to doesn't prove anything either.

>don't care. i have seen what i am saying. and i have drawn logical conclusions from chadfishing. you'll say "tinder is not real life bro" because you are negative IQ, but it's not hard to draw logical conclusions from those conversations.
you're a blackpill autist. You shouldn't be talking about IQ. We've already been over that.
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>reddit spacing

its okay that people are wrong. i dont go out of my way to correct creationists or flat earthers or whatever someones politics is that i dont agree with, but the incel phenomenon hits home to me because they are men. men being truly shitty to each other is relatively rare, women being truly shitty to each other is extremely common. knowing that this shit ISNT that hard, and that you CAN do better, its sort of hard to deal with the demoralization. almost no man will have the experience of just walking down the street and having vaginas gush like fire hydrants as you pass by, but some of these people seem to think there is only like the 0.1% of men who get laid, and everyone else who doesn't, and if you dont have chico tier aesthetics, stand 6'+, make $400k a year and have a chocolate 11" penis you're somehow permanently cut off from pussy. i knew a guy who was 5'-5" who slept his way through three sorority houses in a year. guy was nothing special to look at, but had some insane charm about him and watching him do his work was fucking magical. if that guy can bed 100+ women in a school year, these guys can self improve enough to get just ONE. but they don't. and whenever i encounter one IRL who has just given up i feel like im violating bro code if i don't at least try to help.
I really don't see what you're trying to do here

a) we both know you're terminally online. You don't have to show me stuff that prove common sense.

b) I already told you that dating apps are for good looking men and you can say stupid shit and get away with it.
also, is that fatty the best that your Chad could pull?
Jesus Christ, at least put some effort into this stuff since it's what you do all day. Show me women i'd actually fuck as a MAYBE 6/10 guy if you want to make me jealous.
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ok, you've showed me that you're even more online than I thought if you think adding people on snapchat means anything.
But also... bitmojis aren't people. I'm asking you to show me some attractive women.
and the texts you sent to them.
i dont care you are a fucking larping coper with negative IQ
I already told you that as a blackpiller and an incel you really shouldn't be talking about IQ. There's a reason why everyone makes fun of your kind outside of your little circle jerk safespaces.
>you will never be Chad sending quirky texts to goblina landwhales

why live
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"don't say overtly sexual things from the start bro, make good conversation like a normal person. work on your openers and show that you care about her personality and read her bio bro"

>There's a reason why everyone makes fun of your kind outside of your little circle jerk safespaces.
they do? because i mainly see them seethe

that's a gigastacy
I charismamax. I am fun to be around.
That means I get to fuck pretty much anything.
>"don't say overtly sexual things from the start bro, make good conversation like a normal person. work on your openers and show that you care about her personality and read her bio bro"
who are you quoting?

>that's a gigastacy
I don't see a gigastacy. Decent body, mid face.
Like I said, you're arguing with yourself here. I told you that I know that apps are for good looking men. The problem is that you're a basement autist so all you have are these apps.

>they do? because i mainly see them seethe
How does a turboautist who doesn't go outside make people seethe?
>that's a gigastacy
that's a gigasimp
>Like I said, you're arguing with yourself here. I told you that I know that apps are for good looking men. The problem is that you're a basement autist so all you have are these apps.

you are so low IQ lmao

i already explained to you that

1. bars are the same dynamic on a psychological level and i have been there and seen that they don't fucking work for sub8s either
2. the fact that tinder is this bad still shows there's a fundamental inequality in dating

you can't argue against this because you don't seem to understand the associations and, even if you did, i am right
>1. bars are the same dynamic on a psychological level and i have been there and seen that they don't fucking work for sub8s either
They aren't the same dynamic at all.
I've even tested this out myself. Don't get much on dating apps, but I have women approaching me at bars and clubs and no they don't approach me to get free drinks. A lot of the time they even buy me drinks.
your problem is that you're a sub 4, not a sub 8.
Bars are the easiest places to pull bitches out of your league. you're just dumb. Not much else to be said here.

>the fact that tinder is this bad still shows there's a fundamental inequality in dating
not really. Tinder doesn't even have many women. It's mostly men, losers like you who can't get laid in the real world.

>you can't argue against this because you don't seem to understand the associations and, even if you did, i am right
you aren't though. you're forgetting that i'm speaking from experience and you're not. You're speaking from having no life, catfishing random women and arguing against a point I didn't even make.
>They aren't the same dynamic at all.
>I've even tested this out myself. Don't get much on dating apps, but I have women approaching me at bars and clubs and no they don't approach me to get free drinks. A lot of the time they even buy me drinks.
>your problem is that you're a sub 4, not a sub 8.
>Bars are the easiest places to pull bitches out of your league. you're just dumb. Not much else to be said here.
that's not what i have seen

im not talking about my own experience, i mean seen in others. multiple times.
You clearly know me better than myself, I guess
Whatever makes you feel smug and self-righteous
/adv/ - everyone gets laid and has plenty of women
sure thing buddies
Not on /adv/ but in the real world, yes.
Highly doubt it, none of my acquaintances of my age had sex nor a gf so far.
look you fucking piece of shit. i am so done with this shit

average men have it hard. you can deny it all you want but it's an objective truth and there's evidence for it everywhere.

you and the other idiot in this thread i was arguing with yesterday. who is most likely a typical /adv/ nerd larping as chad, or alternatively a chad with a so y personality, lukewarm 105 IQ, and no concept of proportions and he sees some short guy hooking up at a bar and he thinks "wow it's so easy for ugly men too! they get laid all the time!"

even if basic every day conversations between men you can tell. they talk about getting laid like it's an accomplishment. that is a dead giveaway in itself. nobody talks like getting food to eat is something to be proud of, or something to tell other guys that they are losers and can't afford

it's just so fucking obvious and yet these average IQ unremarkable losers keep repeating platitudes
>average men have it hard. you can deny it all you want but it's an objective truth and there's evidence for it everywhere.
your autistic hobby is not evidence. Women fuck absolute subhumans all the time, it's fucking everywhere. It's bizarre and insulting how low women's standards are for men.
Funny enough guys I talk to IRL bring up how bitches will fuck anything and it's true, they'll fuck a rusty nail in the ground, but somehow when I log onto an autism forum or an anime image board it's LE MEN ARE STRUGGLING. Keep coping you basement dwelling autistic faggot. You can't get laid because you're a bottom-tier man, not because you're not average.

