I'm a 28 year old khv and I wanted to date for so long. I thought no one found me attractive but I've realized that a lot of women at least found me suitable for dating. Problem is that they're all pretty ugly looking and I can't be attracted to them.how do I get out of this?
>>32568639Ya don't.
>>32568639knowledge is a curse in this regardI had a cousin who lived in a small townmy grandparents were living there too so every so often we'd go to visitI went to bar with him and omg the girls were so ugly I think the best looking was a 6/10 at best and she was treated like a goddessI tried not to meddle in the natural order of things so I didn't say anything but then a friend of my cousin who studied in my city came to join us and I asked him if these guys had never seen x or y celebrity, why was everyone treating that 6/10 like a goddesshe told me most people in that small town never leave and attractive girls from the city and stuff were like mithycal creatures as far as they were concernedso they adapted their tastes to the local girls, what they had availablesame when I had to pick up an uncle who was alcoholic and started going to cheap bars in the outskirts of the city, everyone was ugly over there but everyone was having a grand timeso I'd say delete instagram, see who are available around you, start adapting your tastes to girls that are at your reach basically.
>>32568639Just don’t date someone you’re not attracted to. It’s not fair to them, you just end up resenting her. She doesn’t deserve all that.Either make yourself more attractive to the women you’re into, or don’t date till you can figure yourself out. Get shredded or something, upgrade your skills and getting a better paying job. Thats all you can really do
>>32568752Being average doesn't mean ugly, you're dumb AF.
>>32568639Do you really want to look at someone ugly every day? Beauty is one of the luxuries of life and you have to work hard to obtain it.
>>32568639use her womb for rearing stacey's children
>>32568639you've got to get a fat (chubby) girl, never have sex with her till you get her to where she's skinny. Ugly bitches won't get any hotter, I tried it once and she stayed ugly. They never even try new makeup/improvement or anything and if you are out of their league then if they have a shit personality/attitude then it will only grow worse/stay the same. Most women don't know how to grow as people because they are never faced with adversity.
>>32568868We all have to make sacrifices somehow.
>>32570025Bad idea. I grew up in another woman's uterus and I'll never forgive my parents for that.
>>32569996everyone was a 4 or 3,5 on average tho, that's why they treated that 6/10 like a goddess
>>32570066Expecting real women to look like plastic surgery barbie dolls is ridiculous. They all have the same plumbing. Its personality that matters.
>>32568639Be picky in other ways and find girls that have good personalties. It will be better for you in the long run than chasing looks anyway.
>>32568639>how do I get out of this?Be less shallow.
>>32570113>BECAUSE IM 5'6" I CANT GET SHITNTA. It's not your height, it's your shitty personality.t. 5'11" cis girl whose boyfriend is 5'6".
>>32570269how big is his wallet? uh I mean personality
>>32568639If you are attracted to the person inside the packaging, you come to find the packaging attractive. If the packaging is a deal-breaker, there can't be much attraction to the person inside.
>>32570109you changed the goalpost
>>32570269CIS battle droids don't count sweet summer child.
>>3256886880% of women are not attractive dumbass.
>>32568639Honestly, high sex drive and affection are what you're looking for. A mid girl who wants you to kiss her a lot and cum inside will make you happy. Don't go chasing waterfalls, Anon.
>>32570269Dooku lostGrievous lostNute Gunray lost
>>32568639You can't really force attraction. You should find your gf atleast decent-looking lest resentment brews on both sides. If you're that desperate for a relationship, >>32571122 said it best.>>32571101 Damn, and I thought hypergamy was exclusively a female thing
>>32571122>A mid girl who wants you to kiss her a lot and cum inside will make you happythis. ive dated a few absolute bombshells and every one has been either a complete lunatic, an egotist or a basic bitch normalnigger. there’s some out there not like that but they are few and far between. a girl who’s between 5-7/10 who you vibe with is far better than Stacey majority of the time