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>Be me at work
>Have things I want to do when I get home
>Get home
>can’t do them
>Not tired or sad or anything just literally can’t do them
>No other way of describing it’s just not something I can do
>I wanna watch anime and read a VN in Japanese but just can’t
>End up literally just doing nothing refreshing random sites
Why seriously I don’t get
I know I just have to hit play or just have to open a software but can’t, maybe it’s a willpower thing or something else
You are confused and unable to accurately describe your problem. This is not to criticize, this is to inform you based on how humans work contrasted with what you wrote. More likely you are confused about your problem rather than be completely abnormal.
Commit to doing the thing for 1 minute only. Usually the initial hump is the worst part and the rest is easy.
it's lack of executive function, just total paralysis. it's not depression because that's not having interest in anything. this is genuinely having 10 interesting things you love and not being able to do any of them, day after day after day
Maybe it is this yes because then I kinda just go on the path of least resistance so to speak and just do something like gaming or jerking off then sleep
I feel you bro. I think that if you're in your room, you'll generally just do the things you do when you're in your room (which is nothing). Whenever I have something to read I go to the library nearby and all of a sudden I can do it for at least a little while.
clearly something about your day makes you feel bothered or exhausted, so think through it to free up your mind. then you'll be able to do stuff.
Nah I’m pretty chill and happy then just lock up when at my PC
You have to force yourself from being allowed to access your computer until you complete your chores
It will be very difficult to do at first because you've conditioned yourself to getting rewarded immediately when you come home
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This is likely a symptom of anxiety or stress.
Do some basic relaxation exercises like square breathing or something when you get home, you sweet honey child.
Bro my hobbies are on my pc
Guess I will just like avoid the internet until then lol
>I wanna watch anime and read a VN in Japanese
I won't read subhuman weebo mental health ramblings. Another one for the gas cubicle.
Anon please stop being so performative it’s cringe and no one cares
Idk, that's never happened to me.
So you intend to enjoy a VN, but the brain you're in just doesn't do what you intend?
Sounds rough.

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