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Why would God create me with these desires? Is it a sin to act on them?
there isn't a god in the first place but also I have no idea why some males like other males, maybe too much estrogens in the food we eat nowadays? that wouldn't explain homosexuality in the past, maybe just some people are born like that
The universe is infinite. Infinite galaxies, infinite worlds, infinite creatures and organisms making their way throughout a random and uncaring cosmos. The notion that there is some force out there among a literally endless number of lives and relaities, intelligent or otherwise, who gives a shit what you stick your dick in is beyond silly. There is no sin. There is no order. Nothing we do in this life under any stretch of the imagination could possibly be categorized as consequential in any way.
I'm only "half-gay", I like girls too. I also don't get how some people find big masculine guys with qss hair attractive. I like cute guys with a oretty face.
Also I was asking other christians mainly.
Reddit tier answer
You weren’t created with those desires. Lust isn’t what God ordered up for us. Even heterosexuals will commit sodomy, same as homos. They fornicate too. That’s why gays have the same odds of hell as straights. It’s the spirit of lust that gets you. Straights do this all the time, nonethewiser. Their ‘attraction’ to females isn’t what they think it is. They worship the body, the flesh, the lust. Real attraction goes deeper than that. And it’s in this attraction that it’s between man and woman. Most ‘gays’ are only surface level fetishizing the male image, the body. They are not in attraction with other men beyond lust. It’s just lust.
>Reddit tier answer
What about the answer is incorrect?
nta, but your answer of nihilism is pretentious and gay, there is such a thing as evil, there is order, and your ignorance isn’t to be projected onto life. If you think it’s all inconsequential then stop posting. Mean what you say, nihilist.
Interesting answer, thank you Anon. I have also noticed that most gays tend to be quite perverted compared to hetero couples.
I don't want to turn this thread into a retarded theological debate so all that I will say instead pertains to homosexuality.
Sexuality is probably best explained as a spectrum and regardless of where you fall on it or how you identify we simply don't have a concrete explanation for why people are gay. There's no gay gene so if it is genetic to some degree it's far to complex to be some sort of gene that you can easily point out (but a lot of things tend to be this way like violence and the "warrior gene"), other animals engage in gay sex or at least the ones that understand that sex is pleasurable so even in nature there's an understanding that with enough intelligence sex isn't merely reproductive and more importantly humans are social creatures and there's a very wide range of reasons for why someone might engage in gay sex outside of being strictly gay. God aside the Bible has a lot of different perspectives on things, some contradictory, because it was composed of by different gospels written at different points in time with different authors, some of which aren't officially recognized by the Vatican canon but are gospels nonetheless. From a Christian perspective the only person who you owe an explanation for your sins is God, no person or priest can deprive you of that right and most supposedly religious people are quick to forget that the Bible doesn't teach them to cast their judgement, ire or prosecution (quite the contrary as far as the New Testament is concerned). Christianity has mechanisms that it lays out for how sin is forgiven and there's different theories on it but you can confess, you can repent and you can show your devotion to God even if you sin. Do I think that this is the healthiest way to go about it? Probably not, but it's your religious beliefs and at the end of the day you're the one that has to balance your faith with your sexual and emotional preferences.
>nta, but your answer of nihilism is pretentious and gay
None of this is any kind of argument.

>there is such a thing as evil, there is order
In the context of human society there absolutely is. We need these concepts to maintain our lives in a relatively safe and productive manner. In the context of the universe and god, the thing OP actually asked about, there is no such thing. Morality and regimentation are all concepts invented by humans to provide us with utility. There is no universal moral order and if there was we have absolutely no way of percieving or accessing it.

>and your ignorance isn’t to be projected onto life
You make the classic mistake of conflating ignorance with dissatisfaction. What I'm saying isn't a satisfying answer but that doesn't make it false.

>If you think it’s all inconsequential then stop posting. Mean what you say, nihilist.
You don't understand any of the concepts you're talking about. Nothing I said has anything to do with nihilism. Its basic moral anti-realism but you're too indignant and uneducated to engage with it.
No problem. It’s true, hypersexuality is common in gays. I feel bad for gays who aren’t hypersexual. One guy I know, god bless him, a good guy, he isnKt hypersexual at all as a self identifying gay. As a result, he’s been single his whole life. He refuses to go full lust mode. You occasionally see it here too, gay anons looking for a conservative loving gay relationship and coming up short, never finding it. It’s because homosexuality is from lust. Heterosexuality too, bisexuality, whatever. Most of it all is lust.

If a gay man who had no gay sex were to stand shoulder to shoulder with a straight man who fucked and fucked many women before marriage, and both were before God. Who would God let into Heaven? If you say ‘straight guy’, you’d be wrong. It’d go to the gay guy.

