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what do i do anons?
im already a super snr and the school wants a C grade and above to continue the subject to A2 level, is there any way i can get into a good university without relying on my A levels because by this rate ill be 20 in hs next year. I jsut dont know what to do, ive thought about saying i had mental illness but theres no garuntee that would work in front of them. Anons i jsut want to get into university like and live a normie life why is this so hard. I also havent told my parents that i failed (again) so advice on that is also appreceated.
jesus christ anon, get your shit together.
If you genuinely cant do it then switch to online school and cheat on assignments.
You could probably get into community college but from the sounds of it the military would be a better fit / career choice for you.
If you join then it could probably correct some of your behavior that is causing you to be 20 in HS.
Also are you a brit? you might be done for completely if true unless yall have some mega retard military branch like the US marines.

Good Luck anon
A levels arent graded like that, its one final exam that decides your entire grade. Im too unfit for millitary service so it looks like i can only hope to retake in 2026 and get some decent marks. I had a tumour before so i missed alot of school but im trying to get back on my feet now. thanks for replying but i feel like i cant take any of your advice
I'm sorry
I saw "I failed" and just wanted to troll
hope it actually gets better for you man
can you get tutors?
ask teachers for help?
talk to the school about what happened?
I'm sure unis would let you in if you explain it (if that's whats holding you back) or at least here in burgerland that's how it works.
Please tell me you're a foreigner in a former Commonwealth country and not a native English speaker.
i can try talking to the school but i doubt they would really care much, i was a bit unlucky becaue i chose subjects that i wasnt really good at but its too late to back out now so i really have to bite the bullet. I did get soem tutors but i guess i was just too laxy and did this to myself. My dads pretty upset over it all and he says hes given up on me so i can only rely on my mom for financial support now.
The world will always need plumbers.

It is not a condemnation of you as a human being to say that you are just not skilled at academics. University is not the only route to a fulfilling career and happy life. Apart from skilled trades (which pay better than university lecturers) there are many "white collar" professions that don't require university.

Books to read when you go to university
In any qualitative fields

Generally useful
Elements of style - William Strunk Jr & Elwyn Brooks White
Bergsons Writings - Henry Bergson
Against Method - Paul Feyerabend
Academic Reconstruction - Ari Tervashonka
Intuition Unleashed - Asta Raami

Qualitative research
Validity in Interpretation - Eric Donald Hirsch
Qualitative Research Practice - Clive Seale, Giampietro Gobo, Jaber F. Gubrium & David Silverman
General System Theory - Ludwig Bertalanffy
Basics of qualitative research - Anselm Strauss & Juliet Corbin

Related philosophy of science
Interpretation theory - Paul Rocoeur
Reconstruction in Philosophy - John Dewey
Deconstruction in a nutshell - Jacques Derrida
Cartesian Meditations - Edmund Husserl
The Logic of Scientific Discovery - Karl Popper
Hermeneutics and Criticism - Friedrich Schleiermacher
Hans-Georg Gadamer - Philosophical Hermeneutics

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