>be me>30+ female>dad raped my sister from childhood to adulthood >she said she was fine for years but now suffers crippling psyche breaks, becoming a dipshit screaming child for weeks on end, hitting, punching and breaking things in our home>when she's not breaking our shit and speaking nonsense for hours, she is sobbing uncontrollably and trying to walk to locations miles away or speaking on creepy obsessions with younger men >Diagnosed with bipolar >her husband wants to leave her because of course he does, can't blame him>our mother is an obese blubbering piece of shit who keeps talking about god which only scares her more, giving neurotypical to someone who cannot tell family from dead friend>younger brother is a complete neet loser, 'helping' as minimally as possible and when he does, only meeting her with anger, speaking to her like she's a completely capable adult and not a blabbering nutcase>already on meds, not helping>keeps stopping them as well>wasting all of our lifeforce on this for months to weeks on endAny advise would be awesome. She keeps punching me awake and asking of I'm OK and I'm just really really tired. I love her but I'm on the end of my rope here
>>32558100Sounds like she needs a good raping, you should rape her.
>>32558120No silly billy, that's what I just said made her this way in the first place, but good guess
>>32558163Well then, idk man, slip meds in her food maybe? Do you do all the cooking for her?
>>32558100Meh, that sounds horrible. Honestly, if I had to give some advice, it's the same advice I'm giving to myself. Just cut them out already.I'm getting ready to have a huge court battle because I got into a small fight with my half-brother who has been a methhead for almost a full decade, and now a pedophile. Twice over. Like fucked little kids, got them high, recorded it.Family just wants me to forget about it, don't say anything crazy anon, just go "do your time for your mistake", and "this is probably a blessing, you need medication anon!" As long as he showed up sober for christmas (thanks largely to me and another brother taking his fucking keys and babying him for a full three weeks leading to it), everything is fine anon!!!Cut them out. At a certain point, it's literally a broken family needing a scapegoat, or anything to blame, drain, or barter with. You will become crazy from their actions, which will never be called out, legally or otherwise.Cut them out. Now. You deserve better than this horseshit I just read anon. Least you won't be doing ~5 months in jail while you get the fuck away from them. Signed,Wish I was fucking dead lately
>>32558100you can't fix another person, they'll just drag you into their bullshit if they aren't actively trying to get betterbut you can tell them they aren't welcome in your house or around you if they're going to behave like a fucktard
>>32558304We tried this but she is now in the "I think all food is poisoned unless I see it made" phase which rocks.>>32558397You have my whole heart anon, we are so close to being in the same boat. My family keeps acting like as long as i take the brunt of her care, things are fine, like I dont have a fucking life and shit to do. Im the one driving her to apts, I'm the one making them, I'm sleeping in the same bed as her to make sure she feels 'safe' while no one else will even take a turn in that fucking pit. When I do ask them to give me a break, they do such a shitty job I regret asking. I literally went to the bathroom for less than 2 mins and she was going balistic on our mother while brother sat in his room with headphones on pretending not to hear. On top of this, tonight through her insane chattering and crying, she kept saying "I'm sorry" and "I didn't mean to" along with other scary shit, I think trying to imply she has already touched another child, either in her youth with the encouragement of our father or in her adult years but either way, I'm getting done fast. My family is rapidly letting me down in ways never before seen and honestly, making me want to move out of the fucking country. >At a certain point, it's literally a broken family needing a scapegoat, or anything to blame, drain, or barter with. You will become crazy from their actions, which will never be called out, legally or otherwiseCouldn't have said it better myself. Again, you deserve better too anon. I'm wishing you the absolute best you can get given the awful circumstances.>>32558492I get this, I just know and love who she used to be but even then, she has a long history of hurting and using family members. It's hard to say "I understand you're hurting and your mind is breaking, now leave me alone dipshit" when you love them.
why did he rape her and not you?
