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Is it a big deal to let a guy give you rides home from work if you're already in a relationship?
Yes it is
What do you think he is thinking?
Yes in principle

But for example, if otherwise you'd have to take a bus with crackheads then a compromise has to be reached
He is probably sniffing the seat and masturbating thinking of you later
Kinda hoping he's just looking out for me because I don't want to walk home through the parts of town I normally have to walk through.
So I'm probably in the clear.
i feel like it depends where you live and if public transport is an option. if you are in a relationship talk to the guy your with and see how he feels about it.
Not if it's convenient, you don't suck him off during, and tell your bf that it's happening
Pretty much this. However it does run the risk of creating emotional closeness during the ride home if you get along well and talk a lot. In this case you will have to enforce boundaries and not do the typical female thing of waiting until the last minute to deal with obvious conflict.
he’s only doing it at a shot of having sex with you. this is the long game
Depends entirely on how insecure the conservative men in your country is and how much of a whore you are
Once or twice. On a regular basis it's a bad look.
Then the bf/husband should help, and/or OP should get a different job where she doesn't have to be near crackheads. If he's able to help, but isn't willing (and then gets upset over her carpooling), she should consider getting a different guy instead.
A temporary compromise is tolerable if she's honest about it with her guy, preferably *before* she does it. A slight pass can be given for naivete, but the only real excuse to take the ride without first clearing it with her bf/husband is an immediate, tangible danger--and she'd have to be open about what she did and why once she gets home.

Boundaries =/= insecurity.
Even if I knew a woman was biologically incapable of being unfaithful, that she found all other men repulsive, it's still inappropriate to be spending time like that 1-on-1.
Yes, retard. You asking this moronic question on /adv/ answers it by itself.
I didn't see how it was a big deal since it was just a ride, but my bf was complaining it "looked" bad. But who would it have even looked bad for? No one else was around.
Not in this day and age, where the norm is women taking advantage of men
it depends on the society
I would get my workmates home from time to time, I have a car and they don't, didn't mean anything by it
now, if it's constant and I try to do something else on the way to her home of course that's something else, but well
context, context, context
It's called friendship and courtesy, concepts some incels may be unfamiliar with. But it would be friendly and courteous on your part to buy him a tank of gas occasionally
>Is it a big deal to let a guy give you rides home from work if you're already in a relationship?
It can be. It may not be. Talk to your bf and see how he feels about it. If he's fine with it, and you're not attracted to the other guy, and there's no hint that he's attracted to you, then it's okay. But if you keep it a secret from your bf, then it's a big problem.
For you, retard.
Very few men actually want to be "friends" with women, 90% of the time "male friends" are just orbiters trying to get into a girl's pants
And there is always an attraction on at least one side. If there isn't, someone is lying.

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