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It's been years now, and rental prices in my region of the US (New England) haven't gone down. Instead, even in the most rural of places, they've gone way up.

If I'm reading this right, there is an insanely high demand, lots of bodies, and very little space/infrastructure. Tbh, most of the infrastructure that exist in the US is old and poor, and even the new stuff is made poorly. It seems more more like we're all on the fast track to $4000 "luxury" favela's.

I never even got a chance to be able to afford to move out. Every single one of my friends who tried a variety of ways from co-living to rent a room to whatever, couldn't make it work long term. They all went back to live with Mom and Dad. I'm 27. I should be able at this point in my life to afford an apartment, yet for some reason it's about as hard and as expensive as buying a house.

I don't know if it's just the region I live in, or if this is just happening everywhere. But I need a solution. Because if I turn 30 and I'm still living in my childhood bedroom, I don't know what I'm going to do. If I can't afford to rent an apartment I sure as hell can't afford to buy a house. Eventually my parents will die, and I'm not than likely not inheriting their house. What the hell am I supposed to do? I'm quite literally just trying to live my fucking life here. Is the only solution really just to make more money? How? How hard do I have to struggle just to afford to live?
What's your budget makeup like?
As in, how much money comes in every month?
What percentage goes to essentials, and what's left over?
It's hard to imagine that you're unable to save money living with your parents.
Even if I find something, there are countless stories of the rent going up 50% after the lease ends the following year. Most of the apartments out there are so expensive, cheaps ones are so hard to find, of my rent goes up even 25% of what it would be, I'd be fucked and probably homeless, since another apartment would be so hard to find.

The average price in my area seems to be $2500 per month anyways. That's 2X what I can just barely afford on a full time salary. Id need to make ~$45-50 per hour just to make that shit work.
Realistically the only way to make it affordable is to cohabit with a gf or have roommates in a shared apartment. If you share with your gf suddenly that $2500 one bedroom is way more manageable.

But as a forever alone 4channer that might not be a possibilit, so personally when I was living in NYC from 2019-2022 I just rented a room that I found using the site spareroom. First room was $1100 second was $750 (but basically a monk's cell, not enough room for a bookshelf, dresser, and desk, only 2 of 3). Roommate in first apartment was an autistic weirdo who may have been a space alien, second apartment was with decent people. But for both apartments they mostly left me alone and I treated the room just as a place to sleep and eat. I went out to see theater and movies or meet with friends a lot. I lived very comfortably in NYC on $55k this way.

I moved back with my parents when I started law school, and I'm now typing this from my childhood bedroom, and it doesn't really bother me. I have a pretty good relationship with my parents and I get to spend a lot of time with them. You know they won't be around forever. Plus when I graduate my earning potential will be very good. Have a $200k job lined up post graduation.

So my advice is
1. Live with roommates until you're making like $75k+, it sucks but try to make the best of it
2. Ask yourself if living with your parents is really so bad and try to see the positives
3. Get a gf
4. Go to law school
I have a very bad relationship with my parents, if I moved into something like a monks room like you said, I probably end up having to sell most of my belongings. I don't have a gf and call me crazy, call it a pipedream, but personally I like the idea of any gf I do have not having to work full time for us to make ends meet. Any long term goal like law school, medical, etc takes time. Many many years, especially if you're starting from nothing. Even then, I think's really that bad that only a lawyer can afford an apartment now? How the hell is everyone else making it? How are the normal regular people making it?
Idk. This is kind of a pointless question to ask I guess. Either you cut enough corners to make ends meet, or you don't. I can make a lot of compromises, or I can not.

The more time passes though, The more compromises I find myself having to make literally just to afford to live on my own. This entire situation is practically impossible. It should not be this hard or this difficult. It's not just rent too. Anyone trying to start a business these days is having it just as bad.

I don't know what to do. The more I wait the older I get, the worse it gets. It hasn't gotten any better. Ever. I'm forced to consider extreme options. Maybe living in a cabin in the woods, maybe I should sell all my possessions and live in a monestary as a monk. Idk. It seems like the world doesn't want me to live. Because simple shit even a teenage could afford on 2015, middle aged men with seasoned careers can barely afford now.

My only goal, is to be able to afford to live alone in a 1 br apartment. That's it. Apparently, even that is a pipedream. Makes me want to kill myself. I hate how hard it is, just to get by. The only adv I can reasonably get is the usual man advice of bite the bullet, make due, be a man, etc. Idk. I want out from all of this... That's all I know.
>How the hell is everyone else making it? How are the normal regular people making it?
They cohabit when they can, live with roommates, and just blow up their budget if they have to. I wrote an article for my school's law review on the problems with residential security deposits and why they should be abolished. I found that according to 2021 government data nearly half of all renters are “rent burdened,” meaning they spend more than 30% of income on rent, and more than 20 million Americans are “severely rent burdened,” meaning more than 50% of all income is spent on housing

Frankly unless you're rich or are willing to live a very spartan lifestyle that traditional ideal of the man working and the woman being a full time caretaker is going to be difficult. Things have gotten worse, but my parents told me when they first got married and lived in Brooklyn I'm the 80s they were spending 50% of their income on rent for a 2 br apartment so they could have my older brother, and they were both professionals working full time. Then they moved to the suburbs and bought a house when they had me. My mom's parents gave her some money to help make a down payment. So I think some of the memes about how easy boomers had it may be exaggerated.

