How do I deal with the fact that any girl I genuinely really want to date will likely like me less than I like her? Of course some of you may say just date a girl that approaches you or whatever, but as someone who has a been approached a few times, I know that these women are not worth dating, and if I did date them, I'd struggle with the fact knowing I could get someone so much better (speaking from experience). So are my choices either end up with a girl I like but doesn't like me, or end up with a girl below my league?
you just fuck em good a couple times and they can't get enough of you after that. haven't you ever been with a woman before?
>>32570061Yeah kinda. Went out with a girl for about three months and broke up with her cause she kind of fell into the latter category of being a little bit "below my league". Also she may or may not have been cheating in her boyfriend with me, she got engaged five months after I broke up with her. The only other time I've been with a woman is when I fucked a girl off tinder in a hotel a few days ago then sent her home in an uber and blocked her. It was a degenerate experience that I want to forget about though and I feel like that's much different than what you described.
>>32570036The third choice is raising yourself to an above league.
>>32570036Realize women, no matter how pretty, exist solely to satisfy men’s sexual needs and go from there
>>32570036>How do I deal with the fact that any girl I genuinely really want to date will likely like me less than I like her?You have to build your own self-worth to the point where she feels the need to qualify for you. If she doesn't act like that and wants the relationship to be in her frame and not yours, it's over already. It's not going to work. She's going to lose interest really fast. Women want joining your life to be an upgrade for them over their life without you. If they think their life is better without you, they're gonna ghost you really fast. If they think/know they can do better, they will exit quickly also.
>>32570036>How do I deal with the fact thatYou made an interesting typo there. You wrote "fact" when you meant "assumption."
>>32570036>How do I deal with the fact that any girl I genuinely really want to date will likely like me less than I like her?By understanding that this isn't true, and in fact it will almost certainly be the other way round.