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My gf dissed me and I called her out to not disrespect me, she responded by saying i shouldnt be so sensitive and a big fight ensued. I was always told to NEVER let your gf / wife disrespect you but on the otherhand would feigning indifference (stoicism) have been better? How can i standup for myself without looking like a little bitch?
What did she say?
that my face looked like a baboons ass
also she told me to shutup when we were infront of other people (she never does this in private)
Funny. Considering she's dating someone with a baboons ass as a face.
That girl ain't right.
brush it off on the spot and then dump her later after fucking her in the ass to reestablish your dominance.
Ehh it depends. Honestly I kind of sound like this girl and my ex could never take a joke about anything. But it is rude to make a joke about appearance. I remember my ex got pissed and held it against me til the day we broke up when I said her belly was growing a beard because she had a few stomach hairs (she got it waxed don't worry). But idk maybe you guys just have sensitivity incompatibilities. I was usually just joking around and she would take it so badly it got exhausting. But also sometimes I crossed a line and I would acknowledge it. I think my problem and maybe this is your gf problem too is that I have trouble setting boundaries and always feel I am responsible for everything so I take it out on other people in the form of "jokes". It's something I'm working on. But honestly it's hard to tell from this whether she's just joking around or actually finds your face to be unattractive and is expressing it in this way
What kind of disrespect? You can't have a thin skin women will shit test you with banter, just laugh it off.
Yeah that's not disrespect. Just very mild banter. Unless your face does look like a baboon ass which I think is unlikely.
true, but then i'm also told to never tolerate disrespect and to set boundaries. which one is it?
What is the difference between banter and disrepect then anon-kun? where is the universal line drawn?
Take her phone when she is bad.
Saying something that might or might not cross the disrespectful line is already disrespectful. Would she say "your face looks like a baboons ass" to a chad she was trying to fuck?
>How can i standup for myself without looking like a little bitch?
you can't. you lost. you were a little bitch over literal nothing. the only thing you can do now is end your relationship so that she doesn't have to waste more time with some autistic retard like you.
Ignore that anon. Banter is only banter if both sides are doing it and okay with it. Otherwise, it's bullying/abuse. No exceptions.

Now, the question is, do you think you're being too sensitive? Do you think you'd enjoy bantering back with her when she says stuff like that? She probably doesn't mean any harm and is just like that. I personally am a very banter-y person and I used to offend my gf a lot before I learned she just doesn't like it, and I stopped. So you could try bantering with her, or just tell her you don't want to do that and find it insulting. Your choice. If she doesn't respect that then tell her to fuck off and date someone else. If someone repeatedly disrespects your clear boundaries, whatever they are, then they don't really care about you and you should move on.
i'd recommend getting a new gf
>My gf dissed me and I called her out to not disrespect me, she responded by saying i shouldnt be so sensitive and a big fight ensued.

Sounds like you're the problem, man. Just joke with her back, girls play and want a man who can be goofy haha silly with them
Shit, dude. I wouldn't like that but a fight's not really warranted, roast her back.
You should have said calmly
>don’t speak to me that way
If she didn’t immediately apologize and suck your dick later then dump her.
funny, all the responses here are 50% leave her and the other 50% are its just banter. which one is it?
Personal advice.
Never let it slide.
Once you've let it slide once, nothing you do will ever make it.
It's better to end things with her now, use any excuse to do that.
I let it slide once, we are married now, and have 2 kids that I'm pretty sure not my own.
if she actually meant the first one and really said the second one, yeah, I think it's over. if she doesn't even listen to you trying to talk to her about it, it's probably worth breaking up.

>> be OP
>> mistake jokes and ribbing for disrespect
>> overreact
>> behave like a cunt.

Kek. Just be single, you suck at this.
it's banter when it's meant to be funny and disrespect when it's meant to be hurtful
banter generally isn't sincere, ie you can call a handsome guy ugly as banter but if you called a deformed guy ugly it would be disrespect
fat femoid hand typed this
Just punch her. Gently. Until she learns the lesson.
I've read advice that a lion doesn't need to roar to let others know he's a lion.
At the same time, I have not always followed it
You should leave.
It wasn't banter. There was malicious intent behind that insult.
If you said her face was more busted than a 40 year old construction worker's knees, she'd be screaming like an ape, throw a tantrum, get depressed, cry herself to sleep, and then be insecure for anywhere from a few months to the rest of her life.
women deserve nothing more than being breeding machines and punching bags
you have no quality control on your punching bags buddy
women are terrible punching bags
Nothing to worry about, takes one to know one
That is a problem, should be discussed

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