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Why are most main characters in stories such good, brave and honorable people when the average human being is a piece of trash?

And on a side-note: ever since high school I noticed that most humans are awful scumbags. Am I just a naturally kind person? I thought that being kind was normal but I guess not. I don't feel the need to put others down for no good reason. How do I cope with being a relatively good person amongst a sea of relatively bad human beings? Thank you
>when the average human being is a piece of trash
100% of people who say this are projecting.
Lol are you saying I'm wrong?
I used to think similarly but with life experience came some expanded horizons. There are a lot of good people and there are a lot of bad people as well.
Most people aren't pieces of shit, but most people are retarded.
99% of the damage in the world is made by stupid people thinking they're doing the right thing
Where can I find the good people?

Yeah I heard someone justifying bullying another because he had a big mouth, whatever that meant. But there must be a better way to deal with such people.
Disagree. OP sounds like a good person to me and they're right. Average person is a piece of trash. Perhaps OP touched a nerve.
Lots more bad people. Average person is bad.
They're both retarded and evil. The retardation doesn't help being good though.
Its not about where you can find good people, its about how you can change your thinking to start seeing them. If the thinking is stuck in the idea that almost everyone is an asshole and wants to do you harm, its hard not to discard a person quickly over any perceived slight.
>If the thinking is stuck in the idea that almost everyone is an asshole and wants to do you harm
Perhaps they don't want to do the harm right now, but most people would jump with pleasure at the opportunity to be cruel to someone if it's socially acceptable to do so.
The average human being is a piece of trash due to the fact they are ignorant to the damage they do.

For example they tease someone excessively thinking it's no harm, but the moment they kill themselves their crying and feeling ashamed of themselves wishing that they hadn't done something like that to begin with.

You'd be surprised at how ignorant people are when they get depressed about the damage they do.
>Lol are you saying I'm wrong?
You are wrong. Since this is 4chan I know you don't have massive sphere of reference for people beyond work and gradeschool, and that your primary window into the world is just a computer screen.
Is that supposed to be your counter-argument?
Thank you guys, this makes sense.
>Lol are you saying I'm wrong?
Yes you are wrong. The reality you'll come to understand when you get older is that people, at their core, are scared. They're scared of death, scared of being alone, scared of discomfort, scared of change. We are 7 billion people frantically struggling to understand our own existence on a planet that was never designed for our happiness or survival. What you view as people being immoral is usually just people trying to cope with this insane world we live in. I think, on some level, we all intended on doing the right thing. As kids we always looked to the future and hoped we'd be the kind of person we'd be proud of but life always seems to have other plans. Trauma, pain and loss happens and we end up as versions of ourselves we never could have imagined. I've met very few people who are genuinely bad people. They all just seem kind of lost to me.
Well I've met plenty of genuinely bad people.
That's a rather optimistic view, but there is some truth to it, I suppose
The issue isn't so much that there is no right or wrong it's that the moment we tell people to stop hurting us we're like the stop sign at a crossroad in a rural area at midnight with no cars around, what's the harm to me if I continue with inflicting this pain they may say?
That's not correct at all. It's just projection on your part.
You can prove me wrong simply by saying you're very worldly and where you derive your worldview from. But you can't so you didn't. Thus you are in fact wrong. Cheers.
I haven't. When I say bad people I mean people that take joy in inflicting suffering. That's pretty rare. Most of the people who I've met that do terrible things have had terrible things done to them so they enact that trauma out on others. They're scared and alone and emotionally stunted and incapable of love so they lash out to cope.

