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Sometimes I search for old creep shot/grope/sleep threads on /b/ from the archive (back when b had an archive). It’s so evil but it turns me on so much, I’m a woman and that makes it even more fucked.

Is anyone else like this? Am I evil? Is it possible to change? I don’t want to do these things for real obviously.
the problem is ultimately cheap smartphones, not your psychology
good luck though
Explain this please
that pic is fucking hot and im glad they took it. she knows it too and its on her to protect herself by dressing better if she didnt want to be oogled and creepshotted
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Want me to grope you?
The issue here is that morally you don't agree with any of it so getting turned on by it makes you feel guilty. You don't have to watch these videos and you also don't have to feel bad about enjoying the fantasy of it, these two options aren't mutually exclusive. Similarly you could just enjoy it in other media that doesn't involve recordings of dubious legal standing. This is something that you're going to have to work out but regardless of what options you choose I don't think that it makes you evil or fucked up. People have sexual fantasies and they don't define you as a person unless you let them.
nothing evil about feeling so desired men risk their freedom to cope a feel or record an upskirt
I mean I wouldn't tell girls to encourage that behaviour but I understand why some would secretly love it
also I don't think you're a woman
The idea of a woman acting like a male jeet is hilarious
I used to take creep shots of men as a woman.
Always wondered about male opinions on this. I assume normies would virtue signal about it being just as evil or some shit.
Thank you
I really am a woman. I’m very sad I’m not that attractive and have never gotten that much attention. I’d love to experience that even though it’s fucked up
Only in my fantasy world
What kind of man were you into? I’m certainly not judging you!
I don't care to be honest
I sometimes use baggy shorts or the famous green sweatpants because I love when girls look
I found out a couple looking lol
it always made me feel good
gray sweatpants*
I’m a woman and I like that daddy (young)daughter porn. I also worry I’m evil.
well it's not very helpful, but i'm saying that if the phones weren't here, none of the creepshot stuff wouldn't even be a problem in the first place
this shit is all unprecedented and unnecessary, we're creating new moral traps which shouldn't exist in the first place
Me too. Part of the reason is that it’s one the only kinds of porn where you’ll see close ups of pussy eating. They take their time with it and it’s easy to imagine it happening to me.
It’s still for the male gaze but I’m kindve into that.
what do you girls think about creampie porn?
lately I've been into creampie porn a lot, I love the teenfidelity series and jaxslayher's videos because they end up in creampies mostly (jax ends in the girl's faces if he shoots for other studios but if it's for his page he always creampies the girls)
I like gangbang creampie too sometimes but only if I know the pornstar, otherwise I can't really get turned on
I like men who are very short and small and of a handful of ethnicities. Usually it would be guys around my university, even in class once. Sometimes the bus. I'd also stalk random guys online...and in person, just slightly.
Now I have one of my own so this is unnecessary.
I hate that those are what is "sexy" for men, standards are so low for you guys.
It's slim fit pants to show off skinny legs forever for me. Or oversized sweaters and t-shirts....so cute.
I wish men's sizes ran a bit smaller. It's hard to find pants that compliment my bf's hot little butt (without showing dick). They're all loose on him.
I didn't care bout those sweat pants until I saw that horny girls like them to be honest
I will stop using them the moment they fall out of fashion for girls
yeah my ex liked those kind of pants for me too, I even got some tailor made and she loved them but I'm single and not looking for a nice girl for the time being, bimbos suffice
That's fair and functional.
I'm just some freak on the internet with very niche interests after all. But like everyone I do wish deep inside that the world revolved around my tastes sometimes.
Every decade my gross fetish changes. I’m 40 now and I’m way more normal than my peers because I jerked the gross out of me.
You have a fetish, you get off on it, you get bored of it, move on. I wouldn’t think much more about it.
t. Incest to autogynephilia to bestiality to teens to Futa to big tit pov. The taboo becomes less sexy and natural attractors take over. It’s just porn, it’s harmless.
Post more creep pics
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Love this one
I wish this were true for everyone, but it isn't. I'm into the same sick shit I was at 13 and I'm almost 30. Some of us are just evil, man.
>I’m a woman and that makes it even more fucked.
Not really. Women aren’t the only creatures with degradation fantasies. There are men who want stepped on, or want a woman to sit on his face and piss down his throat. Common theme is arousal from being degraded.

>Am I evil?
No. If we wanna talk about who the evil party is, it’d be the person who creepshots/gropes/molests bystanders. That’s the evil part. At worst, you’re seduced by it. But not actually evil.

>Is it possible to change?
Yeah, but it’ll require developing better self esteem. And we know self esteem is precisely your issue, because here you are ready to condemn yourself as evil.

>I don’t want to do these things for real obviously
Yeah true. Most guys don’t do what they want for real either. Or they try it and find out it’s boring/unpleasant.

Anyway fetishes are almost always a reflection of your emotional state, particularly the emotions of how you relate to yourself. People into degradation being degraded don’t like themselves very much. People into doing the degrading to others don’t trust others very much.
schadenfreude - getting a secret pleasure out of other people's bad luck - is one of the lesser sins.
>Am I evil?
>Is it possible to change?
Also, yes. Just stop doing it.

Ask yourself how you would feel if you were a victim of this, and other people were looking at photos of it.
>I don’t want to do these things for real obviously.
But you're happy to encourage other people to do it so you can look at the pictures?

Forgot to mention in the OP that I'm trans. Not sure if that's relevant
Me personally? I would be flattered but I’m probably mentally ill. I’ve I had a young sister on the other hand, id he horrified but at the same time if they don’t know it doesn’t hurt them.
And how do you know they don't know? What if they find out? It only takes one person who knows them to say "Hey, I saw your picture today".

More importantly, by viewing pictures like this, you're encouraging men to take them more often. Suppose you end up encouraging someone to take pictures like this of your sister. How would knowing you'd done that make you feel?

And the impact on people can be surprisingly great. It's not exactly analogous, but have you heard of Tiziana Cantone? She was a woman who was eventually driven to suicide by being a victim of "revenge porn".
Would never encourage anyone to do it and I only look at photos that have existed for a long time and can be found in the archive. Nothing recent.
This is super insightful. Great comment
How does she not know her titty is out ? Can she not feel the air
Look at the thing it’s tiny. It could jump off of her body and she’d not notice it missing. That’s how she dont know, its barely a tit
Post another creep shot from the archive op
God, simps like you are the absolute worst.

Who gives a shit? Seriously? You just pretend to care to be a white knight. So some girl killed themselves over "revenge porn". You only care becuase its a woman.

And these pictures are taken regardless of whether they're seen or not. The ugly creature that made this thread isnt encouraging more of it, its not an industry. Think for a second you retarded simp.

Either way women have it too good for me to start caring about their woes. So your ass is on the internet, big fucking deal. Shoundt have dressed like a slut.
NTA but are you alright? Been a shit day?
are the girls still around, you never replied to this
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i don't think it's bad to take pictures of people where there isn't a reasonable expectation of privacy

groping/sleep assault is obviously appalling
Women are exhibitionists, if you leave them around they lose all clothes.
Women so asshole
what the fuck is a sleep thread?? Is it about violating drugged women or what, OP?

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