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>seeing girl
>been on two dates
>ive been busy so I haven’t been able to see her
>send some cute flirty memes to spice things up
>she seems receptive and playful
>i ask her to go out clubbing since that seems like a good chance to physically escalate things with her
>i suggest and club and she replied with pic related (a “supper club” kek)
>i send a text in agreement because it was okay with me
However, I now don’t know what to feel about this, especially since she’s been clubbing with her friends once to my knowledge. I feel like this is her way of denying physical escalation with me. Maybe she’s not that attracted to me. If a chad asked her to go out clubbing, she probably would say yes. Or maybe this text was a shit test from her.
What do you think?
*>i suggest a club and she replied with pic related
i think you need a therapist
i think you're worrying about nothing, she probably just doesn't like clubbing. the fact that she suggested something else shows she still wants to make it work
>If a chad asked her to go out clubbing, she probably would say yes.
this line specifically makes me think you've got some sort of self hatred thing going on, worrying about a fake 'perfect man'. i think you're overthinking it
Its clear to me anything she may say or do that does not include your penis is failure and the fault is hers. She says tomato and you say my dick. You have no interest in her other than a vagina. You don't give two shits for what she may like to do or where she wants to go since you are convinced clubbing = pussy. Maybe she kinda likes you and wants to spend more time getting to know you but you don't listen.
It's very clear from your tone of voice that you feel uoset because you feel entitled to her body.commensurable with your perceived sceudle regarding how things should "escalate" and feel as though she's trying to deny this to you. You aren't entitled to anything. Go to an event with her or don't go to an event with her. Coming on to an imageboard to complain about your perception of reality vs some made up idea of chad's reality is not useful.
not only are you a retard for thinking this is a shit-test
but you also you think you need to take her to a nightclub to "physically escalate things"

get off the internet your little brain cant handle it
Not OP but damn this is some beta shit. Ever single one of my serious girlfriends fucked me on the first date. These weren't sluts either, we're talking about body count of one or two, and one of them was a virgin. All relationships that lasted for years as well.
OP is being retarded but you're also retarded for thinking that escalating within a few dates is wrong. High mutual sexual interest is mandatory
it's not bad yet but who knows
what the fuck supper club looks really good to me, am I retarded? Good food and conversation with second person while listening to good music in background, what's wrong
you're reading into the text wayyy too much and projecting your insecurities onto her. she sounds sweet and from the text and what you've said, that she likes you.

you've absorbed all the redpill bs and now you're letting it ruin an actual chance to have a relationship with a woman. you need to address your insecurity before it's too late
This is correct. You just found a girl who doesn't like clubbing. Congrats, don't fuck it up. If you want to escalate physically, just ask if she's up for a movie at yours after or something
It’s not that I want to fuck her immediately. I just want the option to fuck her immediately. There’s a difference. If a woman is just unwilling to be physical with you, then that means she’s not that attracted to you. I don’t want to waste my time.
>who knows
Tell me your thought process. How likely is it that I’m right?
>serious girlfriends fucked me on the first date. These weren't sluts
Yeah bro I was just imagining the blood on my dick from the popped cherry of my last ex
I feel bad if you've never gotten a girl to be your personal slut
We both live with our families so that’s not happening. I can book a hotel but I don’t know if I’m attractive enough to pull that off. She’ll probably say no.
It also bothers me that a chad I work with was kind of teasing me and seemed frustrated that I didn’t get physical with this girl yet. He just doesn’t get that non-chads have it harder. It makes me feel like a sucker because I should be getting physical with her. We didn’t even kiss or hold hands.

By the way, I see that this girl is now liking posts on instagram which expresses lust towards a male celebrity. Humiliating.
Yeah I almost let that redpill shit fuck up my relationship because I was constantly thinking every ambigious signal was a "shit test" or her losing interest and that I fucked up somehow.
Don't take your girl to a club. Assuming they're over the age of 20, women literally go there just to have sex, and they are always lying if they say otherwise
You haven't gotten physical at all? If she's attracted to you she would have already grabbed an arm or hand, or gone for a hug or something... I mean wtf OP, are you going on dates (which imply an expectation of getting physical) or just "hanging out" with your platonic female friend?
We hugged. That’s about it.
She’s not attracted to me isn’t she…
Dude get your test checked. It's one thing to wait a little while before fucking but you should have gone in for a kiss on the first date
It didnt feel right to go in for the kiss, especially on a first date. I only do that when I feel the girl is on the slutty side.
We’re blackpill here.
I don't speak to women but yeah that looks bad anon, she needs to stop making excuses. I suggest maybe pulling back on your tone, delaying replies and ignoring her for a bit
>OP asks girl on date
>Girl says yes
>OP gets upset
OP please stop being a fag and go on your damn dinner date. You have plenty of chances to physically escalate on a normal date.
You silly bastard. Stop letting your insecurities walk all over you and forget about social norms and expected progress of dates. If she wasn't attracted to you, she wouldn't have suggested a dinner date instead, she just would have said no to clubbing. Forget about chads, the optimal trajectory of touch escalation, and all that other bullshit. Go on the dinner date, enjoy her company, take a walk after (or go for a drive if you gotta) and when you want to, kiss her. That's all you got to do. We can worry about the logistics of fucking another day.
And don't listen to this clown, you're not navigating the Cuban missile crisis. It isn't complicated. Just communicate what you want
If a girl doesn't try to kiss you on the first date she doesn't find you attractive.
It's over
supper clubs are neat, bit more social than a restaurant but easier than a club and you'll hit the third date rule plus get back earlier without a big group. I think you're good here, clubs are over hyped, just try for chemistry

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