White girls = high status and seen as an accomplishment to nonwhite menAsian = not as good as white but almost. Asian girls are too plentiful and easy to be truly high status.Latina = white ones are almost as good as white, brown ones can be funBlack = lowest status even if she’s hot. She’s still looked down no matter what she does and she could mean a drop in status for non white men.Is it true? Even just unconsciously? Im not trying to bait or troll anyone.
>>32565773I’m trying to understand if this shit is really true
>>32565773>>32565779Yes. Deal with it. Plenty of ugly men and women in the world and they're all dealing with it.
>>32565773I think the last thread gave you a pretty resounding YES so what was the need to make this one? Coping? Baiting?
>>32565792Even the part about the black girl being hot but still considered low status? That’s what makes this hard to understand because it appears to not be about attraction at all but rather social status. You would say this is true?
Why are there so many of these threads on /adv/ lately? That's what I want to know. Fucking every day there's some self-conscious black in here whining about society and how they aren't hot. When did this become the ugly minority complaint board?
>>32565773I don't think it matters. If Bill Burr gets to date a black girl, so can I.
>>32565801I’m a different femanon and I’m mixed not black.I’m just trying to understand the way men’s brains work because woman’s work so differently.I’ve never judged a man’s status based on his race. It’s a foreign concept to me but apparently not to men.So a hot, educated black chick who was raised right is still low status? Just want to make sure I’m understanding correctly.
>>32565808There's a hard limit to how hot a black woman can be and it's going to affect the kids too. Mulattoes and mulattas are better off, but it's generally not worth it from a white man's perspective because the kids will have an identity crisis and might even feel offended by racism whereas white people are invulnerable to it. Then there's the question of inheritable mental traits, outbreeding depression and all that.>>32565830They're not necessarily low status and status itself isn't what attracts men. Men don't care about your diploma. They do prefer an intelligent woman, but otherwise want to earn their own money or will probably just live with their parents as shut-ins if they can't make enough to support a family (hence the modern birth-rates). Black women just aren't as attractive. A mixed black woman can get away with it much more easily though, but only if she doesn't have the wide African nose and lips that are too big and round.
>>32565843Hot is hot. There’s not ceiling
>>32565773this fucking shit againcan you go away
>>32566470Really? I don’t know, I like seeing these conversations.Just focus on your own life femanon. It is interesting to try and understand these social issues but you have to keep in mind that individual life experiences vary wildly person to person. Spending too much time looking at the social issues will make anyone, even sheltered white people, feel depressed. If they’re capable of empathy that is. So just focus on your own life as hard as that is.
>>32565773for nonwhite men, yes. they view it as a status thing.for white men, no. the difference is that the standards of "hot" arent the same for every race.a black girl needs to be wayyyy more hot than a white girls needs to be to have the same value. some guys do like certain races for their own reasons though.but yeah for niggers, pajeets, and chinks its just a game to see who can score a white girl or the next best thing.
>>32566686After the 10th thread this week on the issue, I can see why that anon would be upset. That and the fact that there are way better avenues for exploring this issue as an insecure black girl than 4chan (even if she wants to stay anonymous).
>>32565773Partially, but it’s mostly just attraction. Im white so I want someone who looks somewhat similar and for any kids to look like me. That’s the bigger factor, like a 3/4 white woman is ok. And I’m attracted to Asians but it’s too foreign and I don’t want happy kids. Status is more an average, so on average a white woman is obviously higher status than a Latina but it’s not guaranteed to be true. Black women are usually really ugly so honestly it’s not even status at that point it’s just that only like one in a million look hot
>>32566436Not him but black skin alone is just less attractive. Add on that typical black features are pretty ugly and it becomes difficult. Some tribes actually look pretty good but blacks in the west not really
>>32565830>I’m mixed not black.CopeYou're just black
>>32566752I think a lot of this is subjective. For some reason people are very resistant to discussions on attraction and how it’s formed. I think this is because it forces you to consider some uncomfortable truths about yourself.Healthy dark skin can be so beautiful. However you won’t be able to see that if you were raised in a culture that values fair skin (remember fairskin indicates wealth). So is dark skin inherently less attractive or were you trained to think that way?At this point in my life I’m genuinely attracted to dark skin as much as I am to light skin because I actively chose to view it as attractive. I had to override my American conditioning. Would highly recommend everyone do the same because there are benefits that go beyond simply finding more women attractive.
