I told her I could be hired any day now with all the applications I've been putting in. She took out a title loan and gambled all her money away. She's pissed I got a job because she uses my car to deliver door dash. She wants to drop me off at work so she can use my car all day. I told her no and now she's mad because they'll take her car away. Her car broke down but instead of fixing it she gambles all her money and drives my car. And yes I don't charge her rent to stay with me. What do?
Wow what a terrible situation to be inI'm glad I'm not you
>>32335042>And yes I don't charge her rent to stay with me. What do?Buy mom a used diesel mercedes 1987-1995 cost about $2000. Tell mom to do onlyfans.
>>32335042>What do?>>>/adv/
>>32335042My mom voted for Trump. I was so mad. She wanted our country to go to shit she can clean it up herself. >pic relI shit on her toilet to teach her a lessonYou could maybe do the same?
>>32335042Have sex with your mother. She sounds hysterical, fuck her till she calms down
>>32335042You should bang your mom. You are the breadwinner now she has to obey
>>32335042Their lives changed irrevocably when you were born. Literally nothing else mattered but you anymore. Their lives revolved around you. This went on for some time.
>>32335042Your mom is probably retarded and makes bad decisions. But she's still your mom. You should try to help her however you can. Did she do an okay enough job raising you?
>>32335042>I don't charge her rent to stay with me. What do?charge her rent to stay with you and use your car.ezpz.
>>32335048Is that a European tradition?
>>32335046>My mom voted for Trump. I was so mad. She wanted our country to go to shityou think in reverse.the country already got turned into shit and trump's wiping it up.
>>32335042Payment in sex
>>32335042Car is code for penis. You should give her your car in her garage. IFYKWIM. garage means poon. sexo
>>32335044Something like this, buy her a cheap reliable vehicle. Visit /o/ not /pol/
>>32335042Stop letting your mom drain the lifeblood from you.You have to escape her.There is no other way.She is drowning and she will drag you down, you cannot save her. She will drain everything from you.You must escape.Your father already discovered this before you and has already left ahead of you.Now is your time to do the same.
>>32335042Is that your mom? I'd do her.
>>32335042This sounds like brown people issues.>Or really low white trashWhite people sacrifice for their kids... not the other way around.
>>32335042>She's pissed I got a job because she uses my car to deliver door dash.she is literally just trashing your car to slowly convert its value into her own cash at a rate of like $10 an hour, and slaving away for the privilege of doing so
>>32335058Based and Vladimir Lem pilled
>>32335059I was born born white trash on my mom's side and got a comfy degree. Dad divorced my mom and left to Thailand.
>>32335062Your mom is a cunt and father followed what options he had. The sooner you realise your mum is a shit person, the sooner you can also bail and lead your life.
>>32335042Smack her every time you catch her gambling. And stop letting her touch your car.
Honestly, yelling at her might help? She's holding you back because shes unhappy.
Yell at her. Give her a deadline for gambling, let her use your car when you do not need it Then straighten her up and give her a schedule and gambling budget like she was a child. if she fails ignore her threaten her then leave for about2-4 days then come back.
>>32335052Yes. I actually had sex over forty times before whatever she you are thinking about.
>>32335042If you want to still let her use your car have the door dash money deposited into a bank account you control and only give her the money when she can prove she won’t waste it.