Also consider, ‘gay’ men who had a wife, kids, but come out as gay somehow. Seen em? Even ones who stay married to women, claiming the woman is their ‘soulmate’? It’s because they were correct the first time, the woman is their soulmate, as God intends. The trouble is the man is beset with lust, and his lust informs him to worship the male body.

My point is, the connection between man and woman is foremostly spiritual, not sexual.
Here are my theories
>Your mom had a lot of estrogen in the womb when you were developing (i think the opposite is the same for gay women)
>Parasites (only half joking)
People say getting molested can make you gay but I've met a number of people raped as kids by the same sex who are still straight, so I doubt thats the case.
Not reading that, go away. Everything you said is subjective anyway, not listening. You cant disagree since you would agree its all subjective so blahblah I dont care. I got no time for moral relativists, you waste time. You were cool when I was 14 now its cringe.
>No argument, just childish name calling
I accept your concession
Cool, you have it. I’ll pay you another concession if you fuck off out the thread too. Want one? Open wide.
because you're a faggot
he didn't
Its just weird you have a super strong opinion about a topic you know nothing about. Not sure what you have going on but good luck with it, whatever it is.
>Why would God create me with these desires? Is it a sin to act on them?
He may not have, there appear to be some neurological antecedents, but it only accounts for 10-15% of homosexuals, 80-85% of homosexual behaviour remains unexplained.
Just to clarify, you're a man that's attracted to men, right? Not boys?
satan's a player in the game too OP
>faggies in the past
>hide behind wives and children
>never come out of closet
>treat it as their biggest secret
>faggies in the present
>openly have boyfriends/husbands
>come out semiregularly
>treat it as just another piece of information about them
it's the same with troons, the societal climate from decades ago had them stay hidden and out of sight
>I like cute guys with a oretty face
based and cutepilled
Yes, it's a sin and if you act on those urges, your life is going to suck, both literally and figuratively.

You would do better to find a wife and give your mom and dad some grandkids.
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The Calvinists were right: you were simply BUILT for Hell.
The word you are skirting around is "freedom."
I'm a 33 year old gay virgin. I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore
>not reading all of that
nta but you are weird man, you interject on a topic you have no energy to truly engage with outside of overly emotional ad hom attacks. just don't even bother responding at all you can do is act agitated and emotional while being confidently incorrect, elaborate on nothing, and then resort to brutish sexual projections of felatio when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. put some fucking effort and intention into what you say if you're gonna try and challenge other people's positions and act like you have a more thoughtful and realistic perspective on the matter. you've provided nothing to anyone reading this exchange except secondhand embarrassment.
This, so fucking this. It’s the same reason why there is also a God. Just be kind, to yourself and others.

Which god?
>Its just weird you have a super strong opinion about a topic you know nothing about.
You’re the nihilistic/atheist who walks into threads about God and theology. If you weren’t a intellectually dishonest person, you’d become what you claim to be and not walk into threads about God.

I didn’t interject on a topic. That anon did.
>Overly emotional ad hominem attacks
Felt nothing emotional when typing it. But yes it was an ad hominem attack on purpose. I don’t respect that anon precisely because of what I already said above - OP wanted to speak of God, so if you don’t have invested interest or belief in God, then you got no place to discuss it.

>secondhand embarrassment
I don’t care. You might want to live to impress others, I don’t.
(The Christian) God didn't create you, he created Adam and Eve and he gave them a perfect nature, which they then spoilt with their sin. Now, the nature you have is imperfect and prone to failure, and "the image of God" which Man is has become dimmed. That would be your theological answer.
For similar reasons, I have found that femboys are super hot until I think to myself "this is someone's son", and then I get sad. It's the same for hoes. Sex isn't dirty, but there are natural limits of good and bad, for both men and women.
Lmao, absolutely based
>Why would God create me with these desires? Is it a sin to act on them?
You're right. It makes no sense whatever that God would define being gay as sinful and then make you gay. And yes, being gay absolutely is a sin if you're a Christian - no question. The only reasonable conclusion is that God didn't make you, and your religion is bullshit.
You mean Yahweh.
It’s okay to be gay because you are just deleting your bloodline and making room for the rest.
Fallacious appeal to credulity notwithstanding, much of Christian theology centers on God removing himself from human affairs after humans removed God from their affairs (i.e., fallen human nature).

Vices and temptations are things that everyone deals with and struggle with regardless of the type of sin.
>blahblah I dont care
lmao that got me. Very based.
If God exists, He's probably angry at the fucking assholes who altered the Bible to make it seem He hated homosexuals instead of pedophiles who defiled nubile boys specifically.
Stop being gay. Its disgusting
Having attraction to men isn't a sin in itself, it's a temptation to sin, but as long as you stay strong and don't act on it, you can still go to heaven.
Just take dht and it’ll fix it. It’s well established stress during gestation or early childhood causes it

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