>>32566720also what new answers can that anon getI get making a thread about a similar topic after a couple of weeks because you want new perspectives but doing them daily and just as the other is about to die or something is just fishing for compliments and attentionor fishing for insults, I don't know what people get out of these threads, but it's attentionwhoring nonetheless
>>32565843Have you ever met a quadroon? Those people are white I’m sorry.Procreating is safe with mulattos for this reason.Logic is a good example of a quadroon.
>>32566851When I was like 2yrs old and saw a black person I embarrassed my parents by pointing at a black person and asking why they look ugly. I know others might be different but I think there’s more to it than just being socialized to like white skin. A lot of white guys like Asians despite them being lower status because they have feminine facial features. I think in general black women are just less attractive both for the skin color and other typical black traits like curly hair.
>>32566897They're still kind of weird and you could always get unlucky.
>>32566720Oh I see, I don’t frequent this place everyday. I was actually excited to see something new for change but you guys struggle with that. If the anon keeps posting then maybe they are getting more varied responses than you think.I’m here for example and I’ve provided a different perspective.
>>32566910Crazy because black men are viewed as pretty attractive by women. I think the real problem is that generally men, and society as a whole, are pretty unkind to women they aren’t attracted to. They get mean and they don’t want those women around them. I really hope I don’t need to defend that statement, we all know it’s true.This means black woman are cut off from society in really serious ways. Preference and attraction have real world impacts for women.Thats why there’s so much emotion around it and why I don’t blame the op too much.
Bait thread. Ignore and ye who enter be dammed.
>>32566989lol movies aren't real life anonI'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you this
>>32566989And Asian men are nearly invisible to women. Generally opposite traits make the opposite sexes attractive. Europeans are a good balance of both attractive men and women (arguably most attractive in both genders compared to other races), while blacks and Asians only have men or women.
>>32566989not true thothey are considered better at sex and only if they have a big dick at that, but most girls would rate other ethnicities as more attractivethere is a reason teenage girls always have white, korean or latino dudes as the hearthrob of the week over black dudes, and they are the most shallow population there isas they become more sexually active they may see some value in black dudes but they'd still leave them for an attractive latino or a kpop idol
>>32567012also a white dude but I guessed it was implied but since this is 4chan I guess I can't trust people to have good faith conversations
>>32566989Black men are not as attractive to women. But they have qualities that align more with masculinity. Like women prefer darker skin within race but not black. That’s the tall dark and handsome trope. That a guy with dark hair and a tan not an African. But yes black men are more physically attractive to white women than black women are to white men because they look more masculine. Asian women are the same concept but feminine while Asian men only succeed by going for the K-pop look
>>32567027>>32567012..Anything to say about the actual point of the comment? >>32567006Not true anymore, Asian men are not invisible like they were. The K-pop look isn’t as true in the west actually.It’s not the best comparison anymore. Also people generally don’t hate Asian men like they do black girls. I don’t think it’s the same
>>32566927I appreciate you trying to be empathetic but>If the anon keeps posting then maybe they are getting more varied responses than you think.They are not. They are literally not. Even your perspective was the same as the many feel good, self esteem responses that black femanon has received before in other threads. There is genuinely only so many perspectives you can get before these threads start to feel like an exercise in obsessive mental self harm. That or AI data mining.>>32566989Going to agree with the other users, black men are considered more attractive as they're physical traits (and sometimes behavior) slides in more nicely into society's idea on ideal masculinity. Black women unfortunately run into the opposite. It's crazy too because any black person or person living close to black people would know that there is a strong subset of black women who buy hard into the conservative, trad wife lifestyle. Unfortunately, a good portion of society just refuses to see them as attractive as other races of women. Some of that is due to dfifferences in physical appearances but I think a lot of it, in the US at least, comes down to behavioral attitudes/perceived stereotypes and overweight/obesity metrics (even by American standards, black women blow all other demos out of the water on this).
>>32566897Actual white people don't look like this
>>32567096I can't engage with the rest of the comment if it starts with a fallacy to make the rest of the argument tho
>>32567100Still.. I see why anon is upset. I’d be upset too if I were a black woman, I hope that’s not cruel to say.They really do need to be twice as good at everythingIn order to be viewed as equal.I just wanted to point out that there are real world impacts to the public thinking you’re unattractive. It’s a serious thing.
