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Back when Omegle was still around, I used to try to find girls on there to be my girlfriend.

Most of them would laugh at me and even call me loser cause I approached them.

Almost like they couldn't believe someone would be trying to find a date on there. And then they'd laugh.

Why would they do this?
Because it‘s laughable.
because omegle isn’t a dating site retard
lmao I actually did meet one of my girlfriends on Omegle. Wouldn't recommend looking for it, but it was just a nice series of coincidences. My friend and I were goofing off while getting drunk in my new place and we ended up having a lot of bants with some girl who wasn't too far away and exchanged contact info. Kind of an embarrassing way to meet someone tbqh.
The Chad Cock Flasher vs The Virgin Date Inviter
lol the chad mushroom shucker vs the 'nonthreatening' virgin
You probably aren't going to believe me, but I'm a woman and I met one of the hottest guys I ever hooked up with an omegli text chat like 2 years ago. I last saw him in October because I got a boyfriend but we hooked up a lot. It was weird because he was extremely handsome and muscular with a huge dick and great stamina. And I'm literally an ugly fat chick. Bro was just very down bad and loved to fuck, always insisted on 69 and could cum 3x a session. Chad
I used to flash my tits to men on Omegle when in my early teens. We’d be having a normal conversation then I’d just whip em out then quickly close the chat. It gave me such a thrill and is definitely something I could only get away with because I’m a female.

If a small brown chick with c cups and kinda large areolas ever flashed you on Omegle like a decade ago, It was probably me.

Anyway.. yeah it’s fucking weird to look for a girlfriend on Omegle bro wtf.
Lmao so true, one time at school me and my friend were on there and we saw some naked brown guy on his bed, i think the camera was on the ceiling pointed down too.
>It was weird because he was extremely handsome and muscular with a huge dick and great stamina.
You sure this wasn't a porno?
I am not fucking around. The insane thing is that he was only 20 minutes away from me. His entire living room was basically a gym. He wasn't perfect. He wasn't engineer with an autistic personality which explained the lack of girlfriend and just doing hookups but he was TV hot with a huge dick. Also just so nice and respectful. Wasn't into anything mean truly just wanted to slam it out
>Anyway.. yeah it’s fucking weird to look for a girlfriend on Omegle bro wtf.
Why not? What the fuck does it matter? And like meeting strange people in a bar is any better? Jesus fucking christ
Relax queen it’s not that deep lol.
See that? That's all it takes, guys. A pretty face, muscular body, and a huge dick.

That's it.

You heard it from the horse's mouth.

Take notes.
>I used to flash my tits to men on Omegle when in my early teens.
You naughty naughty naughty child.

I approve.
Do you actually believe that this anon found a 10/10 chad and hooked up with him? You actually believe this anon to be a real person? If they were able to hook up with a 10/10 chad than they would NOT be on this shitty website. Bait used to be believable, there's NO WAY you're ACTUALLY falling for THIS.
I'm not trying to be mean but have you ever actually had sex? The Omegle guy isn't even the only hot guy I've hooked up with. I'm only posting about it because I thought it was a funny and lucky experience given we met on text chat and he was so close by and so hot and a normalfag. He wouldn't even send nudes because he was afraid of being blackmailed or scammed. And I am on here because this is one of the last places on the internet you can say whatever you want the net is shrinking.
>If they were able to hook up with a 10/10 chad than they would NOT be on this shitty website.
Interesting, so you're saying attractive people don't use 4chan.
Obviously they don’t use 4chan.
>And I am on here because this is one of the last places on the internet you can say whatever you want the net is shrinking.
If 4chan died, I dunno what I would do. I would probably kill myself.

Because it fails to understand the fundamental principles of social norms and human interaction. It is also exceedingly desperate and not in the least bit masculine, which dried them up instantly.
Yes I'm saying they don't use 4chan. Why do you think so many incels flock here complaining about their oblong chins or dwarf stature? 4chan is notorious for it's self-loathing user base, retard.
Women don't operate under the same rules that men do. A woman can be an autistic neet with no friends and a face that gets her called a troon but have multiple fwbs and ons with hot guys. Weird how this board seems to understand the sexual marketplace is broken in woman's favor right now unless it's actually acknowledging them in conversation here
why type this comment out?
You might unironically have a single-digit iq if you actually think >>32569377 and >>32569422 are real. These are G.I.R.L.S. anon, not GIRLS (aka Guys In Real Life).
this is one of the least autistic things i have ever read on this website
>That's it.
>You heard it from the horse’s mouth
God you’re so gullible. Anon are you aware that people on the internet enjoying lying? Especially lying about things that taunt and mock and torture the insecurities of lonely men/incels/autists, because they think it’s funny?
that's horrible people are so mean
I had a girlfriend I met while using text chat, but picked up some girls on video too. Mostly it was very shallow and just about being attractive.
Because being this straightforward about wanting a gf is a faux pass. You just ask to add them somewhere after a conversation. If they have a bf etc you block.
What about the risk of being friendzoned?

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