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One day we were discussing old relationships just casually, basically shitting on our exes. We were like 2 years into our marriage before this with one kid.
A year before we started dating there was this short guy that apparently got kicked out of our military (I'm not american) for being too dumb. The guy couldn't do a basic division like 235/45. She is ex-military as well and the guy had seen her, and liked her, before he got kicked out. She never fucked anyone there and didn't want to because of the drama (Our military makes you miserably starved, sleepless and over-trained, I believe her).
So, since he was out and someone sent him her phone number, he slid into her DMs. Apparently he was funny, and they had a casual thing going on for like 2 weeks and then the pandemic hit. He even invited her out and made her pay because he was jobless.

She mentioned that this guy who was a "total loser because he was really stupid yet funny so whatever" had a "huge log" and once she realised I didn't like that she started damage control, the classic "Oh yeah but you're better", "but then you can't even walk lol it's so annoying", "he came in like 15 minutes tops, it did hurt but I didn't want him going longer", "he fucked me like a solid 8 but you're a 10". She then started to joke about it in a whatsapp group we had for like a month with "lol be careful with short guys" and even did it in front of her brother once. I told her more than once that it bothered me and it after many discussions it came to "Look I did that because I wanted to run away from my house, I need you to understand that it doesn't mean I like him".

I have what you could consider a big/thick dick, never had an issue on that department. Apparently, that and a 6 figure job is not enough. She doesn't work, she's a stay at home mom. She can't get a fucking job. She's also not fit and barely does chores.

This happened a year ago and I want to end it over this. She loves me but I hated that stupid comment.
And before you ask:
Yes. I satisfy her every time we do it. We've never had an issue there either. We talk about our issues, she downplays mine every time they happen though.
So what advice do you want, exactly?
Forgot that, the post was too long and couldn't add it.
Question is:
Should I end it or am I being too harsh?
If the answer's "no", how do I deal with this? Does it actually mean she doesn't really miss him? Am I really "enough" or is she just lying?
>Should I end it
Probably not. That's the nuclear option, you know what I mean?
>how do I deal with this?
I'll give you three truths.
1) She was insensitive to you. It hurt your ego, and it was a very classic woman thing to do, they don't understand how important sexual prowess is to us.
2) You are being a bit of a bitch holding this against her. I know it hurts. But you have to trust her at face value when she says she prefers you sexually over her past, else why be with her?
3) You have a kid? That's a massive deal. Hence why divorce is the nuclear option. You have to consider that.
>Does it actually mean she doesn't really miss him?
Dunno, do I miss my ex with the huge fat black ass? No, she was a piece of shit. But her ass was fat. You see my point? I don't have to miss her to appreciate her ass, nor do I need to have that in my life to feel fulfilled, it was a novel experience.
>Am I really "enough" or is she just lying?
I have no idea, but I would assume so, considering you have a kid together. However, that's up to her character, and if you can trust that, and if you can't, why did you shack up with this broad?
Let it go, man. For your sake and hers.
Find the guy's address, pack their things, and drop them off at his place. The look on their faces as you drive away screaming "I hope you enjoy his bug juicy cock you fucking bitch!" will be priceless.
Small dick guys like you and OP just make all the stereotypes true lol. Small dick really does cause Small dick behavior
>huge log
It's rare to find a woman that will be impressed at the size of an impressive log. All the girls I've called over to show my log have just been like "ew what the fuck, flush the toilet." The lads understand though.
I see.
Guess you're right, divorce is the nuclear option.
She changed a lot after the pregnancy in many ways, and for worse. Since she doesn't do anything other than raise the kid with me while I do everything else (She spends all day on tiktok, kid watches TV like 60% of the time, I have 2 jobs and do all chores) I thought she might not respect me and have said that because she actually misses the other guy, hence why she's not doing anything.

Women will never appreciate the thickness of a well made log

Classic manlet under 8 behaviour
>She spends all day on tiktok, kid watches TV like 60% of the time, I have 2 jobs and do all chores
Well, you should've probably talked about this and not another man's schlong, just saying. I can't give marriage advice because I'm a KHHV but this is pretty fucking depressing and I understand why you're doubting her.
I once heard from someone that childbirth is the hardest thing a woman can do, because she's constantly drained. The best thing you can do, is sacrifice yourself for her, right now. She will return the favour if she has any moral fibre, and yknow, you knocked her up, so surely you judged her correctly, right?
That was a joke ("the look on their faces will be priceless" was a popular catchphrase at one point during the last decade, wasn't it?)... until OP elaborated on his useless wife.

Hi, I'm OP.