>>32567131It was just an observation. I didn’t indicate that correctly sorry
>>32567100>They are not. They are literally not. Even your perspective was the same as the many feel good, self esteem responses that black femanon has received before in other threads.yeah thisI tell incels that post the same shit everyday to go away, it would be unfair not to tell the same in this case
>>32567002Can you expand on this??
>>32565815>Be Bill Burr>coming up big time in the late 00's and early 10's>does shows at the comedy cellar in nyc>friends with some of the funniest comics of the time>does a standup routine over a decade ago>mentions his big fear was being a single old dude living in a basement yelling at his neighbours>fast forward to being even older and now with Nia>Bill is the most whipped man alive>Nia does a show with a black dude, very cozy>Bill and Nia's kid is darker than both of them>Bill talks about his dog all the time on the podcast>Nia makes him get rid of it>Even his podcast is dialed down to fuckPatrice would be rolling in his grave to see the fucking state of himNot sure what this had to do with dating black girls, I just wouldn't use Bill as a positive example
>>32565773I view what her mom and dad do for work as an indicator of her status. Race to me is almost meaningless. I've seen too many black girls with a dentist dad and a school teacher mom and too many white girls with Walmart greeter dads and new age crystal shop retail employee moms to think otherwise. I'll take a cute black girl from a good family over a cute white girl from a shit family 10 times out of 10. You can't even comprehend how horrible it is to date a girl with a trash family unless you have done it. I'm a bit of a racist in all honesty, but if I have to pick between fucking a cute black chick for the rest of my life or getting metaphorically fucked by a cute white girl's family for the rest of my life, I'm going with the former. I'm objectively rich and have way more in common with a rich black girl (or Asian or Latina for that matter) than I do with a poor white girl. That's just a fact.
>>32567196Both of these guys are legends. Patrice also dated a single mom and also watched someone else cuck him.
>>32567139>it’s a serious thing Life is very unfair. At least you’re in the first world though I guess
>>32567165Nta, but most people do not view black men as attractive. They score the lowest other than asian men on all dating statistics
>>32567196Patrice taught Bill how to be the comedian that everyone loves but yeah he got psyop’d by a therapist to think that he’s the problem all the time.Every time he goes on a rant or shows a bit of spirit he stops himself and calls it being a “psycho” or “anger” Idk how he puts up with his wife’s horse mouth. He’s somehow more whipped than Vos
>>32567335I can tell a lot of you don’t have many female friends. They are definitely considered attractive my friend.Thing is attraction is just a part of what makes men dateable to women. Safety and security are important. Financial stability and education can indicate a man has these qualities. Remember they are just as important as appearance to women.What holds black men back is a weakness in these two areas. Not their appearance.
>>32567250I still haven’t processed how Patrice would casually mention swinging like it’s just a natural progression of a monogamous relationship
>>32567250>cuckHe used to swing, it's not the same thing - he got to have the other guy's girl. It was pimp mentality because he didn't think feeling physically possessive of women made sense.Bill's comedy died a death years ago and now he just gets retarded about politics and plays himself in the Mandalorian.Anyway, there are barriers to overcome with interracial dating, but dudes caring about status isn't one of them. Most men don't care about that shit, they just want a good, attractive woman.
>>32567376It probably is. When you consider the 50% divorce rate and the prevalence of cheating, it is easier to stop caring than it is to avoid it.Think about how pimps operate, how is that even possible? It's because they are operating within some sort of functional behavioral framework found in humans.
>>32565773Not really, at least not for me. I got preferences, like anyone, but I don't really think of ''status''. I'm more attracted to asian girls, but that's because of personal experience and in my friend group I'm the only one that prefers asian girls over white girls; in fact I think they prefer black girls over asian girls.My order of preference from most to least is: asian -> white/black (I don't have much preference there) -> latina
>>32565773You shouldn’t take what people say here as the truth.At least 30% of the time someone’s trying to say something inflammatory and get a reaction
>>32565773I wouldn't say dating black women is considered low status at least where i livemost white guys I see dating them are usually educated middle upper class liberal types
>>32565773Maybe? I don't. I'm just white and prefer dating white because mixed kiddos tend to catch a lot of flak. I will say that filipinos, nigerians, and colombians are the most shameless on the more disreputable apps, clearly looking for green cards.
