I don't believe in idea of women attraction throught "emotional connection", i simply think only real attraction is physical and i see in my own life examples how women threat and act around people they really attracted (aka Pretty Boys/Chads). I really can't withhold that these "feelings" are just copes for beta settlers who isn't in 20% of Chads who were jumped on their sight. I really want to put my mind in that place where i would believe that emotional connection worth something but honestly can't get it because it sound like a cope.
>>32340641I won't read ESL hairy werewolf threads.
>>32340641You're wrong.
>>32340641Why do you cunts always have such narrow little minds that you need everything to be some black and white single answer and nothing else. That isn't real life. Real life is grey. Real life is nuance. Real life is lots of variables all at play. What matters to a potential mate is genetics. That's true whether you're a man or a woman. What genetics matter, and how they might manifest differ between men and women. Similarly, mating strategy is a variable what genetic factors and how they manifest matter. Soeaking of women explicitly, for a gold digger strategy what matters is the mates ability to hoard and provide resources. The strategy here is that an abundance of resources will nurish the child, and a man capable of hoarding resources should have genetics to pass down to do the same. A,slut strategy cares mostly about physical attributes and status, because she's not sticking around for a long time. She just wants to be stuffed with as much seed from high status, whole genetic men as possible in hopes her offspring will be whole genetically and become high status. A monogamy strategy cares more about temperament, agreeability, ambition and commonality because they're going to be around for a long time so those things matrer. But to all strategies,what matters first and foremost is league (you must be in the same league) and where you are on two axis. Niceness (to her) and masculinity. Women will fuck an ugly bad boy who isn't nice to her, but she'll stay if he's both bad and nice to her. If he's just nice though, they'd just a friend.