I don't really find anything optimistic about it. I think its just how humans work. If you take a happy little boy and you put him in a home where he's beaten and starved and told he's useless he'll grow up to be a monster that hurts other people - not because that's who he is at his core but because that's how he was taught to make sense of the world. He wasn't always that way. At some point, before he was worn down by hate and violence, there was a version of him that wanted to do good. I've just seen this world turn people bad so many times I've come to the conclusion that human beings are largely products of their environment. Genuinely bad people - people who are just born evil, I think is an exceptionally rare thing. More often than not I think broken people break other people. We're all living in this place having no clue what we're doing or where we're going and some of us are given more tools to deal with that than others.
That doesn't prove you're right
I'm not saying people have no agency - they absolutely do. However, understanding the nature of change and having realistic expectations is important. Again, imagine you are raised in a home where people scream at each other, hit each other, violate each other, show each other no respect. This is all you know. This is the only way you've ever seen people treat each other. Suddenly, you are thrust into adulthood and people tell you that screaming and violence isn't acceptable. I mean, really think about it - what do you expect from someone who has no clue what a healthy relationship even looks like? Even if they made the decision to be different what would that look like? How many years of therapy, how many failed relationships and mistakes would it take to completely re-arrange a person's morals and physiological brain wiring to understand human bonding in a completely foreign way? Again, none of it is an excuse. We have a society to maintain and violence and abuse can't be tolerated but at the other end of that you have to understand on some level that people do what they know. They do what they're taught. Learning how to be a fundamentally different person with different values is an incredibly difficult thing so the emphasis should always be on setting and enforcing your boundaries - never expecting people to change because you asked them to.
It proves your perceptions are that of an edgy teenager and wrong
>That doesn't prove you're right
And what proves you right?
>It's another "I never outgrew being an angsty teenage outcast" thread
Bet you're still hung up on the government being lame and thanksgiving is about killing indians too
Based and whitepilled
You're confusing NPCs with trash. Most people are NPCs. It's a genetic feature. Can't have a social structure where everyone wants to be the leader, and you can't have a story where everyone is the main character.
So you're saying that most people *choose* to be NPCs and not leaders ?
That all changes when society is put into a state where socializing is the important thing compared to doing well in school which we've been told as kids is the best way to go... But in the end when we get older we find ourselves further and further away from others. Suddenly the dream we want seems like it was just a dream.

You ever go through a day where you can't match your intitial thought with the reality outcome of things? That's what life is like for us all the time. We hope, we fail, and then we're given hope, and then we fail again.

What this hope people have for us is like the hope you see in Christians where you think, this heaven and hell thing where is the proof of it?

Where is the proof that my life is going to go as well as you planned? I'm seeing people who act arrogant usually win but I'm not seeing the meek, humble, and those who honestly try get anywhere as I get older.

Though this is more of a me issue than a you issue.
Society encourages competition, you are weak. The person that can win people over while competing against them is the model society expects you to follow.
In society underneath the veil there are masters and slaves, if they think you are a slave they want you humble if you find yourself the master they want you arrogant.
How did you come to this conclusion?
NPCs are followers of society, they do t want to think for themselves, they just do what society has instructed as good thing to do or try. NPCs think they are fun, like to experiment when in actuality they just do what is trendy.

That's what school is supposed to teach, the end game for school is to raise obedient slaves who will compete against one another but hold no grudges.
>That all changes when society is put into a state where socializing is the important thing compared to doing well in school which we've been told as kids is the best way to go.
I don't think society has changed in any fundamental way. Power and influence have always been the most effective societal tools. When people tell you to get an education today its because its the statistically most sound way to earn a livable income, but because it will shoot you to the top of the societal ladder. Education in our society is jobs training.

>You ever go through a day where you can't match your initial thought with the reality outcome of things? That's what life is like for us all the time. We hope, we fail, and then we're given hope, and then we fail again.
Sure, but animals experience this. It isn't exclusive to humans. You're just describing the process of survival, whether that be going to school and getting a job or having to hunt for food in the forest before winter.

>I'm seeing people who act arrogant usually win but I'm not seeing the meek, humble, and those who honestly try get anywhere as I get older.
This is because there is no meaningful correlation between morality and success. The material conditions of our existence requires productivity, not morality. Morality is a secondary tier we use to protect the first one in the sense that our productivity is best maintained in a society where we aren't murdered, raped, robbed etc., A good man who grows 10 potatoes will never be as valuable as a bad man who grows 50. Unfortunately, that's always the way it will be.
That makes sense
>When people tell you to get an education today its because its the statistically most sound way to earn a livable income, but because it will shoot you to the top of the societal ladder
There seems to be a spelling mistake somewhere here
Because the standard main character is a romanticized version of the best qualities humans have.
Also many people are drawn to individuals who are just better people, so we write about heros since ancient times
Yeah, bad syntax on my part. I meant to say that when people tell you to go to college its because a college education is the most statistically guaranteed way to earn an above average income. As the technology that powers our society becomes more and more advance we substantially depart from the hunter/gatherer/farmer/craftsman society that we used to rely on. It used to be enough that you grew up and learned to craft horseshoes or grown corn like your father did. That isn't the case anymore. These more primitive trades didn't require any higher education but computer technology, engineering, science and medical trades do. Its just a higher barrier for entry into economic productivity. It doesn't really have anything to do with education replacing socializing as the watermark for success.
Thank you !>>32339487
I see
>the average human being is a piece of trash?
They aren't. They're just impulsive and they cope hard by justifying their impulses with excuses.
I'm the main character. Hit me up.
>the average human being is a piece of trash?
You sound like a nice guy
How are you good?
Define a "nice guy"
Btw I'm not being "nice" to manipulate others, I just do it because I can.
>How are you good?

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