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Could I be gifted?

I have always had trouble accepting my level of intelligence, I am extremely sensitive, and I have always felt emotionally isolated from other people. I am also curious in various areas and although I have ADHD it prevents me from extracting all the underlying lessons from each small investigation I can retain a lot of information in the long term. Now, the problem that can be seen in pic related is that inequality caused by an injury a year ago in the right hemisphere and made me get that 101. How much potential do you think I have? sorry if I seem somewhat abnormal or retarded when expressing myself
Visual-spatial perception: 101

Visuospatial pattern reasoning: 133

Numerical pattern reasoning: 121
Personally I think you’re a stupid fucking retard who’ll amount to nothing in life. But I could be wrong, because I’m a stupid fucking retard. But also fuck you for even posting this shit. If you were gifted you wouldn’t be on this site asking us if you were gifted, so you likely are not. Enjoy being an average normie
To have your intelligence measured you must undergo an in person assessment conducted by a professional and it takes like four or five hours or more and costs like... idk hundreds of dollars or something.

If you're clawing for something you can clutch as inherent to your value as someone with a high IQ score, I'm sorry you're struggling with matter of your ability to deal with this situation. I'm really really sorry you're at the point where you've arrived at this as something important to you--I was there myself.

I got like 119 when I was in the 6th grade and it took me many years to reach the conclusion with myself that I'm a valuable person to my own damn self no matter what I perceived in my interactions--which felt like an abrasive sand in the wind hitting my skin much of the time.

It fucking sucks and if this rings familiar in a way that it did for me it may very well be that way for a while. You seem cool. Good luck
"gifted" means literally nothing. Also I beat you on all of those
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>How much potential do you think I have?
Potential is worthless if the rubber is not meeting the road. If you have enough spare time to worry about your IQ that means it is irrelevant to your life -- like testing the horsepower of you city commute sedan. If you were smart, you'd be applying you intellect, instead of idly ruminating on the abstract. Simple as.
>like four or five hours or more
This is absolutely untrue.
>hundreds of dollars or something.
For a psychiatrist, probably even more. Mine was covered by the court.
Most IQ tests take a little over an hour and are very standardized. I had an entire psychiatric evaluation for court reasons. I took an WAIS-III IQ test, a DSM-5 psych test, and one other I don't remember the name of. I got an IQ of 142 and a psych evaluation of major depression and paranoid schizophrenia (which was the reason I was taking the tests in the first place) The IQ section only took an hour while the DSM tests took around 4 hours. You don't need a full psych exam to test for IQ however. I recently took a free mensa online test and got 145, so the results were very similar to the "professional" test I had done.

So for OP, a score of 121 is above average but it's far from "gifted". With a score of over 140, it puts me in the top .1% of the population. Everyone that has met me has considered me to be the smartest person they have ever talked to and one of the reasons my ex broke up with me (apparently I made her feel dumb all the time because I did everything better than her.)

IQ is just a measurement of how intelligent you potentially can be. It takes years of dedication and hard work to actually utilize a high IQ. If you just sit around, don't study, don't work, don't do anything then even with the highest IQ ever recorded you won't get very far.
This is not the first test I've taken years ago and the result was 135, but nothing professional and thanks to this injury that caused a cognitive decline that ultimately impacts my IQ is reflected in that strange result where in one section I got 101 and in another 133. Now, throughout my life I have reached the peaks of knowledge with relative ease in a surprisingly short time, according to teachers and close relatives. I also believe that I have excelled in the creative and artistic field. In short, I learn quickly everything I set out to do. But the subject of intelligence and talent I do not fit them as my own characteristics as I do by identifying these characteristics in other people. I know that as I describe it I could border on Dunnin Kruger for this apparently inflated self-perception, but I swear to God that there has been feedback and not just introspection.
>everyone is talented at 25 - Edgar Degas
If you feel like you are talented at something, then pick a field of study you enjoy the most and actually work at it. Elon Musk did the same thing a thousand other programmers were working on at the same time but his just happened to blow up and get big. He's not super intelligent, but he was good enough to get one working project and then even luckier that it got big. Being successful is a mix of luck and hardwork.
yeah you and nearly everyone else on 4chan who claim this..what a fucking loser lmao
Let's see:

Intelligent guy who convinces everyone he can take on the entire world with douchebag friends saying he's the shit then pussies out in college when given a full load.


Me a sub 86 IQ guy who kept at it whose now a senior in university a few years left from a degree. Future potential in a fulfilling career.
Yeah, bragging about having paranoid schizphrenia is a real cool thing to do. Which again, is why I they were testing me in the first place.
>what a fucking loser lmao
This is how a woman types. I'm pretty sure it's the part where I said my GF broke up with me because of jealousy that triggered you. You can barely put together a sentence and you question the intelligence of others and call them losers. You sound like an absolute midwit with an inferiority complex.
>now a senior in university
>a few years left from a degree.
How can you be a senior and still a few years from a degree? if you're trying to be a doctor, you would get your degree and then get your MD, which is more than a few years. Also thinking because you're going to have a degree will give you a career then you are extremely naive. At a sub 86 IQ, that would make sense.
This is one butthurt blue haired double digit IQ landwhale.
tard award
You could be gifted with a large potassium chloride injection.

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