>>32558100I won't stop you from doing it if you really want to but I'd advice leaving all your family behind and starting anew somewhere elseyou're not losing anything of value anyways it seems
>>32558716Also raped me but as like, infant baby, so no memory of it, only fucked up intestines. Only learned about it later in life and by this point, hated him for like 80 others things and was already grown. Unsure why he kept harming my sister when whatever he did to me must have freaked him out. >>32558750Yeah, it's getting there and again, I love my family but their sense of "close ties" is so bad I fear they would just call and look and hound until I came back anyway. Again, obese mother and neet little brother also can't take care of themselves to well...
leave your family behind. they will only hurt you and never wish you well.
>>32558100There is a point where you have to give someone an ultimatum.
>>32558100Doing what, cutting off his balls?
>>32558853what do you mean by fucked up intestines?that sounds brutal
>>32558100>stop me from doing it. challenge impossibleKilling your father or what's the deal?
>>32558100Stop you from killing your dad? Stop him from being a pedophile rapist? I don't get your situation since I've never lived that, but i imagine you harbor a lot of pain, anger, confusion, hate, and disappointment surrounding the situation. I don't think you can change your dad being a pedophile rapist, your mom being a mentally ill obese zealot, your younger brother from being a smug and immature redditor, or your sister from being a traumatized sexually abused victim. I don't think it is your burden to carry either, even if it pains you to see your sister to suffer the she does and it angers you to know your dad is a pedo rapist and your mom either enables him or does nothing about it, you're better off getting away from all of that. If you kill him, he gets away in a way by you sitting in a prison for his crimes and your crime is taking him out. It is understandable why you'd want to take that action, but you'd be the one sitting in a prison for years.
>>32559098>>32559307>>32559454I meant myself, dad's already dead thank goodness. I think sister never got to properly confront him for it which is where a lot of the pain is coming from.>>32559164And yeah, I had weird pain and bleeding for years and after going the an ogbyn finally (dad never wanted us too) the first thing he asked me was if I was sexually abused as a toddler. I said I was unsure and after telling him I was a virgin to the best of my knowledge, he explained that my shit was so fucked that it could only come from someone hurting me as a baby. Later surgery found more fucked up shit, weird tearing, scarred, twisted intestines, etc. Again, to young to remember, so I just call it endo and moved on. Also I should give my brother credit, he's been stepping up a lot recently. Unsure if he saw thread or what but it's been really nice.
>>32558100>already on meds, not helpingStop that shit.Get her to a priest, get forwarded to a nun or any woman of god who does counselling, need to heal her soul.If you still live all together in the place where it happened you should leave, start clean somewhere else.
>>32558100i dont have much to say except i think it's unfixable and you have no choice but to give up and focus on yourself although it's difficult to. i hope things work out for you, friend
>>32560048>sexually abused as a toddler.Your "father" deserves the chair.I hope he is already dead
>>32560095Ohana means familyFamily means noone gets left behind
>>32558100move out or get her sectioned lol, "she keeps punching me awake" that's retard zone friendo. my schizophrenic mother is still mostly non-violent, if she was physically attacking us we would have called the police on her ages ago.
>>32558100Does she have a shrink? Does the shrink know how badly she is functioning? Let a professional advise treatment
>>32560048Oh, you want us to convince you to not kys? I know negative emotions, you've not done it yet even if you've contemplated it. Existential fears keep me from roping. I can't give you some sappy and cheesy monologue about how the sun is so bright and how life is beautiful 100 percent of the time, but the little things can give you something you never thought imaginable. I know how cliche it is, "hyuck, hyuck, it is the little things" literal boomer tier advice but anon to anon, plz don't
>>32558603>I get this, I just know and love who she used to be but even then, she has a long history of hurting and using family members. It's hard to say "I understand you're hurting and your mind is breaking, now leave me alone dipshit" when you love them.It's easy to say that, it's just that they refuse to take any accountability so what's the point. Hell, I spent a full 16 hours "camped" out in my mom's apartment bathroom last night. Not like I want to have a "downer" discussion with my mom, but when I say I'm feeling probably the worst I've ever felt in my life, and the immediate result is 1. Yet another family member protecting the methhead pedophile. He was high [spoiler]l o l[/spoiler], he feels bad, think of what it'd do to our family [spoiler]probably be the first real healing step but go off[/spoiler]2. You're just crazy anon. You're a bad person. From a person that got a DUI before I was even three years old, killed the motherfucker, and did all of 9 months in jail for it. My entire fucking childhood I remember, the foster parents said I needed to get on benefits asap, gran mal seizures and shit until I was five. When my mother finally got me back, did nothing but attempt to use me to "prove" she wasn't a fuck-up- by making me literally skip two grades against my will, she lied when I was in 5th grade in a new school that I was in 6th grade. Literally. I don't even know how she did that kind of shit. Five younger half-brothers, all of them are fucked up in various ways, from methhead pedophile to alcoholic to methadone/heroin burnout.I'm just typing away, sorry anon, feels bad, you need to cut out your family asap. You have the same pedophile stories in the family, crazy mother/half-father bullshit, the same mentality ill people, I'm 34 now, this will just get worse, get away from them or risk becoming the world's scapegoat in time
>>32558100Just tell your sister to grow up and get over it. It’s what guys get told to do all the time.
