Be me>19m>pectus excavatum, 5,6, 130lbs (used to be 100)>can't put on weight, can't put on muscle (unless it's arm muscles)>can't grow>autistic, NEET, no friends, no good family, no future, no money, no gf (or potential), does not know how to be social, am pretty much a retard>haven't left the house in probably 6 monthsThink about hopping on HGH but then realize that it will literally kill me.>have other medical problems: Asthma, Aortic valve malformed, etc.Am thinking about going the military route but if MEPS denies me then my plan from there is to literally kill myself.Am I valid for wanting to kms? Should I do it?Don't give me some christian nonsense of christ will accept me, don't call me a troon, or try to say it isn't that bad.Pic is me, one pic I am lifting up arms somewhat so it shows better (might look asymmetrical but it's not)None of the PE stuff is on medical record so MEPS couldn't fuck me on it.
>>32564468>> >autisticShould have started with this. >> should I ropeIf you're diagnosed autistic the obvious answer is absolutely. As soon as possible so you stop wasting our resources
>>32564499not diagnosedpretty much show the same behaviors though.Have had jobs before and did fine for the most part.Do not claim welfare benefits or anything >>32564486yes?
>>32564509You cannot claim to have a medical condition that hasn't been diagnosed. Go get a diagnosis. If you officially get told you're autiistic, rope. If not, pull your head out of your fucking ass and get your shit together.
>>32564468>Am I valid for wanting to kmsYour suffering and the frustration you feel over having suffered is valid. But I don't think suicide is valid.>Should I do it?No>christ will accept meUnironically thisAre you into vidya? Perhaps you could make friends online through that?
>>32564528ok, will rope if i get autism results>>32564529okay so what do I do after that?I make online "friends" then just forget?I ignore everything and just say, you know what, I think christ actually loves me very much and if he is real then he totally hasn't been trying to kill me and hasn't been fucking me over at every turn in my life?>>Am I valid for wanting to kms>Your suffering and the frustration you feel over having suffered is valid. But I don't think suicide is valid.>>Should I do it?>NoWhy? What point is there? There is no "recovering" from any of this
>>32564557I don't believe you.
>>32564567about what?The autism?I'm 90% sure im an autist or some other form of tard
>>32564557This >>32564567 isn't me>what nextI intentionally only mentioned one thing because when I was suicidal people would bombard me with lists of things I should be doing, which I found overwhelming.The research I've seen suggests that community is one of the most important factors in well being.>ChristHis mortal life was filled with extreme suffering. All of the apostles died painful deaths.>Why? What point is there? There is no "recovering" from any of thisI don't have medical training, so I can't speak to any of that. But I do know several people that have lived meaningful lives despite chronic health problems.The world is full of examples of people persevering without eyes, limbs, functional organs, etc.Have you watched any documentaries on people who've lived with major illnesses? Like the "elephant man" for example?Also, have you done any therapy?
>>32564625>The research I've seen suggests that community is one of the most important factors in well beingI meant to say that's why I suggested starting with that.
>>32564625>I don't have medical training, so I can't speak to any of that. But I do know several people that have lived meaningful lives despite chronic health problems.The world is full of examples of people persevering without eyes, limbs, functional organs, etc.Have you watched any documentaries on people who've lived with major illnesses? Like the "elephant man" for example?a large part of me has always thought that these people aren't actually "living meaningful lives" or are happy.How could they be? I think they are just afraid of death / suicide.The only way of them living meaningful lives is by them doing a "look I can do it too" type of thing, as in they can do something the average person could do in their sleep but they have to train for it / it's a struggle for them.I'll watch the documentaries to try and change my mind.I just don't believe that the "elephant man" nor any other mutant (including me) should be alive especially since they will never live a good life or have a chance at real happiness.>Also, have you done any therapy?no, too poor.And despite me being a dramatic bitch in this thread I am usually not open to asking for advice and I don't believe that they could help.I would be interested in exercises (physical therapy i guess) so I posted an identical thread in /fit/ but they bitched at me reposting
>>32564468get money and get surgery or something
>>32564468dad has this, it didn't stop him from being strong af and having a child
>>32564468>Have pectus excavatum. Wtf is it tho?
>>32564468>AsthmaAn anon said chlorine dioxide cured their asthma
>>32564468>>haven't left the house in probably 6 months>>no friends>>does not know how to be social, am pretty much a retardhm, wonder why>>autisticyou already claimed that you aren't diagnosed, and even if you were, its not impossible to act like a normal human being>>NEET>>no moneythose two things are correlated, im gonna say "get a job" because neets get defensive about that, but just think about it a little>>can't put on weight, can't put on muscle (unless it's arm muscles)why? you can workout at homethere are plenty of reasons why your life is miserable, but in many of then you can actually take actionyou can be happy if you try, but if you prefer suicide over doing anything else about it, then maybe do KYS, because that means you aren't willing to try in the first place
>>32564468Not to push you over the edge but I have PE and I got denied at MEPS (Army) and subsequently denied for a waiver. I'm even lankier and have it moderately severe though so that contributed a little bit, but they really hammered in how PE could cause so many issues. You probably should still try. Lots of factors go into the whole decision.
