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Dating is so frustrating.

I could be talking to a girl, and we have so much in common. Go to the same restaurants, similar career, same taste in music, yada yada yada, but because I didn't vote for whatever, suddenly she's not interested.

How do you guys cope with this?
All the common shit is just a lie to manipulate betas. If she isn’t physically attracted nothing else matters.
Can this be scientifically proven?
(((Science))) isn’t real but yes
>science is fake
neil de grasse tyson has entered the chat
So like I could be a serial killer, and as long as I look like <insert hot male celebrity here> then she will like me?
Yes, google richard ramirez, ted bundy and jeremy meeks for reference
Yes. It's anecdotal, but there have been several accounts of guys catfishing as hot male models and mention during texting or in bios that they have been to jail for sexual violence against women and children and the women they are talking to are unfazed by it.
Well holy fucking shit. I need to get me some plastic surgery then.
Anything you can possibly vote for is utterly retarded and people talking about 'politics' turn into instant retards, left or right. Leave politics out of personal relationships. For me if a girl insists on talking about politics either way I just consider that a toxic personality trait.
TDS broke a ton of girls. My ex was wrecked by TDS
...which one?
If she was actually physically attracted to you that would not matter at all
So like what? Do I need to seek uglier women?
Maybe you should but will THEY like you?
It really doesn't matter who you vote for their plan remains the same
How do people even have time for dating and socializing? After working, cooking, chores, exercising, doing hobbies, maintaining a house, taking care of a dog... I just don't know how this fits in
I don't know either but people seem to have time for it
Yeah we all hate each other and have niche polarizing opinions, and frankly women and men don't often enjoy the same recreations. Even amongst men my interests are niche.
I don't give a shit if I have to be homeless, I WILL find my wife and love of my life and I don't care if I die trying but I will give it EVERYTHING I got.
Don't talk politics
>...which one?
Am I the only one that finds that girl attractive?
its quite basic way of thinking
this is how woman brain work like:
is hi and his body hot & sexy?
if yes - fuck on second date, first date if hi insist
if no - shit test him, see if you can wrap him around your finger, and exploit him (whatever finantialy or emotionaly)
see that's why I'd just come out with it right away
"so first off, you're not a tranny, there's only 2 genders, trump is good, and you didnt get the covid shot? ok good now our date can begin. what do you like to do for fun"
>so first off, you're not a tranny, there's only 2 genders, trump is good, and you didnt get the covid shot?
lmao if I had a pussy you and me would get along just fine

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