>>32558163>>325581202 negatives (or positives lol) multiplied make a positive. >>32558100its worth a try OP
>>32560594Thanks anon, I know it's hard to say stay positive and not sound dumb as fuck but I hear you <:) >>32561546God, it just gets worse sometimes. I have been fearing the future of my family dynamic for years now and it's hard to think about just up and leaving it all. Who will take care of my mother when she's older and fatter? Who will look after neet who cant even remember to pay his 1 bill on time? Will I just have to come home to help again in a few years anyway, my freedom just a selfish fickle dream? It's hard to think about all that. What about you? Are you planning to run away and leave it all?
>>32558397> who has been a methhead for almost a full decade, and now a pedophilethat’s different from being repeatedly raped by your dad well into your adulthood leading to your psyche breaking you fucking retard
>>32561599>Who will look after neet who cant even remember to pay his 1 bill on time? Will I just have to come home to help again in a few years anyway, my freedom just a selfish fickle dream? It's hard to think about all that.God Willing, you would never need to come back into that home. Holidays and whatever are fine enough, show off your best life to them and then buzz off a few hours later; but every time I've re-entered my family's space since adulthood, it has been a mistake. I'm now in a fucked situation I need to at least keep contact with my mom for the time being, when I go into jail I'd love for the State not to kill my damn chihuahua etc lmfao>What about you? Are you planning to run away and leave it all?I already was on the outs, but having my stepdad lose his job at 74 and the methhead burning down half the house had me come back into it. I was rebuilding the house with the insurance money, holding my half-senile dad's days together, and dealing with a methhead doing a crashout every 3-4 days. I have a small cabin once the jail time is over and this is behind me, I NEED to cut contact with them all, this is an actual hell. Maybe family doesn't even mean to cause all this hell, it's the people we love we hurt the most and all that, but the purpose of a system is what it does, and this system has been fucked since day one>>32561610Not that it matters, but I got raped by a guy named timmy lol. My mom got the rape thing from 10-12 with some guy named Uncle Jack or something, but again, that fucked up a few things but things were already fucked [spoiler] you mean a family that allows this kind of shit to happen is already fucked- no way [/spoiler] It fucks up men and women, but in no way do I think I should feel bad for my mom because she's now an eternal teenager to cope from her childhood and everything she did and does is to protect herself from her fucked reality she never dealt with- instead just shat out 6+ kids and said to herself, Good job
>>32561599I know how corny and borderline tone deaf it can be to espouse the mental and emotiona equivalent of "just put a band aid on bro" when someone is profusely bleeding from the neck and bleeding out, but if you haven't done it yet then it is for a reason. "just smile" or some other fluffy crap like that won't cut it when you have a whole plate of crap, actual problems that are really weighing you down, but it sounds like half of what you're going through isn't even your struggle to begin with. You're taking on other people's struggles and problems, making them your own, a comorbity that is compounding your own stress. Even if suicide would technically end all your problems, it would also end your ability to enjoy all the other parts of life that you do enjoy but maybe haven't always the time for or are in the mood for. I'm not trying to sell you a fantasy, a childish pipedream where you just do one thing and life becomes fairy dust and angel's breath but life is a mixed bag. Unload the pain that isn't even yours. Yeah, they're your siblings, but they have their own demons to face and they aren't yours
>>32558100YWNBAWYour stupid tranny fantasy isn't real schizo. There are no women here.