>>32564468>can't put on weight, can't put on muscle Have you tried eating more and actually lifting weights?
>>32564468I also have PE and mine is way worse than yoursThat's all I can tell you, I'm a 27 year old loser, never had a gf, never had sex, etc, etc
>>32564468>can't put on weight, can't put on muscle ok serious health advice as someone with pectus, you do NOT need to get Arnold buff, roid, or strongman bloatmax to get rid of pectus that's all the wrong approach.You need to just build your chest and back. You don't need "special" exercises. Just build the routine and stick to it.>have other medical problems: Asthma, Aortic valve malformed, etc.>Think about hopping on HGH but then realize that it will literally kill me.You're right. It will kill you.I have pectus and it's just as severe as yours minus the asthma.I'm older than you by some years, taller by a little and I'm a lanklet.I think my health overall is a bit better than yours.Regardless Ive never even considered HGH as an option. I really believe the natural route works.>Am thinking about going the military route but if MEPS denies me then my plan from there is to literally kill myselfI don't really know about this I dont think MEPS will deny you>autistic, neet, no friends, no good family, no future, no money, no gfbrother... I know it hurts a lot but it doesn't matter. Speaking as someone who can only check a couple of those boxes... you'll get all those things in time you're still way young. I dont even have all of those things but that doesnt mean I'll never have the rest of them. You too.You're not irreversibly deformed. (This isnt me gaslighting you into staying the same) If you want to improve your pectus or get rid of it you're going to need to do what the rest of us do:-Work out every day-stick to the plan-research more and more about it until you know everything about it -keep a close eye on your progressI fell off my routine so it went back to being pretty bad. Your post has me thinking of getting back on my work out routine and ending my worries once and for all.Don't ever get discouraged. You can do it.You can get rid of pectus.You can get all the other things you want too. It's just baby steps dude.Lets do this brotha.
>>32565525It's when the center of your pectoral muscles grow inward instead of outward.Think pectus excavatum.Pectus = Pec = Booba.Excavatum = Excavate = Mining caves = Underground = Going inside.
>>32568878Thank youDo you know of anyways to heightmax though?The rest im fine withI was really set on taking HGH but idk anymore especially considering what you said and what my worries were. I've seen people online do HGH and claim to have PE.>no special exercisesnone at all?>>32568664damn>>32568644yes I've tried, I get gassed easily when lifting, especially with chest exercises (bench), I can put on muscle but the chest muscles don't seem to grow like at all, I basically have a baby chest when my biceps and triceps are a lot bigger. Tried weight gainer and eating more, didn't work.>>32568543I've googled it before and people say they've made it through with severe - moderate. I do worry about it though.Reddit posts claim that there were people with extreme PE in the military that made it through.Not sure how real that is or if it is dated.I've already gone to recruiters for the Air Force.Hoping that they pass me.It could be different for the branch / location of mepsWhat MEPS did you go to (location, or just give the state, or region so you don't dox yourself)>>32564804Did the gene get passed down to you?I've read that it is a dominant gene
>>32564499>our"Your" resources belong to corrupt pedophiles, retarded collectivist cattle.
>>32564528>appeal to authority>trust le expertsPeople like you do not deserve human rights, literally nothing but braindead cattle.
>>32569503>Did the gene get passed down to you?Fortunately chest is normal. I got celiac disease instead even though no one ever had it but that's far better
I'm 5'5 130 with this condition as well. I'm in my 30s. I honestly hate my body so much and wish I was a normal sized man. I've tried and failed so many times at eating more and lifting, due to a combination of me being a retard and also really bad mental illness. I have lots of physical and mental issues it's hard not to feel inferior to everyone and defective and just kill myself to be honest
>>32569503>32568543 (You)I did it at one of the Texas locations in 2020. I'm sure there's plenty of people who made it in with PE, but for me it was over the second I took off my shirt (the doctor audibly huffed and exclaimed: "Severe! 'Severe pectus excavatum")They will probably at least give you a chance to try out for a waiver. They made me an appointment at the local medical center for the next day (You get another go-around at the hotel too) and there the doctors will examine your PE properly. Then you go home and wait a few weeks for the recruiter to give you the news. Keep in mind that with PE it can be kind of hard to gauge severity for other people. Some people don't have it too bad but they're self-conscious, so to them it feels worse. Sometimes the internal severity exceeds the cosmetic severity (and vice versa).I'm a lot like you and I had a pretty hard time after I got rejected. I did nothing for like two years and then started doing online classes at my local community college. Completely asynchronous so no zoom or anything. Personally not my antidote to roping but you may find that it's not so bad. It's piss easy and your initially post is already better written than some of the shit I saw. You can apply for study abroad if you want some adventure like the military gives. Either way good luck it's all bullshit anyways don't get suckered into some edgy support group for failed and failing men.
