How to I explain to my parents in heavy denial that they will never have grandkids because I can’t afford it? They are in utter denial over everything.
>>32570434They don't realize that by choosing liberals and multiculturalism, they've effectively doomed thier white children. They don't get it.
>>32570434Tell them that you loath them for bringing you into this world without consent and would never do something like this yourself.
>>32570434just tell them your infertile
>>32570434If it's an affordability thing and that's all, they're not that expensive anon.That "hurr it costs $250,000 to raise a kid" figure is so inflated and misleading.It includes rent, mortgage, car payments, gas, groceries (for the whole family, you and other parent included) and entertainment.. It's just the entire cost of living for an entire family over 18 years. And depending where you live there's usually government programs that give bonuses/tax breaks for dependents that takes care of a lot of it. Where I live, the government gives 600 per child per month, which is 130,000 over 18 years. It claws back with income of course, we don't get the full benefit (and were not that rich..) But, all in all, you'd be surprised how expensive it isnt.. the figures and propaganda is so misleading I swear it's an anti birthing campaign. Trying to scare people out of breeding.By all means, don't have children if you don't want, there are a thousand good reasons not to.. but if all you've go is "its not affordable" look a little deeper into how much it actually costs..
>>32570434ask them to crunch the numbers for youand once they figure out how fucked everything is because of their generation, ask for their house
>>32570960Pretty much what you said anon.What actually cost is time and commitment.
>>32570981if my kid did that to me (declared he will not have kids on purpose), I would just donate everything I own to a charity
>>32572859what's the difference?boomers are STILL taking wealth from the younger generations and then crying when their rental property gets treated like shitliterally, the biggest group of cunts in history
>>32570434Nobody can "afford" kids. You have them anyway, and it turns out the demoralization media is wrong, kids are only as expensive as you can afford them to be.