>>32567376I think he took an opposite approach to women than what a stereotypical incel would think, he says something in a Black Phillip episode (I think) like, "You ain't ever going to meet a girl who's hymen isn't broke." Not literally speaking of course, but he also mentions another time when talking about dating a woman who already has kids that possessiveness over women's bodies is a waste of time. You get a woman and maintain a relationship by mentally having levels above and giving women options to think differently. Patrice wanted to fuck around and he has more respect for women who were openly promiscuous, so I think he just didn't see jealousy as anything more than something that would've held him back. The only reason he wasn't a literal pimp was because he wasn't cruel enough.
>>32567446This. Patrice got to a point, which is a bit extreme for most normal people, where he actively worked at removing a woman's ability to have power over his happiness. A woman's only power at the end of the day is to use sex as a weapon. Patrice basically said "I'm going to give up exclusivity with you which I don't have anyway and most guys don't, it's all an illusion, because if you feel like it you're going to cheat anyway...in return I'm going to be king fucking shit of my life and do whatever I want, whenever I want it." It's basically like letting a girl go do whatever she wants to do because she was going to do it anyway, framing it as if you're giving her permission to do it, and then using it as a justification to do whatever you want. It's not something every guy should do, but if you're dating a girl whose a bit of a hoe and you know there's zero chance she'll ever be faithful in the long run (and the fact is a lot of girls won't be), you may as well get in front of it, weaponize it, and use it as a justification to get away with basically anything you want. It's not an end game I'd personally strive for, but I can definitely see how you can make it work. You basically convert "girlfriend" into "personal porn star I spend the most time with out of all the girls I'm sleeping with and who has zero ability to regulate my life or dictate what I do." It's a different sort of ride.
>>32565773No, I don't give a shit about status, I just don't want to date nonwhites.>>32565843>Mulattoes and mulattas are better offThey're even worse off, what are you smoking? They're selfishly stripped of identity by their shortsighted parents.
>>32567792I dont think I was stripped of my identity by my parents. I was by other black kids and some white ones but that was during my teen years. As an adult things have stabilized, I don’t get any shit from anyone anymore. The ‘mixed race person with identity and mental health issues’ stereotype is more about young people.
>>32567949It's inherent. It's not just self-perception, it's simply a fact that you are neither white nor black. You, personally, might not care about that. But the fact remains.
>>32567096No I agree, black women are excluded for being ugly and not falling into the behavioral stereotypes expected of women in the west. But that doesn’t change the fact that they’re broadly less desirable regardless of socialization. I think black skin is far from the worst of it anyway. Black features just look really bad but it’s overlooked more in men
>>32565773>>32565808Anyone who thinks white girls are high status these days is honestly fucking braindead, they're the trashiest whores out there just maybe decent at hiding it sometimes. A black hood rat hoe is what she is, clearly visible that she's a hoe, while educated black girls actually have some dignity and honor because they know how it is to be a low tier ni**er and rise above it, they aren't spoiled. But white girls even educated from good homes are trashy spoiled hoes that are completely clueless about the world because they were so sheltered. A white girl can be raised in a great home by rich parents taught good values and still throw that all away because she loves to hop on BBCs raw and spawn mutts that either won't have a father at all or have some 70 IQ rapper baby daddy whose only good traits are a big black dick and confidence.Educated ethic girls especially black are smarter than this because they didn't have everything handed to them, and even if they spawn a mutt that kid will have much better chances because of a better chance to having a decent father.
>>32567991Youre insane.
>>32568071I hate being a black female fr. God just wanted me to suffer damn
>>32568187BF/WM relationships seem to be very different than BM/WF relationships
>>32568240Are you not attracted to black guys?
>>32568249The way I see it bmwf is basically based on pure lust which is why there are so many memes about that pairing, what I mean by that is white girls are nymphos that just want a big dick, confidence and high libido in a guy which is disregarding the future of their children while wmbf is more focused on the well being of this pairings kids
>>32565773Yes. I always wanted a white or an Asian girl, any girl with light skin. But unfortunately my dating options are limited so I had to settle for my brown wife.
>>32568250I’m down with all races desu. Black men prefer snow bunnies and ive gotten more love from white boys. Thats why I think their who I should try to attract haha
>>32568535>ive gotten more love from white boysfrom white incels rejected by white and gook women. fify.
>>32565773Asians are seen as higher or lower status at equal rates almost, I think we're headed towards a trend of glorifying white idealism over foreign exoticness right now but I'm 100% sure it will flip again.
>>32568588t. blackcel
>>32568588So like most 4chan users?