And yes I know that long term goals like going to law school take a lot of time and sacrifice, but this is what student loans are for. At least with law school you genuinely can plan on being able to pay them back quickly. My old job was with civil service and there was no way to ever significantly increase my earnings. I had to go back to school. Sorry things are so frustrating for you, I definitely get it because when I was living at my old place I do remember exasperatedly complaining to my brother about "I have a good job, or I thought I did, and THIS is all I can afford?" It motivated me to gtfo and go to school.
The average American works longer and harder than any medieval serf ever did, apparently. Living in Brooklyn on 2 incomes sounds normal, since it's Brooklyn.

Idk. Like I said, I'm at my breaking point. I'm more than willing to live something like a Spartan lifestyle. It has dawned on me in recent years, how I cheaply I can live by doing so. I think a lot of people my age are doing something like that. We're all kind of living like Spartans these days. How many people go to restaurants, events, clubs, etc compared to 10 years ago? I've nailed down something like the Spartan lifestyle pretty good, living like a hermit, living off the cheapest foods. Even then, I'm still paying crazy prices for food. It's no way to live.

I'm more than willing to do something that takes time and discipline like go to law school. But I want a solution now. Because even at my age right now, if I go to law school right now, I'll be 34 before I can actually be a lawyer and move out on that income. And that's only one option. Medical school takes longer, among other professions.

Idk. Like I said, I'm at my wit's end. I'm probably just going to silently cry myself to sleep, have a panic attack thinking about it all, and then wake up the next day like it never even happened. I have no one who wants to be my roommate. No friends who are willing or able. I don't know anyone. I don't have a gf. I don't have a career. Frankly, I'm fucked. Maybe I'll hatch a plan. Insane pressure and impossible situations like this usually make me desperate enough to think up something crazy I wouldn't normally consider.
Once the emotional firestorm dies down though, it's really all just math. And the math is telling me that being dependent on a single fixed source of income that costs me 50% of my waking time, is untenable, outdated, and stupid. Maybe in a more economically prosperous time, being that factory worker and making enough money too support a family was possible on one single income. No more, obviously.

I need to build a set of skills, either in line with a certain profession like being a lawyer or whatever, or maybe being an independent contractor of some kind. It would be very helpful if those skills enabled me to take part in multiple professions, but maybe that's a long shot. The goal being sovereignty of course, and multiple streams of income that I am more than capable of either increasing or decreasing as is necessary.

The only tough decision is the personal element of actually deciding what profession you want to do. For the moment though, things are rough, I'm not sure how to go from living with your parents too fully fledged adult. It seems like the paywall just keeps getting higher for that.

I'm not one to give up easily though. This would all probably be a lot easier if I did have an active group of friends who were successful and had that energy needed to overcome this. Call it a conspiracy, but I think this kind of system is built on purpose to infantilize people and rob them of any potential sovereignty they might have. To make them so poor, weak, and desperate that they can't afford to start a business, or move out, or anything. All they can really afford to do is bend over, and take what's coming to them. At the end of the day, when you're as desperate as I am, I think a lot of people are going to take any hand out they can get, Even if it costs them their freedom. Even if they do have to live in the pod, eat the bugs, etc. trying to escape this, is proving difficult.
I'll be 36 when I graduate.

Also that medieval serf thing is a blackpill meme not based in reality. My BA is actually in history and I've actually looked into this a fair deal. It's not based on anything. First of all farmers don't get days off, especially if there are animals to care for. Second, serfs had no ability to leave their job or land, and could be forced to do extra work for their lord as a form of taxation in addition to the rents and land taxes they already paid. It's called corvee labor. Our life is better in any way you can name. Serfs were literally slaves with no control over their life.
Somehow, this is even more blackpilling. So for the entirety of human history, we have really been nothing more than work slaves. Even now, this seems to be mostly the case. I don't care much for mindless productivity, but unless That's the god you bow to, you won't make it in this world. That's how it seems at least.

When I said I tried doing the Spartan lifestyle, it also made me realize just how much time, money, and effort is wasted by so many people for absolutely no reason other than that there a couple groups who act like parasites and organize society in such a way as to incentivize this kind of Protestant work ethic bullshit.

Regardless, finding a way to make it work without splitting my head, becoming a wage slave, or worse is my ultimate goal. Whatever's going on in the world today, isn't exactly mine to debate or choose.

I'm well aware that most people do not have the freedom to choose. Most people have their entire lives chosen for them by others. Their careers, their community, their living space, even their media and culture. Most people don't choose the profession they're in. They do it though because they have to, and they have no other choice. And maybe one day, I will have my back truly against a wall, and I will have to take humility and just accept whatever the world has chosen for me, for my life to be. Of course, when I say the world, I'm talking about those with real sovereignty and power, who organize society in this way in the first place, who continually seem hell-bent on making sure people remain as slaves and not as sovereign. They're not good people. They're the kind of people who starve and poison children so they're too weak to defend themselves. The only difference between veal and kids these days, is the species if you ask me. I have to remember that this world is specifically designed to disempower you, break you, and reprogram you into a debt slave.
Kill all landlords. Kill them all with extreme prejudice.
Every chink investor, every billionaire (((corporation))) sucking up your homeland by the block, from the C-suite down to the lowest of secretaries, deserves a public death.
Now you're just being melodramatic. Sorry for being so dismissive, but this doomerism is just going to get you more and more wound up. It's not productive.
Yep. I'm indeed being melodramatic. It's not exactly easy though being in such an uncomfortable situation, or there is no clear solution and there's a lot of obstacles to overcome.

For the time being, unless I move to some very rural area, I simply can't afford to move out. I need to at least double my income. I currently make $2600 per month. Minus other expenses, that's 2000. Not a lot, if you factor in utility bills. Definitely leaves a slim sum for investment/savings.
I'm from vermont bro and I'm planning on just leaving. Its pains me greatly to do so I'd love to stay but it's just too difficult

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