I never retain things I read, whether it be all the trivial facts I come across online or concepts that I find interesting For example take the gameshow problem (the 3 doors one). when the solution was explained to me in a way that I can abstract it to other probability questions I thought I'd never be able to forget it, it felt so simple and easy.a few years later when I came across it again I misremembered the solution. The fact that i thought it made sense to me tells me I never truly learned the idea behind it otherwise the solution I misremembered wouldn't make any sense. I find learning by heart (or things that don't have a logic to follow) much more difficult than the average person, like song lyrics I repeat mistakes CONSTANTLY If I'm learning to play a song on the piano, and I hit the wrong note, I'll then keep hitting that wrong note and it takes time to correct it. I need to get it right the first few times. This applies for virtually every skill, like spellingIt makes me feel like a total NPC that I can't learn things easily, people with low iqs can retain knowledge better than me somehow. Is this a soft form of learning disability or something? Why the fuck can't I retain anything?
>>32562355It sounds like an issue to commit short-term memory into long-term memory, but if that was the case you'd be really forgetful in general, so I can't tell you why it happens. You can train your memory to some degree by doing stuff like crosswords or sudoku but if this significantly impacts your life you're better off seeing a neurologist.
>>32562355Idk but I hope someone has an answer
>>32562482ops not gonna remember dude
>>32562470Where is really affects me is socially. I'm never able to tell coherent stories and have engaging conversations that has to do about me. I also struggle a lot with my second language I have to use, forget some nouns and haven't been able to improve my grammar in the past 5 years by casually listening and speaking.I'm quite forgetful in general, stuff like remembering to bring something. I've dealt with that by invoking paranoia so that the thing I need to do will keep buzzing through my head to compensate if it's important. My OP might paint a picture that I'm living a life of hell which isn't exactly true, other than socially. Everything is just inconvenient to me. When I had to study I just had to keep re reading things more than the average person (and again, I was shocked when i watched one of the dumbest classmates retain so much more when he had to cram 20 minutes before his verbal exam)Id just love to be able to normal levels of retention because I honestly don't see the point in watching or reading anything informative anymore.
>>32562355Wtf are you babbling about? You don't have a memory problem, nor a learning problem. You're humble bragging and it's pathetic.
>>32562355>>32564458Do you spend a large percentage of your free time on your computer or phone? On sites like 4chan, reddit, twitch, youtube, etc? If so, how long have you been doing it? Since childhood? Throughout your development years?
>>32564458You could see a general practitioner to get his opinion on whether there's anything for a neurologist to look at but if it's a learning disability it would fall under the field of psychology.
>>32562355Long-term learning involves tying what you are exposed to what you already know.
>>32565248Yeah, since 7 years old I had a pc jflI had a bigger problem brewing before that though. This might be related to whatever disorder this is I have as i always found it more stimulating to be inside my head than to listen to conversations around me. That definitely impacted my social skills which were exposed when I got to middle school. the accumulation of all the zoning out I did instead of observing others how they talk and how they formulate opinions etc meant I was so far behind that it created a negative feedback loop where I spoke less and lessNow I just know to ask other people questions and occasionally add a joke. I'm useless for anything else.
>>32562355>For example take the gameshow problem (the 3 doors one). when the solution was explained to me>a few years later when I came across it again I misremembered the solutionno one remembers shit like that. we only remember useful stuff that we practice.