The kid is like 2, almost 3 now. She was completely different before the pregnancy. She used to give me gifts, used to cook for me, it was all mutual. I would always wait for her at home (I work remotely) with a meal she liked after she came from work.
Kid came and all that dried the fuck up. She became what she's today. I don't really care about the dick stuff, I know I have a nice dick, I want to know if we should keep this going since I don't want a surprise divorce and boom! Bye bye to the house I'm working my ass off to even being considering buying.
Just talk about another woman's huge rack.
>didn't sign a prenup
>basic division like 235/45
am i retarded for thinking most people can't do division in their head if the answer isn't a whole number?

like i could obviously say its a bit more than 5. but it'd take me writing it out to get the exact decimal.

No, it's quite normal actually. This guy couldn't do it in an exam though. Paper and everything.
You should have a serious talk
>the issue is clearly more than a few dick comments
why don't you fucking start with this?
>Should I end it
yes, yesterday. anything else is cuck behaviour and a sign of mental distress
you cannot un-know this information, so if you are content with the fact your wife fucked other guys and still thinks about it, you are in fact, a literal cuckold
So, she has explained that sex with this guy was painful, and you're upset about the fact that when she has sex with you, it doesn't hurt her? Just how dumb are you to have a problem with that?

For that matter, why were you even talking about her exes if you can't handle hearing about that kind of detail?

OP here.

Because she liked the guy. There's a reason she said he fucked her like a solid 8 even if it was painful. I wouldn't tell her "Oh yeah this woman I fucked before you? Her ass was out of this fucking world", especially if I honestly consider her too dumb or too lazy and broke. The inconsistency here is what makes me think she misses that aspect of him and that everything I did is fucking worthless. This, adding to the fact that after the kid came she became a lazy slob, makes everything add up to me having to end it, hence why I came here to ask if that'd be too harsh.

Too little characters, too much context.
Very real story. Cool.
obviously she made that up to placate him after she noticed he got upset. stupid on her part.
what's stupid on his part is only that he didn't address the real issues and got obsessed with this little dick problem.


I have and multiple times before. I want to avoid a divorce since that'll mean giving her like 70% of my income for years and that makes me automatically homeless. It's a paradoxical situation indeed.
understandable. avoiding divorce while holding such a grudge sounds like it could be pretty hard to bear.
is she planning on going to back to work? have you talked to her about that?

She says she wants to, but she also said that when the kid was 1 and here we are. It's as if the pregnancy had just changed her, it's really hard for me to not think I got babytrapped and she's just acting nice while underneath there's what I explained in the post.

She wants to work as soon as the kid is a bit older and gives her time to study something and work at the same time, which she says she will this year as soon as the kid goes to school. Studying here is cheap or even state funded so she can do that. She also wants to use the car to Uber while the kid is at school, I'm not opposed to that, work is work.
first 3/4 you had me on your side but then you revealed you were big dick chad and thats the only reason you got this far and now you're both assholes

and this is the real answer of incels and why. dick size matters in everything you do not just sex

Ever since this happened there isn't a psychiatric method on this earth with which you could remove the thought of me considering my dick small. I only say that it's long and thick based on what calcsd says.
I have no other choice but to think that, if that isn't true then the only conclusion is that my wife is a whore and that incels and porn are right: Bigger is *always* better and nothing else tops that. I don't want that to be true because it also sounds too stupid to be true.
>am i retarded for thinking most people can't do division in their head if the answer isn't a whole number?
i mean most people can't come up with the whole floating point number but in under 30 seconds you should be able to reason out

235/45 = 47/9 = 5 and 2/9 leftover = a number somewhere around 5.2

that's trivial to do if you've passed 8th grade
>She then started to joke about it in a whatsapp group we had for like a month with "lol be careful with short guys" and even did it in front of her brother once
I think that's a far bigger issue than her saying to you privately that her ex had a large dick, although clearly you failed the shit test by reacting to her mentioning that instead of saying nothing and proceeding to fuck her brains out.
>doesn't work, she's a stay at home mom. She can't get a fucking job. She's also not fit and barely does chores.
Yeah you're a fucking retarded pussy lmao. You let her step all over you and she does nothing to benefit being your wife unless she raises the kid full-time. If the kid's at daycare then you mega fucked up. Honestly just start fucking whores until your wife gets her shit together or you get the balls to file for divorce. Sucks for your kid that he/she has trash parents.
i've never tried this and when i looked it up i get a warning not to go to that site. just tell me your size. i am just about 5 x 5 at best, with my hardest boner, so just barely fit in the toilet paper roll, and a grower, so i start around 1 soft. and part of why i've held off pursuing sex is that. im attractive in other ways, but even if a girl is interested in me, i'd hold off because i know it's only going to be disappointing (tall too, she expects more) and thatd cause more problems that i cant fix. the stats say a little over 5 is average/acceptable, but i've never seen another guy with less than 6, and even homemade porn is all guys where it takes two hands and hits their bellybutton so thats prob 8 or higher.
and even if it is average, girls have the choice of the biggest and best, they got tinder and social media they dont have to wait around or settle. does the average buyer get the average 3 star product if the 5 star is right there and not too much more expensive?