>>32564613>>32564616Just want to say, as an anon watching this thead pinned to the browser and dealing with their own shit, holy fuck these are bots. This thread was dead and like clock-work; aids. Anyways, good luck anon
>>32564622By "dealing with your own shit" do you mean paranoid schizophrenia? You're connecting dots that don't connect, and making unfounded, retarded claims as a result. I'm >>32564616 and I'm not a bot you absolute spastic retard.
>>32564622I have no way of proving to you that i'm not a bot. Op is contemplating suicide, I alone won't able to convince them to not do it but all I can give is my two cents. I don't think they should go through with it because they haven't done it for a reason. People don't do it until they do, but death is millions of years, and life is only a few decades. As cliche as it sounds, it can be the littlest of things you'd never thought possible that'd be good enough to take in and enjoy.
>>32558100so what is your problem? i see your family members have problems. are they yours?find something good elsewhere. do something good elsewhere. be something good elsewhere.in the end you might even have an abundance of good and much more to spare for them if they need. but some are not able to receive because karma. everyone gets what they deserve.
>>32567322and i say that without really being able to follow my own advice. you need to learn that you deserve better. it's hard to learn if not taught by someone better.
>>32558100I'd slap her right in the fuckin' ass.
>>32558100the best way to help a poor person is to not be like him. >first put on your own mask before helping otherssince you are not superman and really in no position to meaningfully help you have to distance yourself from that environment to regain your sense of proportion. maybe then in a more sober state you'll be able to brainstorm solutions or at least gain some peace. people do bad things because they are bad people thus we have a right to judge them... not. it's a shitty situation but 1 person making it out of there intact is better than 0. because at the end of the day, in this blue trap bubble... it's every man woman and child for themselves...
>>32558100Have you tried spanking that little brat?
>>32561666My god dude, I hope that somehow the state ends up a blessing for you. Like a long needed break, no bills, no worries, just a little vacation if you will. I also truely hope you are able to find someone, somehow to care for your dog. It just sucks how often it seems like a simple thing to get away and leave it all, but just like you and your older father, methhead brother, etc. family duties simply call and seem literally impossible to ignore. I'm so worried I will use my funds, efforts and resources to get my own cozy spot in the world, just to feel stupid and petty for it once reality comes knocking again in a few years and mother needs someone to wipe her ass or clean up after her, as even now she's to fat to bend over and get things off the floor. >My mom got the rape thing from 10-12 with some guy named Uncle Jack or something>She's now an eternal teenager to cope from her childhood and everything she did and does is to protect herself from her fucked reality she never dealt withIf I could, I would show every would be pedophile how fucked up and ugly their victims become. I hope their pathetic, selfish, weak and cowardly gratification is worth the lifetime of rot and disturbance they leave forever festering in the minds of the children they hurt. My sister tried to push it down for years, and now she just rocks back and forth, punching her head and begging for forgiveness from ghosts. Honestly I wish I could go back in time to when our dad was still alive with the knowledge I have now, I would make him witness what he's done and watch him fucking hang himself. >>32564613>>32565540If not a bot, I thank you for the kind words, honestly. I won't do it, I'd never forgive myself even in hell I'm sure. Life is good, and when it's good it's great. I just fear it can only get worse and sometimes it all feels so hopeless. At least I can have a good drink once in a while, cheers nons
>>32567322>>32567353Op again, I know myself and others deserve better, sure, but if everyone gets what they deserve, why did my father rape toddlers and children? I don't think children can do much to deserve that. My mother, who I should have clarified never knew about this as she was away and busy very often in our childhood, doesn't deserve to find out the man she loved and trusted to watch her babies harmed them in ways that scared them literally and physically for life. My brother in law, who married a beautiful able bodied woman, only for her to break down into a pile of sobbing broken glass every few weeks, unable to tell friends from foes doesn't deserve this either. I fear that this world is unfortunately, very often unfair.