>>32568203>acknowledging group differences is insane>another mentally ill mutt insists on rejecting reality as a coping methodI would pity you if it weren't for you trying to spread your miserable condition.It isn't enough for you to just treat a fact as irrelevant to you, you are so bent on avoiding discomfort that you'll argue against the existence of the fact itself. That's your dysfunction, and it's frankly worse than the mixed people who consciously feel and acknowledge identity issues. There's no helping someone like you.
>>32568588They have all been pretty normal. I’ve never not been the first black girlfriend. It is what it is
>>32568627nta but >Let me tell you about how you feellol
>>32568657If he calls me insane, sure, I'll return the favor. At least I gave my reasoning.
I think being black in the USA is a bit of a social issue, and that you'd be more likely to be seen as not lower on the caste if you were from another country such as England, or even a real African country like Nigeria. The way a woman carries herself matters. I think in nerdy circles it's also less of a big deal since being a nerd is already fairly outcast. I do know that I passed on a particular girl who liked me a LOT and was herself wonderful because she was black and came from a kind of troubled family (and on that note, she married a white man and her family has really done nothing for them ever since so I feel I was not wrong in my assessment since you marry not just the person but the family)Status to me is determined by values and how one carries themselves.If you want to really tip the scales, become a Jewess and marry into a Jewish family. Being Jewish will entirely overpower the non-white thing, as even my Jewish friend's parents once said that if their kids brought home a black as a dating option, the kid would be moved into the garage, but if that black person was Jewish, it would be a totally different story (as in acceptable).
>>32568596>I think we're headed towards a trend of glorifying white idealism over foreign exoticness right nowI agree with this. Even I myself am less attracted to non-whites now than I used to be.
>>32568637>I’ve never not been the first black girlfriend. It is what it isi.e. someone who has to settle for someone rejected by gook & white women.>>32568611>t.blackcelmore like spic chad slaying dysgenic sheboons
>>32568824You might have missed out since she was the kindve quality negress capable of marrying a white and improving her bloodline. She’s a hero quite frankly. I think blacks who improve their bloodlines should be given some kind of tax credit. Dilute the black gene pool and save your future generations.
It's pretty multifaceted I'd say. As a guy that had multiple racially diverse friends in college my observations: blacks, arabs/muslims, and the indian/paki variety, will definitely see blue-eyed blond white chicks as the ideal prize to get. For them it absolutely is a social status thing to signal in public/social media.For others, like whites, east asians, and latinos, it's either a MUH RACE/CULTURE thing or they simply don't hang out in sufficient places to meet black chicks to even consider dating them.
>>32568240Well you still get more attention than basically any man so what’s the big deal. Women have it very easy, it’s just the fact that you being black isn’t peoples preference but why’s that such a problem if you can still get what you want?
>>32568918Nah I have a great woman who is also white. She just cooked dinner for me and her parents.
>>32569109You need to go outside and talk to people. You need to go outside! if this is genuinely how you see the world then you DEFINITELY spend too much time infront of a screen. Please do yourself, and everyone else a favour and go outside.
>>32568894> i.e. someone who has to settle for someone rejected by gook & white women.How is this your take away from that comment? She’s saying the opposite is true
>>32566989If you’re expecting balanced, empathetic opinions on 4chan you’re going to be disappointed.You’re correct of course but don’t expect people to validate you because that would require them empathizing and they can’t do that.
>>32569199Probably but I have a gf and friends so I’m not interested in socializing that much. I just know if I were a black girl I’d have no issues getting guys even if other races were more popular
>>32569059This aligns with what I’ve observed as well. Granted everyone around me is in their early 20s and I think people are most superficial when they’re young. The people I’ve worked with in their late 20s and early 30s seemed to be more relaxed about who they were willing to date and were more open minded. I think because a lot of them were dating for marriage. I think it gets easier for everyone who doesn’t fit a conventional European beauty standard as they age. Thats my observation anyway.
>>32569210white boi couldn't hold back his white gf for long as she move on with someone far better.
>>32568894>more like spic chad slaying dysgenic sheboonsYou're a conquistador mutt bastard speaking the language of your conquerors.
>>32569821>You're a conquistador mutt bastard speaking the language of your conquerors.yeah, it sucks to be a bastard descendant, but I don't pretend to be so otherwise. Life suxx if you're down in the genetic hierarchy but you can also push other people down and exploit them or try your level best to make people above you come down to your level(your case btw) and associate with them, the go to strategy for humans for thousands and thousands of years
>>32569899You will never be a real human.
>>32566989I think most races are attracted mostly to thier own kind.
