How would you, hypothetically, get revenge on a psychopath boss who psychologically abused a close member of your family to the point of suffering two strokes and becoming permanently disabled for the rest of their lives? Purely hypothetically, of course, and preferably in a way that wouldn't put you in jail.
do you want to dedicate your life to the eventual torture and murder of this man? there's not much you can do really, beyond requesting counsel with a lawyer after a little research who would specialize in this shitim sorry this hypothesis may or may not have happened to you bro
i can smell the weakness of your bloodline
unless you have a ton of money and resources to burn on this endeavor or you are willing to die, go to jail or abandon your life as you know it then there's not much to be done.however, thousands of murders go unsolved every year, thousands of people go "missing" every year and if there is no body, there is no crime