>>32567831>but if everyone gets what they deserve, why did my father rape toddlers and children?because you and your sister did similar horrible things in past lives. samsara has no discernible beginning. we all did all kinds of fucked up cruel shit. and we are bound to experience the other end of it at some point. i sincerely believe that's how it works.of cause saying someone "deserves" some evil shit like that being done to them is not meant to justify the perpetrator's actions. and in the context you see and remember nothing of that is deserved. i would say your father deserves to suffer in hell for a long time and that's probably where he is now. but after dying in hell and being reborn as a human after a very long time no one remembers that shit anymore because it's too traumatizing. so we always think we're innocent when we're born. people who most recently came from higher planes more often hazily remember that they came from a nice place and they think they deserve better and look out for something better with more confidence. but all can fuck up and go to hell again and again as long as they haven't understood that being embodied means preying on each other and eating each other, and that we are embodied again and again because we crave it.
>>32567937>because you and your sister did similar horrible things in past livesStopped reading
>>32567948>>but if everyone gets what they deserve, why did my father rape toddlers and children?>because you and your sister did similar horrible things in past lives.Okay, I think I did not address this question correctly. Since it was about why your father did this, and not why it happened to you, the answer would be: because of sensual desire. That's it. Pretty basic, and a pretty fucked up perverted kind of sensual desire. But that's always why people do evil things.
>>32560048if this shit isn't made up or fluffed up for internet attention, then that is really fucking grim.what you need to do is convince your sister to receive professional help. i don't even know why you would possibly think that taking care off her like this would somehow help in her problems disappearing like its the common flu.i feel sorry for you and your shitty situation, but you have to use your brain here. you should have been looking for local resources that can help someone like her recover. like an AA but for people who've been messed with. even if it doesn't cure her, it would certainly help and you'd also have less of a problem on your hands.as for yourself. don't try to carry your family on your back. your family sounds full blown retarded. try to make a life without them. help your sister out though, because as much as it could kill you to run into the crossfires of that battlefield, that's still one of yours, and you can't just leave them there.
>>32558100> but I'm on the end of my rope hereIn that case for starters brutally mutilate your father and then castrate him.
>>32558100You are legit insane op if you believe that being some mediocre wageslave is success.
>>32558100are you both still living with your family? if so, why? and why is she living with your family? can't her husband take her as far away from that crazy environment and pay for a psychiatrist or something?
>>32558100>stop meds>leave family>ask again laterDo this and it’s at least a significant improvement and a step towards the right direction.
>>32560127yes, let everyone suffer equallythanks ohana
>>32558100why dont you get a job/husband and stop living with your family?
>>32558100A fellow denizen of Hell I see. It always hits different seeing others who had a nightmare hell upbringing on here. I wasn’t raped at all though. My family was all men, one mom. Violence was the way of everything. Physical abuse and constant police visits to the door, lots of alcohol rage and fury. Your story is a fucked one. I’ve lived and seen a lot of shit, numb to it all. I even had a cousin who was raped as a kid by her dad, my uncle. I say “had” cuz she dead, she OD’d later in life. But your story made me feel actual emotion. Your father destroyed your bowels as a baby for fuck sake. That is so fucked. I was the younger brother in my family situation. I did exactly what your little bro does now. Your brother is a bit smarter than you give him credit for. He doesn’t help because he knows there’s no point to pretend, no reason to try to play house and happy family. He most likely knows all your behavioural patterns like the back of his hand. The youngest sibling is observant, he watches the parent(s) and siblings make mistakes and fuck ups, he observes, and from that he learned its all fucked. Dont be surprised if one day he is the first to move out despite being youngest. I did exactly that. Poor kid prob lives inside his own head too, nothing but 24/7 thought loops and maladaptive daydreams to keep himself together. As for you, you’ve got the hard position of being the defacto man of the house, despite being a girl. Your sister is too far gone to be of functional help, your brother is full avoidant, leaving your mom and you to run things. You’re somehow stand-in for dad, as far as responsibilities. This will break you if you don’t leave. None of this is how a human should live. You need to give yourself 3 (three) months at the least, pack up and fuck off somewhere peaceful, or less shit. Friend, distant family, anywhere. You will see what I mean. You’ll touch peace again after a life of forgetting how it looked.