Definitely not true, this is a very 4chan take on dating.It is true that ethnicity does play a huge part in how that person is perceived, and stereotypes and social pressures play into how a person thinks about being seen with someone in public, but social codes are more complicated than white good brown bad. Especially today, I feel that there is a certain prestige associated with dating outside of your own ethnicity, particularly (but perhaps not exclusively?) for men, although I suppose there are some couplings that are a bit stigmatised; like white guy - Thai girl or black guy - white girl and so on.But generally speaking, it's complicated and a negotiation between attraction and social codes; someone might have a personal attraction to people they wouldn't be comfortable being in a relationship with, but normally there are some groups that one is attracted to and some groups that one would be comfortable being in a relationship with, and there is some room for negotiation and compromise there.Lastly, let's not pretend that things like class doesn't play a big, if not even bigger, role than ethnicity. People within a given ethnicity are not monolithic, to the contrary, there is a huge difference between the way dating someone "ghetto"/"white trash" from a given ethnicity, and dating someone "classy" from the same ethnicity - it doesn't give off the same vibe at all.
>>32570105you and I are just throwaway survival machines with organic matter you dumb sheboon. All that matters at the end of the day is physical and genetic survival, atleast till LIFE can figure out why and how existence in all it's essence exits
>>32565773Yeah, that's just how systemic racism and mysogyny work in tandem in developed countries, good job on noticing the obvious.Also, a protip: if you're mixed and clearly look the part, you're seen as being even lower than Black, for you're seen as nothing but an ugly mongrel whose parents had no standards when making you.I'd say to move to Brazil, people tend to not notice this kind of shit as often in here (emphasis on "tend to", as people in the South are racist as fuck and believe themselves to be Europeans born in the wrong country)... But I won't, because Brazilians are plenty horrible in almost every other regard. Don't come to Brazil if you don't want to be killed by a possessive man.P S.: I fucking hate 4chan's new Captcha system, registering an email in here goes against the very idea of an anonymous imageboard and forcing a 15 minutes wait just to not have to fucking register is a bitch move.
>>32570220>people tend to not notice this kind of shit as often in herelolI've been to multiple cities in different regions here and saying that people don't tend to notice this kind of shit is play wrong. Sure there's the stereotype of the "morena" but by and large plain white girl is the standard; there's a reason why a white chick with medium/long brown hair and white skin is called that in the first place.Also take a chill pill, the fuck is up with the not be killed by a possessive man thing. Though I agree this is a shithole, please don't come to brazil.
I can't speak for anyone else.But I can tell you this, alot of woman assume guys judge them on their skin tone or their brand of shoes or whatever.Personally coming from somewhat middle upper class (borderline old money but not rich) I don't really value money because I've seen it come and go from other people.I'm more interested in how a person conducts themself around others and I sure will judge you if your fat or have a bad attitude because I'm polite to everyone unless they give me reason not to be and am physically fit.Each to their own op.
>>32565773No. There is no objective racial status or view of it. Different people see things differently. I understand that autists have difficulty without ridgid rules, but that really isn't how the world works. Different strokes for different folks.
>>32565773Its not about status. People just want their own kind
>>32568596Like the OP said there are way too many of them for them to be special. Its not exotic if there are too many of them.
>>32568187People should just stick to their own kind.
>>32567200Ew. Lmao
>>32566910They have the same wide nostrils as black women. Its not about face looks. The slitty eyes are not good. The Asians prove that the guy is not racist which opens doors. The Asian acts like white culture. Black girls don't act like white girls.. She takes on the mannerisms of a blonde white girl. She talks like one. Being tan is not bad. It looks like she's been in the sun. Its about thier skinny bodies and adaptation to culture and the liberal doors opening. Being skinny is very important to men
>>32565773A lot of it is hair. White men like long silky blonde hair, not coarse hair or wigs.
>>32570897No, it’s true that Asian women don’t have nice noses or eyes but the eyes aren’t a big deal. The bigger issues with black features are the big lips and protruding lower jaw. The hair is also not very nice. But this isn’t universal I have seen pictures of some African tribes where the women look more feminine and attractive but it’s definitely the exception and I don’t see it in the west
>>32565773I’m only attracted to my own race, white women. I don’t see anything sexual about other races.
>>32571026Yes long silky hair you can put your hands through is important. Big eyes are important and button noses are important . Being skinny, and feminine and sharing values is important
>>32565773No. Most men live in countries where everybody is the same race.