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Seriously be real with me and no misogyny allowed

1. Do I need a degree to get a degree educated husband since I don't think they date minimum wage women?
Inb4 oh they don't care. Bitch they do they see you as not ambitious and retarded therefore they will brake up with you

2. What degree can I get that I don't have to pretend I am passionate on the subject, last time I quit college cause I hate tards pressuring me to lie about being passionate?

3. What degree can I get that it requires the least amount of socialising?

4. How can I get it without having to talk to younger people since I am old and hate them. Preferably getting the degree online?
an associates in sociology is pretty easy. most classes can be done online at a community college.
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Thank you will look into it. Do you know if online classes are as available in the eu. I know I should research that myself but posting this also as a question incase there are any eu people who also know
there are definitely options
A lot of community colleges offering online enrollment allow international students and full scholarships.
> 1. Do I need a degree to get a degree educated husband since I don't think they date minimum wage women?
Inb4 oh they don't care. Bitch they do they see you as not ambitious and retarded therefore they will brake up with you
Yes, unless you're hot & okay with being a traditional housewife or sugar baby. Some career oriented men just want a woman that cooks, cleans, & has sex with them after a long day at the office. No guarantee he won't get tired of you though, especially if you start complaining or grow less attractive. Since you say you're old these probably aren't viable options.

You could also strive for above minimum wage without a degree, such as by starting a business.

> 2. What degree can I get that I don't have to pretend I am passionate on the subject, last time I quit college cause I hate tards pressuring me to lie about being passionate?
Business Administration is the trademark degree for people who don't know what they want in life but still want to make decent money and decide on a career later.

Trade school is valid but it is mostly an option for the young/healthy/strong, unless you're actually passionate about it.

> 3. What degree can I get that it requires the least amount of socialising?
Maybe computer science but it's probably too hard without the passion for it. You should probably just get good at socializing.

> 4. How can I get it without having to talk to younger people since I am old and hate them. Preferably getting the degree online?

But you'll struggle to get a job in the field without talking to people.

I think you're asking the wrong questions. The right question is how do you make a respectable income with the least amount of effort?

Here are some possibilities:
>Notary public
>Private tutor
>Deliver packages/food
>Provide cleaning/gardening services
>Data entry
>Administrative assistant
I have legit autism so yes socialising is a hard limit
Data entry
Warehouse work
Delivery work
Sell crafts
> Do I need a degree to get a degree educated husband
No. I have an advanced degree, and I really don't care. An "ambitious" woman would be actively unattractive to me, since it shows she prioritizes things outside of her relationship and eventual family.
Learn how to cook and clean a house instead lmao
Just be young, hot, and nice. That is all you have to do to get a high quality man. There is nothing else that matters. FFS You have life on easy mode and you still can’t figure this out?
I was a neet with no education beyond highschool, just crafting things for fun and a little bit of extra fun money. My husband is a lawyer making six figures. So no, you don't need a degree to get a well-educated husband. It's more important to be loving and pleasant to be around, and cook & keep house well.
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1. No, you just need to be appealing in some way to him personality-wise and attractive enough.
You can be smart without needing a degree, you can be passionate without needing a degree. So unless you want to date a snob this isn't necessary at all.
All your other questions don't matter because you don't need a degree.
>Seriously be real with me and no misogyny allowed
shut up cunt.
Lady, the very thing you're afraid of is what you're going to have to do.

I want you to honestly sit down look through all those college majors without the mindset of someone who hates bullshit and has OCD, and just ask yourself what can I honestly do, what do I like to do, and what will give me the most opportunity. That's how I found out I'm doing Business Analytics since it's more accomodating to the fact I just crunch numbers and data and only have to deal with a select few executives, which I don't mind as I get along well with teachers and professors. I used to be passionate about film but found out it was a bit too lucrative.
Men care less about your earning potential than you could possibly imagine. Men want a 50s tradwife with a hot body. Become that and you'll be engaged very soon.
Based incel
Your post is either excellent bait or mentally ill trash.
>Seriously be real with me and no misogyny allowed
People calling you a BPD tard aren't misogynist, since they're calling you specifically a BPD tard.
>1. Do I need a degree to get a degree educated husband since I don't think they date minimum wage women?
You need to be nice to him and supportive of him. You also need to be attractive and to enjoy intimacy with him.
A degree is of low (but not 0) importance.
>they see you as not ambitious and retarded
That isn't because you're uneducated.
>2. What degree can I get that I don't have to pretend I am passionate on the subject
Literally all of them, just don't lie.
>last time I quit college cause I hate tards pressuring me to lie about being passionate?
Did you try simply not giving a shit?
>3. What degree can I get that it requires the least amount of socialising?
Probably theoretical math
>4. How can I get it without having to talk to younger people since I am old and hate them.
Stop hating young people. Problem solved.
If you're hot enough and not annoying, most men genuinely won't care.
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If I understand what you are trying to say, how were you able to keep being interested in it to finish your degree and keep working if it isn't your main interest?

I like math so I am interested in something like that too but idk if I like it enough to go though with it
Tbf now I am kinda curious, also Idk if he will leave me because you know he will get bored and want somebody like him
Bruh don't try the misogyny with me try it with your discord kitten

>isn't because you're uneducated.
Ambition is a code for being a high earner consistently. Something a degree gives especially the consistency

>nice to him and supportive of him. You also need to be attractive
I mean idk he gets bored even I do these

>Literally all of them, just don't lie.
>Did you try simply not giving a shit?
I tried graphic design, retarded degree I know, and the proffessors which you had to work with were not accepting of that attitude, basically they wanted you to act like a friend with them. Was literally like some shit test kindergarten, was there just to get a paper and the proffessors were more interesting with shooting the shit with students. Whatever it doesn't matter it was a useless degree regardless good thing I quit.

>theoretical math
Trying to look into stuff right now

>Stop hating young people. Problem solved

Tbf I have bad auditory processing issues which is common with the tismo, which means I can't make out speech in loud environments so studying at home would work better. Since I literally can't hear presentations etc irl
I hope I guess
I mean smart and passionate expressions only count if they are monetised


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