>>32569503I'm >>32568878Yeah no special exercises for me.I do a lot of inner chest and back. There are special stretches and exercises you can work into your regimen but I found that it doesnt make a difference in my case.I guess it really depends on how severe it is and how fixated you are on it.I measure my pectus and keep a note on my phone to record how deep it is from the deepest point.>I've seen people online do HGH and claim to have PE.Yeah well with that being said I think you should ask a doctor. If you have multiple conditions working against you I dont think HGH is medically viable for you. Its all up to your discretion.>heightmaxDESU I really don't know anything about that. I just wanna let you know its not a death sentence in the dating world to be short.Especially if you're headed toward the military, you'll drown in pussy. Just keep working on you dude.>The rest im fine withnah I know how it is. You can ignore "the rest" but you gotta feel the lack sometimes.Wanting everything you want is super common.It doesnt all fall into place automatically. There's baby steps involved and sometimes those steps take forever but you'll get through it and when you finally realize you have what you want it will feel so cathartic. Feel what you feel just dont get hung up on it is my best advice.
>>32564468I feel like you're spiraling from depression and what you're saying isn't entirely true. Also, is there any way you can just get surgery to fix the pec problem?
Oh yeah one last thing. Cardio. Do you run or jog?If you're winded after chest I highly recommend working in light cardio. A 15 minute run every couple days can be a game changer.I dont browse /fit/ but cardio is necessary.I might get back to this thread later if I remember.
>>32564468Well, the military is an option as long as you have no other issues with yourself. If you have asthma though, that's an automatic disqualification if you currently suffer from it or have within the past 10 years or something.I have PE as well, while I haven't went through MEPS yet (going the officer route), I went and compiled documentation of my health from an EKG, a Pulmonary Function Test, an Ultra Sound, and a generic stress (exercise/treadmill) test.From my results, I had no significant issues and my general doctor stated I should be fit for the military. I potentially have asthma from my pulmonary test but there isn't documentation that I have it for sure as it wasn't clear.Though, I will warn you that the people at MEPS can still reject you if they find something or whatever as they do have the final say. I would just say be prepared if your PE looks significant like mine, as they can ask or reject you till you get proof of its insignificance. Pic is me, and my chest. (5'9" & 140lbs)As for other advice, try simple work if you don't want to try college. I went to college and work for the fed government, but during my undergrad I worked in warehouse work. Socialization is optional, people just putting boxes in delivery trucks (FedEx or UPS) or putting products on pallets and wrapping them (grocery store warehouse, like ALDI). Pay is okay and to pretty reasonable depending on who and where. Working at the USPS as a person that sits at the desk and accepts mail pays really well and has great benefits as a federal government employee but any work at a front desk includes talking to strangers. Other than trying to find an apprenticeship for trade work, that's all I got for you.
>>32564468My brother had this until he got the surgery, now he’s finally able to lift like a normal person.Don’t be a pussy OP and get the surgery.
>>32571775Don't have money or good insurance.Just how I see it right now.>>32571782Don't run/jog often, I can do it but after I'm done running ____ time then it often feels like my heart is about to explode out of my chest.I'm sure I'd do fine with the military jogging though.Could possibly get better with more running, I know when I was younger it wasn't really that way.>>32570657Thank you, I'm just hoping that it is more common in the area I'm doing MEPS (north east) and that they don't care as much. I think my PE is more moderate. I'll research the waivers.>>32571761thank you, how do you measure your PE? Like tie a string around your body and then measure the distance from the sternum to the string? I haven't gone to the doctor for probably 10 years so they don't even know that I have it (no initial measurement)>>32572151had a major asthma attack about 10 years ago, not sure if it's even on record. I brought my mom with me and she told them that I didn't have any negative medical history.My PE looks a lot tamer compared to yours but mine is still noticeable. I guess I have put on some muscle/weight in my chest. I'd recommend chest exercises (i think incline bench)I hope it goes well for you too.>>32572183no money and it pretty much makes you disabled until you fully recover.From research online some people say that it also doesn't fully fix it and it can go back to how it was over time.I don't want to spend a large amount of money (that I don't have) to experience the most painful thing I can imagine and for it to be for nothing.