I want to approach people amd make some friends, but i have absolutely zero idea what to say to them, like my mind is completely blankHow the hell do normies always have sonething to say
>>32335356compliment their outfit if you enjoy it! a specific piece like “I love your jacket/hair/bag” is good enough. then ask about what they’re doing, or their plans. if youre at an event, ask what they’re there for/what brought them there. it really is a matter of annoying them but with charm LOL
I don't know if this is you but a lot of people who have been into this whole internet hobby thing at a young age just kind of exist inside a little box they've been able to feel out like a blind person in a new apartment. You see things in a way that's not always accurate, or you can't get around as quickly as your old house or whatever. It could be any number of things. So, the main effect towards your not being able to have a satisfactory social life could be due to any single of combined variety of factors. You could have no natural social acumen. That's what a lot of people seem to believe about themselves online. It could be not that, but several other things. For example, maybe you live in an area where your city doesn't have much available for socializing. Maybe in the last 15 years things have shifted towards finding things to do online and your city simply hasn't transferred an adequate infrastructure for people to be able to normally find and do things, or maybe just for people like you. Maybe other factors play into this along with that example of a potential factor. Some common things of course: no job, no prospects, no longer having access to existing social groups, no knowledge of how to access this. I don't think there are many people for whom it's going to be basically not worth it to pursue their desires here. There could be just a few things to change about your life where it could end up being a lot easier for you, but you'd have to find them. This may not be the case, and you may have to settle with say talking to people online and getting what if any enjoyment you'd get from that. It's an unusual circumstance, but people have been there in the past and accepted this. For some, it may be hard at first, but being thrown into the deep end can help. This is an imperfect format to address your issue, and I think abusing the suicide hotline chat page may be useful for you here
>>32335356They talk about dumb shit like "oh, where did you buy that sweater?" or some tv show or other crap. You don't want anything to do with this. Just stay online and make friends there. No one is going to judge you, and the discussions are way deeper than anything normies talk about.
>>32335356You don't approach strangers. You approach people you already have some connection to, however small, because that connexction provides a way in.Talk to neighbors about the neighborhood, to workmates about the job, to classmates about the class, to people at a concert about the artist, and so on.