Goddamn, i feel like im AM from IHNMAIMS. My stupid goddamn brother thinks hes hot shit cause he is older than me by 2 fucking years. he thinks everything he does is right, and i jsut wanna curbstomp his fucking skull in. he keeps turning off my light when im in my own room because "yOu CaN sEe FiNe WiThOuT iT" and I FUCKING HATE IT!!!! tell me how i can stop him cause i took wrestling in high school and i am a wrestler but he still thinks hes hot shit. tell me how i can stop this fucking bigoted homophobic whiny fake-autistic bitch who thinks he is better
>>32569351Ur bro sound's based. He's right. room don't need lights if nobody in there.You need mental help with your anger/hate issues
>>32569351>homophobicFuck off faggot
>>32569351How old are you? 12?
>>32569351did you copy paste some lolcow post