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File: sadjesus.jpg (219 KB, 1134x1001)
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My close friend of 8 years is overweight and short. He has given up on himself despite his personality and career. Despite how many people deeply care about him and enjoy his company he doesnt appreciate himself.

I have tried pushing him to do what worked for me. Gym, hobbies, sports, dating apps and trying to work on what you can fix and accept what you cant. He has slowly given up on all of these. This is an issue but recently he has gotten far worse.

He recently got drunk and high and started groping a friend's friend. When confronted about it after he got upset but it doesnt seem to have hit him how severe this is. He recently hired a prostitute and now is planning a solo trip to Japan which we all think is for sex tourism. I dont think this is going to help him and I dont think I can stay on good terms with someone that SA's.

My social group are planning to confront him about this. None of us feel like this can ever be allowed to happen again. WE are going to advise he doesnt drink/smoke again and actual take steps to improve his life.
Ok. Do go ahead with that.
Mostly asking if its the right course of action. We just dont really know what else to do.
You're kinda selfish and should let him be. You keep pushing him to improve but kinda is in a worse situation. Now you're planning to gang up on him and make it worse. Incredible.

Take him to the side, in private, and speak to him kind words that build him up. Stop being a cowerer and a tribesman. It is weak. You are being weak.
>but kinda is in a worse situation
he kinda is*
give me his phone number, I'll give him a call and hopefully he'll have the courage to go through with it and kill himself.
(304) 625-2000
Tell him to research religion/philosophy.
I am sure accosting your friend who is very clearly suffering from depression and self-esteem issues just because he touched some slut's titty while he was in an altered state is definitely gonna help him and not make him feel worse and double down. Solid plan, great plan in fact
Projecting your own suicidal ideation into someone else is evil, live your own pathetic life and let OP's friend live his
Maybe the issue here is we disagree on the severity of groping someone over and over. This is the just the latest step and unlikely to be the final one.

Talking to him one on one didnt work after it. He just cried and pitied himself. Saying to leave him be hasnt done anything in the past few years but let him give up on himself. Why would it help him this time?
>he crossed a line
>he cried when he was politely told not to do that
fuck this guy
dont gang up on him when you can just tell him loudly that his behavior is not welcome
You think we just cut ties now?
you shouldve all blasted him and made him say sorry when it happened
now its hard to give him a chance to apologize

I'd phone him and say: no one wants hang out with the dickhead he is becoming, either he swallows his pride and gets some help with the attitude (literally just go gym) or he can fuck off
I won't read how to fix third party threads. You know why.
He's actually asking for advice in a relationship, what he should do with his friend. Also, your replies are really dumb, you just keep bumping threads you don't want to contribute to, you're either mentally unwell or a newfag, in the first case, seek help.
shut up retard schizo fag

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