>you and the other idiot in this thread i was arguing with yesterday. who is most likely a typical /adv/ nerd larping as chad, or alternatively a chad with a so y personality, lukewarm 105 IQ, and no concept of proportions and he sees some short guy hooking up at a bar and he thinks "wow it's so easy for ugly men too! they get laid all the time!"
like any blackpiller, you have a double digit IQ. It's a requirement to be a blackpiller. If you were "likewarm", you wouldn't be talking right now.
Go back to your catfishing and while you're at it, why not tell people what you do in your basic every day conversations, see how they react. Fucking weirdo lmao
Why do I have the feeling that you're the same person arguing with himself?
I truly wish average men did have it hard because then it would've saved me a lot of anger in my teens seeing girls I wanted with boneless manlets who were social and popular. But that's just not how it is. Any guy that's not complete shit and has social skills/ friends can easily fuck bitches.
The rapidly increasing number of men that never had sex prove you wrong
It’s funny how Elliot Rodger was even more sane than you. He talked anout regularly seeing random wetbacks and niglets with good looking blonde girls. If women were half as attracted to Chad as the average PSL hindu like you is we’d truly be fucked. Luckily that’s not the case.
Well the vast, vast majority of men who are having sex are somewhere between genetic trash and average. So why’s this number of men increasing according to your meme “studies” that you don’t even read?
Why do I continue seeing women worship their subhuman boyfriends?
>Why do I continue seeing women worship their subhuman boyfriends?
Because you don't, simply as that.
i would explain this to you. in fact i already did. i know theories about this that i have discussed with other incels despite them not being mainstream blackpill. but why bother when you are not understanding super simple concepts i'm telling you about and not even being able to effectively argue against them if you disagree?

you simply repeat you "have experience and i cant disagree because i dont have experience" which is bullshit because i am talking about observations

you repeat "tinder doesnt matter because it's not real life" doesn't mean i can't understand the relationship between online dating and real life and draw logical conclusions about real life from it

you just struggle to mentally make associations between ideas i guess, so that's why you think "le evil incels are just not trying"
elliot rodger was right
>i would explain this to you. in fact i already did. i know theories about this that i have discussed with other incels despite them not being mainstream blackpill. but why bother when you are not understanding super simple concepts i'm telling you about and not even being able to effectively argue against them if you disagree?
you haven't explained any "concepts". All you've done is talk about your autistic chadfishing hobby showing me that if you're a good looking guy you can message women stupid shit, something I agree with.

>you simply repeat you "have experience and i cant disagree because i dont have experience" which is bullshit because i am talking about observations
we have already established that you're an autist who once went to a shitty bar and stood in a corner. That's not the experience I was talking about.

>you repeat "tinder doesnt matter because it's not real life" doesn't mean i can't understand the relationship between online dating and real life and draw logical conclusions about real life from it
there are no logical conclusions you're drawing from anything.
You even said that Tinder and bars/ clubs are a similar dynamic which couldn't be further from the truth.

>you just struggle to mentally make associations between ideas i guess, so that's why you think "le evil incels are just not trying"
I never told you to try. I said that you're a genetic abomination which is why you're an incel. I think that's something you can agree with yourself, no?
But also... you really aren't trying. Even in your chadfish experiments which is why you sent screenshots of texts with that landwhale instead of a half-attractive woman. Even in this obsession of yours you put in 0 effort. That's how pathetic and brown you are.
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yboi cope
why he filmin lol
Yes you stupid nigger, women should be forced to marry men they don't want.
>yboi cope
I'm an incel and all I know is that my life sucks and I want to die because I'm ugly.
I would probably murder a thousand babies in their cribs if it means I get to reset my life as a normal looking person who actually has a friend


i feel you bro
What's an HTN?
High-tier normie

It goes incel -> LTN -> MTN -> HTN -> Chadlite -> Chad -> Gigachad
>this "Chad" thing
it's a joke on the mundane
but normalfags now think it's about "le alpha"

you're out of the loop, kid
>Incels choose
>involuntary celibate
>In Cel
>involuntary choice
kys yourself
no, retard. Go to incels.is or looksmax.org and see for yourself. People genuinely follow this like a religion.
>The problem is that most of the time I see women dating men who are somewhere between subhuman and unremakrable normie slob.
Women don't desire mediocre men, even if they date them/marry them. That's why most relationships have dead bedrooms or end up in a trainwreck of a break up/divorce.
>Women don't desire mediocre men, even if they date them/marry them. That's why most relationships have dead bedrooms or end up in a trainwreck of a break up/divorce.
another retard talking about marriages. That's an oldcel cope. I'm talking about high school and college couples. Women are driving full-speed towards the wall by the time they even start thinking about setting down

>muh women give their prime to men they don't even like because... uh... they just do okay???
based retard.
Incels have tend to have CPTSD, mommy/daddy issues, and/or autism. So they lack attention span, misunderstand social norms, have abandonment issues, and so forth. And so they feel entitled to instant admiration and validation everywhere they go, they want to feel like the main character, and according to the screens they stare at all day you can't be main character unless you look like a chad, or a cat (i.e. an anime character).

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