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I’ve tried to break up with him over 9 times and it never works. We share the same circle of friends, I can’t ignore him in person and each time he says no. We both love eachother but I just hate myself too much to be with him. How do I make him leave me? He’s better off without me and I just want to kill myself without hurting anyone.
>we both love eachother but I just hate myself too much to be with him
Why are women like this?
that's what i'm wondering
good luck

captcha: SAD 0WW
Idk i’m a fucking tranny
Your problem is too alien for me to know how to advise you. Obviously you need to get your shit together.
Do you like the song "Pine" by Basement? your post reminds of it a lot.
Gain 30lbs
OP is an alien confirmed
nah that's a good way of putting it though
Start hitting him.
>. We both love eachother but I just hate myself too much to be with him.
Wouldn't you just hate yourself alone? What's the point?
listen to it for the first time now and it’s pretty good, reminds me of that one pinegrove song
I guess it’s better to be alone sometimes, i feel guilty and pressured when people care about me
Start treating him like shit. Ignore his calls, cheat on him, fuckin' deny sex everytime he asks idk.
are you a girl?
this band reminds me of this one girl i used to lovebomb on a regular basis. she was sweet enough to lend me her spotify premium. I hope she's okay.
glad you liked it. :D
>We both love eachother but I just hate myself too much to be with him
You don't love anyone or anything but yourself, and he loves you.
>He’s better off without me
That is not your choice to make, it's his. He loves you for a reason, but you are too self-obsessed to realize that.
>How do I make him leave me
He won't because he actually loves you. If you actually care about him and love him then you need to get treatment. Since right now you don't care about anything but wallowing in your own misery because of some delusional idea that you deserve it. Leaving this person will not fix your problems, you are acting like a narcissistic twat whose too obsessed with their own internal hell world.

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