i need advice on this thing that i have worked on.so i am a 21 year old that went through a lot during the past year and for the last 4-5 months i haven't left my house.i started making music in the edm genre and published it to spotify, apple music, youtube, ect. although i have no idea how to market it. i don't really have followers on social media to share to nor money to do digital marketing. essentially i am nobody with nothing. i feel really guilty that i live on the back of my parents and i want to earn at least 50-100$ from the music so i can help a bit with bills.how do i market my music with no resources except access to internet.
>>32570387Hand out cards.
You're not going to earn $10/m with your EDM music. You just aren't. The market is swamped and you have no money to invest, and no clue about marketing. GetAJob
>>32570387Musician here. You won't make any money, especially as a bedroom EDM producer.If you insist, then you'll need to pay for a service that'll send your music to tastemakers, influencers, and playlist curators and hope they consider it good enough to talk about, promote, add to playlists, etc. This is how it's done now.
I have an idea or two. But I would have to listen to some of your stuff.Thus why I am using a tripcode, like the humongous faggot that I probably am.
>>32570387create an instagram. start posting your stuff consistently. offer to make beats for pay in your bio. go to underground shows and network, make friends in the scene with similar interests and ambition. it helps if you also do video editing and other creative things on top of music.
>>32570387this is true>>32570812, you shouldnt start out doing it for money.get a part time job and work on music and building your brand in your free time see>>32571998
>>32570387do you live near any big cities? what artists do you enjoy?
>>32570387>no resources except access to internet.the statement the world is your oyster is real, showing up and marketing yourself/networking irl is 60% of this game. you can do it
>>32570387reply soon op, this board moves fast
bumping. op come back we can help you
>>32572403here, sorry guys i went to sleep after writing that, didnt really think that i would get help just the "get a job" spam">>32572006yes, i do live near a big city
>>32572640find underground shows and meet people>>32571998said it best.if there any other adjacent non music related communities to the scene you might have a good chance of meeting likeminded friends there as welldo you do any graphic design or videography?
>>32570812i will look for these people.it is just weird, because i have noticed that some of the places i released music to, i get up to 2k listens, but on others the algorithm recommends it do 5-10.i always knew that i should not hope for the algorithm to save my ass but for my first 10 releases i wanted to check how each and every app works and then think of manual promotion
>>32572663i know a guy that does graphic design, sadly he started using AI a bit more than i would like to.i have some videography skills and video editing skills under my belt tho.
>>32572687The reason i say this because it sells yourself as a brand and gives you a visual style that is easier to market than music alone. this is especially pertinent if your music is more instrumental and in the absecene of lyrics.your can be anonymous and dont have to rely on a persona .i have seen this combination of music and art in the form of an instagram page work and have first hand experience in it if you curate this content and stay consistent all that left to do is network and keep going
>>32572755thank you for sharing, i will think upon how can i make this into my artstyle
>>32570387>21 year old>>32572677>my first 10 releasesI highly doubt you're putting out anything of quality. What distributor allows for such a high output of amateur slop?