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Bars: Empty, nobody talks to anyone outside of their "group"

Parks: See above

Mall: See above

People are hostile when you try to chat them up

Tried a few hobbies but no one wants to get together outside of those hobbies

I try to talk to people online, I get ghosted

Planned an event and advertised it online, nobody showed up when the day arrived.

I have no clue where to go, the only place I see a lot of people is at my job. Where the fuck are you supposed to go to make friends when all the typical spots are dead or filled with anti-social people, meetup.com is dead, and no one comes to your events?
Find a book club.
How many times do we need to have these same threads? What can be said that's not already been said a thousand times already?
>Parks: See above
It's the dead of goddamn winter bro. Most people wanna stay comfy. Parks and places with walking/biking trails are great for meeting women. A buddy & I were just talking about this yesterday. Just say to to people/women when it feels natural. You can tell by how they respond if they want to talk to you or not. You really have nothing to lose bro. Don't give up.
>Mall: See above
A few years back I walked into a Vans store in a mall to get some shoes & clothes. The girl who brought out the right sizes of shoes from the back ended up asking ME out. Don't give up bro, seriously.
>Just say to to people/women when it feels natural
say "hi"*
If you're really looking for women AND can't find any, you might want to widen your radius or consider moving if you don't care about the area.

That's extreme though dude, don't lose heart. I've started point-blank asking women if they're available, even if they're at work standing behind the counter. It kinda breaks their brain for a second because they're in I'm-working-and-bored mode, but as soon as it hits them what you're asking, you can see them come alive a little bit. It's exciting and they like it. They start smiling and acting nervous. I've talked to the same girl at my local phone store a few times, so today I went back to ask bullshit questions about phone upgrades & plans to chat her up. I went back 30 minutes before they closed and asked her
>hey are you available?
>how would you feel about setting up a date?

She definitely froze for a few seconds, but she warmed up immediately & reciprocated interest.

This is the second time now though where a younger woman (22/23) said she wants to focus on her career. I don't think they're lying, but at the same time, I think there's plausible deniability that it's not a soft rejection. Honestly I do think it's a polite rejection either way, because its not like they would pass up an opportunity with a top-tier man if he asked them out.

I'm not desperate, and to prove it, I gave her my number without asking for hers. I'm mentally ready for nothing to come from this, but she seemed like she was actually checking her schedule for the next time she could meet me. Whatever. We'll see. Women flake a lot.
I'm 32 btw. She asked how old I was, I told her I'd say if she guessed first. She guessed 25. They all guess too low lol.
I think I have like six relationships that are regular interactive and I could meet people through and I had like zero 4 years ago. It takes time. Some I met online. Some old friends. Some family.
Hang out at the local gas station a hour a day, at least 5 days a week
You don't want to be seen all the time at one location.
>oh look there's that guy talking to every woman in sight again...
not a good look
You can absolutely rip through grocery stores, one after the other. Staff & customers are fair game lol. The worst they can say is no. Women don't have hands.
>You don't want to be seen all the time at one location.
Yes you do, but dress and groom well.

>oh look there's that guy talking to every woman in sight again...
Why would you do that you autist? Be cool
> Parks and places with walking/biking trails are great for meeting women
that's some bs. I spent every second day and more in summer outside hiking biking and climbing, while i did talk to a few guys the inky women that exist are either 50+ with small child or have bfs, neither if which you can talk to
weed seller aah advice
There was a guy here about a year ago that would tell you to go back to uni to meet young women. He might be onto something.
start using heroin
tons of HOT girls
tons of friends to be made

