Was anyone on /adv/ friends with someone who moved to Japan?What advice did they offer?
>>32339936>"Don't live in japan, just travel for a week or two"
>>32339936They said don't watch too much anime. Japanese people see foreigners talking to much about anime or going to anime themed places or dressing like anime characters and it's too much for them.
>>32339945Why else would you go there? Don't the people generally keep a distance from foreigners, anyway?
>>32339936I won't read goofy nerds yellow fever threads.
>>32339936>Was anyone on /adv/ friends with someoneYou lost us right there
Yes, in fact I visited them this year and compared my bias with their experience. 1. In short, japanese people are just double faced and they may exhibit some politeness to gaijin but "you will never japanese" meme is definitely true. On the inside, the average [jap] is very cold and distant2. Japanese women are very submissive but this by itself isn't a good thing for gaijin, as they are very closed to foreigners at best or hate them at worst. Also their submissiveness leads to a lot of domestic abuse (literally I spent some days at my friend's apartment and there were some noises from a wife beating his wife inside [their] apartment block)3. Don't even bother moving to japan if you don't know japanese. 4. Cops are the worst and give problems to the wrong people instead of chasing the real troublemakers. Expect zero sympathy from them and give no sympathy back.5. If you hate humid weather, don't move to south Japan, go north6. The healthcare system in Japan is dumb as hell. They won't prescribe you medicines and the docs will attempt to gaslight you in a speedy appointment so that they can take care of the next patient quick7. Avoid Chinese people8. Mental health is a taboo there. See: Toyoko Kidz
>>32342363What country are you comparing Japanese cops to when you say they are the worst?
>>32342429That's what my friend said or gave me advice to. We both come from LATAM, and trust me cops here already have a crappy reputation. For my friend to have said that well... Do I believe him? Partially. I remember I saw a local ruckus from drunks in a Shinjuku district, and the cops acting all high and mighty, but they don't act when some jeets are harassing a jap girl. You see the local police cuck the Yakuza (which is good to me) but they seem to be powerless against the Chinese or korean mafias.However, I also felt very safe and was never harassed by the cops in my nearly three weeks trip over there, and I'm one weird looking guy, but again, he's been living there for over four years, therefore knows much better how shit works over there, versus a green gaijin travelling to japan for a brief period of time (me).
>>32339936I moved there back in the 2010s and it was a pretty fun time, but after a bit the soul crushing culture starts to eat at you. The pay is shit for the most part and they expect you to suck up to all the older people when working. My advice would be to go there for an extended vacation and make sure you speak the language.
>>32342429Also regarding the cops point; the toyoko kidz situation. Those cops barely moved them away from the toho cinema public square, but there's still a bunch of them AND adult hobos living near that area, and the cops don't do shit about that. At least the cops in my country tried to find you some help if you're a homeless kid surrounded by adult strangers, but the cops in Shinjuku? They were absent or nonchalantly observing from afar.
>>32342476>soul crushing cultureAlso this 1000x from my friend. Literally that was his biggest complain. To put it in his words "the big cities are just going to absorb you, chew you to pieces and spit you out a mess". Listen to this OP if you ever think about moving to Japan