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How do you cope with the fact that women will find other men better looking than you? Sure, you can obtain a girlfriend with money/status, but you'll still have to accept the fact she doesn't find you physically attractive.
If she doesn't find you physically attractive she's not for you. Find someone who does.

If you really want more to work with anon, then there's two key things to keep in mind.

1) Looksmaxxing and making yourself more attractive is possible even if you weren't dealt the best genetic hand
2) Adding on to the last point: unless you're below 5'7" AND really ugly, then there's probably some woman in the world that will find you attractive. That's no guarantee that the woman themself will be a looker but going all doomer over whatever flavor of the month guy exists is retarded.
It's not "flavor of month", I see goodlooking dudes irl and feel instantly inferior, knowing that women will find them more desirable than me.
How does one stop being jealous of anything in general? It's a good question.
Only to a point. If you're able to make her feel things that hot guys can't, emotionally or otherwise, she will value you far above them. Most women are already wary of hot guys for this reason, as they tend to be self-obsessed and very shallow.
this is stupid
one day you're the most attractive man on earth and the next day you're not
the guys who were gods amongst men 10 years ago are mogged by new dudes as they age
same as girls
I still remember when britney spears was the pinnacle of female attractiveness
look at her now
happens, you stay with a girl because you two get along and you like each other, not because you consider each other the most attractive person there is, because that's a constant moving goal and even if you're the most attractive man today and are with the most attractive woman both of you will not be the most attractive person in 5 years, someone else will come to supplant you
so that's worrying about shit
most normal non crazy people know their gf considers other guys more attractive and they consider other girls more attractive than their gf, but that doesn't really mean anything.
>but that doesn't really mean anything.
Why doesn't it matter who your gf would want to bone?
when you're in love with someone you don't go to a fashion gala and think of fucking everyone there, you consider them attractive but you only want to fuck your gf
same with girls, if she's in love with you she may rationally or instinctively think someone else is more attractive but won't just agree to fuck him just because of that
I guess you don't go out too often
girls get asked to fuck by random attractive men all the time in clubs and most still reject them even if they consider them very attractive because they are not like that
there are hypersexual people who are like that but that's not the majority of people
so considering someone attractive =/= wanting to bone them
guys are more prone to ditch the old model and go for a new one if the relationship is shit over girls to be honest.
Just accept it and move on. That simple. Stop prioritizing women. Understand that women come at a prize even for most of these better looking men. No matter how hot she is, there's some dude out there's who tired of her. Overcome sexuality. It's not worth being sexual as a man (or male of any species t.b.h) anyway. It's a dumbass instinct that only exists because men who lacked it didn't pass on their genes. What's natural isn't always good.
>britney spears was the pinnacle of female attractiveness
>look at her now
right but thats cuz she aged. young britney, and new girls who look like her is still what i consider peak beauty, no matter what woke culture shoves on us
and op's pic is consider goodlooking? see this is why i cant tell for sure if im attractive. he looks ugly to me.
Men don’t have to be as physically attractive so don’t worry about it.
Women have to be attractive to get good treatment but men just need to be able to make money. Ideally be charismatic and smart as well.

Looks don’t matter as much for men so chill.
that's the point I was making anon, people age
you can be the most attractive person in the world today and you won't in 5 years
someone else will suplant you
will they look like you but younger? will they look different? are the attractiveness metrics still the same as when you were young? maybe they are maybe they are not anymore
it doesn't matter
chasing after physical perfection as a human is a moot point because we all age
I'm not saying not to take care of yourself but obsessing over being a perfect 10 everyone agrees is a perfect 10 is a fleeting goal that you have one day and you don't have the other and the same with your partner.
Great posts.
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I’m telling you guys, anything is possible. Don’t ever get up, keep grinding, keep hustling, shoot for your dreams.

