nofap is so fucking difficult holy shit, advice please
>>32339224Blockers to the max. I'm soon going to put Cold Turkey back on probably tomorrow.Don't get pulled in by the vortex that is the internet.
>>32339224Stop doing cuck shit like a fag
just stop being a pussy, why are so many people "addicted" to fapping and porn? You people act like it's alcoholism. Whenever I'm in a relationship, and getting regular sex, I stop all that shit. Whenever I'm not, it's occasional. Find a passion, you're sitting at home fapping all day because you have no purpose and don't run or lift.
>>32339224find a real girl you likeif that doesnt eradicate your porn and masturbation habits you are a fried human being and need castration
>>32339224just fap
>>32339253>you have no purpose and don't run or liftI lift. I have no purpose, though. How do I achieve purpose?>>32339301didn't do a damn thing. might need to consider nut shrinkage
>>32339224Masturbation is normal, natural and universal, and in no way a sign of moral or psychological weakness. And it's fun. Guilt or shame about it will harm you far more than fapping itself ever could.
>>32341011Don't you have palestinians to murder?
Dude, stop listening to no fap flags. But don't be a gooner. Just fap like once every two or three days, just do it once instead of like a 5 hr long fap session
>>32341011what if you just not do something without guilt or shame about it
>>32339224I have never ejaculated while awake. Every few months I have a wet dream.
>you are a fried human being and need castration
>>32341647keep projecting tripfag
What helped me is deleting all porn from my computer, closing accounts, blocking people, and reading books.Truth is the hardest part is boringness. If you feel horny literally remove yourself from the screen and go for a walk. After you can return and reset.After 3-4 days it gets easier, stop being a pussy