I am a 25 year old virgin dude who got no friends and a stale life.I want to catch up with the times and become well-rounded: career, health, fitness, looks, leisure, etc.I need a plan and guidelines to follow. Please spare me years of trial and error and give me the guide to make this possible:>Develop mental resilience, treat depression, become happy.>Learn social skills, make quality friends and acquaintances.>Dress my best and look my best (+hygiene).>Become /fit/ and workout & eat right consistently.>Take my university studies seriously and PhDmaxx.>Have an entertaining me-time where I do things I love.>Change my looks for the better.Also: what hobbies are good to have?
>>32567148that pfp is so gay that i cannot take part to this threadHided (Hidden? who cares)
>>32567148I ain't doing all that for some pussy you are crazy.
>>32567159I picked the first pic I saw on Google Images, whatever.
>>32567148If this is your end goal, you will need much much more than that to achieve ithttps://i.4cdn.org/gif/1736369248140228.webm
>>32567148I'm not going to plan your fucking week for you but I'll give tips/ideas to help you go in the right direction. I was fat most of high school but had a glow up in college, had a ho phase, and have moved to a few cities since then while maintaing my friendships + making new friends in each place.>Develop mental resilience, treat depression, become happy.Need to develop an idea for the type of man you want to be and focus on that as your goal. Being fit, having a good social life, having fulfilling hobbies, and occasionally meditating will help depression. I'll go into detail about most of these below. Meditation is literally 10-15 minutes a day and will improve your mindfulness and stoicism.>Learn social skills, make quality friends and acquaintances.Tricky at 25 but not impossible. Research shows it takes 50 hours to become casual friends with someone and almost double that to become considered a solid friend. You do this by attending some type of social function regularly. I suggest picking 2 different activities and do each at least once a week. This can be fitness clubs (run clubs are all the rage nowadays), rec sports leagues, volunteering, or hobby groups involving shared interests. I volunteered at an animal shelter regularly for a few months and met a bunch of people (many who became my friends) who I wouldn't end up meeting otherwise. I also suggest animal shelter volunteering as they're pretty easy to get into and usually have a lopsided gender ratio (it has never been less than 80% women whenever I volunteer at one). Learning the social skills just comes with time. I could suggest books that may help but nothing works like practice and consistent effort. Just get out there.
>>32567239>Dress my best and look my best (+hygiene).Brush twice a day, shower once a day, get well fitting clothes (yes, even if you're currently fat. Flattering clothes makes everyone look better). You can go for trendy fits but I suggest building the bases of your outfits first (a few chinos, joggers, and jeans as well as some solid colored t shirts) before moving on to more out there pieces. Make sure your nails are clean and clipped regularly. Make sure you have your hair worked out. Figure out your hair type and what shampoos, conditioners, and other stylers work for you. Look at other men of your same ethnicity for inspiration.>Become /fit/ and workout & eat right consistently.Lift 3-6x a week, focus on effective movements, eat up to 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight. If you're too skinny, add 300 calories to your maintenance calories and lift heavy and regularly. If you're too fat, drop 500 calories from your maintenance caloreis and lift heavy and regularly (while incorportating 2 days of cardio if you can manage. You'll want to add more cardio when you get closer to your goal weight). Get into the habit of volume eating. Look into it and focus on meals that are big in volume but low in calories and/or very high in protein. Protein is the most satiating of the macronutrients and will keep you full longer.
>>32567248>Take my university studies seriously and PhDmaxx.Schedule time regularly devoted to advancing your studies and prepping for exams and projects (I suggest 4 hours a day). Regularly attend office hours even if you don't need help with your current work. Make sure a few of your professors know your name, face, and work ethic.>Have an entertaining me-time where I do things I love.What do you think you can enjoy doing that isn't watching television and playing vidya? Do that. Get better at doing that. Set up goals related to this me-time.>Change my looks for the better.Fitness and diet takes care of 95%+ of this one. I think an extra 5% (max) can be had with decent skin care. Get in the habit of moisturizing your fucking face. Get accutane if you're struggling with acne/pepperoni face. Hop on retinol/tretinoin (you're still young but it's never too early to start the anti aging regiment.Hobbies that are good (and attractive to women) include learning foreign languages, reading, cooking, hiking, travelling, and art of some kind (I suggest drawing or painting).I can answer questions on any of these for the next 2 hours.
>>32567148Career and Hygiene this is all you need. Having money makes things a whole lot easier.All the other things you don't need to worry about now. Just dabble.PHDs are a wast of time. Masters might be useful.
>>32567148>I want to catch up with the times and become well-rounded: career, health, fitness, looks, leisure, etc.>I need a plan and guidelines to follow. It will take years of trial and error and hard work>Please spare me years of trial and error and give me the guide to make this possible:Ok, fuck it>>Develop mental resilience, treat depression, become happy.Take care of your basic needs and don't be an emotional twat>>Learn social skills, make quality friends and acquaintances.Spend time with other people you like>>Dress my best and look my best (+hygiene).Have money>>Become /fit/ and workout & eat right consistently.Have money and eat protein>>Take my university studies seriously and PhDmaxx.Have money and study>>Have an entertaining me-time where I do things I love.Have money and buy useless shit>>Change my looks for the better.Have money and a barber>Also: what hobbies are good to have?A high paying job
>>32567206why is her asshole dirty?