You can do anything you want, I promise you. You just have to take that first step, take that hard step of actually doing something.
>Looks don’t matter as much for men so chill.
But they do matter, if they didn't most guys today wouldn't be lonely virgins who never had a gf ever in their lives
LMFAO, such a retarded advice, if most women don't find you physically attractive then it's very likely that none will, so basically you're completely fucked in terms of a relationship and might as well take the escort pill
Men can break into the higher brackets with all kinds of traits, some men do with looks but most men will never be good looking for more than 10 years of their entire life. Also grooming is attractive in and of itself.
He looks like a disgusting drowned rat kike you dumb fuck faggot
Let’s be real, most (adult) lonely male virgins are the way they are because they have personality flaws. I’ve seen plenty of 5s with good personalities pull way out of their league because their charming and have high earning potential.
If you’re a man and you complain about this stuff it’s because you have nothing else going for you.
I have more sympathy for that black girl who posts all the time than I do for men like this.
most guys who are lonely virgis are very inept with people in general, I see ugly girls with gfs all the time
also most lonely virgins here want a 7/10 at least when they are a 4/10 and they don't even awknoledge their looksmatch
Women aren’t like men you’re projecting your own bullshit on women. Both men and women are very unaware of how different they are. It gets both groups into trouble quickly.
>I have more sympathy for that black girl who posts all the time
I wish that cunt was dead.
I think it's not personality flaws as much as high standards and small or non-existent social circles, and poor ability to peacock online. Like frankly it's okay to be somewhat asocial but like the only way you can meet women you like then is seducing them almost instantly as strangers out in public or on tinder. I think this is why so much obsession is placed on looks for a lot of men. They have a comfort zone, and debatably there is nothing wrong with that. Furthermore change is hard. But statistically this lowers your lifetime sexual partners and increases your likelihood of not marrying. It can also be scary starting from scratch if you're a bit older.
So the process of getting a GF just stems from getting along with a woman enough to where she'll consider you dateable?
.....What a shitload of fuck!!!
not really and I never said that
getting along with a lot of people broadens your date pool tremendously but you two have to find the other person attractive
but of course more attractive people than you two will always exist, lets be real, we're on 4chan
but no point in obsessing over that
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>what an assload of diarrhea donkey dicks covered in semen and microwaved for an hour!!
>you'll still have to accept
No I won't, what kind of retarded gay psyops is this?
You're ignoring something here. A man can just after a desirable woman but the average man has no chance of ever getting with her. It's just a fantasy. An average woman is perfectly capable of being Chad's fucktoy.
Begin to notice their flaws. That guy, for example, looks like Handsome Squidward with a dramatic coiffure.
most decide not to tho
the idea that every woman has their legs wide open for every men more attractive than her is a very weird one people have here, even if the guy is an adonis, if he doesn't offer anything else than a good time most girls will not go to bed with him. There are hypersexual girls and a lot of them, just like there are hypersexual men and a lot of them, but they are not everyone and not even the majority.
Most people want some kind of connection before fucking.
The reason everyone ends up knowing each other in those hypersexual circles, other than they fucking everyone open for it, of course, is because we're not that many, and unless the guy lies like a champ they are not bringing good girls to the circle, if she appears with us she has it in her to be hypersexual like us, she was never a normie looking for a relationship
First, this is very false.. I’m a 6 at best, you know what kind of men approach me? If you guessed other ‘6 at bests’ then you’d be correct! Chads fuck their female equivalents. They aren’t coming to find me unless they are truly down bad (or we formed a genuine connection).

Second, you say this as if that’s desirable for women. I don’t want to be anyone’s fucktoy, I want a real relationship.
I’m a pretty average woman so I don’t think I’m unique. Sex is just not the same win it seems to be for you guys.. maybe because women’s brains release more oxytocin (bonding chemical) than dopamine but the opposite is true of men.

Women think so differently then you do bro. You must touch grass.
>Second, you say this as if that’s desirable for women. I don’t want to be anyone’s fucktoy, I want a real relationship
I never said that women WANT to be Chad's fucktoy but they'll take that risk for a chance at being his girlfriend.
Hes not good-looking. He looks like a child and has too delicate features.

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