Should I stop taking psych meds to lose weight? I'm 30 m and 40 bmi and honestly I feel like the benefits outweigh the risks here I don't want to get diabetes.
>>32564377It heavily depends on the psych meds you take and your approach. Never stop cold Turkey. Talk to a doctor about weaning off the meds
>>32564377look I take them for schizophrenia but I'm very well and my doctor doesnt realize that he just keeps prescribing me more meds I mean I can fluently write this how am I not well? Well I'll be taking half a pill compared to 5 pills I usually take. John Nash quit cold turkey didnt he?
>>32564377No. You should continue to take the psych meds, and just live an active lifestyle, plus exercise regularly. Those are different things by the way.
>>32564502I know you're right but I go to the gym regularly and go for walks regularly it's just no matter how strong willed I am I get so hungry but alright I'll take them you convinced me. Didn't miss a single dose yet.
>>32564534I said an active lifestyle PLUS exercise. It's great you're doing the exercise part, but you need to do the active lifestyle part even more. Also, when you get hungry and it isn't a meal time, drink some water.
>>32564552Yes but I'm a NEET on disbility I don't work rn. An active lifestyle is kind of hard to have. >drink some waterif it werent for these meds I'd be at an healthy weight I know how to watch what I eat and get enough protein and fiber and whatnot.
>>32564377Cabbage soup diet. The more you eat the more you lose pounds.
>>32564377Depends on what the meds are, it may not be safe to just stop taking them. Ask a doctor. It's good to take as few meds as possible though
>>32564534just ignore the hunger. The biggest problem with being hungry for me is that i get very tired but i don't have any excess weight. Sometimes in the evening i am wondering why i am missing lasthits in dota and then remember i basically ate nothing the whole day. If you are fat you can just burn fat and even gain muscle with ease. I actually wish i was fat id lose it all in a year and convert to muscle
>>32565796do you also take antipsyhchotics?>>32565740I don't like this>>32565789risperidone quetapine and fluoxetine
>>32564377Maybe ask about taking a stimulant like vyvanse to help stave off hunger. If you have adhd that would make this more achievable of course.If weight is a genuine concern and your medication makes it more difficult for you to exercise your free will, then it might be worth it to look into additional meds.
>>32564377When I stopped taking my SSRI I dropped 40 pounds in about half a year. At the same time I was an anxious, nervous, barely functioning wreck however. Tough call desu.
yes.Cold turkey anon, also start drinking heavily and use hard drugs (crystal meth and black tar heroin)psych meds don't workThe voices aren't that bad and will only make you smarter + lose weightnot to mention it's impossible to lose weight naturally when you are on psych meds.Do not consult a doctor about doing thisSell your psych drugs to teenagers