Good friends are made in rough times
Didn't read past the first comma, he clearly said he was looking for friends retard.
Fuck. To be fair, I haven't tried it yet. My bro was saying it worked well for him.
What about your neighbors dude? Start with the people closest to you lol.
lol I didn't read the last bit.
assumed he was looking for pussy. Tons of people are lonely. There's no reason you can't befriend the staff at stores & places you regularly visit. Just because they're on the clock, wearing a uniform, and working doesn't mean they're not human or may be open to a short, meaningful conversation. I chat up the workers at QuikTrip all the time. They appreciate it and willingly talk to me with enthusiasm & interest. People aren't robots even if they're getting crushed by their daily grind.
tbf 99% of these posts are "no gf, incel, going to kms in 5minutes"
your bro is going after ugly skinny women, the elderly, morbidly obese women, or guys
OP is black and his neighbors will shoot him if he approaches their door
>your bro is going after ugly skinny women, the elderly, morbidly obese women, or guys
He lives with a sweet feminine girlfriend now. I haven't seen what she looks like. He's fit & confident. He wouldn't be tolerating someone low-value.
>OP is black and his neighbors will shoot him if he approaches their door
People that live near you inevitably walk around outside. Say words to them. They will say words back. Not rocket science.
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Found a 'lingerie party' posting not too far from me this weekend. Don't think I'm ready for just straight-up sex parties. Also saw a music event with a few bands playing. Might do that. Hard for me to communicate in loud environments though because my voice doesn't project well.
she leans towards you...
>you're in
you lean towards her...
>no chance
Some kings wear hoodies.
Oh, my point being look for when events are being held and just show up. Sometimes it'll be boring but have a backup to amuse yourself. I've had some interesting shit happen pretty spontaneously. Personally I'm a fan of venues that host bands - live music is nice and you can get a drink and just vibe even if there's nobody to talk to yet. Usually if you stay long enough you'll get roped into a conversation. Generally don't go on off-hours though.
>just show up
this is huge. Just showing up can be the difference between your millionth night home alone & some spontaneous fun unprecedented shit happening. We all eat dirt at the end, you might as well get out there & play.
FYI 1 million days is over 2700 years. I hope none of you have been shacked up playing vidya since the height of the Old Republic.
The truth is there is nowhere to meet people in the current year. There are very few single women walking on the streets anymore, they all drive but the main problem is most women are in relationships already starting with high school and college. They will tell you to go to bars and pubs but it doesn't seem to work anymore, in the past sure maybe but not anymore.

Then they tell you hobbies, to get hobbies and sign up for shit, but most women don't have hobbies (their hobby is socializing over the internet and in real life) not to mention the countless other guys that get into hobbies to meet women.
If you don't meet a girl in high school or college it's over in 2024, there is nowhere to meet women anymore, unless you cold approach in places where young women hang out. And let me tell you alone as a 30/40+ year old male, it's not going to go well. You would at least need a wingman but even then the odds are stacked against you not just because of the age difference.
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lol you get my point
it really differs by country. I live in slovakia and every young person tries to get out asap, especially women so there are very few to begin with and even fewer do out of city activities. Situation is different in places like the netherlands at least so i heard.
Oh shit. I live in Georgia, North America. I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing is happening here. This state is loaded with dumb redneck white trash, nigs, and spics. I wouldn't be surprised if the young hot women want to travel/relocate as soon as possible for better opportunities and a more luxurious quality of life. A lot of the state is dirty, crowded, extremely "diverse," or rural as fuck with nothing going on except drugs & crime. I'm considering leaving & not coming back. If I can make more friends than I even want in this miserable shithole, I can make it anywhere.
What do I do as a socially isolated 30something virgin with diagnosed social anxiety and an inferiority complex? I have no idea how to talk or connect with people. I don't have anything interesting going on since I'm too afraid to leave my house so I have no idea what to talk about. Even in online groups I have no idea what to say and I'm too nervous to voice chat so I just leave the group eventually. I just don't know where to go. I don't have any real hobbies. I don't feel worthwhile enough to be around and I'm afraid people will see how much of a garbage person and loser I am if they start to know me. Should I just rope at this point? Because it feels pretty hopeless being like this at my age
You don't. Being an adult is just being lucky to make friends when young (and even luckier they don't just ditch you after a while) or accepting the fact you'll simply die alone.
talk to old people they love to talk and they dont have anyone

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