How do I stop caring?I have a severe case of paranoia and victim mentality
>>32570331Sorry, can you be more specific?Money?War?Gas?Disease?Time?Death?Reproduction?Youth?Crime?Weather?
>>32570355I've got absolutely no problems but every time I go out I feel like everybody is out there to get me...
>>32570441Okay, most people don't care about you. Like to them you are just in the way. So, they are "out to get you" in the sense they don't mind hurting you.To combat this make friends with people. This is much easier than you think.Is there a gas station near you? Start walking in daily and purchasing something. Juice, beer, donut, coffee, cigarettes. Be kind every time. Learn the clerk(s) name. After 2 to 4 weeks, they should recognize you. They will probably be kind back.This will help establish a location of low-risk positive human interaction. From here branch out to other businesses. Restaurants for example.On day that you feel attacked go to a place where people are not only obligated to be kind to you, but also want to be kind to you.
>>32570529I've grown out of "I'm the main character in the movie" phase already, do some small talk in local vape shop and tried making friends. In gym, boxing class, language class. It doesn't stick. After you're 20 its almost impossible to do it. I've made some friends but it didn't last longer than a year
Easy.Be me or consider people like me exist.Treat everyone around them fairly without being a door mat, work hard.Still get cheated on by both of the only 2 LTR's that I've had. Find out once leaving home that my parents only contact me to get advice with their phones, computers etc.Realize most employers see you as an interchangeable cog even if your working in a highly skilled job (arrogance by thy name apparently).Realize most people only care about themselves and don't have the mental honesty or possibly intelligence to truly care about anyone else.And if this sounds a little "woe is me" that's not how I mean it, life really isn't fair and there are tons of people that just want to take advantage of me and you and any other non garbage person.If you can wrap your head around that.You will be free.
>>32570529This is why I keep my friend circles small even when I have opportunities to socialize.I've seen people screw others over for the tiniest short term gains.
>>32570562A lot of people today are really shallow. I noticed a major shift in peoples behavior around 2009 and then another negative shift during covid.
>>32570331The idea of 'not caring' is a modern rediscovery of the original intent of philosophical nihilism, which was very different from the connotations that word now bears. Nihilism, in its original sense, is just about realizing that you have a limited amount of capacity to care about things, and choosing to care about the wrong things will make your life miserable. It's about realizing that of all the things you could possibly care about, very few things actually matter to your experience of life beyond the simple fact that you care about them. Actively deciding what matters and doesn't matter in your life is about your priorities, your value system, and what you want to experience in the time you have. Freedom of the ego means you retain the right within yourself to choose dynamically, and change your mind and perspective to align with your experience and understanding. Eliminate everything that you can't impact, or which won't matter to you if you do, and go from there.