It's like 7x6 in freedom units.
>She used to give me gifts, used to cook for me, it was all mutual. I would always wait for her at home (I work remotely) with a meal she liked after she came from work. Kid came and all that dried the fuck up. She became what she's today.
You are 100% the problem. Her mother instincts came online after the kid was born. That is completely normal. Whereas you are a wounded man who wants to be mothered into adulthood. That kind of feminine energy is supposed to be directed at childen only. Her mistake was waiting until the kid was born to stop taking care of you. Men lead, women reciecve. It's not a two way street. Read Zak Roedde's books ASAP before you tear your life apart over nothing.
>the whole floating point number
Nigger. Do you even know what a floating point number is?
>does the average buyer get the average 3 star product if the 5 star is right there and not too much more expensive?
yes absolutely. over 50% of buyers are price sensitivity only buyers, then a smaller cohort of brand loyalty buyers and then the smallest group is perceived value buyers who actually stop to make some kind of value maximizing consideration
healthiest advice in this thread so far. (although i don't know that mentioned book and author, so no judgment on that.)

I don't care about the gifts, I don't expect anything from her. I want her to at least move her ass around the house. I don't work 2 jobs and raise the kid for nothing. In fact, I play more with him than her.
>She spends all day on tiktok, kid watches TV like 60% of the time
Oh yeah, the motherly instincts! Nature is so beautiful.
>It's like 7x6 in freedom units.
I have a dick like that. It's mostly inconvenient. (Note that I've had sex a couple thousand of times and am not the worst performer on the planet by a pretty long shot...or so they claim).
It's work to fit a regular sized condom on it, it's very tight business and not motivating at all.
That's just the start, then you need to, ideally, insert that fucker into a vagina. She likely needs to be relaxed and horny and also wet to even get into there.

Anyways, I'll have a smoke outside and be back later.
literally everyone in this fucking thread is retarded

the only way is to get back fair and square

in a few months when shes forgotten about this interaction, get the most shit faced youve ever gotten and mention an imaginary ex who had giant tits/ass/whatever

and if youre too much of a faggot to stand up to your own girlfriend then shes going to dump or cheat on you
You've completely blown it, man. I can't imagine how horrible it would feel to know that your wife has been with someone else or to know that you've been with someone else other than your wife. Fucking hedonistic animals, the lot of you. What the fuck does it matter? If she's been with anyone else, it doesn't matter if she's been with 1 other man or 1,000. It doesn't matter if she's experienced huge cocks or small ones. None of it matters. She's ruined. More importantly, you're ruined. Just accept that you're a fucking whore and so is anyone else you decide to fuck. Accept that sex will never be special with anyone you're ever with, and that you'll never get to be exclusive with someone. Thank God my wife and I met when we were young and we've never been with anyone else. You're all fucking disgusting.
You don't understand chud! It's healthy advice! HEALTHY! Now serve that woman like the SLAVE you are, male scum!
holy shit just get over it how much more backtracking do you want her to do
>I'll have a smoke outside and be back later.
I'm back. Well, you don't seem to be doing better. The plan still is to be horribly insecure about a thing that you should not worry about at all?$
Do you hate your kid?
>She is ex-military
It's too late for you but this is like marrying a prostitute
what a retarded thread
did you know she had been with other people before you got married? yes? then what did you expect? of course some would be bigger/smaller unless you're an aberation, it's literal laws of averages and probability.

holy shit even considering a divorce over some stupid comment when you have kids is fucking mind boggling how immature you are. i mean fuck.

>Yeah my life went down hill after i turned 8 and my parents got divorced because my mom accidentally mentioned one time that one of her old boyfriends had a big dick.
>Do you hate your kid?
OP's wife does, judging by her performance as a mother.
Read the whole thread you fucking retard.
>Read the whole thread you fucking retard.
nope, not sifting through 50 fucking replies just to tell OP what a retard he is
op is a retard, because that's what's in his op.
with that said, i understand his grievances about her being a lazy bitch. but i also i can't take all he says at face value after making his dick size the topic of this thread. his perception might be somewhat warped.
Was it Andy Sixx?

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